1b. Plans & Specs for Lake Ann Park Expansion I /:;)
(612) 937-1900
i s
TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator }efS
iDATE: February 7, 1989
i SUBJ: Approval of Plans and Specifications for Lake Ann Park
iPlease find attached a report from Laurie McRostie highlighting
the key points of the Lake Ann Park expansion plan. The Park and
Recreation Commission reviewed the plan at their last meeting and
unanimously recommended it' s approval. Also attached you will
find the minutes of that discussion and a site plan.
- -
FEE OE: _'? ICI: iu L=11 t i i .
(=EA Schelen
2021 F.a�tHennepin Avenue
Minneapolis,MN 55413
MEMORANDUM 612-331-3330
FAX.331-3306 End veers
MEMO TO: Chanhassen City Council
FROM: Laurie McRostie
RE: Lake Ann Park Expansion
DATE: February 8, 1989
The concept for expansion to Lake Ann Park was approved by the Chanhassen City
Council last summer. The plans and specifications have been completed and are
presented to you for approval on February 13. This memo is written to provide you
with an easy and quick review of the construction plans. '
1. Three regulation softball fields are being constructed (300' sidelines) .
State tournaments can be played on these fields.
2. Two soccer fields, one overlayed on a softball field are being
3. Two softball fields are fenced all around. The third softball field,
overlayed with soccer, will not have a permanent outfield fence at this
4. Four new parking lots are being constructed for a total of 200 new spaces.
5. Concrete curb and gutter are planned for the parking areas. This is an
alternate bid and will be selected depending on bid costs.
6. The new future entry to the park has been placed where required by MnDOT.
This entry will be constructed when Highway 5 is rebuilt. There is a
second alternative entry at the north end of the park to allow for 2
entries to the park if desired in the future. I
7. The site has been graded in terraces to resemble the existing park, allow
for viewing areas and promote positive drainage.
8. All fields drain at a minimum 1.5%.
9. The majority of the water will drain to the southeast corner of the park,
then to the ditch along Highway 5. Swales have been graded in to direct
water in this direction.
10. The parking lots have been designed to sheet drain.
11. Erosion control , silt fencing, has been placed on the perimeter of the
site where needed. Silt fence has also been placed in the swale areas.
Equal Opportunity Employer
FEE lL_ __ IJ• il L-'il Ii�L.•I61
12. Sod will be placed in the swale areas, on steeper slopes and around the ag
lime infields. The rest of the park will be seeded.
13. A watershed permit has been obtained for this project.
14. The parking lots and roads will be constructed with 10" of class 5 and
2.5" of bituminous. Top soil , not suitable for road or parking lot .
i construction will be removed to good base material and replaced to grade
with suitable material from on site.
' 15. Seal coating of the existing park roads and parking lot is an alternate
bid in this contract and will be done after the 4th of July if costs
16. Wood steps are proposed to be built on the steep slope from the fields up
to the picnic shelter.
17. A landscape plan is also included in this contract. Fifty new trees and
75 new shrubs will be placed. These have been placed around the parking
lots, in the picnic area on the north end and around the existing shelter.
18. The City will transplant trees from around the existing fields to the
perimeter of the new fields in the future. This will make both sides of
' the park look like they have existed together.
19. There is a one year warranty on plant material with an additional year of
warranty on any replacement material .
' 20. The City is responsible for maintenance of the landscape once the work has
been accepted.
' 21. Once work is complete, a temporary plastic safety fence will be placed
between the new park and the old. This is to protect the new fields and
' indicate to the public that there is a new park here. Communication must
be had with the citizens of Chanhassen so that they will respect the new
park area and not disturb it.
22. The specification states that this project must be completed by July 1,
23. The construction costs for these improvements have been estimated to be
approximately $282,700. Engineering fees and alternate bids are in
addition to this estimate.
