1l Deafeasing Tx Incre Bonds CITY OF CHANHASSEN City Cmttr Drive, PO Box 147 :hanhlmm, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.937.5739 ,ginttring Fax 612.937.9152 ,blic Safay Fax 612.934.2524 7tb www.ci.chanhl/$.mmn.us .it. - MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council FROM: Bruce M. Dejong, Finance Directorþ) ~. DATE: December 6, 2000 SUBJECT: TIF Defeasance for 2000 We are proposing a defeasance of bonds from Tax Increment District I - Downtown for 2000 consistent with the discussions the City Council held on November 16 with the consultants from Ehlers, HLB Tautges, Redpath and Kennedy & Graven. The amount of the defeasance is now approximately $4,000,000. That amount is calculated to yield a deficit of $2,200,000 at year end. The reason for targeting this figure is that the grant we received this year showed rate compression tax loss of$2,083,000 and I am estimating that will increase for next year at least 5%. This \\111 maximize the amount of the grant that we are eligible to receive from the state. The defeasance will work just the same way as the one done in December, 1999. We will not actually be calling any bonds. The procedure is to send an amount of money that, along 'i\ith interest earnings, will be sufficient to make the interest and principal payments as they come due. The purpose of the defeasance is to change the date of expenditure recognition, so that we "reverse" the refinancing that the city performed back in 1998. This puts us back in the same position we would have been in, prior to the refinancing, to quality for a grant. We have discussed two alternates for defeasing: I) defeasing some of the February I, 2001 payments and others to maximize flexibility, or 2) defeasing only payments due after Aprill, 200 1 to maximize the amount of the defeasance. I am recommending the latter course. We do have the cash available to cover both a full defeasance and to make all bond payments due in February. It is clear that we have the ability to make those February payments using increment under the law. The second alternative maximizes the amount of increment that we are able to collect during 2001. Briggs & Morgan is preparing the defeasance resolutions, and these will be available on Monday. City of ChanhllS,m. A J(7OWinX communit¡ with clean lakes, quality schoo/', a charminr downtown, thrivin~ bu,;n",es, and beautilùl tJark,. A mat ola" to live. work. and ola. i:1 . lV1INNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division Mail Station 3340 Phone: (651) 296-3394 TDD: (651) 215-0069 St. Paul, MN 55146-3340 Fax: (651) 297-2166 November 14, 2000 Mr. Scott Botcher City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Botcher: We have received the necessary forms from you to apply for the TIP grant program. TIP grants may be paid to municipalities for deficits in tax increment financing