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5 Budget 2001/Final Tx Levies
CITY OF CHANHASSEN J City Center Drive, PO Box 147 :hanh4Sll1l, Minnesota 553 I7 Phone 612.937.1900 General Fax 612.9375739 'ngineering Fax 612.9379152 ,b/ic Safety Fax 612.934.2524 Veb www.ci.chanh4Ssen.mn.UI ~ £) MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor City Council FROM: Bruce M. Dejong, Finance Direct@ DATE: December 7, 2000 SUBJECT: 2001 Budget Adoption The City Council held the Truth in Taxation hearing on December 6, at which time several citizens addressed the 2000 budget and tax levy. The Council has not adjusted the tax levy and has made only modest changes to the expenditures since the preliminary tax levy was adopted in September. I believe this is a responsible budget. The budget revenues exceed expenditures by less than $200 for the General Fund, but significant fund' balances are being used in the Environmental Protection Fund. This budget does not add new programs or increase the number of staff. The fund balance in the general fund is proposed to remain at its current level to maintain the flexibility that staff feels is prudent while we continue to sort out our TIF deficit problems. This budget meets the operational needs of the city. I recommend approval of the enclosed budget as submitted. City of Chanhassen. A !(TOwinJ( community with clean lakes, quality schoob, a charminr downtown, thrivinr businesses, and beautifùl Mrles. A mat place to live. worle. and pia, CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2001 BUDGET OPERATING FUNOS SPECIAL 2001 GENERAL REVENUE ENTERPRISE TOTAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FUND FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS GENERAL PROPERlY TAX 3010 Current Property Tax ~,630,OOO ~,630.ooo 3002 Allowance for Delinquents (~,OOO) (~,OOO) 3011 Delinquent Property Tax 50,000 50,000 ~1 Homestead & Ag Credit 666,1~ 668.140 3060 Franchise Fees 125,000 125,000 3090 Other Property Taxes 25,000 25,000 GENERAL PROPERlY TAX 5,333,140 125,000 5,458.140 LICENSES 70,450 70,450 PERMITS 1,113,800 2,400 1,116,200 FINES & PENALTIES 44,500 44,500 INTERGOVERNMENTAl REVENUE 179,000 14.000 193,°09 CHARGES FOR CURRENTSEmnCES 51>6,450 2,937,500 3,533,950 OJ'HER REVENUE 300,000 32,000 166,000 496,000 TOTAL REVENUE 7,637,340 171,000 3,105,900 10,914,~ PERSONAL SERVICES 4,310,120 145.470 675,710 5,131.380 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 560.255 8.200 215,900 804,355 CONTRACTUALSEmnCES 2.642,169 71.100 1,993,100 4.706,369 -- CAPITAl OUTLAY 104,600 10,000 90,000 204,600 MISCELLANEOUS DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,637,143 234.770 2,974,770 10,846,683 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSE 197 (63,770) 134,750 67,557 I Ii, CITY OF CHANHASSEN ", ,\ 2001 BUDGET '" GENERAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FUND 1996 1999 2000 2001 Increase Actual* Burtnet* Bud.'" Budnet* 2000-2001 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 3010 Current Property Tax 3,327,640 3,352,501 4,036,000 4,630,000 14.7% 3002 Allowance for Delinquent Taxes (60,000) (40,000) ø33.3% 3011 Delinquent Property Tax 42,699 50,000 50,000 0.0% 3041 Homestead & Ag Credit 841,286 700,865 690,183 668.140 ·3.2% 3080 Franchise Fees 3090 Other Property Taxes - Excess TIF 769 2,000 25,000 1150.0% GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 4,168,926 4,096,854 4,718,183 5,333,140 13.0% LICENSES 63,788 66,200 70,450 6.4% PERMITS 1,436,952 1,355,753 802,100 1,113,800 38.9% FINES & PENALTIES 35,208 35,523 39,500 44,500 12.7% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 147,989 120,596 175,000 179,000 2.3% CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 923,868 464,926 506,450 596,450 17.8% OTHER REVENUE 376,269 258,968 343,300 300,000 -12.6% TOTAL REVENUE 7,089,212 6,396,408 6,650,733 7,637,340 14.8% PERSONAL SERVICES 3,667,317 3,183,277 3,763,150 4,310,120 14.5% MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 