The acceptance of these contract documents by the Council will put in motion a
project that will provide the citizens of Chanhassen with a premier park at Lake
1"Lb __ _! 1_ .ice _= t -L- i •t .---
0575.603 Erosion Control L.F. 2500 a-- 7,5fx, r
2101 Clearing and Grubbing lump sum
2105.501 Common Excavation C.Y. 57,825 /, 75 /O/,ate
2105.521 Granular Borrow C.Y. 11,000 1, C) Ib, , XD II
02211.501 Aggregate Base, Class 5
(100% Crushed Rock) Ton 5,050 l.f 35,350
DIV. II Red Ball Diamond Rock Aglime Ton 800 e+- 0-0d
2341.508 2341 Wearing Course Mix Ton 1,300 251" . 3X) I
2403 Timber Step Construction lump sum I,2
2557 Chain Link Fence 4' High L.F. 1,200 0.-- 4,,00 '
2557 Chain Link Fence 6' High L.F. 1,040 cj 60/00 I
2557.501 Backstop each 3 La) 1,600
2557.603 Plastic Safety Fence L.F. 1,800 94e/50' l,7? II
2557.603 Posts for Plastic Safety Fence each 180 5-,E.o c)ck)
2571 .502 - Fraxinus Pennsylvanica Lanceolata Marshal's
00405 Green Ash, 2 " CAL. , B.B. each 18 ;Z(o'f 4,74,c'
2571.501 - Picea Glauca Densata II
03020 Black Hills Spruce, 6' Ht. , B.B. each 12 5q- 3,050
2571.502 - Tilia Americana
04805 American Linden, 2 " CAL. , B.B. each 10 352-. 3,520
2571.502- Acer Saccharum I
07205 Sugar Maple, 2 " CAL. , B.B. each 9 3740 3,390
2571.505 Viburnum Trilobum
American Cranberry Bush, 3' Ht. , B.B. each 50 40 ..,000
2571.505 - Acer Ginnala 11 05414 Amur Maple, 3'Ht. , B.B. each 25 00 /i &O
2575 Turf Establishment, Soil Preparation,
Fertilizng, Seeding and Mulch acre 22 0c0 2.2,OCO I
4207 P.F. - 2 ..�
(1 D -Z _ _ __ _- __ -_
I2575.505 Turf Establishment Sod S.Y. 6,660 2..2.0 / j 'o
3352. Striping Parking Lots New Gal . 13 50. ' &,€0
IITOTAL BASE BID $ 2-(82,640
1 ALTERNATE BID #1: This alternate bid is for the Contractor to install concrete
curb and gutter in the areas of the parking lot as indicated on the plan.
I2351.501 Concrete Curb & Gutter B612 L.F. 2,410 60:' 14, 4/(60
IIALTERNATE BID #2: This alternate bid is for the Contractor to provide all the
labor and materials for seal coating and striping the existing roads and parking
IIlots. This work will be done between 7/10/89 - 7/28/89.
Bituminous Seal Coat Gal . 4,700 1,50 7,060
2356.507 Bituminous Seal Coat
Aggregate, Class A,
1 Grey Granite Chips Ton 60 22,.E 1, 320
3352 Striping 200 Parking Spaces Gal . 13 *V.' C4.6.0
I .
I4207 P.F. - 3
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
,January 24 , 1989 - Page 23
$100. 00 eligibility bond for each team, direct staff to verify eligibility II
and to notify the players that eligibility may become more restrictive in
the years to come. All voted in favor except Boyt and Watson who opposed
and the motion carried.
Hasek: Sue, I think next year we' re going to zero. I see it coming .
Boyt: I don' t think it should happen in one fell swoop.
Watson: I 'm going to be real curious to see what significant difference
this makes in those teams so that we know if we went to zero, what we'd
really be opening up.
Hasek: I ' ll bet you it ' s going to make a difference. We've probably got II
one of most legal teams in this league and it' s going to make a difference
on our team.
Robinson: Could you let us know that? '
Hoffman: I ' ll bring that back to you. I ' ll bring a listing of how many
teams are in each league at this time. It will make an affect. It will
make an affect in our womens league because our womens league is not up to
par as far as having a great deal of Chanhassen people in there. There
are a lot of people but there are a lot of people from outside as well
just to build the league so it will have an affect . Once our
organizational meetings are over and our leagues are underway, I ' ll bring
that back to a meeting . '
Mady: We might need to go to a traveling league type concept . A number
of the smaller communities around have done with their over 35 league to
get them all legal so if you only get 2 teams out of Chanhassen , maybe
they can go traveling to Chaska and Excelsior and Victoria .
Hoffman: We shouldn' t have too much of a problem. Our co-rec league
which just started on Friday nights last year with 6 teams , that may be
dumped. It may not go this year because there will not be enough
residents that want to participate and if that is the case , then Friday
evenings will be open for some of these sports .
Schroers : I think the real answer here, and I hope that this encourages
us to be as expediant as we can with the development of Lake Ann and our
new facilities. Get the work on them and get them going so we can
Sietsema: It just happens to be the next item on the agenda . '
Sietsema: Laurie McRosti is here from OSM to go over the grading plan .
Park and Recreation Commission Meeti.n
• January 24 , 1989 - Page 24 Meeting
Laurie McRosti : Now you' ve decided who ' s playing,
bit about where you' ll be able to play in a few y�years can ty. a little
quickly p y years anyway. Just to
q y go over the concept that was approved this summer for Lake Ann.
This side of this drawing shows what ' s existing out at Lake Ann. You 've "
got 3 ballfields out there right now. The lake facility and picnic areas
and that kind of thing. Parking lots and new boat access that was
installed . What ' s being planned then for the east side of Lake Ann, the
expansion, are again 3 ballfields . Two soccer fields . One that overlays
the third ballfield . These have all been designed as regulation softball
fields. The 300 foot baselines and they will be able to take all the
regulation leagues . We' re looking at a future entry road . Once TH 5 is
' improved, the existing entry to Lake Ann of course will be eliminated. We
had to allow them for a new entry road off of TH 5 or a frontage road
system that MnDot is proposing in this area . It's an entry road that
' would come in here and take this system and then have parking lots , that ' s
an existing park lot, this new 50 space parking lot and another 74 space
parking that feeds off the road here. Then two new parking lots down in
this area as well . Also, in planning for an expansion of a picnic area on
top of the hill . That was then the concept that was approved this summer .