districts caused by property tax classification law changes. This program only applies to those districts with a certification request date prior to June 2, 1997. After reviewing these forms, it was determiv.ed that thére was an overall.combined deficit , . for all of the qualifYing TIP districts within your municipality. The maximum grant that a municipality may receive in 2000 is determined in total for all qualified TIF districts and is the lesser of the 1999 "overall combined TIF deficit" for the qualified TIP districts or the "payable 1999 TIF property tax loss" for all of the qualified TIP districts within the municipality. Enclosed is a breakdown of this determination. This grant payment is for 2000 only, and will be made along with the December 26, 2000 aid payment. You will need to reapply for future years. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, //Þ ~ t#JL Shawn Wink, Research Analysis Specialist Property Tax Division Enclosure 1. :'. 2J~Y} An equal opportunity employer TDD: (651) 297-2196 ~ 0> f\J 01 W 0> CO - o - f!!. , ~ 0> f\J 01 (.V 0> CO , ~ f\J o CO (.V 0> ~ 01 ~ 0> f\J 01 W 0> CO m :::s - ( ) ~ ~. :::s 3 ( ) :::s - a ( ) :::s - ( ) ~ t CD co 0> 0> .þ. , (.V 0> :¡,. co ....¡ I ( ) :::s :::s ( ) "0 5' a o c:: :::s -<: 'Ii: (.V CD .þ. o ~ co o , f\J f\J o co o 01 z Q) - õ' :::s f!!. :E ( ) Q) - =r ( ) ~ C/) ( ) <! õ' ( ) 'Ii: f\J , f\J ~ co ~ (0 co f\J , ~ ~ ....¡ CD 0> 0> š: (') G) -< :::s :::s 'U a 'ã, (') - 'Ii: f\J , ~ o o o o ::E :::s - o ::E :::s o u, - ~ IT 'Ii: ~ , ~ ~ en t: ~ ï: ~ t:ì ( ) ::!! o -. - co .þ. 0> ~ CD .þ. , ~ ~ "tI ;æ:QI -I~ 00- r-ëi) o ..... fn <0 fn <0 <0 ....¡ o co (.V CJ1 ....¡ ! Qlr- s-....Cþ ë;t ~. g: iiìÞ~ -30 0.... t: ::I - c CD - CD ., 3 -. ~ t\) ~ o ~ o .... I\) o o o -I t\) >< - ~ (') Ci3 3 CD ~ - "T1 -. ~ t\) ~ (') -. ~ (") ;::¡: '< o .... (") :r t\) ~ :r t\) 1/1 1/1 CD ~ (i) ., t\) ~ - 1/1 12/06/00 17:12 FAX 651 426 5004 --_.- ----1!1J! TAl11:GES REDPATH tal 001 Fax message from II1II Ta_a. Radpath. L.... Certified Public Accountant¡ and Consultants From: David Mol Date: December 6, 2000 4:14 PM Fax No: 952-937-5739 To: Bruce DeJong Company: City of Chanhassen Total number of pages: 9 COMMENTS: Bruce, Attached are TIF grant revisions that target a grant of $2,200,000. The defeasance amount is now $4,026,412, Disclaimer: This mateñal is Intended for use only by the individual or entity to which it is specifically addressed and should not be read by, or delivered to, any other person. If you have received this fax by error, please notify us immediately. Ifthere are any errors, please phone us immediately (collect if necessary). 4810 White Bear Parkway, Whne Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110, USA. Telephone: 6514267000 Fax: 6514265004 fiLS Taul¡ es RedpaU1, lid. Is a membpr of HLS IntemaUonal. A worId-w'<lo organl2aUan ofaccounting firms and IIJslness ad~s.rs. 12/06/00 ~~2 FAX 651 426 5004. HLB TAUTGES REDPATH ~002 ..