PC Minutes 05-06-2014Chanhassen Planning Commission – May 6, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVOCATIONS: CONSIDER REVOCATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 2003-08 (8170 MALLORY COURT); 1997-05 (1905 STOUGHTON AVENUE); AND 1984-20 (7300 GALPIN BOULEVARD). APPLICANT: CITY OF CHANHASSEN, PLANNING CASE 2014-13. Aanenson: Thank you Chairman, members of the Planning Commission. This staff report was actually written by our graduate student intern. So the conditional uses, what we do is we inspect conditional uses that have certain standards that need an annual review and so these three conditional uses are no longer active. So because the conditional use runs with the property often times when someone does a title check these will come up and they’ll ask us, the City to go through and do a revocation so on the circumstance they are no longer being used so we are recommending that they be revoked and the process then would be a public hearing and that would go to the Planning Commission and City Council so. So the three conditional uses kind I’ve talked about. They’re discontinued for 6 months. That’d be one thing you could do. You could also declare it null and void and so all three property owners have been mailed a letter informing that their conditional use has been voided or that due to their continued use, although procedurally we need to take formal action. So the first one is on Mallory Court and that one is actually, was for a bakery use and that one is no longer being used so, the bakery was located in an industrial building. Upon inspection it hasn’t been there for at least 6 months so it’s currently occupied by a different user, Direct Source. Again this sometimes comes up when, if that building was to get refinanced or something then the bank would want to know if those sort of things are in there. So the second one is on Stoughton and this is actually a cell tower so, for a ham radio and prior to inspection, again the property owner has informed that there’s not been a ham radio on that site for over 6 months and that was verified again on inspection so that’s the second one. And then finally the third one is a contractors yard for excavating and this is also located off of Galpin Boulevard at the address 7300 Galpin Boulevard. So again it was for contractor’s activities. Again those run with the property and since it hadn’t been used we would recommend again that that also be terminated. So with those three we are recommending the termination and we have a motion here but I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have on any of those. Aller: I have no questions? Any of the other commissioners have questions? Hokkanen: No. Weick: No. Aller: Okay. What we’re going to do then is we’re going to open up the public hearing portion for these separately so the first item before us would be the Conditional Use Permit 2003-08 at 8107 Mallory Court. Anyone wishing to come forward and speaking either for or against the motion can do so at this time. Seeing no one come forward I’m going to close the public hearing. I’m going to move on and have the second public hearing for Conditional Use Permit 1997-05 and that was for 1905 Stoughton Avenue. Anyone wishing to come forward can do so at this time to speak on that matter. Seeing no one come forward we’ll close the public hearing on that matter. And then the last Conditional Use Permit is 1984- 20 at 7300 Galpin Boulevard. I’m opening the public hearing portion for that matter before us. Anyone wishing to speak on that matter. Seeing no one moving forward, I will close the public hearing. And then we’ll discuss them all together. Any reason why these should not be granted? And I’d like to thank the intern. I think they did a good job in preparation and clarity and it’s nice to see them separate so that we could deal with each one separately so well done. I’ll entertain a motion. Yusuf: I’ll make a motion. 9 Chanhassen Planning Commission – May 6, 2014 Aller: Thank you. Yusuf: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council revoke Conditional Use Permits 2003-08, 1997-05 and 1984-20. Aller: Any seconds? Weick: Second. Aller: I have a motion by Commissioner Yusuf, a second by Commissioner Weick. Any further discussion? Yusuf moved, Weick seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council revoke Conditional Use Permits 2003-08, 1997-05 and 1984-20. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Hokkanen noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated April 15, 2014. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: th Aanenson: Thank you Chairman. At the last City Council meeting on April 28 they did approve the Dakota Retail project which you had seen and also Arbor Cove. I know Arbor Cove is going forward th with a grading permit on their next City Council meeting. Just grading permit only for their, on May 12 and Dakota Retail has some work to do regarding getting clean-up grants. That was one of the things that you didn’t see but they did ask the City Council for a letter of support on that. There’s some contamination that they’ll be working to get that cleaned up so, those projects will be progressing forward. Aller: Great. th Aanenson: Future Planning Commission items. We do have items for the May 20 meeting. Then that Park Court Daycare expansion for site plan review and then an interim use permit for a grading permit. rd And just a note of record, we do not, did not have any items come in for June 3 so we will not have a rd meeting on June 3 so. But as long as we’re talking about meetings, just a reminder that we do have a work session with the City Council next Monday. I know Commissioner Hokkanen cannot make it. Has a conflict and that happens when it’s an off night for you but I did include in your packet, and I did put something up at the table. Kind of some talking points and if you want to just take a look at that quickly. If there’s anything else you wanted to add. I kind of just highlighted some of the things that we talked about in our work plan in April and so the big thing will be the corridor study. At that work session with the City Council we’ll have our, or your joint meeting first and then we’ll talk about the corridor study update and we’ll also be talking about Comprehensive Plan. Kind of what we’ve got for available land and how we’re sitting right now as we move forward in the Comprehensive Plan update so, is there anything else you felt like you’d like me to add on there? Aller: No. Not on first glance. Aanenson: Okay, and I’m sure if something else comes up at the council can certainly talk about that. So we are, we have at the top of the items for work sessions coming in, there are some projects that are 10