A/B 2001 Budget/Capital Improv
o City Ctntn'Drive, PO Box 147
::hanhl1SJm, MinlllSof4 55317
Phon, 612.937.1900
Gmtral Fax 612.937.5739
"'ginming Fax 612.937.9152
ublic Safety Fax 612.934.2524
lríb www.ci.chanhl1SJm.mn.us
City Council
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager~
December 5, 2000
City Council Agenda of December II, 2000
· 2001 Budget and Capital Improvement Program: Beginning at 4:30 p.m.,
the Council will gather in a work session to discuss the proposed 2001
Budget and Capital Improvement Program. It is expected that a majority of
the time between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. will be spent discussing the budget.
However, should Council members wish to discuss items on the regular
agenda, they may wish to make sure they leave enough time to bring those up
if they so desire.
· Authorize Preparation of a Feasibility Study for 2001 Street Improvement
Projects: On the agenda itself, absent the budget, Teresa will be present to
discuss Item Id. This topic parallels a discussion we had earlier in the year
relating to seaicoating and the apparent desire of Chanhassen citizens to
avoid seal coating if at all possible. Included in this packet is correspondence
from the City Engineer about this topic.
· Declare Excess Tax Increment in Tax Increment District No.3 and
Authorize Its Return to Hennepin County: Consistent with previous
discussions (most recently at our tax increment work shop) the Finance
Director will puttogether a cover memo describing this action. As we
mentioned previously, it is in our best interests to declare these dollars as
excess increment and return them to Hennepin County, receive our City
share back ITom Hennepin County, while, at the same time, eliminate those
dollars as a negative impact to our TIP grant application for fiscal year 2000.
In a nutshell, that's what this action does.
· Proposed Housing Development Program and Issuance of Revenue Bonds
Under the Municipal Housing Programs Act, Mount Olivet Rolling Acres:
Item 4 under public hearings is the issue that was brought before you a
month ago and you authorized calling the public hearing. (Representatives
ITom Dorsey & Whitney on behalf of Mount Olivet Rolling Acres will be
present at our meeting.) With this request, you are authorizing the City of
Victoria to issue revenue bonds on behalf of Mount Olivet Rolling Acres,
t City of ChanhllSSm. A f,TOWin¡ community with ckan lakes, quality schools, a charmin! downtown, tbrivin! businesses, and beautifi¡l Darks. A mat olace úJ live. work. and ola.
.. -
Mayor & City Council
December 5, 2000
Page 2
Inc. This organization has property within the City of Chanhassen; which
will use these funds within this City as well as a number of other cities. In
order to accommodate this desire, each city in which this organization has
property must have in place the approved documentation. Staffhas no
concerns about this request. The city is at no risk for the repayment of this
debt and staff recommends approval.
Should you have any questions, please feel ftee to contact me. Thank you.
90 City Cmter Driv" PO Box 147
Chanhl1JSm, Minnesota 55317
Phon, 612.937.1900
Gmeral Fax 612.937.5739
Engineering Fax 612.937.9152
Public Safety Fax 612.934.2524
lríb www.ci.chanhassm.mn.us
TO: Mayor
City Council
FROM: Bruce M. Dejong, Finance Direct0rfj)
DATE: December 7. 2000
SUBJECT: 2001-2005 Capital Improvement Program Adoption
The City Council held several discussions this fall regarding the CIP for the next
five years. The City Manager adjusted the replacement schedule and deleted
some items. The City Council has made some additional changes which are
reflected in the documents.
The CIP continues to meet the capital needs of the city. The CIP reìies heavily on
debt issuance to fund many of the larger expenditures contemplated in this
document. There is also no tax levy tòr equipment, so equipment certificates will
need to be issued annually to finance equipment purchases. I recommend approval
of the enclosed plan as submitted.
It City of ChanhllSStn. A growing community with cltan lakes, quality schools, a charming downwwn, thriving businesses, and b,autifûJ parla. A great plat, to live, work, and play.
