CC Minutes 3-28-05 City Council Meeting - March 28, 2005 d. Resolution#2005-29: Approves Plans & Specifications; Authorize Advertisement of Bids for 2005 Street Improvements, Project 05-01. e. Resolution#2005-30: Approve Limited Use Permit with MnDot for Trail Improvements at the Intersection of Pioneer Trail & TH 101, PW053G. f. Approval of Consultant Contract for Lower Bluff Creek Preliminary Design. g. Resolution#2005-3l: Approval of Change Order for Lift Station No.2 Contract, Project No. 01-lIC. h. Resolution#2005-32: Approve Quotes for Replacement of Lift Station Pumps, PW055. 1. Paisley Park Studio Storage: 1) Final Plat Approval. 2) Approve Construction Plans & Specifications and Development Contract. k. Approval of 2005 Liquor License Renewals. 1. Resolution#2005-33: Approval of Resolution Designating the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the Basis for All Incident Management in the City of Chanhassen. m. Resolution#2005-34: Approval of Prepayment of G.O. Bonds Series 1998B, Callable February 1, 2005. n. Amend Development Contract for Pinehurst Development. o. Approve Contract with Casablanca Orchestra for Fourth of July Street Dance. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. l(C). APPROVAL OF 2005 LAKE ANN BEACH LIFEGUARD CONTRACT. John Raby: I'm John Raby. I'm the President of Minnesota Safety Services. Just quickly Ijust want to, just my 5 minutes real quickly just to ask the council to consider pulling the consent agenda item out and discussing it on the floor. Quickly why I think we should do that. Because you need to realize that my company, we put a bid in to take the lifeguard services on and I just want to make sure you realize that the Lake Ann Park lifeguards are part of a 6 city group. We've done this for a long, long time. 6 cities have been together with 8 beaches. Minnetonka Community Services has run that program. I've been involved in that program since 1978. Started lifeguarding at Lake Ann in 1980. Been the Director of that program since 1989. So it's about 15-16 years. Two things, Excelsior has sent a letter of intent to sign with my company. Deephaven has signed a contract with my company so 2 of the 6 cities are onboard with Minnesota Safety Services. That's 4 of the 8 beaches. Alright. My private company brings to 3