473,756 546.497 539,250 580,255 7.6% CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,123,064 2,070,526 2,619,089 2,642,168 0.9% CAPITAL OUTLAY 174,569 299,367 96,3QO 104,600 8.6% MISCELLANEOUS 250,689 DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,689,395 6.099,667 7,017,789 7,637,143 8.8% Attrib. to Const./Dev./Hist. Trust (500,448) (496,364) Net Expenditures 6,188,947 5,601,283 7,017,789 7,637,143 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSE 399,817 795,125 (367,056) 197 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 3,239,354 3,293,991 3,943,116 3,576,060 SOND PROCEEDS TRANSFER IN/(OUT) 69,000 (146,000) LESS REQUIRED RESERVE 2,084,463 2,026,683 2,363,092 2,649,070 TOTAL RESOURCES OVER/(UNDER) LIAS 1,623,708 795,125 (367,056) 197 lENDING FUND BALANCE 3,708,171 3,943.116 3,576,060 3,576,257 12/07/00 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2001 BUDGET REVENUE 101 General Fund 1999 2000 2001 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 3010 Current Property Tax 3,352,501 4,036,000 4,630,000 3002 Allowance for Delinquent Taxes (97,824) (60,000) (40,000) 3011 Delinquent Property Tax 42,699 50,000 50,000 3041 Homestead & Ag Credit 700,865 690,183 668,140 3090 Other Property Taxes 789 2,000 25,000 . TOTAL GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 3,999,030 4,718,183 5,333,140 LICENSES 3203 Dog Kennel 571 400 400 3205 Dog or Cat 2,311 2,000 2,000 3213 Solicitor 335 300 550 3223 3,2 Off and On Sale 1,180 1,800 1,800 3226 Liquor On and Off Sale 50,683 59,000 63,000 3227 Club and Sunday 8,108 1,700 ' 1,700 3284 Rubbish 600 1,000 1,000 . TOTAL LICENSES 63,788 66,200 70,450 . PERMITS 3301 Building 618,985 400,000 550,000 3302 Plan Check 367,670 250,000 325,000 3305 Heating & AlC 112,918 55,000 100,000 3306 Plumbing 94,674 55,000 80,000 3307 Trenching 18,465 13,000 10,000 3308 Gun 1,430 1,300 1,300 3309 Sprinkler 2,720 2,000 10,000 3310 Gas Piping 31,390 20,000 30,000 3311 Sign 2,582 2,000 3,000 3316 Septic Tank 1,300 1,500 2,000 3320 Stable 260 200 300 3328 Wetland Alteration 425 500 600 3329 Demolition 75 100 100 3390 Mise, Permits 1,586 1,500 1,500 . TOTAL PERMITS 1,254,480 802,100 1,113,800 FINES & PENALTIES 3401 Traffic & Ordinance Violation 31,749 35,000 40,000 3404 DoglCat Impound 3,774 4,500 4,500 . TOTAL FINES & PENALTIES 35,523 39,500 44,500 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2001 BUDGET REVENUE 101 General Fund 1999 2000 2001 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3502 M.S,A, Main!. & Constr. 29,895 30,000 31,000 3509 Other Shared Taxes 44,454 30,000 108,000 3510 Grants-State 39,952 40,000 40,000 3530 Grants-Federal 75,000 . TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV 114,301 175,000 179,000 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 3601 Sale of Documents 3,863 4,000 4,000 3602 Use & Variance Permits 38,379 26,000 26,000 3603 Rezoning Fees 500 500 500 3604 Assessment Searches 1,890 5,000 1,000 3613 Mise,-General Govemment 9,921 5,000 59,000 3614 Admin, Charge-2% Constr. 22,662 98,500 98,500 3615 Admin, Charge-H,R.A. 3616 Admin, Charge-Econ, Dev, 3618 Admin, Charge-Other Funds 3619 Investment Management Fee 65,000 65,000 65,000 3629 Mise,-Public Safety 5,419 5,000 5,000 3631 Recreation Center 193,022 182,500 187,500 3633 Park Equipment Rental 153 150 150 3634 Park Facility Usage Fee 9,837 7,500 9,000 3635 Watercraft Rental 4,592 4,200 4,000 3636 Self-Supporting Programs 62,799 70,500 100,000 3637 Senior Programs 11,025 11,000 15,000 3638 Food Concessions 16,410 16,000 16,000 3639 Misc,-Park & Rec, 490 600 800 3649 Misc,-Public Works 9,885 5,000 5,000 . TOTAL CURRENT SERVICES 455,847 506,450 596,450 OTHER REVENUE 3801 Interest Eamings 154,902 170,000 170,000 3802 Equipment Rental & Sale 33,900 2,000 32,000 3803 Building Rental 550 60,000 60,000 3805 Loan Payment 3807 Donations 22,379 10,000 10,000 3808 Ins, Recoveries & Reimburse 15,542 5,000 10,000 3812 Contractor Verification 3,960 3,000 2,500 3816 SAC Retainer 4,146 2,000 