City of Chanhassen, MN
Department Project# Priority 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Major Equipment
100ft. Aerial Ladder Refurbishing EQ.C01 0 35,000 35,000
BoallTraHer/Motor Replacement EQ.Q02 0 10.000 10,000
Fire Dept.: 800 MHz Radio System EQ.C03 0 75,000 75,000
Fire DepL Thermal Rescue Device EQ.Q05 0 20.000 20,000 40,000
Fire Dept.: LDH Hose Upgrade EQ.Q06 0 5.000 5,000
Fire Dept.: 1 3/4 Inch Hose EQ.Q07 0 3.000 3.000
Fire Oepl; laptop Computers EQ.C09 0 20,000 31),000 50,000
Fire Dept.: PPE ITumouVHelmets) EQ.Q10 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 50.000
Fire Depl.: Cascade System Air Bottle Refill EQ.Q11 0 5,000 5.000
Fire Dept.: Engine 211 Compressed Air Foam Sys. EQ.C12 0 35,000 35,000
Computer Purchases/Upgrades EQ.Q13 0 78.100 66,500 46,200 62,200 62,900 315.900
Telecommunication PurchaseS/Upgrades EQ.Q14 0 115,000 9,000 9.000 9,000 9,000 151,000
Community Dev.: Ught Duty Trucks EQ.C15 0 21,000 22,000 23,000 24.000 25.000 115.000
Dump/Plow Truck Replacements/Additions EQ.Q16 0 118.000 252,000 140,000 133,000 643,000
Vibratory Roll Packer EQ.C19 0 45,000 45,000
Ford 555C Bacl<hoe EQ.C23 0 68,000 68,000
Line Striper EQ.Q25 0 8,000 8,000
AudioNisual Equipment EQ.Q26 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 50.000
Copier Replacements EQ.C27 0 100,000 15,000 115,000
Publ~ Worl<s: Light Duty Trucks EQ.Q29 0 113,000 113,000 116.000 342.000
Bobcat Snow Blower EQ.Q31) 0 5,000 5.000
Tracks for Bobcat EQ.Q31 0 5,000 5,000
Allis Tractor EQ.Q32 0 9.000 9.000
Bobcat EQ.Q33 0 28,000 28.000
Grounds Mower Replacement EQ.C34 0 20.000 27,000 47.000
Tractor EQ.Q35 0 41,000 30,000 45.000 116,000
Tractor Boom EQ.C36 0 6.000 6.000
Trailer EQ.C37 0 7,000 7,000
Grounds Mower Replacement (10') EQ.Q38 0 41.000 41.000
Upgrede 217 Grass Rig PumplMolOrlWaterTank EQ.C39 0 8.500 60,000 68,500
Dive Equipment EQ.Q4O 1 15,000 15,000
Mailing Folder/Inserter EQ41 0 16,000 16.000
Major Equipment Total 624,600 290,500 480,200 464,200 664,900 2,524,400
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Thursday, December 07, 1000
Department Project# Priority 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Municipal Buildings
Library Expansion MB.Q01 0 6,000,000 6.000,000
Public Works Facility Expansion MB.Q03 0 200,000 200.000
Senior Center Expansion MB.Q04 0 100,000 100.000
Enclosed Salt & Sand Storage Fa~lity MB.Q05 0 200,000 200.000
Municipal Buildings Total 6,000,000 100,000 400,000 6,500,000
Park & Trail Improvements
Improvements: Bandimere Community Pane PK&T .Q01 0 25,000 55.000 80,000
Development City Center Park PK&T .Q03 0 275,000 275.000
Playground Equipment Cuny Farms Park PK&T .Q04 0 40,000 40,000
S~nage: Kerber Pond Pari< PK&T .Q05 ° 10,000 10,000
Improvements: Meadow Green Park PK&T .Q06 ° 40.000 40,000
Play Area: Power Hill Park PK&T .Q08 ° 20,000 20.000
Play Area: Stone Creek Pari< PK&T .Q10 ° 20.000 20.000
Trail: Whitetaii Ridge Ct to Lake Lucy Ln. PK&T.Q11 ° 40,000 40.000
Trail: Hwy 101 (S. Shore Dr. to Townline Dr.) PK&T .Q13 0 600.000 600,000
Park & Trail Improvements Total 620,000 275,000 75,000 155,000 1 ,125,000
Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Sanitary Sewer. BG-7 SS.Q01 0 380,000 380,000
Sanitary Sewer: LC-1 SS.Q02 0 200.000 200.000
Sanitary Sewer BC'¡¡ SS.Q03 0 400,000 400.000
Sanitary Sewer. BC·9 SS.OIJ4 0 315,000 315,000
Sanitary Sewer BC·2 (Portion) SS.oo5 0 80.000 350,000 430,000
Sump Pump Inspections SS.oo6 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 25.000 25,000 125,000
General Repain¡ (EmergencylUnplanned) SS.oo7 0 50,000 50.000 50.000 60,000 60,000 270,000
Televise Sewer Lines SS.oo8 0 10,000 10,000 20,000
Repair Manholes, Infiltration/Inflow (III) SS.oo9 0 125.000 125.000 125,000 375,000
