1. Interview Commission Applicants0
7700 Market Boulevard
PC Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
7901 Park Place
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director
DATE: May 20, 2014
SUBJ: Planning Commission Interviews
As you are aware, there is a vacancy on the Planning Commission. The City Council
requested that the position be re- advertised. An ad was placed in the Chanhassen
Villager on April 17 and 24, and information was posted on the city's website and
Facebook page. The application deadline is Monday, May 19, with priority
consideration given to applications received by May 1. An application was received
from Jodie Keuseman and the Planning Commission interviewed her at the May 6,
2014 meeting. Two additional applications have been received as of the writing of
this report:
Daniel Campion, 340 Trappers Pass
David Wanek, 70 Hunters Court
Attached are the applications and questionnaires along with a scoring sheet.
The City Council will interview these applicants on May 27 and are looking for a
recommendation from the Planning Commission.
1. Planning Commission Interview Scoring Sheet.
2. Planning Commission Application and Interview Questionnaire (2).
g: \plan \plamilng commission\2014 applications \pc interviews 05- 20- 2014.doc
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing torTodayand Planning torTomorrow