Letter A. Mlynek 3-4-05 CARVER g@]],,/IÅ WÃJWER{ ~\"g c~~ flI'4. \ ~ 1946 "" ~ "flI Ot¡l)ty 5\~ 219 East Frontage Road Waconia, MN 55387 Phone: 952-442-5101 Fax: 952-442-5497 CONSERVA.r,ø" D'SrRICr http://www.co.carver.mn.us/SWCD/SWCD main.html Mission Statement: To proJ!ide leadership in consel1!ation and teach stewardship of the soil, water, and related resources through a balanced, cooperative program that protects, restores, and improves those resources. March 4, 2005 Matt Saam, PE City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Pinehurst Development Mr. Saam: The SWCD has taken the opportunity to review the Pinehurst Development. The plan reviewed is dated 2/21/05. Please review and consider the following comments and suggestions regarding erosion and sediment controls and stormwater / dewatering and SWPPP concerns. Erosion Control Any 3:1 slopes longer than 75 feet in length should be broken up into sections with fiber rolls on the contour following blanket application. Sediment Control 1. A barricade to discourage construction traffic or an additional rock exit will be needed at Manchester Drive. 2. The silt fence ends should be installed in a 'smile' or be wrapped back up slope in the area of Pinehurst Drive and Co Rd. 117 intersection. 3. Connection of the silt fence is needed in the area of the retaining wall in Outlot B. Stormwater / Dewatering 1. It is recommended to tie the stormwater discharge from the storm sewer flared end just north of Amberwood Lane culdesac into the stormsewer if possible. There is a future long term erosion concern from the flared end discharging stormwater over the slope onto Amberwood Lane the way it is currently planned. 2. The temporary dewatering channels need a temporary sediment trap (for drainage areas less than 5 acres) and temporary sediment basins for drainage areas greater than 5 acres. Temporary dewatering channels (Alder Way, Amberwood Lane and Edgewood Court areas specifically) should not rely on fiber rolls for pretreatment; fiber rolls will likely be inadequate for pretreatment requirements during dewatering. 3. It is recommended to avoid disturbing soil in the drainage swale which takes water from the north to the ravine south of proposed Amberwood Lane. Once work must take place in this area, a temporary sediment basin will be needed and phasing of the area and stormsewer and stabilization will be important to minimize potential for erosion. SWPPP Enclosed is a SWPPP review checklist for review. Items not marked with an 'x' need attention or are missing from the SWPPP. An example SWPPP is enclosed for the engineer / developer for reference. If there are any questions or if I can be of further assistanc~ please contact the SWCD office. Sincerely, Aaron Mlynek, CPESC Urban Conservation Technician c. Lori Haak, City Water Resource Coordinator (email) Bob Generous, City Senior Planner (email) AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER "'''''' ~'" ,--.. .",~ "'" ~""'" <»=, ·~~d 'W1~S)1LVJ.S3I'l~!>¥Vl3HlJQQfi K....-.KJ ~~<DSN)::.nÁYlQyl'folll.'t"rlJ.(;H( hOS>nßdI'\$P~","~1::I03/I/JiI(ß!jV.mIdS'I'M. ~UiOd)¡¡ jQ·IOOtiY,)UO)dS·~s.ul'1't1l""".il!n J3~1 /'0. 0- 0- 0- :3 (/) '-./ ~",,]...: ,,¡;jr::ì1 ~ B 8'ê fi'~ §.o S §'U) ~ õ~§Ê l::J .... 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" ~ " " Þ '" ~ ::E I'Q " :;; .¡:: Po 8 ß:i COÞ r:: ~ .~ -š "gg N r:: :§ ~ .s j¡ S ~ "Þ ~~ .~] .~ § r::'::: .g 1:: g.§ a] o ~ u_ " r:: .s ~ e å. ~g -= 0 ˧ ~[ ,,"" '" '" <0-. _ 00 co'" ~~ u '" "'''"' ::01 õ¡:Q :.a~ " u > ~ \0 ./.,-"-/" t ( íJt (1- UIL s-r ~_~ z V J /1/ or-: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Checklist \/ SWPPP contains a combination of ~ ~ . ¥ narratlve -;cF- plan sheets ¥-. standard detail sheets (where appropriate) Does the SWPPP Narraüve: ~ Describe the nature of the construction activity? ,Æ:J:: Address the potential for a discharge of sediment and/or other potential pollutants from the site? "0 IdentifY the person who will oversee the SWPPP implementation? o Identify the entity responsible for long term O&M of the permanent storm water management system? o List the chain of responsibility for SWPPP implementation for aU operators on the site? o Describe of installation timing for all ESe BMPs? .)