1j Chan Lakes Bus Park Entrance
!CityCenurDrillt, POBox 147
\anhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900
General Fax 612.937.5739
19ineering Fax 612.937.9152
Þlie Safety Fax 612.934.2524
~b www.ci.ehanhassen.mn.us
Scott Botcher, City Manager
Shannin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner
December 11, 2000
Amendment to Site Plan Approval for Andreas Development -
Lot 1, Block I, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 8th Addition
On February 14, 2000, the City Council approved site plan 2000-1 for a 43,000
square foot office warehouse building to be located on Lot I, Block 1,
Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 8'" Addition, as shown on the plans dated
received December 17, 1999, subject to conditions.
Both plans approved by the City Council and those submitted for building permit,
reflected recessed entrances into the building, mainly glass, and capped by 5 tiers
of metal flashing.
During a site visit, staff discovered that the applicant changed the exterior
entrance finish from pre-finished metal flashing to painted block. Initially, staff
recommended the applicant recover the painted block with pre-fmished metal, as
approved by the City Council. We based our decision on Sec. 20-115. Specific
project. Site and building plans shall be valid only for the project for which
approval is granted. Construction of all site elements shall be in comvliance with
the vlans and svecifications avvroved bv the vlanninf! commission. city council or
director ofvlanninf!. We had two concerns with the applicant's action. First,
from a maintenance standpoint, painted block tends to peel and become an
eyesore. During site plan review, we always recommend against painted block.
The second concern is the type of message such actions send. "Change the plans
from what was approved and the City will still approve it."
The City Attorney contacted staff after reading the staff report on this item, and
explained that since the ordinance does not prohibit painted block, the applicant
can request a site plan amendment to replace the pre-finished metal flashing with
painted block. Our concerns have not changed, however, since the ordinance
does not prohibit painted block, staff is recommending approval of this
On November 14,2000, the Planning Commission reviewed and approved this
site plan amendment with the following three conditions:
éity of Chanhassen. A xrowin~ commu~ity with ckan lakes, quality schools, a charminr downtown. thrivinr businesses. and beautifùl parks. A mat Place to ¡illt. work. and pia,
Scott Botcher
December 11, 2000
Page 2
L Direct staff to clarify to what extent this type of condition has been applied to similar
surrounding buildings.
2. If possible, get some data on the likeliness of the paint peeling on the block.
3. Establish an escrow account to cover the cost of repainting when staff deems it necessary.
In response to these conditions, we offer the following:
. None of the buildings in the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 7'" and 8'" Additions
utilized painted rock face block.
· The applicant submitted data describing the paint and its application. There is no
warranty on the durability of the paint.
· The applicant supplied staff with a base bid of $2,000. Staff discussed this issue in-
house. What is a reasonable number of years for the city to keep an escrow?
We concluded that we should work with the applicant in good faith. Sec. 20-120. Maintenance
of site. It shall be the oblif!ation of the owner to maintain the site in a manner consistent with
the avvroved site and buildinf! vlan. Unapproved alterations are in violation of this division.
Staff will add a condition of approval requiring the applicant to maintain the site, including the
painted block, in a manner consistent with the approved site and building plan.
The City Council approves an amendment to site plan 2000-1, to allow painted block at the
entrances of the building located at Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 8th Addition
with the following condition:
L The applicant shall maintain the site, including the painted block, in a manner consistent
with the approved site and building plan.
1. Staff report dated November 6, 2000.
2. Application.
3. Bids for recovering the entrances with pre-fmished metal.
4. Elevations dated received December 17,1999.
5. Existing elevations.
6. Paint data and bid.
7. Planning Commission minutes dated November 14, 2000.
g:\plan\sa\chanhassen lakes business park\OO- J spr.2cc.doc
) City Center Drive, PO Box 147
:hanhassen, Minnesota 55317
Phone 612.937.1900
General Fax 612.937.5739
ngineering Fax 612.937.9152
¡blic Safety Fax 612.934.2524
Veb www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Planning Commission
Sharmin AI-Jaff, Senior Planner
November 6, 2000
Amendment to Site Plan Approval for Andreas Development-
Lot I, Block 1, Chanhassen, Lakes Business Park Sth Addition
On February 14,2000, the City Council approved site plan 2000-1 for a 43,000 square
foot office warehouse building to be located on Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes
Business Park S'h Addition, as shown on the plans dated received December 17, 1999,
subject to conditions.
Both plans approved by the City Council and those submitted for building permit,
reflected recessed entrances into the building, mainly glass, and capped by 5 tiers of
metal flashing.
During a site visit, staff discovered that the applicant changed the exterior entrance finish
from pre-finished metal flashing to painted block. This might appear as a minor change
and not worth the Planning Commission and City Council's time. However, staff has two
concerns. First, from a maintenance standpoint, painted block tends to peel and become
an eyesore. During site plan review, we always recommend against painted block. The
second concern is the type of message such actions send. "Change the plans from what
was approved and the City will still approve it." The applicant stated that they were not
aware that such a change needed to be approved by the City. The applicant submitted
bids to recover the painted block with metal and feel that the cost is high. Staff
sympathizes with the applicant, however, a commitment was made and it should be
The Planning Commission recommends denial of the applicant's request to use painted
block at the entrances of the building located at Lot I, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes
Business Park S'h Addition, and directs the applicant to recover the entrances with
prefinished metal, as shown on plans dated December 17, 1999.