SCADA System Repair & Maintenance SS.Q10 0 80.000 85.000 85.000 85,000 85.000 420.000
Sanitary Sewer Flow Meters SS.Q11 0 25.000 25,000
Sanitary Sewer Improvements Total 885,000 570,000 600,000 260,000 645,000 2,960,000
Pagc20f 4
Thursday, December 07. 2000
Department Project# Priority 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Street Improvements
TH5/Wes! 78th St. ST-001 0 2.040,000 2,040,000
Century Blvd. ST.Q02 0 865,000 865,000
Lyman Blvd (West City Limits to TH 101) ST-004 0 3,900.000 3.900,000
Bituminous Overlay: Lake Lucy Rd. ST.Q05 0 95.000 95,000
Bituminous Overlay: Saddlebrook Curve ST.Q06 0 18,000 18,000
Bituminous OVerlay: Lake Drive/Lake Drive East ST.Q07 0 140,000 140.000
Bituminous Overlay: Audubon Rd. ST.Q08 0 110,000 110,000
Bituminous OVerlay: Coulter Blvd. ST.Q09 0 15,000 15,000
Bituminous Ovenay: West 78th St ST.Q10 0 170,000 170,000
Bituminous Overtay: Minnewashta Parkway ST-011 0 125,000 125,000
Annual Street Sealcoat Program ST.Q12 0 235.000 255.000 285.000 275.000 275.000 1.305,000
Street Improvements Total 3,393,000 380,000 435,000 4,300,000 275,000 8,783,000
Surface Water Management
Rice Marsh Lake Watershed Project SWMP.Q01 0 85.000 85.000
Lotus Lake Watershed Projects SWMP.Q02 0 90.000 90,000
Lake Susan Watershed SWMP.Q03 0 150,000 150,000
Lake Riley Watershed SWMP.Q04 0 150.000 150,000
Lake Winnewashta Watershed SWMP.Q05 0 175.000 175,000
Biuff Creek: Alter Ex~ting Ponds SWMP.Q06 0 200,000 200,000
Bluff Creek: Create Stormwater Ponds SWMP.Q07 0 205,000 205,000
Bluff Creek: Mer Ex~ting Ponds SWMP.Q08 0 210.000 210,000
Bluff Creek: Create Stormwater Ponds SWMP.Q09 0 215,000 215,000
Bluff Creek: Create Stormwater Ponds SWMP.Q10 0 275,000 275,000
Lake Lucy (Lake Project) SWMP.Q11 0 50,000 50,000
Surface Water Management Total 380,000 560,000 415,000 450,000 1,805,000
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Thursday. December 07. 2000
Department Project# Priority 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Water System Improvements
Well #9 W.oo1 0 65,000 480,000 545.000
Well #10 W.oo2 0 70,000 630,000 700,000
Well #11 W.Q03 0 72,000 530,000 602,000
Water Tower (2MG): Lyman Blvd. W.oo4 0 75,000 3.300,000 3.375,000
Lake Riley Trunk II W.oo5 0 110,000 110,000
Water Improvements: TH 41 W.oo6 0 335.000 335.000
Water Improvements: Manchester Dr. W.oo7 ° 130,000 130,000
Water Improvements; Minnewashta Loop W.oo8 ° 270.000 270.000
Water Improvements: BC·1ITC&W· Lyman) W.Q09 0 400.000 400,000
Water Improvements: Lyman, Audubon, Powers W.Q10 0 370,000 210,000 580,000
Water Treatment Plant 1 W.Q11 0 500,000 3,500.000 4.000.000
Wellhead Protection Plan Preparation W.Q12 0 30,000 30,000
General Water System Repairs W.Q13 0 45,000 45,000 50,000 50.000 50,000 240,000
SCADA System Upgrades/Maintenance W.Q14 0 100,000 100.000 10.000 10,000 10.000 230.000
Repainting: West 76th Sl Water Tower W.Q15 0 40.000 40,000
Water System Improvements Total 620,000 1,130,000 130,000 2,107,000 7,600,000 11,587,000
12,522,600 3,205,500 2,235,200 7,736,200 9,584,900
Page40f 4
Thursday, December 07, 2000
City of Chanhassen, MN
2001 thru 2005
Department 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Major Equipment 624,600 290,500 480.200 464.200 664,900 2,524,400
Municipal Buildings 6,000.000 100.000 400,000 6.500,000
Park & Trail Improvements 620,000 275,000 75,000 155.000 1,125,000
Sanitary Sewer Improvements 685,000 570,000 600,000 260,000 645.000 2,960,000
Street Improvements 3,393,000 380,000 435.000 4,300,000 275,000 8.783,000
Surtace Water Management 380,000 560,000 415,000 450,000 1,805,000
Water System Improvements 620,000 1,130,000 130,000 2,107,000 7,600,000 11,587,000
Total 12,522,600 3.205,500 2.235,200 7,736,200 9,584,900 35,284.4QO
Page I of!