@;:: Describe procedures to establish additional temporary ESe BMPs as necessary for site conditions? o Describe final stabilization methods for all exposed areas? (may be in narrative or on plan sheets) o IdentifY storm water management measures needed to mitigate impacts identified as a result of environmental, historical, archaeological, or rare species reviews conducted for the project? ~~ Identify additional measures being taken to protect Drinking Water Supply Management Areas? A If site discharges to impaired reach, identify any site areas discharging to the impaired reach? Do plan sheets identify: ,,Æ( Existing and final grades? .È( Locations and types of all temporary and permanent ESe BMPs? )2( Storm water flow directions and surface water divides for all pre- and post-construction drainage areas? ~ Impervious areas? -fi Soil types? ~ Locations of areas not to be disturbed? '~'iB( Limits of construction phases? . X Locations of all wetlands and surface waters that will receive pre- or post-construction site runoff (if don't fit on the plan sheets, an arrow to note the direction and distance)? Standard plates or specifications: o Are standard plates or specifications included where appropriate? Part ill - Stormwater Discharge Design Requirements X Are Temporary Sediment Basins required on site? (10 acres draining to common location) If Yes, are they: X Adequately sized - 2yr, 24hr storm, min. 1,800 fe/acre; OR no calc. min. 3,600ft3/acre? .~ Designed to prevent short circuiting? ,Þ{ Are outlets designed to remove floating debris? ,ß(' Are outlets designed to allow complete drawdown? )t( Do outlets have energy dissipation? X Have a stabilized emergency spillway? )\ Permanent Stormwater Management System o Is calculation of new impervious surface included in SWPPP? o Are calculations for permanent stormwater management system included (water quality volume of 12 inch of runoff)? '){ Are there areas of the project where typical treatment methods are not feasible? (up to 1 % of project size or 3 cumulative acres OR proximity to bedrock OR road projects lacking of right of way) ·~f yes, has effort been made to provide some treatment using alternatives? o Grassed swales Smaller ponds o "Grit chambers ,;(hich met. hod ofpennanent stormwater treatment has been selected? '"\ Wet sedimentation basin , )2Y Permanent volume of 1800 ft3 below outlet pipe for each acre draining ::p' Minimum depth of 3 ft; maximum depth of lOft ~' Configured so scour or resuspension is minimized :rr. Water quality volume is ~ inch of runoff rrom new impervious surfaces '.m: Basin outlets designed to discharge at less than 5.66 Cfs per acre of pond ~. Basin outlets designed to prevent short circuiting :' Basin outlets designed to prevent discharge of floatables .... Stabilized emergency overflow \, \- )3( Is adequate maintenance access provided? ,~~ Infiltration/filtration .. 0 Is infiltration/filtration appropriate to the site and land uses? o Is infiltration system not excavated to final grade until drainage area constructed and stabilized? o Are rigorous sediment and erosion controls used to keep sediment and runoff away? o Is a pretreatment device used? o Is the system sufficient to infiltrate or filter the appropriate water quality volume? o Can water quality volume be discharged in 48 hours or less? o If not, are they routed through stabilized discharge point? o Is there a way to visually verify the system is operating as designed? o Has appropriate testing been conducted to ensure a minimum of 3 feet of separation? o Are calculations and computer model results included to demonstrate the design adequacy of the infiltratÙ;m system? o Is adequate maintenance access provided? \\Y 0 Does the maintenance plan identify who will perform future maintenance? r''''' Regional ponds o Is written authorization from owner of regional pond included in SWPPP? o Is there no significant degradation of waterways between project and regional pond? \\..