The way that is being actualized then, is through plans and specs that
have been prepared this fall and have been under review by the City
includes four diagrams . Four plan sheets. I ' ll just briefly show you
what those are. One is a location diagram that really you need to be up
close to be able to read. It' s just one that lays out all the fields and
' the parking lots and gets them on the ground for a contractor to install .
We also have a landscaping plan. A sheet of details as in the grading
plan that goes along with the specifications . I think the concept of 3
ballfields on the east side of the park being implemented in a si.miliar
' way to what you already have is one that has worked out very well on the
ground . I think the nature of the landscape was probably pretty simi.liar
in the existing Lake Ann. What I tried to accomplish was , in effect
' having the 3 ballfields kind of terraced into the landscape and that was
able to be accomplished . There is one here with the slope between it.
Another one here with a lesser slope separating then the third ballfield .
' The soccer fields laid in there I think real nicely. I 've l the
fields are draining at 1 1/2% so they will drain and yet they' ll benice
and flat to play on. Some things that are also, we' ve got the water
worked out quite nicely I think on the new fields as well . Water
' basically is coming off in sheet drainage off of this parking lot and
heading down across these fields or else being picked up in this swale and
then on off the site out to the east and eventually into a drainage pond
' that will be at the intersection out here and then eventually into Lake
Susan. There's minor drainage then that comes basically from this point
down this way and then back into the rest of the park. This plan has been
approved by the Watershed so we ' ve got a Watershed permit. The only thing
1 they want to know is when work starts and that kind of thing . One
situation that ' s going on is that originally the plan was designed to be
just sheet drainage so we have sheet drainage off all the parking lots and
off the fields and water would just disipate. We don ' t have storm sewer
in this park and it ' s really not very available to even consider it and
that's why we went with storm drainage. However, we have looked at an
alternative of concrete curb and gutter in some areas of these parking
lots . It ' s indicated on here by a double line and basically it' s on that
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
January 24 , 1989 - Page 25
edge , around all of these little island . It ' s along the edges of this I
parking lot and around that island as well. Around this island and then
again on the edges of these parking lots . That was mostly for control of
automobiles so that people won' t be driving off onto the grass . However ,
working with curb and gutter as well as sheet drainage is almost 11
contradictory but I think we' ve accomplished that pretty well with leaving
areas of the parking lots on curbs so we still will be able to have sheet
drainage flow off of that . I think we' ve got a plan that ' s going to work. II
If concrete curb and gutter is an alternate bid on the contract and wasn ' t
something that was ever in the original cost estimates . We' re not sure
exactly how the costs will come in on the bid. I know if concrete curb
and gutter is selected, the Watershed does want to know about that and
review again just the drainage that is coming off of these parking lots
and making sure that we' re not channelizi.ng it. However, I feel confident
that the hydraulogists in our office that ' s looked at this and that we' re
not doing that anyway even if we do select curb and gutter. We' re not
channelizing water so we shouldn ' t have erosion problems. The shaded
areas along here are areas that we'd like to see sodded as opposed to
seeded . There ' s one, you can see them, they' re on the steeper slope.
Primarily the steeper slopes and the drainage swales is where we'd like to
see sod installed as well as around two rows of sod around the infields
which is what we' ve got again on all three of the fields. This dashed
line then is erosion control which we' ve put in various places throughout
the park to keep back any erosion or any of the silt that would occur
during construction. There' s one area that something that got added and
that' s a set of timber steps that would be coining from these fields up.
There' s a pretty good slope that happened right here and we thought it
would just be more convenient and easier to get up this hill if we
provided some steps basically in this area . The contract reads that these
steps, they' re drawn here but they would actually be sited with the fields
and coordinated with the contract so we get them in the right place but
they' ll start to service the existing shelter and the play area that would
be up on top of this hill up here.
Schroers : That would probably be because of the shelter on top of the 11 hill that would be a high traffic area anyway?
Laurie McRosti : Right . That was what we were thinking is that just here
people would be using this hill a lot and hopefully we would cut down on '
any of the wear and tear on that hill if we put in some stairs . Basically
we' re limiting construction, I 'm trying to control it as much as possible
and basically put the limits of construction at the edges of grading or at I
the edges of the property on the east side. We' re also considering then,
depending on how the costs come in on the bid , installing , we'd like to
see this project competely done by July 1st , is the way the specifications I
read so that the roads and the paving has all been completed by your 4th
of July celebration . However , what we' ve got over here is a freshly
graded, seeded and planted park and we' re suggesting or hoping that we
would be able to afford to install one of those plastic safety fences
practically the whole length of the park so that people won' t be going
from existing Lake Ann over into the new park.