Thursday, December 07, 2000
City of Chanhassen, MN
200 I thru 2005
Project# Priority 2001
Bond Proceeds
libraI)' Expansion
Bond Proceeds Total
° 6,000,000
Page I ofS
Thursday, December 07, 2000
Source Project# Priority 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Capital Replacement Fund
1 GOft. Aerial Ladder Refurbishing EQ.Q01 0 35.000 35,000
BoatITrajer/Motor Replacement EQ.Q02 0 10.000 10.000
Fire Cept: 800 MHz Radio System EQ.Q03 ° 75,000 75.000
Fire Dept.: Thel1Tla Rescue Device EQ.Q05 ° 20,000 20,000 40,000
Fire Cept.: LCH Hose Upgrade EQ.Q06 0 5,000 5.000
Fire Cept.: 1 3/4 Inch Hose EQ.Q07 0 3.000 3,000
Fire Cept.: Air Bottle Supply EQ.Q08 0 0 0
Fire Dept.: Laptop Computers EQ.Q09 0 20,000 30.000 50.000
Fire Cept.: PPE (TumouUHelmets) EQ.Q10 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000
Fire Cept.: Cascade System Air Bailie Refill EQ.Q11 0 5.000 5.000
Fire Dept.: Engine 211 Compressed Air Foam Sys. EQ.Q12 0 35,000 35,000
Telecommunication PurchaseslUpgrades EQ.Q14 0 115.000 9,000 9.000 9.000 9,000 151.000
Community Dev.: Light Duty Trucks EQ.Q15 0 21,000 22.000 23.000 24.000 25,000 115.000
Dump/Plow Truck Replacements/Additions EQ.Q16 0 118.000 252.000 140.000 133,000 643,000 ,
Vibrato/)' Roll Packer EQ.Q19 ° 45.000 45.000
Ford 555C Backhoe EQ.Q23 ° 68,000 68,000
Line Striper EQ.Q25 0 8.000 8,000
Copier Replacements EQ.Q27 0 100.000 15,000 115,000
Public Works: Ught Cuty Trucks EQ.Q29 0 113.000 113,000 116,000 342,000
Bobcat Snow Blower EQ.Q30 0 5.000 5,000
Tracks for Bobcat EQ.Q31 0 5.000 5.000
Allis Tractor EQ.Q32 ° 9,000 g,OOO
Bobcat EQ.Q33 ° 28,000 28,000
Grounds Mower Replacement EQ.Q34 0 20,000 27,000 47,000
Tractor EQ.Q35 0 41.000 30.000 45,000 116,000
Tractor Boom EQ.Q36 ° 6.000 6.000
Trailer EQ.Q37 0 7.000 7,000
Grounds Mower Replacement (10') EQ.Q38 0 41.000 41.000
Upgrade 217 Grass Rig Pump/MotorlWaterTank EQ.Q39 0 8.500 60.000 68,500
Dive Equipment EQ.Q4O 15,000 15.000
Mailing Folderllnserter EQ41 ° 16,000 16,000
Public Wo'*s Facility Expansion MB.Q03 0 200,000 200.000
Senior Center Expansion MB.Q04 ° 100,000 100,000
Endosed Salt & Sand Storage Fadiity MB.Q05 0 200,000 200.000
Trail: Hwy 101 (S. Shore Dr. to Townline Dr.) PK&T .Q13 0 400.000 400.000
Capital Replacement Fund Total 936,500 214,000 524,000 392,000 992,000 3,058,500
General Fund
CompuĊrPu~a~Upgrades EQ.Q13 ° 78,100 66,500 46,200 62.200 62,900 315,900
Annual Street Sealcoat Program ST.Q12 0 235.000 255,000 265,000 275,000 275.000 1,305,000
General Fund Total 313,100 321,500 311.200 337,200 337,900 1,620,900
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Thu,sday, December 07, 2000
Source Project# Priority 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
TH5/West 78th St ST.oo1 0 1,050.000 1,050,000
Lyman Blvd (West City Limits to TH 101) ST.oo4 0 3,900.000 3,900.000
Bituminous Overlay: lake lucy Rd. ST .005 0 95.000 95,000