I. Application.
2. Bids for recovering the entrances with prefinished metal.
3. Elevations dated received December 17, 1999.
4. Existing elevations.
g:\plan\sa\chanhassen lakes business park\UO-1 spr.2.doc
City ofChanhasseII.A YJowin~ community with clean lakes. quality schools, a charmi". downtown. thrivi". businesses, and beauti/ùl Darks. A mat Place to lit". work. and 0],"
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(612) 937-1900
APPLICANT: !:1ø-ý'd. 1-....."'''' /K..ô..+-; K"\-.n~-+
Ar1L::l..~6 ÍÀ..ve..l..þt'V\.."",. CO""""P""'L.)
7S~S M"'¡'c.h~11 K."""'- s.k t oS¡
ADDRESS: 75:JS "'..k.h..I' :¡:'.....,(, ç.k toe;¡
Ed.<-",- ~"o.:..I"" MN
TELEPHONE (Day time) (qç :1,.) q '3 >4 . , 'Loo
tEcAo(.n.P\.oa..:..:e. MN
TELEPHONE: (qç:i) "13,\-, ~(:)(\
_ Comprehensive Plan Amendment _ Temporary Sales Permit
- Conditional Use Permit - Vacation of ROW/Easements
- Interim Use Permit ~ Variance
_ Non-conforming Use Permit - Wetland Alteration Permit
_ Planned Unit Development' _ Zoning Appeal
_ Rezoning _ Zoning Ordinance Amendment
_ Sign Permits
_ Sign Plan Review _ Notification Sign
- Site Plan Review' ...x.. Escrow for Filing Fees! Attorney Cost"
and Bounds. $400 Minor SUB)
- Subdivision' TOTAL FEE $ .ro~
A fist of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be Included with the
Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews.
"Twenty-sIx full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, Including an 8'h" X 11" reduced copy of
transparency for each plan sheet.
- Escrow wIll be required for other applications through the development contract
'OlE - When multiple applications ~re processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application.
,". \
t:.ha.nho..s,S<:.n L.~¡;>DV"c...k... C..~+V'"<-.
LDCAl10N 'b lio . S 1"1 0 tvI....I~.~) CD" 1'0.:\-
LEGAL DESCRIPTION ('.1,.,,,-~ \-....~... ~.,... I......I<~ B...... ¡ ....e!.~ \=h.~¡..,
Lð+ \ - ~.¡..'"
'P.....n..wd. bloc-k Of" nu.J b"'"lol;ns
'This appflcation must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information
and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application. you should confer with the Planning
Depadmentto detennine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application.
1; detennination of completeness of the application shall be made w~hin ten business days of application submittal. A written
110tice Df appUcation deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant w~hin ten business days of application.
'This is to certify that 1 am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with
all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom
the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (e~her
copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of· Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement). or I am the authorized person to make
1his application and the fee owner has also signed this application.
1 will keep myself Infonned of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further
understand that add~ional fees may be charged for consutting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any
authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and infonnation I have submitted are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge.
'The city hereby notifies the applicant that development review cannot be completed w~hin 60 days due to public hearing
requirements and agency review. Therefore. the city is notifying the applicant that the c~y requires an automatic 60 day
ßxtension for development review. Development review shall be completed w~hin 120 days unless add~ional review
extensions are approved by the applicant.
A-~LA- ~-
Signature of Applicant
SignatlJre of Fee Owner
AppTu:a!ion Received on
10 -/2. - Po
/Ð _/:1.-DO
Receipt No.
'The app1ican1 should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting.
If not contacted, a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address.
Development Company
7525 MitcheU Road
Suite 110
Eden Prairie. MN 55347
T clcpltone
[612J 934 -7800
[612J 934·1686
.)rJI"'7/L /'f/V
Æ-;:.A- J þt~
No. of Pages/Inclusive:
93 7-~7)7
T . rI
DATE: Tuesday, October 3. 2000
TO: Tom KOJ'5man
Andreas Development
7525 Mitchell Road
Eden Prairie. MN 55347
FAX NO.: 934.1686
PHONE NO.: 934.7800
FROM: Chñs Loberg
Lund Martin Construction, Inc.
3023 Randolph Street, NE
Minneapolis. MN 55418
FAX NO.: 612-782-2267
PHONE NO.: 512-782·2250
PROJECT: Chanhassen Corporate Centre
SUBJECT: facia
Please review and call me to discuss.
Chris Loberg
- -
OCT-Ø2-ðÐ 15_ea FRO"oJDC
"'h.-u -.. îD~-Bãsë57e
PÃCE 1.....6
Innovative Building Concepts, inc.
849 West SO" S«reet Bloomington. MIMOSota 55420
(612) 885·0262 (612) 885·0570 fax
Proposal submitted to:
Job Name:
Job Location;
October 2, 2000
Lund Martin Construction
Chanhassen Lakes Business Park
Lot 1 - 8th Addition
_X_Proposal Change Order Addendum's Noted
(Budget Pricing)
Scope of work: Prefinished wall panel systems (Three options)
We propose to furnish and Install the following materials and labor as to
complete as follows.
Option A: Ught gauge purlins and 24 gauge preflnished panels Installed as to
maintain horizontal lines of building.
See page #1 - Total $34,372.00
Deduct $8.580.00 to eliminate radiused entry.
Option B: Light gauge purlins and 24 gauge prefinished panels installed with
vertical lines.
See page #2 - Total $30,800.00
Deduct $7,002.00 to eliminate radiused entry.
