CC Minutes 05-27-2014Chanhassen City Council – May 27, 2014 Todd Gerhardt: At least he found Creekwood with all the detours. I think you have two different sets of detour routes. Chief Don Johnson: Ed was very nice even though I didn’t have the fire out, he was very easy on me. Mayor Furlong: Any other thoughts or comments? Chief Don Johnson: Yes. This is a great opportunity. The fire service as a whole is a pretty family oriented environment and to see my extended family and my new family, it’s been wonderful that the City of Chanhassen is a great city. The fire department’s a great fire department. As welcoming as City management has been, as welcoming as my new fire department has been, it’s a great time for me to look at a group of professional men and women who are dedicated to the City in just the 2 weeks I’ve…so we’re highly trained. Very dedicated towards professional service and I look very forward to being a part of this family. Mayor Furlong: Welcome. Chief Don Johnson: Thank you. Thank you for this honor. Mayor Furlong: We have some cake. Todd Gerhardt: We have cake. Mayor Furlong: Yep, so we’re going to take a quick recess from the council meeting. (The City Council meeting was recessed for a short time to distribute cake.) Mayor Furlong: We’ll call the meeting back to order and let’s move on with the next items on our agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes dated May 12, 2014. 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated May 6, 2014. 3. Approve Amendment to City Code Concerning Solicitor and Peddler Licenses. 4. Approval of Resolutions Revoking Conditional Use Permits Issued by the City: Resolution #2014-33: a. #2003-08, 8170 Mallory Court Resolution #2014-34: b. #1997-05, 1905 Stoughton Avenue Resolution #2014-35: c. #1984-20, 7300 Galpin Boulevard 5. Deleted. Resolution #2014-36: 6. Approve Resolution Accepting $500 Donation from KleinBank Chanhassen for the Senior Center Life-Long Learning Program. 2 Chanhassen City Council – May 27, 2014 7. Next Steps Learning Center: Approval of Site Plan Review for a 3,000 square foot building expansion, 1430 Park Court, Lot 1, Block 2, Rome Park; Applicant: Jeremy Spaude. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. LAW ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Mayor Furlong: Good evening Sergeant. Sgt. Mike Walling: Good evening Mr. Mayor, City Council. I’m Sergeant Walling, the TZD Coordinator for the sheriff’s office. Just wanted to let the community know the sheriff’s office has been th beginning on May 19, we’ve been participating in the statewide mobilization with over 400 other law enforcement agencies in the state for the May Click It or Ticket seatbelt mobilization. That enforcement st effort runs through June 1, upcoming this Sunday. If you weren’t aware Minnesota has a primary seatbelt law that requires all occupants of a vehicle to be buckled up. Front seat passengers. Back seat passengers and then law enforcement can issue a citation to anyone who isn’t buckled. Some statistics in the last 5 years on Minnesota roads, that being 2009 through 2013 there were 1,423 motor vehicle occupant deaths out of which 587 were not buckled. In Carver County during this 5 year period 8 of those motorists were unbelted. Some pre-enforcement efforts that we do at the sheriff’s office. We do pre-enforcement surveys prior to the enforcement wave at one of those locations. At Highway 212 and Powers Boulevard. Survey indicates that roughly 95% of motorists in Chanhassen are wearing their seatbelt. A post enforcement survey after the enforcement wave last year conducted on June 6, 2013 showed that motorists at this same intersection were at 92% use so efforts to increase seatbelt use are having their effect. The Click It or Ticket seatbelt mobilization and education and seatbelt enforcement education is a component of the State’s towards zero death program. Primary vision of the TZD program is to create a safe driving culture in Minnesota in which motorists support a goal of zero road fatalities by practicing and promoting safe driving behavior. Again the message to our citizenry when we make stops for seatbelts is buckle up. We value your life. That’s what I have. Do you have any questions? Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Any questions for Sergeant Walling? Councilman Laufenburger: I have one. Mayor Furlong: Councilman Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Sergeant, you can help educate me and others that are watching at home. There was a time in maybe a few years ago I thought that getting stopped for not having your seatbelt buckled was not the only offense. If you were stopped for some other reason and they caught you with your buckle unbuckled they could ticket you for that. Is that still true today? Or first of all, was that true at one time Sergeant? Sgt. Mike Walling: It was true prior to, I want to believe 2008 or 2010. That you needed, that the seatbelt law wasn’t a primary offense. Councilman Laufenburger: So you called it a primary offense which means that you can be stopped if the only thing you’re doing wrong is driving without visibly noticeable buckle, is that correct? Sgt. Mike Walling: Correct. Legislation passed within the last few years made the not wearing your seatbelt a primary violation which you can be stopped for and cited. 3