- ~ " E E " CIJ 10 ~ t.:> '" ¡:: S;o ooi::!= ~Ë~ z~- ~~~ z¡;~ ':;';;¡'u 41 ~ C ~ .iI.) to: Ð ot.5 ~ .~ '" 'S Z'-." -< c;I c :: " ~ ~ :! :; :.! ~ :;) 'u IU >- g.: ~ tõJ ... J~~ õ3 ~ t- ... CI ¡:: '" "" o ¡:: .... ~ 8 ... ... "" o ¡:: ~ "" o ¡:: N N "" o ¡:: Õ N "" o ¡:: "" CI ¡:: ~ 'D "', ::!: "" ...; ~ ¡::-"" ~;:¡ Ño' .,., '" c:: .... ,¿ '" ~ "'. , .... ~ N ~ ,,: "" ~ .... .... ... ,..: .... ~ t- '" "':.. .... .... .... 00 a, ...; ~ ... - .... ... .,., ...; ~ .... <:> 'D or; "" .. ¡::- <> '" ... ~ .... N .... '" 'D "" '" .... '" ... '" '" 'D ... - .... <> '" ,¿ :;¡ ~ s .... ,¿ .... a, .... ¡;¡ :j" .... 'D N. ... ~ N .... ... ~ .... '" 00 ,..: ~ '" ... a, c c oÖ ... '" "'. :'5 '" .. :;;:- .. .... d '" t:!- ::;; £:: oÖ N .. ~ '" N ... M ~ 00 ... '" ...r '" .... '" ... ...r .... ~ is u ¡¡ ¡;¡ ò? -¡;; 'õ " ~ ¡;: 13 ... u § -;; ... ." C .a _9 u :<! ~ u " ." - " ;Z; t- o,.... -~ SJ_ 13'" "" b ~<¡¡¡ u." -~~ .~ ';-~ -~ "'0 CI'J >. agog E a.~ 0 ;::::I ..... ... .0 0 r.o::-d:::'" v -.....e U g -t"5~ 5 t:.. :Ë;::Ieti .il~ ~ '"3~it-5 1:u.~ D{I ;¡;;......j!t~ra::lu;r-:1 _~nu ou15"iiia.ou:lei3~ ..s 8 0.. 1;; °E"C ~ <II _ ~:.a ~ ~ Sii"g ~ M ã _5 ïd 5 ~ fi 'Q ~] .§..~ i i ª ~ ~~ ~5 U t::r''''C: '''C-o o~"e..=.s:= ts ¡::::: ¡,; c ä I:: C I=; £5 a.£ 6 ¡;. i'-s ~ ¡:: .,g ;z; æ cH S tJ.. ::E .5 u c.., U 0 r;¡,. .S! ;;¡ .i ~ Q ¡;;- <> c ... ~ ¡;;- <:> c. ... '" ~ ~ " ~ u e ê 1: ~ " ~ ~ ~ R § ~l! ~ü it .~ ~;::õ !¡ N, N ... ~i c ... o ... ~! .... '" a, ~ .. ... '" ... .. or; a, N ... c V> I ¡¡ ~ o ~ o ... 'E cŠ "" ¡:: ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ u " =2- - ¡¡ ~ u .9 u ;Z; ::> D- o o <i o ~ N ~ ~ N '" a;: '" 12/06/00 17: 13 FAX 651 426 5.!!.~ _¡¡La TAUTGES REDPATH raJ003 crrv O'CN,4NRASSEN, MlNN&'5OTA .A.nTTF DisÞicu COMBTNlNC STATa4£NT OF R1iV:ENU£S. E)."'P1INDITUKES, ,It.'ND CHANGES IN nJND BA1..J\1'IICES 'ForThe V_ HIUIcd Dcçcmber 31, 2000 TID#1 TlD~2-1 11Dt¡·2 TID#' 11D .. T1DN$ TTDII6 TID '7 -r.... """""'" 51G.076 5412,]9j $7.662.139 TUina'cmCnT $3.6j:7.036 $416,45 I SB01.18A 5142,993 $pIIci.1I uasmcam; C\rrfenrllhddelÎDqŒIJ.C 4,035 Co_ 4_0" ftItA IS9,P74 1'9,974 ...".,..... LiGCaICS pel pamritl InroraDvcmntnImI; Swe: MSA Gmnu ~tœsct>ljCCiS Invcmnent incame SaotCI' iIKduu~ Ouildin¡realIIJ .K~aødreim~ 309 309 """" Tol8ireveJ1115 5,821,045 0 4864" 107.7811 1"2.9~ 86.076 482 ~9S 30. 7,827.0" ..,..,........ Cunmr. Pcnonllscrviecs 12.467 115.212 117,679 MucriaIs SlId .9Upp!ice Jnœrfbnd mveslDHm1 ~tIti: ComracmaI .ermcs 33.42' 766 I,Oog 4],261 4.612- ,G. 9,43:1 130 91.808 Debt Serviœ: """'pol 2,1100.000 2,400,000 '....... 709,272 70..172 Payiltg ~ foe! Pøyment tel dllœas;INZI escrow 4,OU.41'l WllllN:reponed.~ 4,026."12 Capiwouday 32,1'111. ~J,.522 ..~~...I q""'" 66,110 Speciò\l~entsp:symtm1:l J59.974 68.836 368.'10 56.906 654,716 Dcvcl.1þcrpaymco.t:S 61,100 190.60~ 234,Roo 4a6.