Park and Recreation Commission s on Meeting
January 24 , 1989 - Page 26
Mady: I have a question . On your sheet drainage, do you have any idea
how much water will actually come across the top field, the northern most
field and come all the way through?
Laurie McRosti : Actually I think most, or quite a bit of it is going to
come this way. You've got a swale that starts here so it' s a low area .
It' s subtle but I 'm hoping that we' ll get a majority of the water to not
' run off onto this field.
Mady: Watershed might have a problem if you were to put up a more defined
' swale up there to deflect it?
Laurie McRosti : No, I don' t think so.
Mady: I guess my concern is that in the heavier rains that we' re going to
make the fields inoperable for a couple of days . Chanhassen has so much
clay and it' s really tough there anyway.
IHasek: What' s happened is that Field #1 and #2, I think that' s how
they' re number, coming in on the old fields , the lower two on the left
collect an awful lot of water on the infield because the drainage tends to
fall against the sidelines of the ballfield and then flow out and it' s
such a subtle flowage that it doesn ' t happen until you sit there for a, I
don ' t know, we spend a lot of time brushing it out of there and I hate to
see these drain the same way. If there ' s anyway that you could capture
that water before it got to the field, that would help. The other thing
is , I guess two comments . One, if there ' s anyway that we can increase the
drainage down and away from the field as quickly as possible, I 'd like to
see that done. If, in your grading plan you would consider the
possibility that maybe at some point in the future we could irrigate these
fields, I think that would be important . We don ' t want to grade them and
then have to regrade them simply because we put water on them.
Laurie McRosti : I don ' t think that that ' s going to be a problem, if we' re
Hasek: My last comment, I don ' t know, I can ' t see from here how much of a
' burden you have on those islands but I think we might be able to decrease
some of the curb. I think the curb is necessary where cars nose in to a
grade but I think maybe on those islands , if we were to berm them high
enough. The concern has to be that the cars don ' t leave the parking area
I and if it's high enough where a car ' s going to get hung up on it or if
it' s planted , which I don ' t see on that one , that upper one , that might be
another discouragement that might be considered instead of curbing .
' Curbing is nice but if it ' s not necessary, I 'd like to see it done.
Laurie McRosti : I think we will have some extra material because I know
the soils reports , actually I ' ve only gotten them over the telephone, I
haven' t seen them, recommend that we take away the top soil , or 1 or 2
feet of topsoil underneath this parking lot because it isn ' t stable enough
for a parking lot so we should have some extra material to start to berm.
1 These are the areas that you ' re talking about . The islands in the parking
lot separate driveways and that sort of thing .
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
,January 24 , 1989 - Page 27
Hasek: The field , the top one up there, does that drain generally down
towards the infield?
Laurie McRosti : What I ' ve done is , because all these two other fields I
have, because of the way they were oriented and the way they lay on the
land, they do drain all out this way. This one basically does drain this
way but there are two swales here that should carry the water away from
the infield .
Hasek: Is that more appropriate for , I guess what I 'm thinking about is,
our outfield is generally higher than the infield which is kind of nice
for the outfielders . To be able to see down for a change. I think you're
going to run into a problem. If you know what' s happening out on the
existing fields now, I think that' s kind of what' s happening on Field #1
and #2. They' ve tried to take it from the infield and push it towards the
outsides rather than letter it all fall to the outfield and get out of the
infield. Standing water in the outfield is commonplace. To anyone in the II
infield , it' s a real pain in the ass and that' s what you' re trying to, I
think that' s what' s starting to happen on the top field there. If that
could be drawn down , and I don ' t know drainage enough to be able to
comment professionally on it but if it could be accommodated off of the
field without going through the infield or around the infield , it would be
much more desirable.
Laurie McRosti. : I think that' s what this is . The water should come here,
this is a high point and then it should go this way, down into the lower
areas . We' re fighting the hill this way so it' s really, I 'm sure there
are other ways. I worked for a long time trying to think of another way
to try to drain this . Since basically the whole thing is going uphill ,
it' s a difficult thing to accomplish, in this one field anyway but I 'm
hoping that that' s what this will do. Those swales on the outside of the II
j.nfield. They go down just a little bit, the water should collect there
and then move on out .
Hasek: What' s the possibility of turning that field just slightly? I
Rotating it.
Laurie McRosti : We' re so tight here. I had shifted , this field was even
closer to the shelter than it was now and I think I actually moved it
already 30 feet this way. What we ' ve got is a possibility of a future
road here but at any rate, we've got a boundary line right here. I 've got II
this parking lot is set just 50 feet from, I think it still ended up to be
50, from the property line so we could have some sort of landscaping . I
know there' s some concern by, gosh the Watershed even mentioned it and
I know City Staff has talked about it, if there is a road here, with
people jumping across just already within that 50 feet and circumventing
the entry roads and using the parking lot. I got that a minimum of 50
feet between the parking lot and the field and it ' s just not , I think that II
there's a lot happening out here at Lake Ann and it was , to get it all to
fit in within the parameters was , it definitely was a challenge.
