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Discussion of Subdivision of the Rosemount Property 7:00 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER (Pledl!e of Alle!!Íance) PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. I. a. Arboretum Business Park 4th Addition, Steiner Development: I) Final Plat Approval 2) Approve Construction Plans & Development Contract, Project 00·11 b. Receive Feasibility Report and Call a Public Hearing for Lift Station 10 System Utility Improvements, Project 01-11. c. Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Study for Construction of Sidewalk Along Lake Susan Drive. d. Approval of Bills. e. Approval of Minutes. f. Approval of Final Draft of Community Center Request for Information. .~ .. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS .. FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE 2. Update from John Wolff, Fire Chief. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Assessment Hearing; Award of Bids for 2002 MSA Street Improvement Project 01-08. 4. Assessment Hearing; Award of Bids for 2002 Residential Street Improvement Project 01-10. A WARD OF BIDS 5. Award of Contract, 2002 Trail Connection Project. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 6. Presentation of 200 I Audit Report, HLB Tautges Redpath. 7. TaxationlFinancial Strategies, Ehlers & Associates. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 8. Appointment of Council Representative to Southwest Metro Transit Commission. 9. Council/Commission Liaison Update ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT A copy of the staff report and supporting documentation being sent to the city council will be available after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. Please contact city hall at 952-227-1100 to verify that your item has not been deleted from the agenda any time after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. GUIDEliNES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. . .. 1>\ . (\G\. COkMIS<;ìUV\ ~ O~V\\ J ~ Ou!(& Jv'\V\ ~ - .. June 11,2002 ~ «Title». <<FirstName» <<LastName» «Company» «Address I» «Address2» «City», «State» «PostaICode» Dear «Title». «LastName»: Your property is located in the City ofChanhassen's 2005 Municipal Service Area. City staff would like to hear from property owners within this area regarding future planning. You are invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Chanhassen Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard The purpose of this meeting is to get an update on Highway 212 development proposal and to hear from property owners. Please plan to attend this meeting. If you have any questions, please call me at (952)227-1139. Sincerely, Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director Title FirstName LastName Company Address! Address2 City State PostalCode .. Mr Dean Degler Trustee of 9111 Chanhassen MN 55317 Trust Audubon Road Mr Gayle Degler 1630 Chanhassen MN 55317 Lyman Blvd. Dorsey & 1551 Chanhassen MN 55317 Dorsey Lyman Blvd. Mr Jeffrey A. Fox Trustees of 5270 Excelsior MN 55331 Trust Fund Howards Point Road Aurora 5215 Minneapolis MN 55439 Investments, Edina LLC Industrial Blvd., Suite 100 Fox 27990 Excelsior MN 55331 Properties, Smithtown LP Road Mr George St. Martin 9231 Chanhassen MN 55317 Audubon Road Mr Severin Peterson 15900 Eden Prairie MN 55347 Flying Cloud Dri ve Mr. Bruce Jeurissen 1500 Chaska MN 55318 Pioneer Trail Mr Gilbert Laurent Trustees of 24760 New Prague MN 55347 Trust Cedar Point Road Mr John Klingelhutz c/o 350 Hwy. Chaska MN 55318 Klingelhutz 212E. Construction Co. Mr Charles Wagner 9401 Chanhassen MN 55317 Audubon Road Ms Char Jeurissen Mark & 9715 Chanhassen MN 55317 Jennifer Audubon Johnson Road