Otto Transmittal 4-1-05 TTO SSOCIA TES Engineers and Land Surveyors, Inc. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED Transmittal APR 0 4 2005 To: City of Chanhassen Attn: Shanneen Al-Jaff Date: Project: 4/1/2005 Fox Den CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Location: Chanhassen Project No: 2-04-0702 We are sending to you: .1L- Attached _ Separately _ By Messenger _ By Fax _ By Mail _ Shop Drawings _ Specifications Contracts _ Reports - - Prints _ Correspondence Number Copies 3 sets I set I 10 set 1 set 1 1 Documents Number Date Description: Construction Plans & Specifications Drainage Calculations (Ponding & Stonn Sewer Design) Engineer's Estimate Final Plat - full size Final Plat - 8 Ih x 11 Lot Tabulations 1 "=200' offmal plat _ No exceptions taken _ For your approval _ As you requested _ For your use _ For your review _ Note Markings _ For your infonnation _ Revised and resubmitted _ For your processing _ Rejected ~ For your distribution Remarks: Shanneen, Please call with any questions or if you need additional infonnation. I will email you & Matt Saam the digital requirements (legal description, AutoCad drawing of final plat and tif of fmal plat). CC: lOSpring, Inc. (1 set of fmal plat, const. plans & estimate) BY: Cara Schwahn Otto cara@ottoassociates.com Web Site: www.ottoassociates.com 9 WEST DIVISION STREET - BUFFALO, MINN 55313 - (763) 682-4727 - FAX (763) 682-3522