1b Springfield 5&7 99-3/99-18 1-6 CITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM TO: Teresa Burgess, Director of Public Works/City Engineer I City CenttrDrive, POBox 147 FROM: .nanha"en, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 DATE: Gen(1'al Fax 612.937.5739 'ginemng Fax 612.937.9152 SUBJ: Ibfic Sa!fIy Fax 612.934.2524 v"b www.ci.chanhassen.mn.UI Bill Bement, Engineering Technician N15B November 22, 2000 Accept Street and Storm Drainage Improvements in Springfield 5th & 7th Additions - Project Nos. 99-3 & 99-18 Staffhas received a letter from Nick Polta, Project Engineer with Pioneer Engineering, requesting the City consider acceptance of the streets and storm drainage improvements in the above-referenced project. According to Mr. Polta, the streets and storm drainage improvements have been completed in conformance with the appí:ovedplans and specifications. City staff performed a walk-through inspection and fmds the project ready for City acceptance. It is therefore recommended that the City Council accept the streets and storm drainage improvements in Springfield 5th and 7th Additions, Project Nos. 99-3 and 99-18, for perpetual maintenance and ownership conditioned upon the developer/contractor supplying the City with an acceptable two-year maintenance bond and completing the outstanding punch list items. Jms Attachments: 1. 2. Letter from Nick Polta dated November 2¡-, 2000. Location Map. c: Matt Saam, Project Engineer Nick Polta, Pioneer Engineering Mike Pflaum, Lundgren Bros. Construction \\c:fsl\YOI2\eog\project.s\woodridge\acccpt streets.doc OFRC!AL ENGiNEER!NG COPY Received Revision No. ApprcvGC; by CHy Erïç¡nø0f Dcìø ~~h.'l!~ ~____ l\p;;r0·'!~~¡; Ly en:: GOLinGiI DatG ___.___.. .________ ( City ofCMnhassen. A [1'OWin! communir¡ with ckan lakes, qualir¡ "hoots. a charminv downtown, thrimnv bUlinesl(J, and btautifùl MrkS. A ""at .!Ace to ¡¡'If. wnTk. and .!A. ·**~ * PION E E R Civil Engineers· Land Planners. Land Surveyors. Landscape Arcllitects ~ engineering *...** November 21,2000 Mr. Bill Bement City of Chanhassan 690 Coulter Street P.O. Box 147 Chanhassan, Minnesota 55317 Re: Springfield 51b and ~ Addition Street Acceptance Dear Mr. Bement: . On behalf of our client, we request the City of Chanhassan accept the street and storm sewer construction for the above referenced project for the perpetual ownership and maintenance. The streets and utilities in the project have been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Pioneer engineering, P.A. The testing of the utility improvements was performed in the presence of representatives for the City ofChanh~"an. It is my . understanding that the proper lien waivers and maintenance bonds will be provided by Nodland Construction Company, Inc. and/or their subcontractors as required. In conjunction with the acceptance of the streets our client would like the letter of credit held on each of these projects to be reduced accordingly. . I have attached copies of the fInal pay requests for the projects in question. Please place the acceptance of these streets and storm sewer on the next City Council agenda. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please, feel free to call. Sincerely, PIONEER ENGINEERING, P.A. ßJÞ~ Nicholas Polta CITY OF CHANHASSEN fi1!1!:©¡¡¡OWIEIIi NOV 2 2 2000 cc: Mike Pflaum, Lundgren Bros. Construction Inc. Al Guenther, Nodland Construction Co. Inc. ENGINEERING DEPT. 2422 Enterprise Drive ·'Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120. (651) 681-1914. Fax 681-9488 625 Highway'1O N.E. . Blaine, Minnesota 55434. (612) 783-1880. Fax 783-1883 --,,- . , -. i _ _ '~~~~=j'~__,_____,-,o~ _~_!-- -=.~ - !.ate-rtft' 5.~:=-~ Î -r] ¿ ",,~Y;:\$'~~m~- ! ' .~_.,,~_, r, ,_-:0~~~~~<_8it3 - ¡ .' ,j_,.,.. I 'c1I!"';<,\\", -"1 E 7'r , __: 'I '::f I:r--,,;: \\ \-\ '__L:: = ~ .."",,-:!-~-- : ".~ ..j;:_" """._ \ r ~ ,1-''''': 1 ,- .# ¡ ~õ=i'~'" :i-C:-'~ " ,t:j:-- "-":~I:f'Z~-"~- I' .-:,., ,¡'., rl~'~--''''-ð,..- t-:C' -:--01':.,;1' ~:' ,- " ,.~ ..-- \'1.-_1/- --. 9!':"<-' ' " ,_ :: yO' - '1''--' ~ '~ . - ' '._', - 0 j~- I ,,, ',: ': :\'c.> r.-- ";:/' ", I \ \¡~l ni [,;..lTI\-r~ l..:, " " \ ,.' , 'II '(; , \\ rr-Y I ~r-r--..~ . ,."...-.:- "",1 // 'î~¡ I 1\" ,',' l: 4Hcar11c11dc';' 5M155WNiWAY HILL e 7 MONk CRT ;.:::.;;'; , r>"":':~"'" ..~~;g:g .,--Q ;:;-.::::, -. '"<,"'/~'''-::;' 'è~:"'; [& -,~:,:f:.~ ~>~i r~ ' ~. :~ji ,;.w,ø :1 , , : "- /'1 ,', ..........'" ~ !~ i " ;¡ ~ ¡ :~ - ./ ! i i 51 H . SPRINGFIELD 7 o SPRINGFIELD ! "__'__"__ ì ,~ \~"L' ! ), . -., --i¡ 1 "'., ' ..,<.." -i( ", /~ '. y- b:.' 1.A.i-~ ',,- .- / ) "'-". ,/'// '-.,'-.. "'{~~>1/ /) . i \î''''-/ ! Ik.-~ \. ' / // ! I /Jif'~/(~~;(// ¡ I 1 I ; . I , /1.._ r----':" ,·""l.;/> ! !, 1",1: ,i , I II _ 'r------~~) - \ '....Eamioact ¡ ;:, i ' I II \ Ill! ~ --~,~~,/~t/~~i~~ (~L:jiJ.j 71 i I I I: \ \\ i -~i· I ¡i ,,_,_..\' ....../1 I 1 .---1 ' ,)---L ,I / '0 _~ (