Wetland Delineation Report 7-04 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. '" TRANSMITTAL 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-937-5150 Toll Free: 1-888-937-5150 FAX 952-937-5822 Date: July 15, 2004 From: David Weetman ~~ V; V~ c~. 0.~ ."\~ ~'ì -I. ~^. '-1<' ~Î ~~ c~ ¿Oa ~~ ~ ~t9ill ~ To: Lori Haak City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvdl, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Regarding: Proj. No.: Mancino Wetland Delineation Report 20041064 No Description 1 Copy of Mancino Wetland Delineation Report Items: Purpose: As you requested Remarks: Delivery: Mail Copy to: FilE, Nathan Franzen, Plowshares; Joe Vanta, Corps; Chris Moehrl, Westwood Designing the future today... MINNEAPOLIS ST. CLOUD WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT --_._~~~~------~ Mancino Property sw % of Section 3, Township 116N, Range 23W City of Chanhassen, Minnesota JULY 2004 Local Governmental Unit . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CityofChanhassen Ms. Lori Haak 7700 Market Blvd P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1135 Fax: (952) 227-1100 Project Proposer ~l-v~~~!!~~&§ W . Plowshares Development Mr. Nathan B. Franzen 1851 Lake Drive West, Suite 550 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 361-0832 Fax: (952) 361-0833 Prepared by '" Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: (952) 937-5150 Fax: (952) 937-5822 Project No.: 20041064.00 WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT Mancino Property City of Chanhassen, Minnesota July 15, 2004 CONTENTS WETLAND DELINEATION NARRATIVE . Wetland Delineation Results . Wetland Classification Systems Table EXHIBITS 1. Site Location and USGS Topography 2. National Wetlands Inventory Mapping 3. Soils Mapping 4. Wetland Boundary Map WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORMS REPORT PURPOSE This report and the attached exhibits and data forms constitute the wetland delineation report for the site referenced above. This delineation report provides the required documentation for wetland boundary determinations in conformance with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act ofl991. Wetland boundaries were verbally confirmed in the field by the City ofChanhassen on July 9,2004. Westwood requests that the City, as the Local Governmental Unit (LGU), provide written confirmation that the delineated boundaries shown on the attached Wetland Boundary Map are acceptable for local administration of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is located in the SW Yi of Section 3, l16N, R23W, City ofChanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota (Exhibit 1), and is bounded to the north by a school and associated athletic fields, and by single-family residences to the north, south and west. The majority of the site is a mixture of deciduous woodland, grassland, and manicured lawn associated with two residential homes. The western third of the property is densely wooded with a ravine and drainage near the center, which runs south towards Lake Lucy Road. Three wetlands were delineated within the property boundary and are identified as R4SB5 (Riverine, intermittent, streambed with a mud bottom), Type lL, Bottomland hardwoods wetland, and Type 1 PFOlA Palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous, temporarily flooded wetland. '\'\... Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 "". Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Wetland Delineation Report - Mancino Property July 15, 2004 Page 2 WETLAND DELINEATION METHODOLOGY Westwood delineated and flagged three wetlands on the site on June 18 and June 28, 2004. Wetlands were delineated using the level two routine determination method set forth in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station, 1987), in which sampling transects were established in representative transition zones of identified wetlands. Transects consisted of one sampling point in upland and one point in wetland. Soils, vegetation, and hydrology information were recorded for each point on data forms, which are included at the back of this report. Species dominance for vegetation measurements was based on the percent aerial or basal coverage visually estimated within a 30-foot radius for the tree and shrub layers and a five-foot radius for the herbaceous