Option C: Light gauge purlins with 4 m.m. Alucobond panels in a standard color
and finish. (This design will compliment transom panels within gl.3zing system)_
See page #3 & #4- Total $50,747.00
Deduct $11,190.00 to eliminatel'ad/used entry.
Chris· Once we can come up with an acceptable design, we can fir"T1 up pricing.
œ. ....teria, $......._ tobul spedl"oed. AII-.k to....
comptoted In . worllmonlilcell1lnMr .cœrdint 10 _d
~. Any .1t....tlOft 01 CIMIIioII ...... ...... ."oc·ficoIioM
IIM>Mns Mfa _will be.............. upon ooritten ani...
and will become _... chI/e _.nd ...... tile estImaW. All
Aør"'menú: -ineMt upon 51....... _..... 01' dol. bo\IIGIId
..., _troI. OWMttAconyftno. _ and CItII..~
in....-.-. OUr_......ny......Nd.." Worlunln'e
Caß'1ll:lJ5iltion Insurance..
~ptance of Proposal: The.br.. P<'1ce., .....,;'icat.....
.nd COIId~i_.... satllfadcl)l tftd lie.. =¥ ~. You are
.1/IhGriød .." this 'iønoIvAr to do tile.. ""... .......fi>d. "_I
will be made.1 _ a_.
Date of Acçepta"œ
No1e: We may willlc:lraw this propos. ~ if not accepted
willlln 30 days.
Authorized Signature: ~1.I4t'~
OCT-e~-ee tB.øa FROH.IDC
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~ 002/005
612 646 6792' P. 01/01
Ll/22/~gO.!8L22~FA!a~~~ 782 2267~INIINti~' INC
mercial Painting and Wallcovering 1509 Marshall Ave" St Paul, MN 55104 (651) 646-6999
Fax: 646,6792
Chris Loberg
Lund Martin Constrll on
R=: Andreas Develop ent
Dop: 3/6/00
Painting of exterior bl ck areas over entrance canopies. No clear sealer at these areas as
the paint is an eluto tic coating (a tinted sealer). It wiU be tinted to match Hartford
Green. We will match sample provided by you.
Base bi.d: $2,000.00
Sincerely, a
"_...1 ^-___..II.. r__I..__Ir_..a..-ooI...
TOT¡:¡L P.01
11/22/~1~¿ßßlAJ3~~i 782 2267 PFI!NTING ~~~. INC
iii 003/006
612 64G 6792 P.Ø2/Ø4
vOC-comøllanç wall coating
for exterior COncÆtI. AVIII·
able In both smooth and
teXtUred versions
Wnere to Use Super
ColClrcoat'" vac
1:1 concrete
:::J Block
o Brick
o Stucco
::J cement Plaster
Q preprlmed gypsum
plaster or wallboard
::J preprtmed Inddental
U Metal trim
~ Interior masonry walls
Q Tilt-up panels
;¡ Creen concrete
. t' .4":'" /",)
. ',., '~', .
. '1'·,!ÞÌ·'..irr-.- ......
-""'11/\""," :.t
. I ~". " .
~ .' ," ,
. t" 'j
l ...
-"" .'
" ,,,
... I
u cool weather friendly...
Q primes. 688Is, fills. fInishes and waterproofs
o High-build flnlst'!...
CI Waterborne...
o Mlnlmlz85 minor surface Imperfections and d~Fec~5
on concrete Sur1'~ces, '
:J Can be applied to dilmp blOCk In cool welther
.J Passes TTC·555B
:J One coat coverage on recoats
.J VOC Compliant In all SO StateS
.J RC1ducf.'S co~r elf blC;¡ljlng, rubbing, ~nd \JroL1t1no;¡ :o,,·:t·,~~·,
ll/22/~2,1~0 ~!.8 i.2.U.q...~U 782 2267 Mi,I'I""¿ ~~~.
. "lOW. to Apply super Colorcoat'· vac
.. sürl'lIce preparulon SOnocreD:" patr.hrn; mater..1
New construction (see Form NO, SC·217 on
ACMc Addltlvel Do not use
MaSOnry. contrite. and metlllk; grout.
stUtco: Surfaces Should be
dean and free of 011 or gruse, Thgrgughly clean and dry
All loose JWtIdes.laltance. and surface. Remove all dust. dirt.
other foreign mater1a1 must ;1't\I&e. 011. Iooae particles. lai-
t)e removed by wire brushing t\lnc:e. foreiOn materials, end
or other effective means, peeling or d"'alve COi1;Ings
Chalky and highlY absorC'dVe bv wire brushing. sarld blast-
sun'aces reaull't Clr1mlng with Ing. or other a~roved
Conc~ and Masonry Condl- mlans. Prime Whits gy¡JSum
tioner 751 or Primer 754. lSee plaster surfaces with Con.
Ttchnlc¡¡1 DatI Guide Form No. crlte and Masonry Condition.
5W-33S.I ^" openings and er 751 or Primer 754, All
Joints In sillS, mOltar Joint!. fas- glned or vitreous surfaces
cY. trim. !'rimes. and else· must first be sandblasœd.
where tI'Iðt would permit che Clean surf"", eJCClosed to
entry of - mustfll'lt bl unusual soli or dirt with a
c:ompleœJy seallld off, sOlution of 1 n. ounce of mild
MIQI surfaces: When aDolled dettrvent and 11;g 2 pinES of
on Incidental mml. the sur· MQuld bleach ~r gallon of
face must be free <:I all dirt. wmr 10,125 ro 0.25 fiters oer
oil, grease. and lOose rust. llterl, Wash surface vigorously
Mlltal sumces mUfre priming and flush thoroughly with
with Brust-Inhibiting prfmer. Clear water. Allow surface to
Allow to thoroughfy drv, dry.