Bituminous Overlay: Saddlebrook Curve ST .006 0 18,000 18,000
Bituminous Overlay: lake DrivelLake Drive East ST .007 0 140,000 140.000
Bituminous Overlay: Audubon Rd. ST .008 0 110.000 110,000
Bituminous Overlay: Coulter Blvd. ST-009 0 15.000 15,000
Bituminous Overlay: West 78th St. ST.o10 0 170,000 170,000
Bituminous Overlay: Minnewashta Par1<way ST·011 0 125.000 125,000
MSA Total 1,303,000 125,000 170,000 4,025,000 5,623,000
Park Dedication Fund
Improvements: Bandimere Community Park PK&T .001 0 25,000 35,000 60,000
Development City Center Park PK&T .003 0 275,000 275.000
Playground Equipment Curry Fanns Pari< PK&T .004 0 40.000 40,000
S~na9a: Karber Pond Pari< PK&T .005 0 10.000 10,000
Improvements: Meadow Green Park PK&T .006 0 40,000 40.000
Play Area: Power Hill Park PK&T .008 0 20,000 20,000
Play Area: Stone Creek Pari< PK&T .010 0 20.000 20.000
Trail: Whitatail Ridge Ct. to Lake Lucy Ln. PK&T.o11 0 40,000 40,000
Trail: Pandimere Park to Chanhassen Hills PK&T .012 0 0 0
Trail: Hwy 101 (S. Shore Dr. to Townline Dr.) PK&T .013 0 200,000 200,000
Park Dedication Fund Total 220,000 275,000 75,000 135,000 705,000
Sewer & Water Assessments
Sanitary Sewer. BC-7 SS-001 0 380,000 380,000
Sanitary Sewer. lC·1 SS.oo2 0 200.000 200.000
Sanitary Sewer. BC-8 SS.oo3 0 400.000 400.000
Sanitary Sewer. BC-9 SS.oo4 0 315,000 315,000
Sanitary Sewe, BC·2 (Portion) SS.oo5 0 80.000 350,000 430,000
TH5/West 78th St. ST .001 0 340.000 340,000
Century Blvd. ST.o02 0 200,000 200,000
Lake Riley Trunk II W.oo5 0 110.000 110,000
Water Improvements: TH 41 W.oo6 0 335,000 335,000
Water Improvements: Manchester Dr. W.o07 0 130,000 130,000
Water Improvements: Minnewashta loop W.oo8 0 270.000 270,000
Watar Improvements: BC·1 (TC&W - Lyman) W.IJ09 0 400,000 400,000
Water Improvements: lyman, Audubon, Powers W.o10 0 370,000 210,000 580,000
Sewer & Water Assessments Total 1,500,000 865,000 315,000 850,000 560,000 4,090,000
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Thursday, December 07, 2000
Source Project# Priority 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Sewer & Water Expansion Fund
SCADA System Repair & rvtaintenance SS.()10 ° 80.000 85,000 85,000 85,000 85.000 420,000
Sanitary Sewer Flow Meters SS.()11 ° 25,000 25,000
Well #9 W.OQ1 ° 65,000 480,000 545,000
Well #10 W.OQ2 ° 70,000 630,000 700,000
Well #11 W.OQ3 ° 72,000 530.000 602,000
Water Tower (2MG): Lyman Blvd. W.()Q4 ° 75.000 3,300,000 3,375,000
Water Treatment Plant 1 W.()11 ° 500,000 3,500,000 4,000.000
WeHhead Protection Plan Preparation W.()12 ° 30,000 30,000
Repainting: West 76th Sl Water Tower W.()15 ° 40,000 40.000
Sewer & Water Expansion Fund Total 200,000 605,000 155,000 1,362,000 7,415,000 9,737,000
Sewer & Water Utility Fund
Sump Pump Inspections SS-006 ° 25,000 25.000 25.000 25,000 25,000 125.000
General Repairs (Emergency/Unplanned) SS.OQ7 ° 50.000 50.000 50,000 60.000 60,000 270.000
