PC Minutes 4-19-05 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 19, 2005 Chairman Sacchet called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Uli Sacchet, Kurt Papke, Mark Undestad, Dan Keefe, Jerry McDonald and Deborah Zorn MEMBERS ABSENT: Debbie Larson ST AFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; and Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC PRESENT FOR ALL ITEMS: Debbie Lloyd Janet Paulsen Mike Peka 7302 Laredo Drive 7305 Laredo Drive 6857 Manchester Drive PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR SUBDIVISION WITH VARIANCES ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 7 AND WEST OF HIGHWAY 41. SEVEN FORTY-ONE CROSSING SECOND ADDITION. THOMAS HODORFF. APPLICANT. PLANNING CASE NO. 05-13. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Sacchet: Thank you Bob. Questions from staff. Any questions? Dan, you have a question? Keefe: Sure. Cross access agreement. Just a couple questions. One is the cross access agreement is for what, 8 spaces is additional spaces? Additional spaces. Is that what it is? Can you just talk to that briefly. Generous: For the cross parking. Keefe: Cross parking, I'm sorry. Cross parking. Generous: Access is just to get onto the site. They show 8 parking spaces on their property. The balance of the spaces, 24 are on the surrounding property. But there's sufficient availability or capacity on the site to accommodate that. So we haven't seen any issues with parking up in the Seven Forty One Crossing. Keefe: Okay. Then one other question in regards to you know currently I think there's a disposal or trash container I think on the site that they're going to subdivide, which I think Planning Commission Meeting - Aplil19, 2005 supports the Movie Gallery propelty and Second Wind I think is the other tenant in there. Are we going to keep that trash disposal on that site or what is that? Generous: No, that would have to move to the other property and we'll have to, we'll make them comply with the ordinance for screening. Keefe: Okay. So we would have them erect a fenced in enclosure on. Generous: Yeah. Or some are landscaping. Some in area that they can screen the trash enclosure pursuant to city ordinances. Keefe: Okay. Sacchet: Any other questions? I'd like to pull up one question really. With that parking, and I don't know whether you can answer that Bob or whether that would be a question for the applicant. I mean I don't quite understand why they don't include that first double row of parking into this propelty and then they would be very close to accommodating the requirement on that particular parcel. Has that been addressed at all? Generous: I wasn't advised of anything. That may be more appropriate for the applicant. Sacchet: Okay, I'll ask that of the applicant then. Thank you. You have a question Kmt? Papke: Yes. The Oliginal application required a conditional use pelmit to allow multiple buildings on a single lot. As a result of this subdivision, does that CUP go away or what? Generous: It will be superceded by the plat so it becomes unnecessary, and I don't know if we've recorded it yet or not. Papke: So you don't know if the Oliginal one was recorded. Generous: Recorded yet against the property. Papke: So it could just be stricken from the application process? Generous: Correct. Papke: Okay. Sacchet: Ahight. With that, do we have an applicant? Does the applicant want to come forward and if you have anything to add, please do so. Please get to the microphone please because this does get televised. Tom Hodorff: Hello. My name's Tom Hodorff. I'm with Harry S. Johnson Land Surveyors out of Bloomington. We're doing this subdivision for PBK, a developer that just needed, we did the original survey and they just came up with these some type of financing thing that they wanted 2 Planning Commission Meeting - April 19, 2005 this as a separate lot. We've been working with the city to create a separate tax parcel for, you know and that's a little beyond a surveyor's. Sacchet: That's their reasoning, right? Tom HodOlff: Yep. Sacchet: Can you address the question I was just asking staff? I mean it seems kind of awkward that the cross parking agreement would be for just more or less what, that first double row of parking would be to the east. Tom Hodorff: I believe, you know if we added more, it had to do with the hard surface calculations to get the hard surface percentages to conform and. Sacchet: So there was a reason basically. Tom HodOlff: Right. We couldn't otherwise then we would have probably had to go for a variance but doing this configuration we avoided that. Sacchet: That's an honest answer, thank you. Appreciate that. Tom Hodorff: Yep. Yep. Sacchet: Any other questions from the applicant? Jerry, go ahead. McDonald: Yeah, on this parking. It says agreement here but would that be a covenant within the deeds on these properties so that this new lot has access to that in the future as it changes hands and everything? Tom Hodorff: I would assume so, correct. You know that it would be an ongoing thing. Whoever owns those properties, those agreements would continue on with the properties to cover that. Sacchet: Is that it? Alright. Thank you very much. Tom Hodorff: Thank you. Sacchet: Appreciate your input. This is a public hearing so if anybody wants to come up and has any comment to this item, this is your chance. Seeing nobody getting up, I assume there's nobody. I will close the public hearing. Bring back to the commission for discussion and eventually a motion. Is there any comments, discussion necessary on this? Doesn't seem so. If not, let's make a motion. Papke: Okay, I'll make a motion that the Planning Commission recommends approval of preliminary plat 05-13 for the subdivision of 5.2 acres into 2 lots, as shown on the plans dated received March 18,2005 subject to conditions 1 through 4. 3 Planning Commission Meeting - April 19, 2005 Sacchet: We have a motion. Is there a second? McDonald: Second. Papke moved, McDonald seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Preliminary Plat 05-13 for the subdivision of 5.2 acres into two lots, as shown on the plans dated Received March 18,2005, subject to the following conditions: 1. At this time the estimated total SWMP fee due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording is $74,089.00. 2. Lot 2, Block 1, Seven Forty One Crossing Second Addition is subject to a park dedication fee as a condition of approval for subdivision. Park dedication fees for Lot 2 will total $5900 (25,749 square feet or 0.59 acres X $10,000 per acre). 3. The applicant shall provide a cross parking agreement in favor of Lot 2. The agreement shall specify that Lot I will have access to 24 parking spaces located on Lot 2. 4. A cross access agreement shall be recorded across Lot 1 for the benefit of Lot 2. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to O. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR REZONING FROM RURAL RESIDENTIAL, RR TO SINGLE FAMIL Y RESIDENTIAL, RSF; SUBDIVISION REVIEW FOR 40 LOTS, 3 OUTLOTS AND PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH VARIANCES; AND A WETLAND AL TERA TION PERMIT FOR THE GRADING AND FILLING OF WETLANDS ON SITE. PROPERTY CONSISTING OF 62 ACRES LOCATED AT 6950 GALPIN BOULEVARD. LAKE HARRISON. APPLICANT. PEMTOM LAND COMPANY. PLANNING CASE NO. 05-14. Public Present: Name Address Jacqie Daughelty & Ray Alstad Jim & Cheri Broughton Julie Fuecker Kevin Finger Lynn Eggers Cari Piatkowski John Moberg John Holcomb Judy Stretar Justin Larson 2423 Highover Trail 6927 Highover Comt North 6751 Manchester Drive 7052 Hanison Hill Trail 6791 Briar'wood Comt 6833 Manchester Dlive 6738 Manchester Drive 6852 Briarwood Comt 6801 Manchester Drive Westwood Professional Services 4