Hasek: Is the road cast in concrete? That ' s a future road . 11
II '
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
• January 24 , 1989 - Page 28
Sietsema: It' s dedicated.
tLaurie McRosti : It' s dedicated right-of-way so it ' s a property line. I
think there's as much chance that there would be houses backing up to the
park as there will a road , at this point anyway. There' s going to be road
down here for sure and I would suspect that there will be access or a road
at some point to the park up in this area before there gets to be this
north/south route from here, or one that' s further inland. I don' t think
' that anybody knows .
Hasek: Has there been any dedication of parkland out of that particular
piece of property? Is this part of that dedication?
Sietsema: No. This was an outright purchase. It wasn ' t a dedication.
Hasek: So that. hasn' t been platted yet next door?
Watson: Eckankar hasn ' t done anything .
Sietsema: They've got a plan in now. They' re not planning to replat or
subdivide. They' re not planning to subdivide so they wouldn' t have a Park
and Recreation, a park dedication requirement because we have no authority
to go and require a dedication if they' re not subdividing . And if what
they' re proposing goes through, that road would not be there.
Hasek: But what they' re proposing . . .
Sietsema : What they' re proposing is a church right in the middle of the
whole piece and they' re not talking about coming to this boundary at all
but whether that goes through or not is still up in the air.
Hasek: But if the road is already there, we can still maintain that that
road will stay there?
Sietsema: Yes . It' s dedicated right-of-way. It will be' there regardless
of what, unless they want to reconfigure it or petition the City to
abandon it.
Hasek: So they' re not subdividing their property and because it' s not a
' subdivision that we don' t take dedication or parkland right?
Sietsema : Right . State Statutue only allows us to require park
' dedication through the subdivision process .
Mady: They have in the past , somebody with Eckankar has indicated to the
City that they might be willing to let the City acquire for park purposes
or recreation purposes , some amount of land at what they feel their cost
is. We don' t know it's effect.
' Robinson : Do you have an estimate of the cost of this?
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
, January 24 , 1989 - Page 29
Laurie McRosti. : The original estimate was coming in around $190, 000. 00. I
At this stage, I guess I don' t know for sure what the refined cost is . I
know we've just been waiting now to hear about, this fence was something
that was brand new and has just recently been added so there are a couple
of things that haven ' t been included or haven ' t been able to have been
added to the cost estimate.
Robinson: What' s our dollar limit? ,
Sietsema: $300, 000. 00.
Mady: That fence is an excellent idea . Just knowing what happens at the II
park and I know how fragile that land's going to be until it's freshly
sodded . I think we' re going to have to do a real teaching process through
the papers, talking to people. When we have our manager' s meeting this 11
year with the teams , let them know what ' s happening out here and how much
damage they can_.do if they don' t really abide by what we' re trying to do
which is to keep people off that space for at least this year . I
Schroers: Are you talking about our construction fence? Just an orange
plastic fencing as a barrier or something more substantial like a coated
chainlinked fence?
Laurie McRosti : No, this fence would be temporary. A construction fence .
Hasek: They still make snow fences .
Laurie McRosti : Yes , but a snow fence . . . '
Hasek: What you ' re doing is building nice green grass in what exists as a
bathroom out there right now. I don ' t know that a little plastic fence is
going to keep a ballplayer with 4 or 5 beers in him from going to the
bathroom out there.
Laurie McRosti : I don ' t know that a snow fence would do that either . ,
Schroers: They' re a different thing. If they can rip a plastic fence or
they can kick the boards out of the snow fence. It' s 6 and 1 or half of
the other. o '
Boyt: What exactly does the $300, 000. 00 go towards besides grading?
Sietsema: The grass, the seed, the backstops, the bases . We have to do
the project to playing condition.
Laurie McRosti. : It pays for parking lots . . . I hate to throw out a number 1
without having this more final but I could say it ' s going to be
$230, 000. 00 to $250, 000. 00 and that includes the site grading . It
includes the excavation and backfilli.ng again for these roads and parking II
lots and bituminous put back on top of that . It includes the final
grading . The sod in these areas , and the sod alone I think, I can' t
remember numbers . I better not talk about cost . Sod is expensive and
we' re sodding actually a pretty big portion of the park. I think it came
IIPark and Recreation Commission Meeting
January 24 , 1989 - Page 30
out to be about 6,000 square yards so that might be about $12, 000. 00 there
just for sod. Seeding, then the whole park gets seeded. We' re looking at
fence, chainlink fence around , completely around these two fields and only
on the sideline for this field because of the overlay of the soccer field
that we have. So that gets included . Then of course the backstops behind
each field which there also then is a landscaping plan that is included in
this contract and the landscaping plan is designed , it 's probably going to
run maybe about $18, 000. 00 to $20,000. 00. It' s going to be really
interesting I think to see how bids come in this year because I think that
in general construction work is down and I think that people are looking
for work. I think everybody' s anticipating bids to be just a little bit
' lower. We can always hope for that I guess. What we've got is a
landscaping plan that is suggesting the use of Sugar Maples and Green Ash,
some Spruce, some American Lindon and some Amber Maple and some American
Cranberry as the shrubs throughout the park. Originally we had been
looking at doing some planting of trees on the outfield of these parks to
pattern what you have other here. After talking with Dale Anderson the
other day, what we' re going to do, probably not this next fall but maybe
even a full season later is to transplant these 6 inch , I believe they
were Li.ndon' s.
