G-2. Lake Ann Field 5 Dugout Improvements0
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G - �
TO: Park and Recreation Commission R
FROM: Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recreation Director
DATE: May 28, 2014
SUBJ: Recommendation Concerning Proposed Donation of Lake Ann
Park Field #5 Dug Out Improvements, Chanhassen Athletic
Association Baseball /Softball
The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council accept
the donation and installation of chain -link dugouts on Lake Ann Park Field #5
from the Chanhassen Athletic Association (CAA) Baseball & Softball Board of
Approval requires a simple majority vote of Park & Recreation Commission
members present.
The Chanhassen Athletic Association has obtained quotes for approximately
$10,000 to complete this proposed project. CAA Baseball /Softball proposes to
direct and pay for the construction of these dugouts. Their intention is to
construct dugouts similar in design to the existing dugouts on Lake Ann
fields #1, #2, and #3.
The Chanhassen Athletic Association (CAA) is a parent /adult -led organization
that has successfully administered youth sports programs within the community
for over 40 years. The association has partnered with the city on many
occasions to work towards improving local athletic facilities. The CAA has
identified the need for dug out improvements at Lake Ann Park. Staff will work
with the association to ensure that the design of the new dug outs is appropriate
and compatible with existing improvements. Additionally, the City will ensure
that the installation schedule does not interfere with currently scheduled
g:\park \th \1akeann \prc memo 5- 28- 14.docx
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Park & Recreation Commission
May 28, 2014
Page 2
Most recently, the City accepted batting cage improvements from the CAA both
at Lake Ann Park and Lake Susan Park. In 2010, the CAA and community
partners donated $21,000 worth of improvements to the Lake Ann Park
concession stand.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that
the City Council accept this generous contribution of dug out improvements for
Field #5 at Lake Ann Park from the Chanhassen Athletic Association.
Memo from Ted Ellefson, Chanhassen Athletic Association dated May 8,
Date: May 9, 2014
To: Chanhassen Park & Recreation Commission
Commission members: Cole Kelly, Brent Carron, Steve Scharfenberg, Elise Ryan, Jim Boettcher,
Rick Echternacht, and Luke Thunberg
From: Ted Ellefson, Chanhassen Athletic Association Baseball /Softball
Field dugout improvement proposal.
The Chanhassen Athletic Association (CAA) Baseball & Softball board of directors would like to
donate the chain -link dugouts on Lake Ann Field #5. We have obtained quotes for approximately
$10,000 to complete the project. CAA BB /SB proposes to direct and pay for the construction of these
dugouts. Our intention is to construct dugouts similar in design to the existing dugouts on Lake Ann
fields #1, #2, and #3. CAA BB /SB requests the Chanhassen P &R Commission recommend acceptance
to the Chanhassen City Council,
The CAA BB /SB requests the City to include additional dugout improvements at Lake Ann and Chan
Rec Center in the 2015 CIP. The CAA has had a long and successful partnership with the City of
Chanhassen to continue improving the facilities within the community to benefit kids of all ages who
participate in our programming. Installing covered dugouts at Lake Ann and Chan Rec Center fields
are a high priority for our program to improve the player safety during our games and tournaments.
The CAA baseball and softball programs use these two outstanding facilities today for games and
tournaments. We have hosted both softball and baseball state and national tournaments at these
fine facilities. A primary issue expressed by our parent metro and national leagues is that not all of
the dugouts are enclosed and covered. Lake Ann fields 1, 2, and 3 have good covered dugouts. Lake
Ann fields 4, 5, and 6 do not, nor do any of the six fields at Chan Rec Center.
Covered enclosed dugouts, like the ones on Lake Ann fields 1, 2, and 3, provide increased player
safety from hit and thrown balls. Foul fly balls from adjacent fields are a major concern to player
safety during our games and tournaments. Covered dugouts also provide increased heat injury
safety by providing shade during the summer months when we conduct our games and tournaments.
Safety and improvement of our existing outstanding facilities at Lake Ann and Chan Rec Center is a
high priority for CAA baseball and softball. Covered enclosed dugouts on our fields would
significantly improve the facilities for both foul fly balls and heat injuries.
Thank -you for considering this donation and request for additional project inclusion in the next CIP.