1m Excess Tax Increment/Dist 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN City Cent" Drive, PO Box 147 'anhassm, Minn"ota 55317 Phon, 612.937.1900 ;.."al Fox 612.937.5739 ;nuring Fox 612.937.9152 lie Safety Fax 612.934.2524 ·b www.ci.chanhassm.mn.us ihV\ - MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council Bruce M. Dejong, Finance Directc{fii) FROM: DATE: December 6, 2000 SUBJECT: Declare Excess Increment in TIF District 3 - Hennepin County for 2000 As you are well aware, there are two reasons that we wish to declare excess increment in the Hennepin County TIF District for 2000. The first and most important is that we can no longer reconstruct any part of Hwy. 101 since the state has rescinded their turn back of the road. The second reason is that the positive balance increases the amount of deficit that we have to show in other districts order to qualify for the TIF grant program from the Department of Revenue. I am asking the City Council to declare $1,195,000 as excess increment. That figure is based on calculations made by Dave Mol, adjusted for actual year to date expenditures and estimates of the remaining developer payments from Todd Gerhardt. Please see page 3 of the fax from Dave Mol (included with the defeasance item) to view how the return was calculated. It will essentially bring the fund balance in the Hennepin County TIF District to zero at year end. Weare keeping the district open for next year for two reasons. The first is that there are still developer payments to be made in 2001. The second is that we may still be able to pool increment from the district next year. This money will be returned to Hennepin County and will be returned proportionately to the Eden Prairie School District, Hennepin County and us according to our tax rates. Those funds will be considered general tax revenues of the city and the City Council may transfer them or use them as they see fit. The only possible problem that we face is perhaps exceeding the limitation of spending only 10% of increment received on administrative expenses. Dave Mol is looking into that question, but the question would be posed whether we send the money back this year or next. :ity of Chanhassen. A f(TOwin~ community with cltan lakes, quality schools, a charmin! downtðw7l, thrioin, businesses, and btauti/ùl Darks. A mat .lace to live. work. and.fa.