Hasek: No , they' re Ashes .
Laurie McRosti : Okay, they were either Lindon or Ash . These are so
close, they' re 20 feet apart right now, so thin these out and actually put
them on the outfields of these fields here . So we ' re going to wait until
this gets established to the seed and sod. Until it ' s really quite a ways
along and then to move these fields over here and I think what that will
do is , the companionship would be the bone for a couple of years but then
you' ll have some large trees . Besides the park will look like it ' s been
Hasek: As long as they' re moveable . I think we ought to consider the
''possibility, now that we understand that they' re moveable because we
talked about that 6 months ago. I think we ought to take them all out of
' Field #2 and #3 right now and transplant them into some of the other
fields and maybe leave Field #1 alone for right now. Consider the
possibility in our next budget or recreating Fields #2 and #3 to make them
I • big enough to be State fields and then we will in fact have the largest
and nicest, one of the nicest complexes in this Metropolitan area with
which to have some tournaments and we could start paying for some of these
things through the quality of our ballfields . I think it' s worth
considering . Before we move those trees , think about the possibility of
recreating #2 and #3.
11 Mady: I know a number of people who come into Lake Ann to play in
tournaments and feel , and they' ve been to a lot of softball fields , feel
Lake Ann is probably one of the nicest parks in the metropolitan area .
It ' s just small . That ' s the only problem we have and that will just make
it a nicer park. It ' s a jewell . It really is .
Hasek: It ' s something to think about I think. I know there' s cost
involved with moving the fence and recreating the outfield and some of the
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
,January 24 , 1989 - Page 31
things involved there but for maybe just a little bit of cost , we might
have actually 6 useable fields out there for tournaments and that' s enough II
for one heck of a decent tournament . State tournament could be held here.
Boyt: Is there anyway we 've got any bleacher type for the soccer fields? ,
The soccer field on the east , can we put some bleachers in there?
Laurie McRosti : You mean an actual structure? '
Boyt : Yes , something . We need some amenities for the parents watching
their kids. '
Laurie McRosti : One thing we' ve got are some slopes that are starting to
happen. To buy bleachers that you could just set out there, I don' t know
if you want to be permanent but I think that ' s something that could be 11
Boyt : Do the slopes work there? '
Laurie McRosti : Yes . Particularly this one does . I think you should be
able to sit away a little bit and maybe you can see this one better. This
one does actually. You could sit here and watch but when there ' s
softball , maybe it' s not going to work. If they' re playing at the same
Mad y: You' re out a good 320 feet . Not too many of us that hit the ball
that far anymore.
Schroers : Are all 3 of those outfields? I
Laurie McRosti : All 3 of them are 300 feet.
Robinson : Can we talk about the cost again for a minute and I realize
you' re guessing but I 'm concerned, if the $300, 000. 00 will give us a
complete set-up there . 1
Laurie McRosti. : I think we should . I think there' s some things that have
been included as alternate bids . The concrete curb and gutter for 11 instance. That might be something that will have to be dropped off.
However, I know that the grading will be able to be accomplished. The
seeding and the sodding . I think that the planting would be. I 'm sure
that the fencing you' ll be able to put up and I know for sure that the
parking lots and the roads will be able to be put in. We' re looking at,
this safety fence, I haven' t been able to get costs on that yet and I
don ' t know how much that' s , you' ll be putting in almost 2, 000 feet of it . II
All those things just add up.
Hasek: The construction of the infields and the bases and all of that is
included? I
Laurie McRosti : I should say the construction of the infield , A-1
infields will be there. This contract does not included the purchase of
bases .
IIPark and Recreation Commission Meeting
January 24 , 1989 - Page 32
Boyt : Are bleachers considered incidental?
Sietsema: Yes. If you ' re talking about the portable kind like we have up
Boyt : You know the hill is nice but when you watch soccer , you don ' t sit
at the end of the field, you sit at the 50 yard line like in football to
see the game. So you' re going to need something there and I don ' t know
where it goes into the budget.
' Sietsema : I think if we can ' t work the figures with that, that' s
definitely something that could come out of the CIP because the actually
play on those will be 2 years down the line.
Laurie McRosti : I think that you will have a park that' s constructed and
be able to use it. The fields will be fenced . That kind of thing .
