Variance recorded 4-13-05 Thomas J. Camphell fiogei' I'I. Knutson Thomas M. Scott Elliott B. l\uctsch Joel J. þmnik An(hea McDowell Poehler Matthew K, Broh r John F. Kelly Soren M. Mattick HelJt}' i\. Schacn~~I', III ]1¡1:wgueritc M. M(:C:HTOj) Gina ]v1. Brandt ~:. Also Liccl1sed jn \~/jsCOJJ.c:íH 1380 Corporat,; Center Curve Suite 3170 Eagan, MN 55121 651-452~5000 Fax 651-452-5550 \"/\'/v/.ck-la~,r .co llì CAMPBELL KNUTSON -." £ . 1) .. Pt'[~ ~''''~1['' é~vlF~ i ~ 1;·~·c.r'~::1I4.. Fd"\. ___ ~_I,1,Y.i'<..t-"".;"jt.jl!.~_)t.t<.__€Ó~. ),ô.¡::1!;'j _j)~a...;.'~o'lt%>JLf£ April 22, 2005 fØ'~r~ï~.."\"'\ft Ms. Kim Meuwissen City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 CharJ1assen, Minnesota 55317 APr\ 25 LUU) CITY Or ~HANHASSEN Re: Chanhassen - Miscellaneous Recording Dear Kim: Enclosed herewith for your files are the following recorded documents: 1. Variance No. 04-42 recorded with the Carver County Recorder on April 6, 2005, as Document No. A 411276 and with the Carver County Registrar of Titles on April 13, 2005, as Document No. T 152041 (Outlot B, White Oakk Addition); and 2. Conditional Use Permit #05-03 recorded with the Carver County Recorder on April 6, 2005, as Document No. A 411277 and with the Carver County Registrar of Titles on April 13, 2005, as Document No. T 152042. If you have any questions regarding the above, please give me a call. Very truly yours, cjh Enclosure CAMPBELL KNUTSON ~:a~ê\~~~ Carole J. H Legal Assistant ~ . DOCUl'tlEl'tlCO"VER PAGE ~:íàr~~ t c ., Document No. OFFICE OF THE lì irrrfÌll1 ~ c~;~:I:::~~~~~~;OTA r Certified and filed on 04-13-2005 at 10:00 ¿AM 0 PM , \(> Carl W. Hanson, Jr. Registrar of Titles \ " j ::DOC1IME:NT ttl'LE: llð-'-,"Á.-""-L~ ()l( - LI.L DOC1J1.'tUl'ifTD.å.n: / 2--1 '7 I () L{ . ( :MAJ."VJES: . ~ '1, ( ''t ()-f:.- 0~~ <~ (f-~ ,,' ¡C_Cð'-r<-o( t' k 7JrT<-~ ') .- ~ C:~'ì~~ Ct.JllNl~JŒ-:",!.~tif¡~F~~A..i.œ~¡:;=:.:· ~.. ~h~{{ ~rv/hfþJ \. . Document No. OFFICE OF THE A411276 COUNTY RECORDER 1111111111111111 :::E~9C:UN::;N~:::A ~ 1I1~1~lfIlllil\1111 Certified Recorded on 04-06-2005 at 01 :30 0 AM CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA VARIANCE 04-42 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants the following variance: A 1.5 foot variance from the lO-foot Ordinary Highway Water Level (OHW) setback for a water-oriented accessory structure, a 64 square-foot variance from the 250 square-foot maximum area of a water oriented accessory structure and relief from the requirement of the OHW on the survey for a water-oriented accessory structure (patio) that has been constructed. 2. PrODerty. The variance is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, and legally described as follows: J< Outlot B, White Oak,{ Addition 3. LaDse. If within one (1) year of the issuance of this vanance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, this variance shall lapse. Dated: December 7, 2004 1 ()~t~ " . # (SEAL) :~Z:AA~ Thomas A. Furlong, MaycOr._ JÁ ßJ~ . AND: o d Gerhardt, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisJ- 'l~~y of 11}t£l.A-t..i~ 2005 by Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. d)~ ~ KAREN J. ENGELHARDT Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission expires Jan 31, 2010 DRAFfED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 g:\plan\2004 planning eases\04-42 - berland variance\reeording document.doc 2