\ 0 Does regional pond design conform to the permit requirements for wet sedimentation basin? \' 'Cf\~;x Combination of practices . 0 Is the entire water quality volume be accounted for? \\ \\, 0 ~e computer models and/or calculations included in the SWPPP? . \'&\ \AlternatIve method . \ 0 SWPPP, including the Alternative Method documentation, t9 MPCA forreview and approval at least 90 days prior to the proposed starting date of construction activity. Part IV - Construction Activity Requirements )( Addresses erosion prevention measures: It< Are areas not to be disturbed delineated on plans? o Has appropriate construction phasing been implemented? )¡( Do exposed soils with positive slope within 200 feet of surface water have erosion protection/cover? )f... Are wetted perimeters of ditches stabilized within 200 feet of surface water? o Do pipe outlets have energy dissipation within 24 hours of connecting? Ì( Addresses sediment control measures: '7 à Are slopes with a 3: 1 grade broken up into lengths less than 75 feet? ~ - c. Ö ~L )( Are sediment control practices established on down gradient perimeters? o Are all inlets protected? o Do stockpiles have sediment control and placed in areas away from surface waters? <:'p.. Do construction site entrances minimize street tracking? )( AddreJses dewatering and basin draining: - ''¥-.. Is there a plan in place for dewatering so as to not cause nuisance conditions, erosion, or inundation .'-. .t" ~.f_<·~ /".'"'" c:.r-" b ';"->-<.- ,> w· -.' ')Ii Addresses inspections and maintenance: 1 o Identifies the person who wi11 oversee the BMP inspection and maintenance? ~ , o Inspections performed once every 7 days o Inspections performed within 24 brs of a rain event greater than 0.5 in/24 br o Inspection and Maintenance records include o Date and time of inspection o Name ofperson(s) conducting inspections o Finding of inspections and recommendations for corrective actions o Date and amount of rainfall events greater than 0.5 in/24 br o Maintenance performed o Silt fence repaired/replaced/supplemented when nonfunctional, or yj full; within 24 hours o Sediment basins drained and sediment removed when reaches 12 storage volume; within 72 hours o Sediment removed from surface waters within 7 days . o Construction site exits inspected, tracked sediment removed within 24 hours .~ Addresses pollution prevention management measures: )'( Solid waste disposed properly; comply with MPCA requirements . 'x: Hazardous waste stored (secondary containment, restricted access)· and disposed in compliance with ~ MPCA requirements ):(., External washing of vehicles limited. Runoff contained and waste properly disposed '~No engine degreasing allowed on site o Addresses {"mal stabilization: o Stabilization by uniform perennial vegetative cover (70% density) o Drainage ditches stabilized o All temporary synthetic and structural BMPs removed o Clean out sediment from conveyances and sedimentation basins (return to design capacity) o If residential - distribute homeowner factsheet o Submit NOT Re\...~2ments of Appendix A . ~j ~Does this site drain to a discharge point on the project that is within 2000 feet of a Special Water? Which Type of Special Water? BMP Category o Wilderness Areas C.l, C.2, C.3, CA o Mississippi River C.I, C.2, C.3 o Scenic or Recreational river C.1, Co2, C.3 o Lake Superior C.I, C.2, C.3 Lake Trout Lakes C.I, Co2, C.3, CA Trout Lakes C.I, Co2, C.3, CA Scientific & Natural areas C.l, Co2, C.3, CA Trout Streams C.I, C.2, C.3{ C.5 BMPs required for that Special Water shown on plans? MP Cate 0 Requirement o .1 protect slopes/provide temp basin for 5 acres draining to common location o C. treat water quality volume of 1 inch of runoff o C.3 maintain buffer zone of 100 linear feet from Special Water o CA post project volume/rate control o C.5 temperature controls ~ Does this site discharge to wetlands? ,.~ Has wetland mitigative sequence been, followed?f