Transmittal 4-18-05 DEMARS-GABRIEL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 3030 Harbor Lane North Suite 111 Plymouth, MN 55447 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Phone: 763/559-0908 Fax: 763/559-0479 DATE: #Jð/tJ~ I JOB NO, # ATTENTION: - RE: TO: CITY ð/' 07t?/7"?~é'/J . WE ARE SENDING YOU o Prints o Attached o Plans o Under separate cover via o Copy of letter 0 Change order the following Items: o COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION /0 / / " " s7,il!!ë?:~ I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval 0 For your use Remarks: C?e~y I ðvý QTf~g~:V\~SSEN APi? 1 8 2DD5 ~SS' , ' N PLANNING Or;Pr µ ~Tl/2u 011 urJ . o 1-~-( (,1) , " , .. Very truly yours, DEMARS-GABRIEL LAND'SURVERYORS, iNC. 'i COpy TO: SIGNED: ~v'ID E:.. (JfZCCC- --rb~~ t£ L; q J ()qtJ 8 If enclosues are not as noted, kindly notify us at once i:i