Things kind of like accessories aren ' t in this contract.
Robinson : When you said completed by July 1st , is that just the grading
or will the seeding be done and the parking lots and surface? All that?
Laurie McRosti. : The parking lot should be able to be used . The only
problem will be controlling people walking across .
Robinson : That ' s assuming , we ' ve got to move on that quite fast .
Laurie McRosti : I think we ' ve got enough time. I haven ' t anticipated
that this should be done in 2 months .
Boyt: It' s supposed to be another dry year isn' t it?
Robinson: Yes .
Watson : And they' ll all be out there watering the sod .
Hasek: That's a good question. Water. Is that a part of the sod and
seed , the maintenance of that in a dry season or how is that being
Laurie McRosti : The sod and seed is maintained until it is determined as
1 established so that means the sod has to be growing . Either the City
Engineers or myself or someone who makes that determination actually
.written into the specs , how many little seeds per square inch . There' s
got to be 15 sprouts in this square inch for us to consider seeds to have
become established. If it' s not established, they have to redo it . 'Those
kinds of things could interfere with the July 1st but that ' s pretty
standard. Then the contractor maintains it until it' s established and
then the City has to take over maintenance.
Hasek : But the only thing that maybe won ' t be done, the grading to be
bid , the only thing that might not happen is the release on the seeding
and the sodding contract?
1 .
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
,January 24 , 1989 - Page 33
Laurie McRosti : Right , or if the warranty for plant materials for a year , II
for instance. Council hopefully will approve this , the contracts as plans
and specs on the 13th of February. I believe it was March 3rd where we
would open bids actually. We would advertise for bids 3 weeks in ,
February. The Thursday and Friday right after Council approves it , it
should go out for advertising so I would say by the end of March the City
would have negotiated a contract and that somebody would be ready to go on II
Hasek: If we' re entering into another dry season, would it be reasonable II
to ask for another year of guarantee of plant materials or is it your. . .
Laurie McRosti : Actually that' s something that we just did. Plant
materials have been warrantied for one year. Then if they haven' t made
it, they have to replace them and we' re asking for a warranty on those
replacement trees for one more year. After that however, they have to
replace them if they don ' t make it for another year but they' re warrantied II
for up to a third year.
Schroers : Something that keeps coming up is that we would like to be able
to use Lake Ann for meeting or events other than softball, like the 4th of
July. With your plan , do you feel the entrance and the exit would
accommodate that type of an event? Where we' re going to have a lot of
people coming in and going out at the same time? I
Laurie McRosti : I think that until something happens in the future, that
this access onto TH 5, is going to be congested if you have a huge event .
I think you even have that problem now.
Schroers : On your plan, does it remain as it exists right now or have you
done anything?
Laurie McRosti : Until TH 5 is improved, until MnDot improves TH 5, this
entrance stays the same and there really is nothing that we can do about 11 it. I think by 1992 , TH 5 should be improved up to this point and it' s
possible at that point we can start to consider looking to the change in
access here. There' s also an allowance for a second access off of this
parking lot up here. That' s something that' s not going to happen though 11
until whatever Eckankar does over here is decided . So in the future, I
think there's an opportunity, if the City desires , to see 2 entrances and
exits into this park. There' s been a lot of talk about a fee that ' s
charged right now and so one entrance in is desirable because you can
control it. There ' s also been talk maybe at sometime in the future of not
having a user fee for Lake Ann. That opens up other exits. Maybe there
are two gates .
Schroers : But the option on the second entrance is totally dependent on
what Eckankar decides to do with it?
Laurie McRosti : Do you mean this one?
Schroers: Yes . i
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting 24 , 1989 - Page 34 g
Laurie McRosti : In some ways it ' s totally dependent . I guess if this
road gets built, we 've got it right then. I know that there's been a lot
of talk of maybe some internal circulation with something coming from the
east. This is a big piece of property and there' s going to be more than
one access point and I think the City is in control of reviewing plans and
they know what we've got here and they want to see a road here. I think
there are ways of working with those folks that can assure that we've got
this access point in the future. But until MnDot does update and upgrade
TH 5, I think there might always be some, people are going to have to be
Hoffman : I guess one question, again which I brought up the when the first plan was brought in is the layover on the soccer sfielde
Does the Commission feel that that ' s going to be a conflicting use? That
we' re not going to have an outfield fence on a ballfield and what are the
players going to think about playing on a field with no outfield fence?
Hasek: The one suggestion I had when I saw that, and I 'm glad you brought
up again , is I have seen fields, in fact we built a few when I was on the
Park Commission out in Mound. Out in Island Park we built one that had
the trail . It was like a warning track around the outside. We had a
trail that was going through the park and we simply tied it into the
warning track. Make it a little bit , for a little bit of conflict, if a
biker wanted to go down that trail and there' s a ball game going on but
any ball which rolled beyond that line was then out of bounds . Or if it
landed beyond that line was a home run. I guess it was a line. It was
something to consider as opposed to having nothing there and the ball
' rolling forever . I don ' t think a line across the soccer field would
necessarily deter or detract from the soccer game so that might be one
BGyt : Is it possible to even consider paint?