layer within the community type sampled. Wetlands were classified according to Wetlands of the United States (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Circular 39; Shaw and Fredine, 1971) and Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (FWS/OBS Publication 79/31; Cowardin et. aL 1979) (see the Classification Systems Table at the end of this narrative). Common names for vegetation identified in this report and on the attached data forms generally correspond with the nomenclature used in the National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: North Central (Region 3) (USFWS, Reed, 1988) and/or Vascular Plants of Minnesota (University of Minnesota, Ownbey and Morley, 1991). Prior to delineating wetland boundaries in the field, Westwood reviewed National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) mapping (1990) (Exhibit 2), and Digital Soil Survey Mapping of Carver County, Minnesota (based on Soil Survey of Carver County, USDA 1983) (Exhibit 3). Wetland boundaries were marked using pink "wetland delineation" pin flags and located using professional land surveying methods. The location of the wetlands and the approximate transect locations are shown on the attached Wetland Boundary Map (Exhibit 4). RESULTS Mapping Digital soils mapping indicates that the site includes Hamel loam, which appears on the Hydric Soils of Minnesota list (Hydric Soils of Minnesota, revised December, 1995). Other soil types mapped on the property, Kilkenny-lester loams, Lester-kilkenny loams, Lester-kilkenny clay loams, and Terrilloam, are all indicative of upland. NWI mapping shows no mapped wetlands within the property (Exhibit 2). The DNR Public Waters and Wetlands Inventory for Carver County (Minnesota DNR, 1984) depicts no DNR Public Waters, Wetlands, or Watercourses on the property. The nearest DNR Wetland (DNR Wetland 19-132W) is located approximately 400 feet from the southwestern property comer. Wetland Descriptions Westwood completed the wetland delineation and found three wetlands located on the Mancino Property. The delineated wetlands are depicted on the attached Wetland Boundary Map as Wetlands A through C (Exhibit 4). Detailed data collected at the sample points for these wetlands is provided in the attached data forms. "'" "" Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Wetland Delineation Report - Mancino Property July 15, 2004 Page 3 Wetland A is a narrow drainage located within the forested area that covers the western third of the Mancino Property, approximately 500 feet west of the Mancino residence. Wetland A covers 4,550 square feet (O.10-acre) and is classified as a R4SB5 (Riverine, intermittent, streambed with a mud bottom). Dominant wetland vegetation at the transect location included garlic mustard, Ostrich fern and Jack in the pulpit. Water was observed running in the channel on June 18,23,28, and July 9. Water was observed in an unlined borehole at a depth of 8 inches and saturation was observed at 7 inches below grade. The soils meet two hydric soil criteria, S6, stripped matrix and F3, depleted matrix. The transition from wetland to upland was marked by an increasing percentage of common buckthorn along with the absence of wetland hydrology. Wetland A is located in an area of non-hydric Lester-kilkenny loams and does not appear on the Soil Survey of Carver County. A review of historical aerial photography suggests that drain tile was installed in agricultural fields north of the Mancino Property prior to 1945, and that water from the fields drained directly south onto the Mancino Property from these tiles: During the 1960's, a school and associated athletic fields were constructed and drain tile and sheet flow from turf fields increased runoff to the south. The school recently disconnected drain tiles adding direct discharge to the Mancino Property and installed a horizontal curtain drain along the length of the southern portion of the school property boundary. However, it does not appear to be completely preventing sheet flow onto the Mancino Property. Wetland A is also being impacted by runoff from a private street stub associated with the residential development to the west (built in 1996). Silt fence was installed along the western property line to reduce erosion from the adjoining development, which is still in place. Soils in the