2,500 3818 Sur-Tax Retainer 2,070 2,000 1,500 3820 Mise, Other Revenue 1,890 300 5,000 3829 Interest/Penalties-Other 500 3903 Refunds/Reimbursements 17,598 6,000 . TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 256,937 254,300 300,000 ** TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 6,179,906 6,561,733 7,637,340 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2001 BUDGET Personal Materials & Contractual Capital Services Supplies Services Outlay Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1110 Legislative 27,300 270 111,760 139,330 1120 Administration 324,900 450 62,350 1,000 388,700 1130 Finance 228,300 1,150 54,425 1,000 284,875 1140 Legal 93,000 93,000 1150 Property Assessment 70,300 70,300 1160 M.I.S, 121,100 30,260 107,695 78,100 337,155 1170 City Hall 53,650 54,450 189,200 500 297,800 1180 Elections 5,500 2,300 7,800 TOTAL 760,750 86,580 691,030 80,600 1,618,960 21,20% LAW ENFORCEMENT 1210 Police Administration 58,500 800,000 858,500 1220 Fire Prevention Administration 396,300 40,500 100,425 537,225 1230 Public Safety Commission 1260 Animal Control 33,600 7,800 9,600 1,000 52,000 TOTAL 488,400 48,300 910,025 1,000 1,447,725 18,96% PUBLIC WORKS 1310 Engineering 443,200 2,150 262,910 500 708,760 1320 Street Maintenance 489,100 214,030 41 ,400 2,000 746,530 1350 Street Lighting & Signals 2,480 279,480 281,960 1370 City Garage 218,000 9,780 40,040 6,500 274,320 TOTAL 1,150,300 228,440 623,830 9,000 2,011,570 26,34% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1410 Planning Commission 100 3,200 3,300 1420 Planning Administration 267,350 900 13,414 281,664 1430 Senior Facility Commission 15,720 50 6,650 22,420 1250 Code Enforcement 618,800 17,850 27,600 664,250 . TOTAL 901,870 18,900 50,864 971,634 12,72% PARKS & RECREATION 1510 Park & Rec Commission 125 3,500 3,625 1520 Park & Rae Administration 88,150 700 10,150 99,000 1530 Recreation Center 182,200 14,850 46,500 243,550 1540 Lake Ann Park Operations 10,500 14,840 37,430 62,770 1550 Park Maintenance 515,400 124,800 129,650 14,000 783,850 1560 Senior Citizens Center 26,380 5,700 9,835 41,915 1600 Recreation Programs 145,720 19,785 83,340 248,845 1700 Self-Supporting Programs 40,450 17,235 46,014 103,699 TOTAL 1,008,800 198,035 366,419 14,000 1 ,587,254 20,78% .. TOTAL GENERAL FUND 4,310,120 580,255 2,642,168 104,600 7,637,143 100,00% CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 203 Fire Relief Fund ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1999 BUDGET 2000 BUDGET 2000 TO 2001 PROPOSED PROPOSED % INCI(DEC) REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 3010 General Property Tax · TOTAL GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 (100,0%) (100,0%) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3509 Other Shared Taxes · TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV 62,000 62,000 64,400 64,400 (100,0%) (100,0%) OTHER REVENUE 3801 Interest Earnings · TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 4,000 6,000 (100,0%) 4,000 6,000 (100,0%) 106,000 110,400 (100,0%) - .. TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4470 Fire Relief Payment · TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 72,000 75,600 (100,0%) 72,000 75,600 (100,0%) 72,000 75,600 (100,0%) 34,000 34,800 .. TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVERl(UNDER) EXPENDITURES CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET 211 Environmental Protection Fund 2350 Lake Management 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INC1(DEC) 4120 Supplies-Equipment 7,500 4130 Supplies-Program 500 . TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 8,000 4300 Fees, Services 35,000 7,000 7,000 0,0% 4340 Printing & Publishing 10,000 1,000 1,000 0,0% 4360 Subscriptions & Memberships 150 50 50 0,0% 4370 Travel & Training 500 50 50 0.0% 4380 Mileage 100 50 50 0,0% . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 45,750 8,150 8,150 0,0% .. TOTAL LAKE MANAGEMENT 53,750 8,150 8,150 0,0% CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET 211 Environmental Protection Fund 2310 Recycling 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INCI(DEC) 4010 Salaries & Wages-Reg 24,000 27,000 $28,000 3,7% 4020 Salaries & Wages-Temp #DIV/O! 4030 Contributions-Retirement 2,800 3,500 3,500 0,0% 4040 Contributions-I nsurance 2,100 3,100 4,300 38,7% 4050 Workers Compensation 200 200 200 0,0% · TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 29,100 33,800 36,000 6,5% 4110 Supplies-Office 1,000 1,000 (100,0%) 4130 Supplies-Program 4,000 4,000 4,000 0,0% 4210 Books & Periodicals 50 50 50 0,0% 4260 Small Tools & Equipment 100 100 100 0,0% · TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5,150 5,150 4,150 (19.4%) 4300 Fees, Services 7,000 7,000 7,000 0,0% 4340 Printing & Publishing 1,700 1,700 1,700 0,0% 4350 Cleaning & Waste Removal 500 500 500 0,0% 4360 Subscriptions & Memberships 130 150 150 0,0% 4370 Travel & Training 100 100 100 0.0% · TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,430 9,450 9,450 0,0% .. TOTAL RECYCLING 43,680 48,400 49,600 2,5% CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 210 Cable TV Fund 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INC/(DEC) REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 3080 Franchise Fees 70,000 73,000 125,000 71.2% . TOTAL GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 70,000 73,000 125,000 71,2% OTHER REVENUE 3801 Interest Earnings 6,000 6,000 7,000 16.7% . TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 6,000 6,000 7,000 16,7% .. TOTAL REVENUE 76,000 79,000 132,000 67.1% EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 4010 Salaries & Wages-Reg 61,000 63,000 $67,000 6.3% 4030 Contributions-Retirement 7,800 8,100 8,500 4,9% 4040 Contributions-I nsurance 6,400 6,600 9,000 36.4% 4050 Workers Compensation 1,100 300 270 (10,0%) · TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 76,300 78,000 84,770 8,7% MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 4110 Supplies-Office 100 100 (100.0%) 4120 Supplies-Equipment 500 300 300 0,0% · TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 600 400 300 (25.0%) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4300 Fees, Services 18,000 18,000 15,000 (16,7%) 4340 Printing & Publishing 100 100 500 400.0% 4370 Travel & Training 100 100 100 0.0% · TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18,200 18,200 15,600 (14,3%) CAPITAL OUTLAY 4705 Other Equipment 10,000 10,000 10,000 0,0% · TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% .. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 105,100 106,600 110,670 3,8% REVENUE OVERl(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (29,100) (27,600) 21,330 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET 211 Environmental Protection Fund 2360 Reforestation 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INCI(DEC) 4010 Salaries & Wages-Reg 15,000 18,000 $19,000 5,6% 4020 Salaries & Wages-Temp 1,000 (100.0%) 4030 Contributions-Retirement 1,900 2,400 2,500 4,2% 4040 Contributions-Insurance 1,400 2,400 3,000 25,0% 4050 Workers Compensation 100 300 200 (33,3%) * TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 18,400 24,100 24,700 2,5% 4110 Supplies-Office 100 50 (100,0%) 4130 Supplies-Program 2,000 3,500 3,500 0,0% 4260 Small Tools & Equipment 250 250 250 0,0% * TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 2,350 3,800 3,750 (1,3%) 4300 Fees, Services 23,000 30,000 35,000 16,7% 4360 Subscriptions & Memberships 100 100 100 0,0% 4370 Travel & Training 650 650 800 23,1% 4375 Promotional Expense 2,000 * TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,750 30,750 37,900 23,3% ** TOTAL REFORESTATION 44,500 58,650 66,350 13,1% CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 211 Environmental Protection Fund 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INC/(DEC) REVENUE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 3010 General Property Tax 80,000 80,000 (100.0%) · TOTAL GENERAL