Televise Sewer Unes SS.0Q8 ° 10,000 10,000 20,000
Repair Manhoies. infiltration/inflow (i/i) SS.OQ9 ° 125.000 125,000 125,000 375.000
General Water System Repairs W.()13 ° 45,000 45,000 50.000 50,000 50,000 240,000
SCADA System UpgradeslMaintenance W.()14 ° 100.000 100,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 230.000
Sewer & Water Utility Fund Total 345,000 230,000 260,000 155,000 270,000 1,260,000
Street Assessments
Century Bivd. ST.OQ2 ° 500,000 500.000
Street Assessments Total 500,000 500,000
Surface Water Utility Fund
TH5N/est 78th St. ST.OQ1 ° 400.000 400.000
Century Blvd. ST.OQ2 ° 185,000 185.000
Rice Marsh Lake Watershed Project SWMP.()01 ° 85,000 85,000
Lotus Lake Watershed Projects SWMP.OQ2 ° 90,000 90,000
Lake Susan Watershed SWMP.()03 ° 150.000 150,000
Lake Riley Watershed SWMP.0Q4 ° 150,000 150.000
Lake Winnewashta Watershed SWMP.OQ5 ° 175,000 175.000
Bluff Creek: Atter Existing Ponds SWMP.OQ6 ° 200,000 200,000
Bluff Creek: Create Stormwater Ponds SWMP.OQ7 ° 205,000 205.000
Bluff Creek: Alter Existing Ponds SWMP.()08 ° 210,000 210,000
Biuff Creek: Create Stormwater Ponds SWMP.()09 ° 215,000 215,000
Biuff Creek: Create Siormwater Ponds SWMP.()10 ° 275.000 275,000
Lake Lucy (Lake Project) SWMP'()11 ° 50.000 50,000
Surface Water Utility Fund Total 945,000 560,000 415,000 450,000 2,370,000
Page40f 5
Thursday, December 07, 2000
Source Project# Priority 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Television (Cable) Fund
Audjo/Visual Equipment EO<J26 ° 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000
Television (Cable) Fund Total 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000
TH5IWest 78th St. ST.Q01 ° 250,000 250,000
TIF Total 250,000 250,000
Y outb Sports Ass'n Contribution
Improvements: Bandjmere Community Pari< PK&T .Q01 ° 20,000 20,000
Youth Sports Ass'n Contribution Total 20,000 20,000
12,522,600 3,205,500 2.235.200 7,736.200 9,584,900
07 2000
--'-. December ,
City of Chanhassen, MN
Source 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Bond Proceeds 6,000.000 6,000,000
Capital Replacement Fund 936,500 214,000 524,000 392,000 992,000 3,058,500
General Fund 313,100 321,500 311,200 337,200 337,900 1,620,900
MSA 1.303,000 125,000 170,000 4.025,000 5,623,000
Pari< Dedication Fund 220,000 275.000 75,000 , 35,000 705.000
Sewer & Water Assessments 1.500.000 665,000 315.000 850,000 560,000 4.090.000
Sewer & Water Expansion Fund 200,000 605,000 155,000 1.362,000 7.415,000 9.737,000
Sewer & Warer Utility Fund 345,000 230,000 260.000 155.000 270,000 1,260.000
Street Assessments 500,000 500,000
Sunace Warer Utility Fund 945,000 560,000 415.000 450.000 2,370.000
Television (Cable) Fund 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000
TIF 250,000 250,000
Youth Sports Ass'n COI1mbution 20,000 20,000
Total 12,522.600 3,205,500 2.235,200 7.736,200 9,584.900 35,284,400
Thursday, December 07, 2000
Pagel of 1