WOOd sur!'aces: When R.move all mildew and
applied on Il1doental WOOd fungus from the surtaœ
trim. the SUlface must be betore application of Super
free of all dirt, 011, grease. Ind colorcoat"" VOC to prevent
loose paint. Bare wood sur· subseQUent growth. Wash
faces reQuire priming with a surfaœs vlgorouslV WIth a
professlonal'QUalltY exterior solution of 1 tablespOOn of
wood primer. Allow to thoro deterglnt to 1 to 2 plnu of
oughly dry. liQUid bleach in 1 gallon of
Existing Structure. warer (0.125 to 0,25 liters per
unpaln-d masonry, IIterl. Rln51: thoroughly with
.. c;!ear water and follow dlrec·
conCl't!te. and stucco: All tlons lbovc For prO)er sur.
surfaCes to be coated must f I m I
be structurally Sound, Deterl. ace preparat on, ~epsat [115
prOCedure If necefNry.
orated or heavily spalled
ma~nry and d.,.ct1vs Remove all 1Ip/1a1t stains
brickwork must be rcgaired and streaks befOl'i application
or reollced. of Super Colorc:o;t"" voc.
er....s.. Super Colorcoat~ Voc For areas heavily saturated
...... with Isohalt. consult Son·
will seal and cover IxIstlng neborn TfChnlQlI SIfVi=
nonmoving hairline tracks lass Department.
than 1/5~·. Larger settlement
or moving craCkS must be previoUSly palnttl;l mason·
raked out. cleaned. and sealed rv: Remove all loose, peeling,
with appropriate Sonl\ebom and detective paint, IAIso
se¡¡lant or <:iulk. ~or large c:om/y with oreœding aPOllc·
openings, fill and restore with able instructions.> Where
an aPDroorlW! Sonneborn chalkirlg exists. remove as
For Best Performance
o Not recommended for
waterorooflng horizont21
o For roller or brush IDPllca-
tion. Suøer t:olorc:oat~
VOC does ngt normally
reQuire thinning.
Q One coat appllatløn will
not Wattl'Oroof blOCk walls
o Not to bl used as ball'
ment watel'Oroofin;
o LImited to Incldlntal wood
and metal trim and only
when lach Is preprlmed
with appropriate IXterlor
wood primer or rust·
Inhibiting primer
Q Iron·rI~h Slag aggregate
contaIning blotk. mortsr.
gr brltlt mlV cause dllcol·
oratkJn through Super
colorc:oaC'" vOC. Conlult
Sonneborn fgr $PeÓI1
much as pOssible by iIOProPr1·
ate methOds. It any chaiklng
remains. IPply COI'IeI'ttl ilnd
Masonry Condltfoner 751
reduced UP to 5O'!4wlth mln-
BfëlI søtrlts au rate up to 300
SQ. ft pergalon 10.n rn2per
llterl by brush. $DrJV. or roller
to btnd and Ørlme the surface
but In a manner to not devel-
OP' shean orglUI, Prlmllf'
754 may also be useCl. Extreme
challdng may raaufre sand-
blasting followed bV priming.
All surfaces must bl free of
dust or dirt and the primer
must be allowed to dry at
least 24 hours Ibut not ovar
7 days),
Areal CIIn be surface damp
when Super COlorCOllt'M vec
15 aP.P.lled. Mix Suplr Color·
coat· VOC thorouahlY. then
apply at the correct coverage
r.rte to properly pl'tpared sur·
faces by brush. roller. or SØfIf'/,
APPIlc.ltlon by brushing Is rec-
. ommended for; II) Optimum
filling of pores or brldqlng of
hairline cracks (bl COIItJng
brick or other masonry with
recessed joints IC) Open-
pored textured surhœs such
as block.
On open·textu"'d surfaces.
thoroughly work Coating Into
sU~CI texture or pores to fill
completely. Flow the coatln;
onto IUrface using straight
Equipment: Usa stIfl'·fiber or
nvlon short·bnstled brush.
using. fully loaded rOller.
apply the coating to the sur·
face In a uniform manner.
WIthout using adClltlonal
materlll. finish off' the area
with Itrotes In one direction;
this enlU~s proper distribu-
tion of aggregate. Do not
over roll.
IJ sU)er Cglorcoat·" VOC Is
formulated for aPDllcatlon
to coollnd damp SUrface
appllc¡dons. our standard
recommendation Is 5S'F
or warmer with a frost
free ,urfaœ. In addition,
all frœen watllr In or on
the surface must be
thawed. AøollCildon may
begin betOI'll the tempera-
ture reaChes 35'1' under
thl following condlt1ons:
612 &46 6792
IiI 0041005
When soravtng concrete or
smooth face block. gun noz·
zle shoUld alwaVS be held at a
right angl!! to the wall
through the Intlre pass.
On Irregular surfaces such as
braat-of'' or ribbed block. the
sPray gun must be aoaled to
coat area. between ribs. Ade-
quatll cov.ragl!. partlcularlv In
dep~nl and rib I;gþl and
bottomS must be obtIlned to
ensure orooer water-ClM-
¡ng. It mav bl necessary to
apply super Cglorcoat'" VOC
WIth a bl'llsl'lln recessed 8reas
of ribbed block to ensul't
adllQuate DI'OtIIctIon. A IPray
and back-brush tethfl/Que
may be mo.t effldsnt.