PROPERTY TAX 80,000 80,000 (100,0%) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3520 Grants-County 15,000 14,000 14,000 0.0% · TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV 15,000 14,000 14,000 0,0% CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 3650 Sale of Recyclables 2,000 · TOTAL CURRENT SERVICES 2,000 OTHER REVENUE 3801 Interest Earnings 24,000 28,000 25,000 (10,7%) · TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 24,000 28,000 25,000 (10,7%) .. TOTAL REVENUE 121 ,000 122,000 39,000 (68,0%) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (20,930) 6,800 (85,100) CITY OF CHANHASSEN ; 2000 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUNDS 700 Sewer and Water Enterprise 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ,ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INCI(DEC) REVENUE PERMITS 3315 Sewer Permit 3,500 3,500 1,200 (65,7%) 3321 Water Permit 3,500 3,500 1,200 (65,7%) * TOTAL PERMITS 7,000 7,000 2,400 (65,7%) CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 3660 Sewer Customers 1,225,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 0,0% 3661 Water Customers 995,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0,0% 3662 Utility Penalties 35,000 45,000 45,DOO 0,0% 3663 Customer Service 1,000 1,000 (100,0%) 3664 Sale of Meters & Parts 40,000 50,000 55,000 10,0% 3667 Certification Fee 4,000 4,000 4,000 0,0% * TOTAL CURRENT SERVICES 2,300,000 2,600,000 2,604,000 0,2% OTHER REVENUE 3801 Interest Earnings 82,500 85,000 90,000 5,9% 3829 I nterestlPenalties-Other 1,000 2,000 1,000 (50,0%) * TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 83,500 87,000 91,000 4,6% ** TOTAL REVENUE 2,390,500 2,694,000 2,697,400 0,1% REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (54,500) 200,300 132,250 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUNDS 720 Surface Water Management 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INC1(DEC) REVENUE INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3510 Grants-State 100,000 (100,0%) · TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL 100,000 (100,0%) CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 3660 Sewer Customers 200,000 230,000 230,000 0,0% 3662 Utility Penalties 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0% 3667 Certification Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000 0,0% 3~06 Connection Charges 100,000 100,000 100,000 0,0% · TOTAL CURRENT SERVICES 303,500 333,500 333,500 0.0% OTHER REVENUE 3801 Interest Earnings 12,000 20,000 75,000 275,0% · TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 12,000 20,000 75,000 275,0% .. TOTAL REVENUE 315,500 453,500 408,500 (9.9%) CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUNDS 7701 Sewer and Water Administration 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INCI(DEC) 4010 Salaries & Wages-Reg 89,000 $92,000 $0 (100,0%) 4030 Contributions-Retirement 11,300 11,800 (100,0%) 4040 Contributions-Insurance 5,100 5,500 (100,0%) 4050 Workers Compensation 700 400 (100,0%) · TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 106,100 109,700 (100,0%) 4110 Supplies-Office 1,500 1,500 (100,0%) 4130 Supplies-Program 1,500 1,500 (100,0%) 4210 Books & Periodicals 200 200 (100,0%) · TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 3,200 3,200 (100,0%) 4300 Fees, Services 6,000 6,000 (100,0%) 4301 Fees, Financial/Audit 10,000 10,000 (100,0%) 4310 Telephone 100 100 (100,0%) 4330 Postage 7,500 7,500 (100,0%) 4340 Printing & Publishing 2,500 2,500 (100,0%) 4370 Travel & Training 1,000 1,000 (100,0%) 4530 Repair & Maintenance-Equip 1,000 1,000 (100,0%) · TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 28,100 28,100 (100,0%) .. TOTAL S & W ADMINISTRATION 137,400 141,000 (100,0%) CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUNDS 7702 Sewer & Water Operations 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INC/(DEC) 4010 Salaries & Wages-Reg 346,000 363,000 $426,000 17.4% 4011 Overtime-Reg 18,000 18,000 