2 On-Sale Liq Lic/Am Legion ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN MEMORANDUM TO: Scott A. Botcher, City Manager Karen Engelhardt, Office Manager ~ December 4, 2000 CityCmt"Drivt,POBox/47 FROM: \.nhilJIm, MinnfSolil55317 Phont612.937.1900 DATE: rltn",ú FI1X 612.937.5739 tginttringFI1X612.937.9152 SUBJ: blic Strftty FI1X 612.934.2524 ~b W1UW.ci.ch.nhilJItn.mn.1IS Request for On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, Chanhassen American Legion Club Post 580, 7995 Great Plains Boulevard Chanhassen American Legion Post 580 has submitted a request for an on-sale intoxicating liquor license. They currently hold an on-sale Club license, which allows them to sell intoxicating liquor to members and their guests only. The on- sale license would allow them to sell to the general public. The building contains 1,882 sq. ft. with the restaurant area seating 66 people and the bar area seating 54 people. This is the first liquor license processed under our new ordinance. Under the new guidelines, the Legion was asked to provide an accountant's statement depicting the ratio of food and beverage sales. That information showed that 48.1 % of their gross food and beverage sales was attributable to the sale offood, and 51.9% was attributable to the sale of liquor. Our ordinance requires that 50% be derived from food sales. Following discussion with the Legion, they determined that in-kind food sales were not included in the numbers. In-kind food sales are free meals served to members and employees working the different events at the Legion. After putting a value on the in-kind meals and including it in the food sale ratio, the Legion determined that 51.1% of their gross food and beverage sales is attributable to food, and 48.9% is attributable to liquor sales; thereby meeting the ordinance requirement. The new ordinance also requires submittal of the training program that is provided to employees. Attached is a narrative of the training provided. A notice of public hearing was sent to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. As of the writing of this report, no comments have been received from the public. Law Enforcement has completed a background investigation and criminal history review on the officers and manager of the Legion. No negative comments were found. .r:...~rr'.~..'..u._ if _....:.._............:......:.1. .1.... 1.1.._ _ ..", , , . , or·· , . " .'r,. I A . " ,. ... Mayor & City Councü December 6, 2000 Page 2 If the City Council approves the Legion's request for an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, I will work with them in determining the pro-rated license fee and the forms necessary for submittal to the State. g:\user\karen\1iquor\1egton on-salc.doc Lloyd W. Grobel CPA P. O. Box 178 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-934-5931 RECEIVED OCT 12 2000 CITY OF CHANHASSEN October 10, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: American Legion Post #580 had sales by major category for the fiscal year ended May 31,2000 as follows: Pull Tab Sales Bar Sales Food Sales Total Sales $1,564,822 337,890 312.697 $2,215.409 Any questions regarding these figures may be directed to me at the address or telephone number above. Sincerely, ~w·~~/vf Lloyd W. Grabel C.PA - AMERICAN LEGION POST 580 7995 GREAT PLAINS BLVD. CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RECEIVED NOV 0 7 2000 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1112100 city of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen MN 55317 Attention Karen Engalhardt Dear Karen, As I mentioned to you previously, the Legion has had a long time practice of providing free meals to its members and volunleers at Legion functions and also to its employees. These meals have traditionally not been recorded in the Legions official accounts. We propose to change this practice and record such meals as food sales in our accounts. We have done a study of the free meals provided for the year ended May 31.