In estimating Quantity of
material. both the coarse ŒK'
ture and Increased surface
area should be uten Into
account. !'Or example.
a rIbbed block may h~1
almost twice the sumce area
gf a slmller .mooth·faced
block. Ceverage on all arias
of the blOt~ must be " rec·
ommended under Coverage
EQuipment: Use standard
professlonll eQuipment. e.g..
alrless SPI'lV with Grato 45:1
pump with a Hydra-MlstIc
~07-94S gun. 50 ft. ~IB· I.D.
Hose. a 541 reverse·l.cJun
spray dP. and a sPnlY Clres·
sure of 1600·2700 I'll. EQuiva-
lent equipment from gtl¡er
manufacturers Is also accept·
able. St. Individual spray
eQuipment manufacturers for
their recommendations.
clean up
I:lean SUDer Colorcoat~ VOC
from brush. rollers. and toolS
with warm soapy wawr.
Temperature Is at IeasI:
25"F and rilIng Bnd the
temPllrature will e)(teed
35"F for 4 - 6 hours mer
application II completed.
The coating must be pro·
tected from rain or moll-
ture for a minimum of 24
hours after application.
11/Z2/~!QO_A.8i.!UA.LQ1.!' 782 2287 r"u" "'" ~~. INC
-' . - technical Data
. Federal SÞeclfic:atlon
TTC-555B. CoatIng. 'nIX-
tured. 'I'iI:Ie II---For &xte-
r10r Aøølk:aUon.
iI 008/008
612 G46 6792 P.04/04
TIlt DltI
WlnCH~rlven rain t&st
æa mph wind drIVen /'iIln)
.__....__.....__..........._---.,,~,_... ..,................---,,,- ,. .... .....
Order InformatIon
super COlon:oat"" voc
g 5 gallon palls (18.9 U.
textured weighing
63.0 Ibs, end smooth
weighing 53.75/bs.
Shelf' life Is 1 year.
A total of 455 colors can be
c:røted from four bam:
pastel base. medium basi.
u~-deep tlnt base. and
neutral base. Consult me
Rainbow oP Colors book for
more Information.
e To rllC8hie a Mateñal Safety Data Sheet (M5OS! for Sup.r
ColorcoatTM. call tI'Ie automated ChemRex FactsUne
at 1I8C01656-6737,
':i ..,.......
/also part of TT·C·555B1
, .
a CQncnn8(p~stand
Un 1 coat at 'DØ/'OXI-
mateJy eo SQ. It. per
Produce a minimum fllm
thidcness of 10 dry mils.
Do not exceed 100 SQ. ft.
per ganon (2045 m2/U.
III standard concrete
bloCIC. DrlClC, stucco Usa
2 coets each at IpprolCl-
mltelV 60 to eo sq. It. per
gallon (1.46 to 1.94 m2/U
at a minimum rllm thlçk-
nass of 1 0 dry mI1s for
eact¡ COlt.
2.7div.për¡rilfots~ '
st: I coverage l1taor.. ,
eo .10 sq; ft. tJ' 811cn as
I~ tJn~rTT-C-555B.·
tMlnlmúm reqUlr\ld OA
~rmsJ .
o molst\lnt riiMtJ 6ted the
treated block coaœd with '
2 coats oP Super eororc:o.t-
VOC. aè:II it the rata or
so ~: ft. per lllllon Ibloclc
thldci1ess: 1.S/a'J.
Never e)(ceed eo SQ. ft.
per gallon /1.94 m~lU.
First coat must not bt
stretched. RIIc:oat whtn
dry. appro)(lmately 6 . B
hours lit 75"F.
Q Llghtwolght DIOck
In order tc Ø/Oper1y
waœrDroof nghtwelght
bloclc. .11 voIds and øores
must be I'IlIed ~nhole.
free with SUDer COlor·
coat'" VOc. COIItI'ICIe
rate on lightmllght block
should therefore not
exCltd :;0-60 sq. It. Der
gallon (1.2 - 1.5 ml/U for
each of the 2 ~ul~
1/22/2000 18:00 FAX 612 782 2267
IaJ 001/005
DATE: Wednesday. November 22, 2000
TO: Sharmln
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen. MN 55317
FAX NO.: 934.2524
PHONE NO.: 937.1900 #120
FROM: Chris'Loberg
Lund Martin Construction, Inc.
3023 Randolph Street. NE
Minneapolis. MN 55418
FAX NO.: 612-782-2267
PHONE NO.: 612-782-2250
PROJECT: Chenhassen Corporate Centre
SUBJECT: paint Info
Attached Is the painting information. Please review and call me to discuss.
Chris Loberg
NOV 2 2
NOVEMBER 14, 2000
Acting Chair Burton called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: VIi Sacchet, Matt Burton, Ladd Conrad, LuAnn Sidney, and Deb Kind
MEMBERS ABSENT: Craig Peterson and Alison Blackowiak
STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Sharmin AI-Jaff, Senior Planner; and Matt Saam,
Project Engineer
Public Present:
Chris Loberg
Kristi Kuhnert
Michelle Arrondo Underdahl
13650 Shannon Parkway, Rosemount
7525 Mitchell Road
25 Mitchell Road
Sharmin A1-Jaff presented the staff report on this item.
Burton: Any questions for staff?
