1c Marsh Glen Utility 00-06 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1City Cmttr Drivr, PO Box 147 7hanhAssm, Minnesota 553/7 Phon, 6/2.937./900 Gmmtl Fax 6/2.937.5739 'nginming Fax 6/2.937.9/52 ,blic Safrty Fax 6/2.934.2524 fíb www.ci.chanhassmmn.us J..~ - MEMORANDUM TO: Teresa J. Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engineer FROM: Bill Bement, Engineering Technician /:if November 28, 2000 DATE: SUBJ: Accept Utility Improvements in Marsh Glen Addition Project No. 00-06 Staffhas received a letter from Jonathan Faraci, Project Engineer with Development Engineering, P.A., requesting the City consider acceptance of the utility improvements in the above-referenced project. According to Mr. Faraci, the public utility improvements have been completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications. City staffperformed a walk-through inspection of the project and found the utilities are in satisfactory condition. All testing has been successfully completed as well. It is therefore recommended that the City Council accept the public utility improvements in Marsh Glen Addition, Project No. 00-06, for perpetual maintenance and ownership conditioned upon the completion of all remaining utility punch list items and the receipt of the required two-year maintenance bond. ktm Attachments: 1. Location Map. c: Matt Saam, Project Engineer Mr. Stephen Kroiss, Marsh Glen, L.L.C. Jonathan Faraci, Development Engineering, P.A. g:\eng\projects\marsh glenw:cept u.i\.doc : <;." . .."-.' ... ....,-.-. ~ - -.-._.~--.._-"-'.._~ F- L~.: ._._.._...~_._._--~ r-' :.'; ~:;,'. .-.,~: Li (.;:~ï ~:ni;::-!~(?{ :.2:.: _~_'h5.!~_:~~___. AP:>fOI:..j t;'/ c¡~~: G~;uncn D¿Ü~I' _......_._.~ ___.. City ofChanhass... A f)'CJwinf community with ckan lakes. Quality schoob. a channin. downtown. thrioin. businesses. and b,auti/ùl oarks. A ""at ola" to livr. work. and 0"" 1 1 llCrM-.VLANI! "1IoI1y...... 3_w.,