1d Feasibility Study 01 St. Imp
City Ctntrr Drive. PO Box 147
\anhllJJtn. Minnesota 55317
Phon, 612.937.1900
~tntral Fax 612.937.5739
ginttring Fax 612.937.9152
blic Safety Fax 612.934.2524
'eb www.ci.chanhllJJtn.mn.UJ
-- --~---------
TO: Scott Botcher, City Manager
FROM: Teresa J. Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engin~
DATE: December II, 2000
Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Study for 2001 Street Improvement
Projects - Project File No. 01-01
Council is requested to authorize preparation of a feasibility study for the 200 I street
improvement projects. Projects will be selected based on the City ofCbanhassen's
computerized pavement management system. The feasibility study is proposed to be
prepared by the Engineering staff.
Potential projects will include sealcoating and maintenance activities, mill and
overlay, and full reconstruction. The City budgets for sealcoating and maintenance
activities in its annual budget. According to current City policy, mill and overlay and
full reconstruction projects are 100% assessed to the benefiting property owners.
Unless otherwise directed by Council, assessments for full reconstruction will also
include any watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and curb and gutter
In keeping with past Council direction, these types of projects are to be done only if
the neighborhood desires the project. Staffwill contact the property owners to
inform them that their street has been identified for improvement. Ballots will be
sent to gauge support/opposition to .the project. If a super majority (60% or more) of
responses support the project, the project will be recommended for approval. If the
project is not recommended,the feasibility report will include i'ecqpnnendations
when the improvements should be reconsidered and maintenance until that time.
The information sent to the property owners along with the ballots will include:
1. A description of the proposed work.
2. Explanation of how streets were chosen.
3. Explanation of why the work is necessary.
4. An estimate of potential assessments.
One or more neighborhood meetings wi\1 be scheduled io discuss the projects.
Meeting(s) will be scheduled after the holidays to minirpize conflicts. During this
time as well as during normal office hours, staffwillbe on hand to go over the
information mailed out and to answer property owner. questions.
In anticipation of negative reaction to the City's 100% assessment policy, copies of
all information and ballots mailed to the residents will be mailed to the Council
Members 2-3 days in advance of the mailings to property owners. This will insure
Council Members have copies of the information before any questions fÌ"om property
owners are received.
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, City of Chanhassen. A K"'win~ communiI'! with cltan lakts. qualil'! schoob. a charmin~ dawntlJW1J. thrivin~ bUJinessts. and b,aurifù/ parks. A ;Ttat plact to live. work. and plaJ