Conrad: Just one Sharmin. In your original recommendation, who's recommendation was that, the
element that we're talking about be a metal? Was that the applicant's making that?
AI-Jaff: That was the applicant, that's how it was proposed. And that's how we approved it.
Conrad: 1 could give you a hypothetical. What if it came in this way?
AI-Jaff: We would have recommended that they change it.
Conrad: Based on?
AI-Jaff: We want durable material that would not weather and turn into an eyesore after a while. There
has been applications that came in with painted block and we recommended that they either change that
into block with, into colored block rather than painted.
Conrad: Would there be other examples in the city of projects similar to this where you would have
expected that project to have this kind of accent? This kind of better facing?
Planning Commission Meeting - November 14,2000
AI-Jaff: Well all the buildings that have been built within the Chanhassen Lakes Business Park to date
have been metal flashing or similar type of accents. No painted block,
Conrad: Okay.
Sacchet: Mr. Chair, I want to clarify this a little bit too. So there are, right now it looks very nice mostly
because it's brand new. There is the beige block and there's the red block and that is not painted? I
mean if a piece chips off it's still the same color, the whole block is that color? Is that how it works?
AI-Jaff: Correct.
Sacchet: And the dark green or what that color is is just block that's painted over?
AI-Jaff: That's just surface.
Sacchet: Now I'm not a specialist in painting. Is that something that peels over about how much time?
Do we know?
AI-Jaff: 1 don't know.
Sacchet: Okay. But we know it peels?
AI-Jaff: Typically,
Sacchet: Typically it peels, okay. Okay, thanks.
Burton: Any other questions for staff? Does the applicant or their designee wish to address the Planning
Michelle Underdahl: 1 would.
Burton: Can you please state your name and address when you get to the podium.
Michelle Underdahl: Hi. My name is Michelle Underdahl and 1 work for Andreas Development
Company and I want to address to you. Can 1 do that here or do 1 need to do that with the microphone?
Burton: You can stay near the microphone and you can use the table there to show things on the
Michelle Underdahl: I did hring some pictures if you want a close-up?
Sacchet: We all have that.
Michelle Underdahl: What we're talking about is.
Burton: Excuse me. Maybe you could put that on the table so that the people watching can see.
Planning Commission Meeting - November 14,2000
Michelle Underdahl: This is my first meeting so bear with me. First I just want to tell you how excited
we are to be a part of the Chanhassen, City of Chanhassen and we will do whatever it takes to make you
happy. So we'll honor whatever decision happens here today. We're very proud of our building. We're
actually duplicating this same, exact building in Sioux Falls, South Dakota so that's how happy and how
wonderful we think it is. We realize the issues and we find it to be extremely aesthetically pleasing. We
realize the precedence issue and the concern and I've had a conversation with Sharmin about that so.
What I would like to do is just give you those suggestions and then also tell you that as part of Andreas
Development, if we need to set up an escrow account that we would put funds in there and when you tell
me that the paint is chipped and you want us to handle it, we would do so. 1 mean whatever it would take
to satisfY the Planning Commission and the City Council, we are willing to do that. And whether it be
for the next 5 years, 10 years, or whatever the case may be, we don't have a building that we can take a
picture of that says the metal flashing doesn't look good or that the paint is going to chip. 1 don't have
something, 1 mean I've looked around. I tried to drive around to take pictures. I couldn't find anything
so I don't have something I can prove to you that it's going to chip or that it's not going to chip or that it
will chip in a year or two. 1 don't have those answers for you. What I will tell you is I believe that it was
an honest mistake and 1 believe the building is extremely pleasing to the eye and we want to do whatever
it takes to make you happy because we want to be here for the long run and we are a developer in Eden
Prairie as well as in Chanhassen and we want to continue to build that relationship so. Those are the
comments that I will make and then 1 will turn it over to Chris Loberg with Lund-Martin Construction
who built the building for us and who turned in the plans to the building department. Thank you.
Burton: Thanks,
Chris Loberg: Hi, my name's Chris Loberg. I'm with Lund-Martin Construction. Like Michelle stated it
was an honest mistake that this took place and I'd just like to show you the prints. How we arrived and
what we have done here. Here we go showing there is a note pointing to all of the entries... Which is a
note number 10 which refers to the pre-finished metal flashing and which is pointing to this area on the
building. And where the discrepancy comes in is when we go back to the details of construction for this
project and you look at the actual construction ofthe building, here above the entryways it shows a rock
face block which does not show a pre-finished metal flashing. Therefore my subcontractors, myself, all
parties involved overlooked this issue. And in error to remedy, to give this building the accent that was
shown on the renditions we went ahead and we painted it to give it that accent.
Burton: Any questions of the applicant? Do you have anything else to add?
Chris Loberg: I think as Michelle stated, there are some options that we would like to discuss. One
being an escrow agreement of some type that would be placed and if there was a problem with peeling
paint, the painting problem would be taken care of. For the record, this was not done to cut any corners.
As I've shown you, 1 think the prints, the prints were read two different ways.
Sacchet: 1 do have a question.
Burton: And the question please.
Sacchet: What color is the block actually before it was painted? Do you know?
Chris Loberg: Yes. It would have been this lighter tan color.
Sacchet: It'd be the tan. Okay.
Planning Commission Meeting - November 14, 2000
Chris Loberg: One of the problems and one of the decisions after working through this with one of the
owners representatives is that, especially on this radius entrance. When we go to do a panel around that
entryway, you can see at the very top it has a real jagged look and would have 1 guess you could call it
alligator bag look to it. Which 1 think would most definitely take away the appearance of this project.