~œj ()tbm--pIL)'IftcrICtD~Co~(~TltJ 1,106,1151 12M 119 Tom! cxpcn.ditum. 7,4515,]02 766 198614 1630.914 7;:1.46R ... J7&,412 57.736 u3s.681 ~over'\Ift4er)~im~ 0.674.251) (766) 287 8~7 (8~,12L5) L5\1.S2S 85.1507 103,913 (57.427) (2,0011.624) Otba nnanclrtC totU'CCS (IdeS): ~ns tnIndw limn c;..!InIJ Fuml O~ u8IIIfer from Capiml ProjeccFwul 2,246,167 )'17,971 2,394,141 0pm;aI:Ü:I¡ tnmsta to Debl Service: J;W1d ~.2~2."'7) (:1,252,01) Operøtin¡ unnsfer to C\lPÎItIi PT{Ij~ Fund (147,974) (147,974) Opa-1rlaG tl'Wlet rot pooling. &om #3 to #2-1 113,076 (H~,076) Bola(! pnJl:nds 'roulod\Ct~soW'CC!l(USC9) t1.IS~.914) 261,050 0 (1IJ.U76) 0 0 0 0 (J Q~ 94{1) Net iAm:osc (decreue) in fund blllmtc; (1,121,171) J.60,211<1 287.831 (936.202) 69,525 85.607 103.933 (~7.'27) (3,014,.564) Fund ba1an=(dcficit}-JlllulIIy J C1,,596.212) £260,J.14) 1'30',16') 936.202 93.Gj6 1.9'8 20.1.811 (3."3) (2.924,9'77) FImd baJ;mœ (defü:it).. Dcœmber 31 (56.424,383) SO ($17318) $0 $I&:I.IIU $93$6$ 5301$,794 ($61,370) (SS.9J9,SCI) 334,0.J 1.2J6IDo <I~9 PM 12/06/00 17:13 FAX 651 426 5004 -- .-----BIJI TAUTGES REDPATH 141004 CITY OFC¡'IANHJ\SSEN, MINNESOTA TTF# l-HRA. COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES. EXI'IlNDI11JRES. AND CHANGES TN FUND BALANCES For The Year EndÙ\g Deœ.nbcr 31, 2000 PJlgc 1 of2 ·nDiI' EDA TlDill T!Dill DOWJ1[own TlDill TlDIII Trunk Tn",k 11D#1 Tax Pc:d~trian lIanus Highway 101 Highway 5,17 Wes' 78th 1nçrcmertt Bridge Properties Realignment to 41 Realignment (460) (465) (473) (641) (660) (661) Revenues; Tax incremem 55,657,036 $ $ S $ S Special ~C:i-mJ.en.ts: Current and delioqucnt: County HRA Prepaymems Licensts and pcrmils l.l1tergovcmmcnl.W: S"""" MSA Or.nt> Chilt@,eS for services Investment in.come Sewer surcharge Building "",ta' Rcfì.md.~ ¡md reimbw'sements Oo,er Tora! revenues 5.657.036 0 0 0 0 0 Expenditures: CurrEnt: Persona] services 72,467 Materiab: and supplics Tnterfund in~tmenr ~Ypen.JllJUTI! Contractual scrvi[%5 26,531 6,898 C¡¡pital QuUa)' 32,648 Debt service: Principal Iut<rc,t Paying agent fees Paymem to defeasance I::jCTOW agent 4.026,412 Speciat ftSKSsmcnts paymt:n1s 159,974 Developer P"ymcnl.. 61.100 . Other Total expendirures 4.379.132 6,898 0 0 0 0 Revenues ovel' (1JDder) expcndilure& 1.277,904 (6.898) 0 0 0 0 Other financing SOur~ (uses): Opel1lling transfer from Genc:ral Fund Oper.uiJ1g traIlsfer from Copita! Project Fund Operating transfi:r to Debt Service Fund (3,252,807) Opetating tcansf..- to Capi1u! Project Fund (147,974) Bond proceeds Total 0_ ftmmcing sources (us..) (3.400.781) 0 0 0 0 0 Net incrcasç (dcCI"CQÇ) in fund ba]anœ (2, 122,877) (6.898) 0 0 0 0 Fund balance (deficit) . Janu!IIY 1 (2.305.215) 233,497 (513.870) (12,559) (141.377) 9,671 Fund ""¡ance (defi.;L) - December 31 (S4,428.092) $226,599 ($513.870) ($12.559) (SI41,377) S9.67 I 3288.1 1216/00 4:07 PM 12/06/00 Y!..~FAX 651 426 5004 BLB TAUTGES REDPATH !