drainage are severely eroded and very little vegetation was observed growing directly in the drainage due to strong erosional forces. Wetland B is located along the southern boundary in an area of hydric Hamel loam that does appear on the Soil Survey of Carver County. The native Hamel soil depression had 18 inches of eroded material (silt and sand) on top of hydric soils. Wetland B does not appear on NWI mapping. The wetland covers 846 square feet (O.02-acre) and is classified as a Type 1L, Bottomland hardwoods wetland. Free water was observed at surface on June 18,23 and 28. Dominant wetland vegetation at the transect location included box elder. Water and soil saturation were observed at 6 and 5 inches below grade within the wetland auger hole, respectively. The soils meet hydric soil criteria F3, depleted matrix. An increasing percentage of common buckthorn, catch weed bedstraw, and eastern hemlock, and the absence of wetland I hydrology marked the transition to upland. Wetland C is a hillside seep area north of Wetland A. Wetland C does not appear on the Soil Survey of Carver County or NWI mapping. Wetland C is classified as a Type 1 PFOlA, Palustrine, forested, deciduous wetland that is temporarily flooded. Hydrology was observed at the surface on June 18,23,28 and on July 9. This wetland covers 439 square feet (0.0 I-acre). Dominant wetland vegetation observed at the transect location included box elder and Canada clearweed. Water was observed running from a hillside seep north of sample area and at the surface within the auger hole. The transition to upland was marked by an increasing percentage of American basswood and the absence of wetland hydrology. Wetland Delineation Report - Mancino Property July 15, 2004 Page 4 CONCLUSIONS Westwood Professional Services delineated and flagged three wetlands (Wetland A through C) that encompass a total of 5,835 square feet (0. 13-acre) within the property boundaries. National Wetlands Inventory mapping shows fewer wetlands on the property than actually delineated in the field. Three wetlands were delineated while none were observed on NWI mapping. However, because NWI mapping is generated from aerial photography and other map sources, it is not ùncommon for wooded, Type 1 wetlands to be absent or misrepresented on these maps. The only delineated wetland that corresponds to hydric soils mapping is Wetland B. The other two wetlands represent areas of hydric soil inclusions within mapped upland soils. Westwood requests that the City ofChanhassen, as the Local Governmental Unit (LGU), provide written confirmation that the delineated boundaries shown on the attached Wetland Boundary Map are acceptable for local administration of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. This property is privately owned. This request for wetland boundary confirmation does not constitute permission to access these properties without contacting Westwood Professional Services, Inc. or Westwood's Client. Please call me at (952) 906-7419 if you have questions or require àdditional information. Sincerely, WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. 1J!el~o~~L f.. Environmental/W etland Scientist cc: Joe Vanta, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chris Moehrl, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. "... Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS ~- 1979 al. ; Cowardin et. ecifiêGlåsses' OW. RS. US. EM Cowardin Wetland Classification System Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats a/the United States SYmbol Subsvstems S Lacustrine SYMBOLOGY EXAMPLE WATER REGIME UPLAND (NON-WETLAND SYSTEM I SUBSYSTEM I..--1CLASS 12EM~ SUBCLASS. R20WH (LINEAR DEEPWATER HABITAT RB,UB,AB,US,ML,EM,SS,FO,OW RB. UB. SB. AS. RS. US. EM. OW (1) Limnetic (2) Littoral None (1 ) Tidal Lower (2) Perennial Upper (3) Perennial (4) Intermittent 5) Unknown Perennial p R Palustrine Riverine drained Pr,,)'''lIly represents upland areas. but may Include unclassified wetlands su<:;h as man-modifIed areas. non photo- Identifiable areas and! or unintentional omiSSions 0- A - Temporarily flooded B - Saturated C - Seasonally flooded D - Seasonally flooded/wel E - Seasonally saturated F - Semi-permanently flooded G - Intermittently exposed H - Permanently flooded J - Intermittently flooded K - Artificially flooded b - beaver d - Partially drained ditched f - Farmed h - diked/impounded r - artificial substrate s - spoil X - excavated Rock Bottom Unconsolidated Bottom Streambed Aquatic Bed Rocky Shore Unconsolidated Shore EM OW ML SS FO Emergent Open Water Moss Lichen Scrub Shrub Forested Circular 39 Wetland Classification System the Uni U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service C PEMA, P PEMB PEMC,PEMF,PSSH,PUBA,PUBC L2ABF, L2EMF, L2EMG, L2US, PABF, PABG, PEMG, PEMH, PUBB, PUBF L 1, L2ABG, L2ABH, L2EMA; L2EMB, L2EMH, L2RS, L2UB, PABH, PUBG, PUBH PSSA, PSSC,PSSF, PSSG,PSS1,PSS5, PSS6B PF01,PF05,PF06B,PFOC,PFOF PF02, PF04,PF07B, PSS2,PSS3,PSS4 PSS7B (952) 937-5150 nc. '" Westwood Professional Services "':-(;1·: . , ~~~.;. .~...), .: . ~/ 'f ) ,:.... . ~ , , .. .... .q.:·Ü(,~.. ::~:. '.'''0·;''\ iii '. .~ "',I .~ i .1 ~. 0;_ '. . ~"'..... ,- ,;¡J..~,r... .0<' .., ".:1,'...._",. ~,/..:....~..."..(,.'.:...:.:\'.\ ~f..: -"'.6.",~""V .....t ":'-""", _ I . '.' I!~}' "" .'..:r..~"J~ ~' . ,~ ~;, . , - -'Ii" '."' . 1 ,._.~! .._,'¡:"~r:. .¡I.,,--. .., ....~~' ,. 'II' , " n ", ~ _ ,'" .~" ...:':.~.'~..", :~_: :" "'~~'" .. ." '~ " ~.~~~~~ ~ -' 1 .... :,;..~ '. ~;> :,,',,~;. :' . . _~( ;~.:~'~::,/::~:~'~ ":;-':,;') ~~;. ", . . ,~~ ,"." -.tf" ~... '? ..:,!')..:)~,.·tt " ~1' I/¡' I . -J·IE..·!'!··."',,V ',,, .' .{ ..,:......:'Jj ~~ " _.~~'.. ,-þ",~,~"':' ~ .~.' t..., :' ", .... ....~ )1":...'11 ".,. ,'..,:1'1 . 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'. ;:.. . ~;' f\ '\ '-. ... .-....-;..- Legend Project Boundary N A o 1,000 2,000 I Feet Map Document: (P:\20041 064\G 18\20041 064drg01 A,mxd) 7/15/2004 .. 9:39:55 AM Plowshares Mancino Property Site Location and USGS Topography "" Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-937-5150 Chanhassen Minnesota EXHIBIT 1 .. ".'. . . .' . ··\;'~'~~'~t.. , "'~'. -.'" .~., "'" lffl:>: " , ,.., .,. \ ..... .~.;,.::;. ..... .oI ." "'Þ. . . 1 " ",d~~' .:"':;.:".< '~ "' , l ._,~,~~ '=;' '. ' ¡.. ....~ .,;.... .' ... . Dat~' s~~~ce(;;: Aerials ~~pr~-ss (2002), USFWS NWI (1989). ,- Legend Project Boundary NWI Wetland Map Document: (P:\20041 064\G 18\20041 064nwi01 A.mxd) 7/15/2004 -- 11 :39:32 AM Westwood Professional Services. Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-937-5150 '" .".'.,.'\1 ~,.,.,~ ""', .;'. r,:F"~""i~:',~:· :~i:'· ~:~:':'·-d:""':':·;i . :t.i!(.£.,.... .',', . ·~1. . ....., . ... .. 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Westwood Professional Services, Inc. ~, 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 952-937-5150 Chanhassen, Minnesota EXHIBIT 3 ~, .. t- 800 I Feet Note Wetland boundaries were delineated and flagged in the field by Westwood Professional Services on June 18 and 28, 2004 using the routine determination method set forth In the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station, 1987). Delineated wetland boundaries were verbally confirmed by the City of Chanhassen on July 9, 2004. Legend I ~ ;..~\\\. >,:~,::;:.i.~.~.~:;::: DELlNEA TED WETLAND :'.~::~~~ ~:."~~~::":'~" ><.: ~'~:'.:~~': ..~:¡~ ~:.<> ~.:~ ---.- DELlNEA TED WETLAND BOUNDARY 4- WETLAND DELINEATION TRANSECT X ~ I I I 0' 200' 400' Date: 07/12/04 Sheet: 1 OF 1 Mancino 20041064 WTF01.0WG Property Wetland Boundary Map Chanhassen, Minnesota Exhibit 4 WETLAND C TYPE 7, PF07A 439 s.F. )' t, LLC 1851 Lake Drive West, Suite 550 Chanhassen, 55317 for: Prepared MCH DWW RSC xxx CIedœd: Orawø: K«ord Ora Inc Westwood Professional Services, 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 '" 'dale: Fax: 952-937-5822 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: lnvestigator( s): Wetland Identification: Transect Sample Point: Date: CityfTwsp, County & State # of Flags: Mancino Property/20041064 Westwood Prof. Services - DMW/MCH Wetland A T-l 06/18/04 Chanhassen Carver, MN 38 SAMPLE POINT Wet side ŒI Common Name (Dominants 2!: 20 percent) Harl~ soil . ___.___._n___.__... _. ...___. ____ Mllstard, garlic I.'CIIl, Ostrich .Iac~ 111 thc pulpit __ .... ___0-. .- VEGETATION Up side 0 N/A 0 Ind. Status i\A FACW I F¡\CW --, F"\C\\'- . -. .---- I i-n...... ...----------- n. I ~_;;_¡:ï);i~11i~lallt..¡ 1',\<';",;;' \\ ~Ú~; ~... 6~... .' _..L~:~~~::'~~_~.~~:-E.0int.~~~~catcd i~_~arrow streambed with sparse vegetation. Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Riparian streambed R4SB5 --_._.~- --...- Scientific Name ,vA ... . -- .. - ..