· 2000 and estimate the value to be $27000. to $28000 for that year. On th.is basis our revised sales figures for that year would be bar $337a~_I!..14.9.8%) and food $340197(50.2%). We have also calculated our free meals on an actual basis for the first (lVe months of 2000 and recorded them in our official accounts. On a year-to-date basis for fiscal year ended May 31. 2001 our food sales are 51.1% and bar sales are 48.9%. We are also planning additional Legion functions that generate food sales other than our steak and fish fries ie. the pork chop dinner scheduled for 11/11/00. In summary, we are confident that we will be able to maintain a food cost ratio greater than 50% in the future. Thank you Karen for your help in this malter. cc:Lloyd Grobel, Executive Committee AMERICAN LEGION POST 580 7995 GREAT PLAINS BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BARTENDERS AND BAR WAIT STAFF TRAINING PURPOSE IT IS INCUMBENT UPON POST 580 BAR PERSONNEL TO BE AWARE OF THE LAWS REGARDING THE SERVING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO BAR PATRONS. IN PARTICULAR TO SERVING UNDERAGE PATRONS AND THOSE WHO APPEAR TO HAVE HAD TO MUCH TO DRINK. THE FOLLOWING ARE RULES THAT MUST BE OBSERVE. CARDING FOR LEGAL AGE THE LEGAL AGE FOR THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCHOLlC BEVERAGES IS TWENTY ONE (21). YOU ARE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN SOME FORM OF IDENTIFICATION TO VERIFY AGES. IF THERE IS ANY QUESTION AS TO THE VALIDITY OF THE FORM OF IDENTIFICATION OFFERED. SERVICE IS TO BE REFUSED. VALID FORMS OF IDENTIFICATION ARE AS FOLLOWS. 1. A VALID MN DRIVERS LICENSE. 2. A VALID MN IDENTIFICATION CARD. 3. A VALID OUT OF STATE DRIVERS LICENSE (WITH PICTURE) 4. A VALID MILITARY IDENTIFICATION CARD (WITH PICTURE). 5 A CURRENT US PASSPORT. 6. A CURRENT FOREIGN PASSPORT THERE IS A MANUAL OF ALL OFFICIAL STATE AND CANADIAN PROVINCE DRIVERS LICENSES THAT IS PROVIDED BY THE MN LICENSED BEVERAGE ASSOC. MAINTAINED IN THE BAR AREA FOR YOUR REVIEW IF REQUIRED. INTOXICATED PERSONS IT IS LEGION POLICY THAT WE WILL NOT SERVE ANY PERSON THAT IS INTOXICATED. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO ATTEND AN OUTSIDE TRAINING COURSE AT LEAST ONCE EVERY THREE YEARS TO GAIN EXPERIENCE IN OBSERVING WHEN PATRON BECOME INTOXICATED. IN ADDITION, AN ANNUAL IN HOUSE TRAINING PROGRAM WILL BE REQUIRED. SOME SIGN OF INTOXICATION ARE AS FOLLOWS 1. SLURRED SPEECH 2. STAGGERING 3. SLEEPING 4. LOUDNESS 5. ROWDINESS 6. FIGHTING BY LEGION POLICY, IF YOU OBSERVE AN INTOXICATED PERSON - YOU SHOULD OFFER THEM POP OR COFFEE AT NO CHARGE. REQUEST THAT THE)NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE. OFFER TO CALL A TAXI TO TAKE THEM HOME. THE LEGION WILL PAY THE CAB FAIR. RECORDING BAR PERSONNEL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR REFUSING SERVICE TO INTOXICATED PERSONS OR PERSONS WHO ARE UNDER AGE. IN ADDITION TO REFUSING SERVICE, YOU MUST COMPLETE A RECORD OF SERVICE REFUSAL FORM. AMERICAN LEGION POST 580 RECORD OF SERVICE REFUSED DATE OF REFUSAL TIME OF REFUSAL NAME OF INDIVIDUAL IF KNOWN DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL IF UNKNOWN MALE OR FEMALE RACE AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYE COLOR GLASSES MOUSTACHE BEARD SIDEBURNS COMPLEXION TATTOOS AMPUTATIONS SCARS OTHER MARKS ACCENT LIMP VEHICLE COLOR MAKE YEAR BODY STYLE DENT,SCRATCHS LICENSE DID YOU OFFER TO CALL A TAXI WAS YOUR OFFER REFUSED DID YOU OFFER POP OR COFFEE WAS YOUR OFFER REFUSED WHEN DID THE INDIVIDUAL LEAVE YOUR NAME WITNESSES RSERVC