Consent to Plat 05/08/2005 13:26 YAK 952 884 3049 J OLIVER ASSOC BURNSVILL ~OOl CONSENT TO PLAT This Indenture is made this ~5'ð day of /X!}t ,2005, by M & j Marshall & IIsJey, Bank, a Wisconsin banking association, being mortgagee of the land in Carver County, Mimlesota.,. described as follows: Outlot B. VILLAGES ON TI-IE PONDS EIGHTH ADDITION, according to the recorded pJat thereof, Carver CO\ll1ty, Minnesota. The undersigned does hereby approve and consent to the makjng and filing of the plat known as VILLAGES ON THE PONDS NlNTH ADDITION with the COlDlty Recorder in and for said County of Carver and State of Minnesota. In testimony whereot: M & 1 Marshall & Ilsley, Bank, a Wisconsin banking association, has caused this document to be executed the day, month and year first above written. _~( vP. State of Minnesota County of Hef''1t?f I"^ '" The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Z-I-i; day of ~ ' 2005, by .ftfVl1.k\N y 8ro~ ,the V· f. ß1AJ' 1\I EAT . of M & 1 (jjj?~ ß~, a Wj~ns.in ~ association, on behaJf of the association. NotaryPublie, ~ John OHver& Associ"",lno, .~1Sf I./\J COlmty, fv1N 201 West Travelers Trail, Suite 200 My Commission Expires: 01- < <. J -- t:) 7 8umsville. MN 55337 G SUtANN. E' MAÁV MUIR ' 4 .JI . Notary Public Minnesota . 4 My Commission.Ð!Di11l JanJlary 31.2ØOi