Sacchet: Do you have any data in terms of how durable this paint is? Since that's one of the issues,
Chris Loberg: How durable the paint is?
Sacchet: Yeah.
Chris Loberg: I don't have any data on how durable the paint is with me. 1 looked at the option of trying
to sandblast this paint back off and that was not an option. Just because it is... but that is something...
Sacchet: Thank you.
Burton: Any other questions for the applicants? Okay. Well thank you. You can sit down and we'll
open the matter up for a public hearing. Can 1 have a motion please?
Kind moved, Sidney seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened.
Burton: Does anybody wish to comment on this application?
Kind moved, Sacchet seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed.
Burton: Okay. Now we discuss it. Anyhody have comments? Going to make me pick somehody?
Alright, I'll pick you.
Sidney: Alright, thank you. Mr. Chair. 1 guess you know 1 would like to support staff and 1 agree with
staffs recommendations for painted panels but listening now to the applicant, 1 guess 1 see there are
some fundamental problems trying to redo that type of structure, because it is stepped back into the,
toward the back of the building. And that would make it difficult. 1 do like the idea of an escrow
account for re-painting and 1 guess 1 would recommend that we look at that as an option. It does concern
me however like staff points out, that after a commitment was made that it has been changed. However I
do think that the applicant did make it clear that it was a mistake and it showed on the plans so I would
recommend, like 1 said, to go the escrow route for re-painting.
Burton: Anybody else?
Sacchet: I'm a little torn. I have a lot of my hasic principles is that 1 try to do what 1 agree to do in my
life and that's one ofthe very fundamental principles that most people can agree upon, One ofthe few
principles as a matter of fact. But then on the other hand, right now it looks great. 1 mean I went out
there. I looked at it on the picture. It does look good and I have a little bit of hard time insisting that all
of this gets changed to metal if we don't even have any data how durable the paint is. I mean yes, paint
peels sooner or later but 1 tend to take their word that it was an honest mistake. That they were not trying
to cut corners. 1 mean it's pretty obvious how it happened with the blueprint. So 1 probably can be sold
on the escrow.
Planning Commission Meeting - November 14, 2000
Kind: We'll just continue down the line here. 1 agree with UIi's point about honoring commitments and
what was on the plan and I guess I'd like to see that commitment followed through on and the question to
me is when. When the current product starts looking bad or have them do it now. That's my only
question. I really don't like painted block and I really agree with that rule, that we don't have painted
block so I guess I'd like to see it changed to what they agreed to.
Burton: Ladd.
Conrad: I'm impressed that staff spotted the problem, number one. 1 think we always worry that what
we say and what gets done may be different. So congratulations to the staff for spotting that. I do
appreciate how honest and how you've come in here. That's, I'm thrilled that you're in town. Just
thrilled. That you gave us the presentation and your ears open. And that's a set-up I guess for a concern.
I think one thing could persuade me that we shouldn't do it and that's if it doesn't look good. I think as
you said, if it is the alligator look, I don't need that. Yet on the same building on the same &ont it looks
like you can bend the metal and make it look better so 1 think we have to, the real principle for me is what
we force others to do and I think that's what Sharmin told me, Now if that's true, if somebody, if we
forced other commercial development in town to do that, accent that kind of flashing, then I think we
should hold to the principle. If we don't, if we didn't, then 1 think we should allow this to go through
because it doesn't look bad and I think their escrow account is probably acceptable. So what have I said?
Do variances stop here? Are we the final say on variances or the City Council.
AI-Jaff: This is a site plan amendment
Conrad: It's a site plan amendment? Okay. So it will go to council. Okay. I think between now and
then, my recommendation is to enforce the original design in the staff recommendation unless the
applicant, as it goes to council, can show that one, it's not going to be as attractive as we thought. And 1
think I'd also challenge staff to ensure to the council that we have required that for almost every other
applicant. There may be a variation there but I think that should be our standard. And if we did, then we
should uphold to it and then as the applicant is requesting, if you can persuade the City Council that it's
not an attractive look that we'd end up with if we put that metal flashing on it, 1 think they'd pay
attention to that.
Burton: I guess I'm the tie breaker here. My initial instinct was that flashing, and I thought this was kind
of a no brainer. But now 1 fear it's a little too bureaucratic just to insist on that, especially when the
building looks pretty good and there is, it seems a reasonable alternative. I don't like bending the
principles but 1 fall into the escrow camp on this one. So 1 don't know how we'd word that or how long.
1 don't know how much it costs to repaint it. How long the paint would last.
Michelle Underdahl: Do you want me...
Burton: Weill think that's something maybe, 1 don't know how, can we leave that issue open for council
and maybe that could be staff, do you have any thoughts on if we went the escrow route? What we
would do?
A1-Jaff: We can have the applicant submit a bid as to what it cost to paint the block. Typically what we
do is we require 110% of the value. My question is, how many years would you like?
Burton: It can't be super expensive to paint I wouldn't think.
Planning Commission Meeting - November 14, 2000
Sacchet: If! may add something Mr. Chair. I mean it seems like there are some data points missing from
the staff on what the cost to paint. That's not really the main one. The main one is, what's the context,
how is it being applied to others and if we can find something about the likeliness of this peeling. 1 mean
ultimately this is in such a prime visible spot that any reasonable tenant is not going to put up with this
peeling, Realistically you know. And that is an element that could swing into what's the escrow part
but, 1 think when it goes to council it'd be important to have more of that context in place. That's my
Burton: Can I have a motion?