18,500 2.8% 4012 Stand-By Pay 11,500 11,500 12,000 4,3% 4020 Salaries & Wages-Temp 13,500 19,000 19,200 1,1% 4030 Contributions-Retirement 49,200 51,800 58,000 12,0% 4040 Contributions-Insurance 28,900 29,900 44,000 47,2% 4050 Workers Compensation 9,600 11,700 11,000 (6.0%) . TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 476,700 504,900 588,700 16,6% 4110 Supplies-Office 800 800 (100,0%) 4120 Supplies-Equipment 12,000 12,000 13,500 12,5% 4130 Supplies-Program 1,500 1,500 1,000 (33,3%) 4140 Supplies-Vehicles 10,500 12,000 12,000 0,0% 4150 Maintenance Materials 32,000 36,000 50,000 38,9% 4160 Chemicals 12,000 14,000 16,000 14,3% 4170 Motor Fuels & Lubricants 10,000 10,000 10,350 3,5% 4210 Books & Periodicals 500 500 500 0,0% 4240 Uniforms & Clothing 2,600 2,800 2,800 0,0% 4250 Merchandise for Resale 40,000 100,000 105,000 5,0% 4260 Small Tools & Equipment 1,200 1,500 1,500 0,0% . TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 123,100 191,100 212,650 11,3% 4300 Fees, Services 8,000 10,000 48,000 380.0% 4310 Telephone 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.0% 4320 Utilities 165,000 165,000 170,000 3,0% 4330 Postage 7,500 7,500 7,000 (6,7%) 4340 Printing & Publishing 500 2,500 13,000 420.0% 4350 Cleaning & Waste Removal 100 100 100 0,0% 4360 Subscriptions & Memberships 700 600 600 0.0% 4370 Travel & Training 5,000 5,400 6,000 11,1% 4410 Rental-Equipment 500 1,000 1,000 0,0% 4440 License & Registration 300 300 300 0,0% 4483 Insurance-General Liability 15,000 16,000 16,500 3,1% 4509 Remit to Other Agencies 1,410,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 0,0% 4510 Repair & Maintenance-Building 2,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% 4520 Repair & Maintenance-Vehicles 2,500 2,500 2,500 0,0% 4530 Repair & Maintenance-Equip 15,000 25,000 55,000 120,0% 4531 Repair & Maintenance-Radios 700 800 800 0,0% 4550 Repair & Maintenance-Water 40,000 45,000 45,000 0,0% 4551 Repair & Maintenance-Sewer 5,000 . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,692,800 1,654,700 1,743,800 5.4% 4703 Office Equipment 8,000 4705 Other Equipment 15,000 2,000 8,000 300.0% 4769 Other Acquisition Costs 4,000 . TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,000 2,000 20,000 900,0% .. TOTAL S & W OPERATIONS 2,307,600 2,352,700 2,565,150 9,0% CITY OF CHANHASSEN 2000 BUDGET ENTERPRISE FUNDS 720 Surface Water Management 2000 TO 1999 2000 2001 PROPOSED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED % INC1(DEC) EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES 4010 Salaries & Wages-Reg 70,000 75,000 $63,000 (16.0%) 4020 Salaries & Wages-Temp 7,500 10,000 10,000 0,0% 4030 Contributions-Retirement 9,600 10,500 8,000 (23,8%) 4040 Contributions-Insurance 4,600 4,800 5,600 16,7% 4050 Workers Compensation 1,000 800 470 (41.3%) . TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 92,700 101,100 87,070 (13,9%) MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 4110 Supplies-Office 200 200 (100,0%) 4120 Supplies-Equipment 500 250 250 0.0% 4130 Supplies-Program 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% 4150 Maintenance Materials 2,000 2,000 2,000 0,0% . TOTAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 3,700 3,450 3,250 (5,8%) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4300 Fees, Services 319,000 225,000 240,000 6,7% 4301 Fees, Financial/Audit 1,500 1,500 1,500 0,0% 4340 Printing & Publishing 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% 4360 Subscriptions & Memberships 300 300 300 0,0% 4370 Travel & Training 2,500 2,500 2,500 0.0% 4410 Rental-Equipment 10,000 . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 338,300 234,300 249,300 6.4% CAPITAL OUTLAY 4701 Land, Purchase & Improv, 70,000 70,000 70,000 0,0% . TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 70,000 70,000 70,000 0.0% .. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 504,700 408,850 409,620 0,2% REVENUE OVERl(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 2,500 2,500 2,500