-- AI/aria pC'lio/ala ." ___ }:!!!"(,l/('l'ill .,'1 rill!!.!' If!}.!.".':>:..__ A/'I.\·(I('lIIlI Irifl/¡yl/IIIII Stratum N..\ II II N:\ % Cover 50 20 20 - 10 n .. --- __.__o..o.n ___ -_._- - -- ....-. ... SAMPLE POINT Wet side 0 Up side ŒI N/A 0 Common Name (Dominants 2!: 20 percent) Scicntiñc Name Fcrn, Ostllch ..__~~!'..!YII(:{'Il'-..:~I/'lil/II{~!!!~·ri:~._ .__ ~:~~~~____.. . __ _ _ ___ Fraril/!/.\ /WIIII.\r!\'(/liÙ'1l lIox cldcr __.._____ ._ .. ". _ _ A((~r lIegllllc!o I!uckthorn, common ___ U/WIiIIIII.\· {'IIt/UlrIÙ'c:......_..._.___.._ :-"lustard, g.u-Ilc ...._...._. .-!~llllrilll}('II!:.~!.'!~_______ --- __no --'---.'-" .-.-. -----.-- __. "__"n __~._ -- Stratum ~I_.J.D Cover II 7.. T 15 I' 10 S <5 -- II 'S 0"._ _.. --. ._--- ---- ~._.__._._._----- -_.~-_. ..- I I i 1=.-.---- ~_... -- Ind. Status ¡:¡\C\\' I'i\C\V FA (; \\-'- FACti ..- FAC ..- ----- -. .. .--.:-~~-~3 'Yo. of Dominants 1'..\(: or wcll.::r: 100 Rcmarks: -. - . -. ...--- ():crall [)om:nan( \'¡:!~C~al~<!~I'( :~)!~.~'~I~I.'!~~Y: ()~U,:h ¡01~'}I..::_~.~(!~~~~":\:<:()dla!!-d-.n .""---.-- SAMPLE POINT Wet side ŒI Up side 0 II Prif!.l~~Y.t:!y.~~~!~~.y' !~.~!~ators 'i Inundatcd, [)eplh (in) ~ Saturated, Depth (in) ~ Water in borehole; Depth (in) Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Drainage Patterns § ª HYDROLOGY NIA 0 Secondary Hydrology In~icators (2 required) Ox ¡di/cd Root Channcb Water-Stained Leaves Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression FAC-Neutral Test ~ Topographic Position Other - Explain: Wetland Hydrology Present? ... K'''';:¡<' - -...-.... . No . Assumed - Explain: SAMPLE POINT Wet side 0 Up side ŒI Undetermined - Explain: N/A 0 Saturated, Depth (in) Water in borehole, Depth (in) Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Drainage Patterns >22 >22 I ~~~~~.x!l"y'd_rology h~d.icé)tors... ________._I~.~~<?nda...!)'_~.y_ci!.~.I_~g.y....!~dic~~<?_r_~J?~~C uired) _ _~~~~nd _.tly~rol~JJyf!~sent.?~ Inulldat.::d, Ikplh (ill) OXldl/c(Ì Root ChalHll:ls Ycs . "-I Water-Stained Leaves Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression FAC-Neutral Test Topographic Position Other - Explain: ~ No Assumed - Explain: Undetermined - Explain: Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Wetland Identification: Mancino Property Wetland A Job No.: Transect Sample Point: 20041064 T-l SOILS SAMPLE POINT Wet side lEI Up side 0 N/A 0 Mapped Soil Type Terrilloam - -..-.. Depth Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Moist Mottle Matrix Mottle . Texture (inches) (Munsell Color) (Munsell Color) Abundance/Contrast 0-14 A 10YR4/1 none none sandy loam I -- - , . _"-4-22 .------ª-1_ 10YR 3/2 none none silty clay loam __....._.. ._u. - ---'---"" .. ...---....- "-- -- -- Minerai Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value 2: 4 and a Chroma of:S 2 in mottled soils or:S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile, Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,1O. 1-2 cm Muck ~ S6. Stripped Matrix FS. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S I. Sandy Mucky Material F 1. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2, Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix ~ F3, Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Layers SS. Sandy Redox F4.. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? ~ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: . SAMPLE POINT Wet side 0 Up side lEI N/A 0 Mapped Soil Type Terrilloam Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture (inchest f--Ã (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast 0-4 10YR3/1 none none Silt loam - -- 10YR2/2 ~- -" -'1 4-24 B none none Silt loam -c. .------ ------ ..------ . '-., I Mineral Hydric Soil Color!! = Matrix with a Value 2: 4 and a Chroma of:S 2 in mottled soils or:S 1 inl1nmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the . A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many. (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,1O.1-2cmMuck S6. Stripped Matrix FS, Thick Dark Surface A2, Histic Epipedon S 1. Sandy Mucky Material F1. Loamy Mucky Material F6, Redox Dark Surface A3, Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7, Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix F8, Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Layers SS. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? Yes ~ No Undetermined Remarks: . WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side lEI Up side 0 N/A 0 Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? X Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? ~ Yes No Hydric Soils Present? X Yes No Is the area a wetland? X Yes No Distance from Wetland Edge ª ft, NIA 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? 0 Does an Atypical Situation Exist? 0 Does an Atypical Situation Exist? 0 Remarks: Bare soil with sparse vegetation, Yes' Yes' Yes' SAMPLE POINT Wet side 0 Up side lEI N/A 0 Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~ Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ~ No Hydric Soils Present? Yes ~ No /s the area a wetland? Yes ~ No Distance from Wetland Edge 10 ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Remarks: o o o Yes' Yes' Yes' 2 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Investigator( s): Wetland Identification: Transect Sample Point: Mancino Property/20041064 Westwood Prof. Services - DMWIMCH Wetland B T-l 06/28/04 Chanhassen Carver, MN 8 Date: CitylTwsp. County & State # of Flags: SAMPLE POINT Wet side ŒI VEGETATION Up side D N/A D í Common Name (Dominants ~ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status , ~'-.:.Idl~r ,·1 ('(II" lll'grlf (Jo T NO FAC\\'- ~klh01I1, (;(~~~1.~____.______ /(lW/I/I/I/.I' (([II,lI/,/Ü.'a S 15 FACU . ---" .....- I ('ircm ash I,'/'w.il/l/I' fI(,I/I/~:>''''lIl/i("a T S I:ACW ---~'------_._--- - i --- --~. J.---.------. I r---·----··· .".---" -- .. - -- -.- % of Dominants FAC or wetter: 100 Remarks: . Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: box elderrrype I L BottollÙand hardwoods SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ŒI N/A D r Common Name (Dominants ~ 20 pcrcent) :....lustard, garl ~~__ .. lJuekl~I':)~~I, (;()lIìIl~1 __._, ~(.)ek. c"~lcrll_______ ]kd~l ¡lW, e:~10~1~'eed ___ f--- -.. -"--- -- ---'.~~--_. f-.. ----- ----- --------. .."- -- Scientific Name ..I !lÜ//'ia /1~~!.0Ja/iI /(llIlIIlIlIIS ('lI(/,o/,ticl/ '!:II/FIi ('al/(/(Ir'1/ ,'/.1' (il/iirllli (/!!~//'ill(' Stratum II S T II i % Cover Ind. Status Jj ()() !'t\C 11 2() I~/i.(:(~_~ -~-_. ..I~:';\( :~.; j 5 I',\CL -- --.- ___oj I .1 I ; 1 ---j .- "_.- .._-. - - - ----. --. ~1:¡);ll11inanl~ 'I'A<: or IICtlcr: 33 -Remarks: .-- . - Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: garlic mustard and eastem hellÙock/woodland -- . HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT Wet side ŒI Up side D N/A D f IP_r!!n~ry Hy~~o!.ogy !~,~icators...___ 1lIlIlIdatcd, Depth (ill) 2Ç Saturated, Depth (in) .§ 2Ç Water in borehole, Depth (in) §. Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Drainage Patterns Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) I Wetland Hydrology Present? -- ¡ .. 'ÔX'I;¡¡::;'C~¡ Rool (-ilall;;CI.~-· . .... .. .. . . ·-~);c.'i - . . Water-Stained Leaves No 2Ç Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression F AC-Neutral Test Assumed -- Explain: 2Ç Topographic Position 2Ç Other -- Explain: Other areas with saturation at the surface. Undetermined - Explain: SAMPLE POINT N/A D Wet side 0 Up side ŒI 11_ p'~im~~y_ !iydr~.I~J y'.lnd.ica_~ors _______m . :, Inundated, Depth (ill) Saturated, Depth (in) 17 Water in borehole, Depth (in) 1..!!. Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Drainage Patterns ... _§.econdary__t!¥~olõ-gy Indi~~~~!~J.~_~~9~~ir~~d)J (hidi/cd ROOl Ch:UIIK'I, Water-Stained Leaves Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression F AC-Neutral Test Topographic Position Other - Explain: Wetland Hydrol.~gy Prescn~.? ______ ~ i:~ X No Assumed -- Explain: Undetermined - Explain: 3 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Wetland Identification: Mancino Property Wetland B 20041064 T-l Job No,: Transect Sample Point: SOILS SAMPLE POINT Wet side ŒI Up side D N/A D Mapped Soil Type Hamel Loam Depth Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Moist Mottle Matrix Mottle Texture (inches) (Munsell Color) (Munsell Color) Abundance/Contrast 0-18 A 10YR2/1 none none __~!!!l.!~~_1!I w/.s~~~_n ._..__ ---- ....- -~. ---. .---- .- ..-- ---.... ..