Sacchet: Yeah. Actually I wasn't planning to move that way but in view of our discussion 1 do move
that the Planning Commission, wow this is interesting. The recommendation is that we deny so 1
recommend that we do not deny.
Kind: We approve?
Sacchet: So that, well. Are we really approving anything here? No we're not.
AI-Jaff: You're approving an amendment to the site plan,
Sacchet: Alright. I move that the Planning Commission approves the applicant's request to use painted
block at the entrances of the building located at Lot I, Block I, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park sth
Addition and that we don't direct. That's it. But 1 would add the condition, 1 would like to direct staff to
clarify to what extent this type of condition has been applied to surrounding similar buildings and if
possihle, get some data on the likeliness of peeling on the block. And that would be in view of the
council making final decision.
Burton: Did you have an escrow element in there?
Sacchet: No. If somebody wants to add the escrow element. 1 think that would be, I'm basically passing
it onto the council with additional information.
Conrad: You haven't built up a majority yet.
Sacchet: 1 know, Do you want to add a condition about the escrow? Maybe we can fish some support.
Sidney: 1 don't think so. They're crossing their arms there. No, I would like to add a condition where we
would direct the applicant to work with staff to establish a reasonable escrow account for repainting as
seen fit by staff to start to degrade.
Sacchet: Yeah that's fine.
Burton: Maybe this is a friendly amendment also that I would like staff to have the ability to insist on
repainting, and not to a certain. If they think the paint's going to last for like 10 years, if it looks bad
after 7, staff should have the ahility to say it gets painted now. Not 10, I don't know how to word that
but. That would be something I'd like to see.
AI-Jaff: The city may require the applicant to repaint the block as deemed necessary. When it becomes
an eyesore.
Planning Commission Meeting - November 14, 2000
Sacchet: It gets awfully messy, doesn't it?
Burton: Well it could be, if you would include something like that, we could include that and it's going
to go to council. They can revise it and if it's a second look after they know more than we know.
Sacchet: You know the reason why I didn't add the escrow element is I think in the bottom line, if we do
something kind of halfway, it's neither fish nor fowl. It's just going to be messy. I think the reason why
I did not put the escrow element in there is simply because either we decide that the owners, tenants are
going to be responsible and given the responsibility, or other ways 1 think we should deny it. I think we
should be crisp about it. Personally that 1 feel very strongly about it. I don't feel kind of right of doing
this inbetween and then maybe you should paint it after 5 or 6 or 7 years. I think that becomes
unmanageable personally. So with that, let's leave this.
Burton: Did you accept her friendly amendment?
Sacchet: Yes. 1 do accept the escrow but I get really worried once we go into how many years
Burton: That's fine. We can leave mine off and now we have.
Conrad: Well you've contradict, you said you don't want it but you're going to accept it.
Sacchet: No, 1 do accept it because it goes to council. 1 do accept the escrow thing but 1 don't accept
going into to telling them 7 years repainting or something like that. That's where 1 take my position.
Burton: Alright.
Sacchet: So we have a motion.
Burton: Anybody second the motion?
Sacchet: Anybody want to second it? No?
Sidney: Can you restate the motion?
Burton: Can 1 second it?
Conrad: Yes.
Burton: I'll second it.
Sacchet moved, Burton seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the
applicant's request to nse painted block at the entrances of the building located at Lot 1, Block 1,
Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 8th Addition snbject to the following conditions:
I. Direct staff to clarifY to what extent this type of condition has been applied to similar
surrounding buildings.
Planning Commission Meeting - November 14, 2000
2. If possible, get some data on the likeliness of the paint peeling on the block.
3. Establish an escrow account to cover the cost of repainting when staff deems it necessary.
AIl voted in favor, except Conrad and Kind who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 3
Conrad: Yeah, you voted in the positive. 1 think we would both vote in the negative unless. Unless the
applicant could prove different. Unless the applicant could prove that we have aIlowed metal, haven't
entirely enforced a metal flashing type of entrance throughout our community. 1 would have put the
burden on the applicant to prove that the look with the metal flashing wouldn't have improved the design
at all. That's why 1 would have voted to the negative.
Kind: 1 would just add that 1 wouldn't look around for examples in our community. 1 would look for a
recent example because our rules have gotten stricter in recent years, Because I'm sure there's examples
of painted block in this city that are not good examples either but, the reason 1 voted no is because 1
oppose having painted block in this type of zoning and 1 agree with staff's position that asking for
forgiveness later is a precedence we really don't want to set.
Burton: Okay, so that item passes and goes to the City Council. Do we know which meeting that would
Generous: December 11'h
Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item.
Burton: Any questions of staff?
Kind: Yes Mr, Chair. Bob, the existing silos are 60 feet in height. In the background 1 don'. see any
variance that was requested for that. How does that come about?
Generous: I'm not sure. 1 couldn't find anything. It could have been an oversight when someone
reviewed their building plans. As site plans generally they don't show that ancillary facilities. At that
time we may not have had an ordinance that limited the accessory structures. If you look at our
ordinance now it actually doesn't say that. It says one story for an accessory structure. These are
technically they're only one story hut we're using the overall height of the district as a limit in this
Kind: So the new silos are shorter than what 1 drove by today?
Generous: Right.
Kind: Thank you.
Burton: Any other questions?