¡!¡005 CITY OFCHANIIASSEN, MINNESOTA TJF# l-!IRA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPEND11URES. AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES For The Year Endin¡¡ Docembc:r 31, 2000 TID#1 TID#I "flD#1 rID !1 TID#I 1990A 1993..£ 1 992B 1991B TID#] 11D#] 1 994A TJ. T.!. 0.0. 0.0. 1993A ]993B G.O. lWì.lRdlns Rtf\mdins TID TID TID TID Itnprovc:mcnt Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Bond> R.fund (30]) (306) (31]) (327) (329) (330) (333 )" Revcnuc$: Tax 1ncrçmcnt S $ $ $ $ $ 5 Special assessmClItB'; Current and delinquent COUII1y 4,035 HRA 18,392 141.582 Prçpay¡ncnts LiççpSéS' and pennits Ip~rgoYer.nmenta1; State: MSA GmnIS Clwges for sc:rvi= lnvçsÞncnl Încome Sewer surcharge Building nmlal Rèfunds and reimbursements Other Tolnl TeVen.ues 0 0 ° 0 11,392 145,617 0 E.penditures: Current: ~onaJ Sier'\lices MateriaJs and supplies Intcrfund in"",lment expenditure Contractual services Capital outlay Dc::btsc::rvice: Principal 260,000 300,000 250,000 880,000 lnterest 181,930 33.430 8,625 3],075 50,435 Paying ag<ni fç", Paymc:nt to dcrt:ilS&mCe esCl'OW agent Special assessments payments Om... Totaloxpcndilun:s 181.930 293.430 308,625 281.075 0 930,435 0 Revenues over (under) expenditurco (181.930) (293,430) (308.625) (281,075) 18,392 (784,818) 0 Other finanoing '0""''''' (..'os): OpaBtins Ir.msfer from 0.......1 Fund Operarin& uansfe.r ftom Capitol Project Fund 18],930 271,515 296,450 658.715 Operating transf... 10 Debt ServIce Fund Operating transft¡- 10 CapiUll Project Fund Bond proceeds Total other financing SOlfrCCS (""os) ]81,930 271,515 0 296,450 0 658.715 0 Net incr.... (decrease) in fbnd \Ja1aDce 0 (2].915) (308.625) 15.375 18.392 (126.103) ° Fund balon"" (dcfidt) - JanoJatY I 89,297 34.161 307,522 ]80,066 (1,837,92]) 439,185 Fund balance (deficit) .. Doccmber 31 589.297 $] 2.246 ($1.103) $195.441 ($].8]9.529) 53];,082 $0 3288.] 12/6/00 4:07 PM 12/06/00 17:13 FAX 651 426 5~04 _HLB TAUTGES REDPATH 141006 _.- TID#1 -r!DIII TlDIII TID#1 tID#1 T!D#l TW#1 1994B I 994C 1994D T!D#I 1996D 1998E 19981' 19980 TID#2-1 G.O. G.O. G.O, 1995A 0.0. 0,0. 0.0. 0.0, 1994E lmpravem.ent Taxø.blc TID TID TID Improvement T.I.#I T.l. T.l. TID Refiu1d Refund Refund Bonds Bonds Bond. Refund Refund Bonds (334)** (335) (336) (338) (344)" (348) (349) (3S0) (337) $ S $ $ S $ S 5 5 o o o o o o o o o 40,000 10,935 30,000 5,945 73,100 148..552 99.725 590,000 14,750 0 50,935 35,945 0 0 73.100 148,552 99,725 604,750 0 (50,935) (35.945) 0 0 (73,100) (148,552) (99,725) (604.750) 50.935 35,945 503,100 148,552 99,725 0 50.935 35,945 0 0 503.100 148,552 99,725 0 0 0 0 0 0 430.000 0 0 (604,750) 1,464 1,617 198,328 36,768 79,375 (396.221) . 50 $1.464 SI,617 S 198.328 SO $466.768 579,375 ($396.221) (5604.150) 3288.1 J:!