- 18-24 B 2.5Y2.5/1 none nono silt loam Mineral Hvdric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value 2: 4 and a Chroma of:S 2 in mottled soils or:S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,IO. 1-2 cm Muck S6. Stripped Matrix FS, Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S 1. Sandy Mucky Material Fl, Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3,Black Histic S3, Mucky PeatlPeat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7, Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix ~ F3. Depleted Matrix FS, Redox Depressions AS, Stratified Layers SS, Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? ~ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ŒI N/A D Mapped Soil Type Hamel Loam Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle -..-- ._~._-- Texture (inches) -.. (Muns.ell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast -O::;S- A 2.5Y3/1 none none silty loam wI sand 18-23 B 2.5Y2/1 none none . silt loam Mineral Hvdric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value 2: 4 and a Chroma of:S 2 in mottled soils or:S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile, Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface), Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,IO,I-2cmMuck S6. Stripped Matrix FS, Thick Dark Surface A2, Histic Epipedon S I, Sandy Mucky Material F 1. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3, Black Histic S3, Mucky Peat/Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4, Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix FS. Redox Depressions AS, Stratified Layers SS, Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandv soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? Yes ~ No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT N/A D WETLAND DETERMINATION Wet side ŒI Up side D Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~ Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? ~ Yes No Hydric Soils Present? ~ Yes No Is the area a wetland? ~ Yes No Distance from Wetland Edge §. ft, N/A *Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? D Yes* Does an Atypical Situation Exist? D Yes* Does an Atypical Situation Exist? X Yes* Remarks: 18 inches of eroded material over hydric soil. SAMPLE POINT N/A D Wet side D Up side ŒI Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ~ No Hydric Soils Present? Yes ~ No Is the area a wetland? Yes ~ No Distance from Wetland Edge 10 ft. N/A *Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Remarks: Yes* Yes* Yes* D D D 4 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Investigator(s): Wetland Identification: Transect Sample Point: Mancino Property /20041064 Westwood Prof. Services - DMW/MCH Wetland C - Hillside Seep T-l Date: CitylTwsp. County & State # of Flags: 06/28/04 Chanhassen Carver, MN 9 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ŒI Up side 0 N/A 0 I Common Name Scientific Name Stratu m -- (Dominants ì:: 20 percent) % Cover Ind. Status Box cider A ('er l/¡,'glll!I_(~! T 35 JiA( :W- Hal c ~oil NA )\A 15 :\A f--c-:--.----,------. - ----...----- _._--- (:Icamccd, (:arJ:l0a ._____ ¡'ilell !IIIII/ila II 20 I'¡\( :\\' - -- --.-- .lack in thc pulpit , ri.\'(/(:!/lI1 /riph\ ¡/¡UII II :) I'A(:W- -. -...---"-.- --- _n..___ --____-_0". -_... _n_ "_ - ----"-------. ..--.. - -----." --- - -- --' - .----- . . -'-- ._- --".--" Rcrriã¡'ks: ....--- - j: % of f)ol11inanl~ "At: or wcllCI: 100 -- ..---...-. -- -- ------- Overall I )OIni n~~.l~_ \'l:gc~;_\!i~)~l:( .:OIIH))U~}.~~:: l o'(cI(~~.~!clcarwc('( I: '1'::::1:e II. Ilillsidl: Seep: n~ll!(~~la!ld hardwoods Ii .. -. - - ., .. ... .n" o ..:_~ :." ".".':"'':_ :.:..:....::.=::-.:.:.:.1 SAMPLE POINT Wet side 0 Up side IE N/A 0 Common Name (Dominants ~ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum ! % Cover Ind. Status _~Ius(ard, garlic _::!!!~(/ri(/ fle/illlala II I 70 F.'\C - ~_. .- n Basswood, An lei ical~ '/ï/w 111I/1'r;('I/lW ' ' I 20 F..\CIJ -.- - Jaek in the pulpit A ristll'lI/(/ /riflllJ'//1I1iI II It) F.\LW- ----~ . '" -.---- .--- n. -.-----.-- ---..--- -- - --". -- --- ---_.---- - -- ---- .-~--_.._-_. .- I . .. .------.-- ...._--_.__.~--_..--- Remarks: --- - ..------ % or DOIllll ¡IIIIS 1-';\(: 01 weller: 50 ..-..-------- --.-- ---.-"! I (h'elall DOl1linant \\:gelatioll.'( '(lIl'nHllll1~: (¡adie l1IuSlard'has~l\'ood:decidlloll~ woodla;HI =-....:::.:..:-..:.. .~ .:.-==:-:=.~:.:- ~ ----". ---- -- _._- -.._-- ~... ~ "---. - . --- --....---.