Hasek: Paint is� a possibility but it' s pretty hard for a ball player to
realize where he' s standing . If it ' s a painted line, there' s not a lot of
tactile feeling to a piece of paint on grass but for a warning track,
there' s something that you feel and you realize.
Schroers: I 'm having a second thought, I 'm wondering here if the
Commission and staff feels like we couldn ' t be missing the boat by not
making one of those fields Little League or to accommodate youth?
Mady: We already have. Number one is Little League and hopefully within
3 years, we' ll have constructed a south park. We have the money to buy
the south park. Through the Army Corps of Engineers Reserve, we can get a
lot of the grading done for next to nothing so as long as we can site that
this year and start the planning process , get those people in, within a
couple years we can do that .
Boyt : That ' s at least 3 years before it ' s . . .
Mady: But that ' s what we told everybody in the referendum was 3 years .
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
,January 24 , 1989 - Page 35
Boyt : That' s what Larry is saying . Is one enough? '
Schroers: I think what we' re doing is we' re giving them Field #1 now
right? I
Mady: I thought we were telling them, when we put this up, we' re telling
them you' re going to have two fields out there. I
Hoffman: Yes . Basically the two smaller fields could be developed in-
house for potentially a Babe Ruth league and a Little League field and
that would still expand the adult leagues to 4 fields and we'd have 2 ,
interim fields for the youth to play on.
Mady: They won' t have dugouts right away but if they can' t play without
dugouts for a couple years.
Hasek: Do those 2 fields qualify?
Hoffman: Yes .
Hasek: Are they too big? I
Hoffman : You can restrict the fence. For our leagues that exist here now
aren' t into the exact specifications of what a Little League field is .
They' ll go ahead and play on a field that ' s got a fence farther than the
outfielders stand in but again, to get back to her issue on the soccer .
That field , a line would possibly work but again , then at the same time we 11
mentioned possibly having 6 nice fields which are used for a State
tournament. State tournament specifications say, an outfield fence at
this distance of this height. That' s a minor area.
Mady: We can put a fence up. After we have our south park, we can put
the fence up here. For a few thousand dollars, we'd have it.
Hasek: You could conceiveably, if you really wanted to do that and have I
something that you wanted to do, you could set slip posts in the ground
for poles and it could be a fence that could be rolled up and used only
for a special event where you have the requirement because the slip posts
in the ground would cost nothing and they could be covered up and dug out,
actually you can screw a cap on the things so they could be underneath the
soccer field and just sitting there waiting . I
Laurie McRosti : It was my understanding, I couldn' t go on about that, but
that this soccer field was something that was temporary until the south
park or until a more established , maybe temporary is kind of a lose term
for 3 to 5 years but it wouldn ' t be here forever .
Mady: On the warning track used as a trail , it reminds me of something
which is having a separate trail actually from what exists as the Lake Ann
trail now on TH 5 down towards to the beach . We don ' t have a way of
getting kids on their bikes down to Lake Ann Park once they arrive on that II
II ' Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
January 24 , 1989 - Page 36
narrow road . Have we taken that into account here in any way, shape or
I form?
Laurie McRosti : No . I think it would still be the same. The same access
point. I do know that maybe there ' s something that should be looked at in
the existing part of the park for the future , particularly when the trail
is upgraded and rebuilt once TH 5 is done, that that would be, that ' s a
good suggestion. That would be looked at as something more permanent.
Schroers: At the present time that trail does not have a lot of use.
Mady: A lot of people won' t allow their kids to ride on the road to get
Laurie McRosti : I think once it ' s upgraded , sometimes you can ' t even see
that trail up there so I can see why it ' s not used very much but I think
in the future it would be. At that time you might want to consider even
implementing much more of a trail system.
Robinson : Any further questions or comments.-?
Mady: I move to recommend the plans be approved as shown.
Schroers : I ' ll second it.
Mady moved , Schroers seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission
recommend to approve the grading plan for Lake Ann Park Expansion Project
as presented by staff . All voted in favor and the motion carried .
Robinson : I apologize for the wait Richard . We' re about an hour behind I
Richard Mingo : I guess to speed
one quick P d up matters , I guess I want to throw out
Q point is that we may not have to worry about question 2, 3 , 4 .
11 The reason I asked to come in early is I 'm leaving tomorrow morning for
Arizona for two ,months and I do this every winter so if that would be a
problem that two months out of the year would make me an unlikely
candidate, I want to tell you that right now. I ' ll just step out of here
and not waste your time here .
Mady: Lori , what ' s the City' s standard on that? We do have a standard on
Richard Mingo : I looked at that . There ' s some percentage.
Sietsema: You ' re required to attend 75% of the scheduled meetings which
would be 24 meetings .
Mady: As long as you make all the two others .