1a Lynmore Add Utility 99-10 .1a- CITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM TO: Teresa Burgess, Director of Public Works/City Engineer !CityCtnttrDrioe, PO &x 147 FROM: hanhas"n, Minnesota 55317 Phóne612.937.1900 DATE: GenmdFIJX612.937.5739 19ineering FIJX 612.937.9152 SUBJ: blic Safety FIJX 612.934.2524 ~b www.ci.chanhassen.mn.m Bill Bement, Engineering Technician IV~ November 22, 2000 Accept Utility Improvements in Lymnore Addition Project No. 99-10 Staff has received a letter ITom Todd Butler, Project Engineer with Tec Design Engineering, requesting the City consider acceptance of the utility improvements in the above-referenced project. According to Mr. Butler, the public utility improvements have been completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. City staff performed a walk-through inspection of the project and found the utilities are in satisfactory condition. All testing has been successfully completed as well. It is therefore recommended that the City Council accept the public utility improvements in Lynmore Addition, Project 99-10, for perpetual maintenance and ownership conditioned upon the completion of all remaining utility punch list items, receipt of as-built construction plans, and the required two-year maintenance bond. jms Attachments: 1. 2. Letter ITom Todd Butler dated November 20, 2000. Location Map. c: Matt Saam, Project Engineer Todd Butler, Tec Design Engineering Paul Widmer, Widmer, Inc. g:\eng\projects\lynmore\accept utilities.doc or-"""'L-"""\ .~.,...,~'~ co, Y r' t. .,oO 1-, '\.:" ;"'"~"';'\'~ ,~... ~ :'.,J_.. ... '; .~.. ~Lt... , ¥..... ¡- Received _____~ Revi3icn f·,~(J. ~_._____ A¡:p¡OVe'~1 bÿ CEV Enç¡~:Çf:r "Þ'.~ I,I_~I......-,n;;:, ...~~,.., _._'J~~...~._- Ap:~fO~'/~d i'}y (;Hy CGunc¡) Dti.te _..____..."....~.,__._.~._ , Citv of Chanhl1SSen. A vrowin. community with cItan ""'es. auality schools. a charmin. downtown. tbrioin. hminesses. and heautifUl Mrks. A ",at v/a,e tn lb!/'. work. and via. November 20, 2000 . . I···· .J. ....- .-..4 "_il';' ~_; . . - - -.:1..... . TEC DESIÇN . YOUR SiTE SPECiAI~ST Bill Bement City ofChanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Lynmore Subdivision Dear Mr. Bement: At your request, ram sending this letter to help facilitate any progression in the closeOut of the Lynmore Subdivision Project. Please be advised that the utility improvements have been' installed in conformance with City of Chanhassen Plans and Specifications and inspected by TEC Design. Therefore,on behalf of the developer, we respectfully request the City of Chanhassen to consider acceptance of the utility improvements in Lynmore Subdivision for perpetual ownership and maintenance and reducé the developer's security requirements accordingly. Please call with any questions or concerns. . . .. Sincerely, //l~ 1/.ß.,1i;e Todd H. Butler, E.I.T. Cc: Dave Moore' . CITY OF CHANHASSEN .' IRlIEĊ’nw;I(1I. NOV 2 2 2000· ':.:' ~ ENGINEERING DEPT. .. _',t,; . ·"f.:lAöU;'eÞiòjeétÍl971601 Moore Lynmoce SubIBcment.Projcct Acceptance.doc , ,,;', . ,,~,'t' ,,-', ":__ ('::-':,~ r£C~NiCAÌENGiN££RiNG C()~CEpT¡&~GN" Û>Rporw£ ~828 AANdr IÅNÈ fA¡¡ ~ WiscoNsIN ~iOl PI! 71~~~20HO rx 7IM~20H2 METRO AREA. JÒJO HAÌd1Òo lANE, 51£.) 24 P\yMou¡J" MN. ~S447 PI! 612-~71,J7J4 rx 61Z-m,J7J8 I~r:!' II \ I \; >'--..;, '0 ! CoaItorBl>< , ~~~V~,~ ¡ e"J\,' ' \ /. íTlIJiiJ</.~~.... '"" I /¿.ill:; \ t:L '\ "t\tabeNoodDt / \ I \, ~("" J ¡ \ \.S \ 'y;-_~-~/ \.Aj r\ ...~ '-'/ . ,1 _ - / "'\' ...1 \.. ---...... '-,_ trP:""r-·¡------r\ " ~.:: ! L/'\ ./' I\<,,/,~ "-"I, \,- ~\'--. / 1L.þ\. .>"('V"\ ~<./'Ì'-'../-'-_:.';.:, . !, ~\' " ----' /,/\ \ \ '~'.' \ '.. .... . !~/ !j ¡ ~:':/Å\-"- ,\ --' ,~,",...]:M\, .", I /. ,,,or iI' , :",:'~ ."'-.J :: Ii ¡ / -,\ ¡ : I ; ~-""'/'---~_¡' "tu...L..;( ".... I/'"-'--...j¡-::.~/r:::)~};.. .' ii, :' //)~-~--/d-----' Ii ~--;[ ~,~/ t-~~.L\ \ ' / '. .! \ì(::~'"\\ If" ¡ I,., c ' ! 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