/6/00 4:07 PM 12/06/00 17:13 FAX 651 426 5004 .Page 1 .f2. TID *2-1 1998D 11D Bonds (347) Totals $ $5,657.036 4,035 159,974 0 5.821.045 72,467 33,429 32,648 50.000 2.400.000 50,770 709,272 4,026,412 159.974 61,100 100,770 7,495.302 (100.770) (1.614,251) 2.246,867 (3,252,807) (147,914) 0 (1.153,914) (JOO.770) (2,828,171) (3,596.212) ($ J 00. 770) ($6,424,383) 3288.1 1216/00 4:07PM HLB TAUTGES REDPATH ~007 12/06/00 17:13 FAX 651 426 5004 -.-----. HLB TAUTGES REDPATH ~008 CI'IY OF CHJI.NHASSEN. MINNESOTA TIF Dis1rict #2-1 McGlynn COMBINING STATEMENT OF R.F.VI,:NUI!S. EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES TN FUND BALANCES For TIlc Yç..- Emtins Docember 31,2000 Revtn1.Jcs: Ta,; increment Special æ¡s~~~ts: Cunmt amd dtilinqueat County HRA Prq>aymems Licenses and pe.nnits .lJ1tCf'govcmmcotlJ ; Stale:: MSA Grants Charges for services Invt:Stmem income Sewer surclwrge Building nmlal Rctìmds Knd TCimbur.¡c2DeD.ts Other - Pooling 1Tom DL;!ric13 Total reveJ.1ues TID#2-1 TID#2-1 'rlDU2·1 TID#2-1 TIDN2-1 TIDN2-1 1991C 1993D 1994F. 1998D McGlynn School TID TID TID TID Project Co-op Bonds Bon~ Bonds Bond... (468) (670) (328) 332) (JJ7) (347) Toml $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 113.076 l1J.076 113.076 113,076 o ° o o o Expendiwres: CUJTCl1t: Persona! $crviccs MattfÛlls and su.pplies Inrerfund investment apcrJditun: Contructunl SèJ'Viw Debt Service: Prinoipol Interest Payu,g agent foes Cs.pitaJoutlny Special as.5CSBmQ1t5 payments Oth..- Total cxpcnditurc:s Revenues over (wuicr) expenditureS Other f1nancing so~ (uses): Opçrnling _ftom Oo:nonJ Fund Operatiøg transfcr ftom CopHal Pno,jccl Fund Opera1ing .....fer to Debt Service Fund OperatinG UIUI1:'fcr lo Capital Project Fund Bond procccds Tot3l other nnanciDg sources (IL'iCS) Net lncrasc (dccrcasc) in nmd balanœ Fund ba!mu;c (deficit) - January 1 Fund b;¡ ance (defiç;t) - December) J 766 766 766 0 0 0 0 0 766 112,)10 ° 0 0 0 ° 112,3 10 138.707 125,114 (22,951) 1.541 (146.160) 51,723 147,974 13 8.707 11$,114 (22.951) 1.541 (146.160) 51,723 147.974 251,017 125.114 (22,951) 1.541 (146.160) 51,723 260,2S4 (251,017) (125.114) 22,951 (1.541) 146.160 (51.723) (260,284) SO SO $0 SO SO $0 $0 3289.1 12/6100 4:09PM 12/06/00 17:13 FAX 651~~004 HLB TAUTGES REDPATH ~009 CITY OF CHANßASSEN, MlNNF-SOTA TlF Oismcl #2-2 Narlonøl WCKthðt Serviçç COMBINING STATI!MENT Of REVENUES. £,XPENDITIJRES. AND CHANGES IN fUND BALANCES For The y"", Ending Deççmb... 31. 2000 Revenues: Tax 1ncn:menL Special as5C$Sm~: CUrrent and dcJinqueOI P..epayments Licenses and pcnnits InICl'B""""""",,taI: Sœæ: MSA Gran" Charges for servica lnvcstmc:nl income Sewer surcharge Building retltal Refunds and reimburs:~ents 01lu!r TID#2.2 TID1I2-1 TIDfI2·1 National I 994E 1998D Wcethcr TID TID Service Bond. Bonds (492) (337) (347) Total $486,451 $ $ $486,451 Total revenues 486,451 o o 486,45 1 Ex¡Ienditurcs: Current: Personal scrviœs Material. and supplies In~ft1n.d investßlçnt Ç)(}Jendit.ute Contractual services Dob'SONice: Principal In....., Paying agent fees Cllpital ODd")' Deve10pec payn1Cll1S Otbcr 8,009 8,009 TotaJ expenditures Revenues over (undcT) c:xpeodimres Other financing sources ("",s): OpmI!ing ...."fer from General Fund Opo:ratio& ......fer ftom Capital Pcojoct fund Operating _sr... to Debt S<rVÍcc Fund OpcnWn8 transfer 10 Co¡>;mI Project Fund Bond prooccds Toml otbct línllDcin¡ sonrocs (....) Net in"""". (decrease) in fund bÐlance Fund balance (deficit) - January 1 Fund balance (deficit) - December 31 90,605 198,614 287.837 190,605 o o o o 198.614 287,837 0 0 0 0 287,837 0 0 287,837 (305.165) (305.165) ($17.328) SO 50 ($17,328) 3290.1 12/6100 3:57 PM DEC. 6.2000 5:01PM EHLERS & ASSOC. NO. 5511 p, 1 Def 98G Maturities 02 & 03 SOURCES & USES Dated 1211512000 DeUvered 12/15/2000 SOURCES OF FUNDS Adc:litiona! required Eq1.l1ty contrtbut1on..................m............. 1,769.531.18 TOTAL SOURCEBm.................,....,.............................................. $1,769,531.18 USES OF FUNDS DepoSit to Net Cash Escrow Fund.................................______...... 1,769,531.16 TOTAL USES......................._m._.............................,................,.. $1,769,531.18 Ehlers & AssoCiates, Inc. Leaders In Publ1c FInane<! ainc. 1955 rlON F.SF·Der 98G· smULE PURPOSE 12/612000 4:06 PM IÙI../r¡~ í)L~~) ~ ~5lJß" ~ 1111 ,~I~^- .w.v \)~ r f'~ ~ 1--tR" Pagel DEC. 6.2000 5:01PM EHLERS & ASSOC. NO. 5511 P.2 Def 93B Maturities 02 & 03 SOURCES &; USES Dated 12/1512000 DeUvere<ll211512oo0 SOURCES OF FUNDS AdditiOnal required Equity contrtbution..................................... 214.276.64 TOTAL SOURCES......................................._.................................. '214,276.64 USES OF FUNDS Depo61t to Net CIUh :Escrow Fund...............,.........._.................... 214,276.64 TOTAL USE8.................................................................................... $214,276.64 Ehlers /11. AssDciates, Ine, Leaden.in Public FInance sJnce 1955 ?ION F.SF,Def93 B- SINGLE PURPOSE 1216/2000 4;06 I'M , Pace 1 DEC. 6.2000 5:01PM EHLERS & ASSOC. NO. 5511 p, 3 Det 93B Maturities 02 & 03 ESCROW FUND CASHFLOW Date Principal Rate Interest Receipts DIsbursements Cash BalanI>e 1211512000 . - , 0.64 .. 0.64 2/0112001 3,809.00 - 1,014.90 4,823.90 4,357.50 467.04 8/0112001 - . 3,890.48 3,890.48 4.357.50 0.02 210112002 210,467,00 3.697% 3.890.48 214,357.48 214,357.50 - Total 214,276.00 - 8,795.86 223.072.50 223,072.50 . INVESTMENT PARAMETERS :w.vestment Model (PV. Gle, ot'Se(\urltles)...................._.......................................... Defa~ÍDV_ent YIeld taigét............._.............................................,....................... Securities Bond YIeld eash Deposlt........................................__........................................................................ Cost of Investments Purchased with BOnd Proceeds............................................... Total Cost of xnvestments............................................................................................, 0.64 214,276.00 $214,276.64 Target Cost otInvestments at bond yielcL......................................................___........ Actual positive or (necatlve) arbitrage........._.....................................................,...... $214.265.94 (10.70) ~eld to Receipt............................................................................................................... YIeld for Arbitrage P\lrpo.e.....___....................,............................................................. , I) L J v'vlcÞ n/(~ qtpt Aar-- J ()M1MtlX /' 3.70U238'jb .7021000% State and Local Government Series (SLGS) rates tor....,................___.___................. 12/0412000 Ehlers & Asoociate.s. :w.c. Leaders In PubUc FlnlUlce since 1955 File ~ ~ DEF 0PI10N F.SF-Def 93 B· BINGLE PURPOSE 12/ 6/2000 4:06 PM ~ Page 2 DEC. 6. 2000 5: 02PM EHLERS & ASSOC. NO. 5511 P. 4 Det 98G Maturities 02 & 03 ESCROW FUND CASHFLOW Date Pr1ncIpal Rate Interest Receipts Dlsbwsements Cash Blllance 12/1512000 - - - 0.18 - 0.18 2/01/2001 36,426.00 6,030% 13,561.01 50,007.01 50.006.25 0.94 8/01/2001 - - 50,963.28 50,963.28 50,006.25 947.97 2/01/2002 U33,lOð.OO 5.880'!!. 50,953.28 1.784.058.28 1,785,006.25 - Total 1,769,631.00 - 1130467.57 1,666,016.75 1,885,018.75 . INVESTMENT PARAMETERS Investment Model [PV, GIO, or 8ecurit.!esJ.............................................................. Default Investment Yield t8r1et..............................................,..............,...................... SeCUrities Bond Yield Cash Deposlt..._._................._.__......_............................................................................ COIIt of Invest.Il1ents Purchased With Bond Proceec1$............................................... Total Coat OfInvesliments..,.......,.................................................................................. o.t8 1,769,531.00 $1,769,531.18 $1,885,018.75 115,467.57 Target Cost of Invest.Il1ents at bond yïell1.................................................................. Actual pOSitive or (negative) arbitrage....................................................................... Yléld to Recelpt_...._...................................................................................................... Yield for Arbitrage Purposes.,.......,............................................."................................ 5.9028110% Ehlers '" Msoc1ates, Inc. Leaders In Public Finance since 1955 File. CHAN DEF OPTION F.SF-Def980- SINGLE PU'IU'OSE 1216/2000 4:06 PM State and Local Government Series (SLaS) rates for............................................. 4 f)"lq~ I~~ n ( \ ] ~ V}0 ~w:t' iG«o11.ol- ~ .' J -!k IlIJJ 9A t\t> µ~~ , ~ þUc~ . Pate 2