-.. HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT Wet side IE Up side 0 N/A 0 Primary Hvdrologv,lndicators SecondarY Hvdrology]ndicatörS(2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels 2Ç Ycs 2Ç Saturated, Depth (in) 0 Water-Stained Leaves No 2Ç Water in borehole, Depth (in) º Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression . Water Marks, Height (in) F AC-Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits X Other - Explain: Water running from hillside Flattened Vegetation seep. Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns SAMPLE POINT Wet side 0 Up side ŒI N/A 0 ,_':'ri~a.ry Hy'~_~C?!~gy In-'ii_~ators..m_.. . Inullda1\.'d, [kplh (ill) Saturated, Depth (in) >18 Water in borehole, Depth (in) >18 Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Drainage Patterns Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) i Wetland Hydrology Present? > --- Ú~idi/cd R;;;;t(:hal~¡ll'b .-. . - . .--....~----.. _m . . Water-Stained Leaves 2Ç No Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression FAC-Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Topographic Position Other - Explain: Undetermined - Explain: 5 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) ct Name: nd Identification: Mancino Property Wetland C -Hillside Seep SOILS SAMPLE POINT Wet side [BJ Up side 0 N/A 0 Job No.: Transect Sample Point: 20041064 T-l Mapped Soil Type Lester-kilkenny clay loam Depth Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Moist Mottle Matrix Mottle Texture (inches) (Munsell Color) (Munsell Color) Abundance/Contrast -..- 0-8 A 10YR3/1 none none silt loam -----::-- .-- --- B ---;¡OVR471 10YR4/6 _. fine, few: faint .-.-. ---: 8-16 silty clay loam -- ." -' ----" -- .- -.-----. -- ~~!r!.Ç.ral Hvdric Soil C910rs " Matrix with a Valu!! 2: 4 and a Chroma of:S 2 in mottled soils or:S 1 il1unmottled soils, Soil colors measured directly below tho A-horjzon within the soil profilo, Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface), Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value). Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). . A I, Histosol A9,1O. 1-2 cm Muck S6, Stripped Matrix FS. ThickDark Surface A2, Histic Epipedon S I, Sandy Mucky Material F I. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3, Black Histic S3, Mucky PeatlPeat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix ~ F3. Depleted Matrix FS, Redox Depressions AS, Stratified Layers S5, Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? ~ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side 0 Up side [BJ N/A 0 Mapped Soil Type Lester-kilkenny clay loam Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle I Texture (inches) (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abu ndance/Contrast .. 0-10 A 10YR3/1 none none __.__J_____.__ silt loam -.. . --- -----:¡-ÕYR4/1 10-18 B 10YR4/6 fine, few, faint ! silty clay loam Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value 2: 4 and a Chroma of:S 2 in mottled soils or:S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface), Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,lO, 1-2 cm Muck S6, Stripped Matrix FS_ Thick Dark Surface A2, Histic Epipedon S I, Sandy Mucky Material F I. Loamy Mucky Material F6_ Redox Dark Surface A3, Black Histic S3, Mucky Peat'Peat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7, Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3, Depleted Matrix FS, Redox Depressions AS, Stratified Layers S5, Sandy Redox F4, Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? ~ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT N/A 0 WETLAND DETERMINATION Wet side [BJ Up side 0 Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~ Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? ~ Yes No Hydric Soils Present? ~ Yes No Is the area a wetland? ~ Yes No Distance from Wetland Edge ª ft. N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation. Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Remarks: Yes* Yes* Yes* o o o SAMPLE POINT N/A 0 Wet side 0 Up side [BJ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ~ No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ~ No Hydric Soils Present? ~ Yes No Is the area a wetland? Yes X No Distance from Wetland Edge ª ft, N/A 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation. Wetland Hydrology. or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Remarks: Yes* Yes* Yes* o o o 6 Revised 06/17/02