03_140105 Calcs 5-7-14BOULDER COVE Lennar Corporation Otto Project No. 14-0105 2/12/2014; Revised 4-15-14, 5-07-14 Volume Abstraction 1" Volume Abstraction = 1" x 3.4 acres = 12,342 CF Minimum Volume Abstraction required = 0.5" x 3.4 acres = 6,171 CF Proposed Filtration Basin Volume Below Overflow = 11,863 CF Proposed Volume Abstraction = 13,687 CF ÷ 2 = 5,931.5 CF Tree Preservation AV = 43,012 SF preserved x 0.10 x 1" = 358 CF Planting of New Trees SpeciesNo. Avg % Interceptor Maple368 Linden1112 Oak1710 Evergreen2610 Elm418 Honeylocust206 AV = (0.5)(%I)(Canopy Area) x 1 inch Per City Code: 1 Tree = 1,089 SF Canopy AV = 473 CF Total Proposed AV = 6,762.5 CF (0.55" of Rainfall Over Site)