Draft Wetland Del. 7-7-04 "t. " Westwood Professional Services, Inc. PlANNING. ENGINEERING. SURVEYING '" TRANSMITTAL RECEIVED JUt 00 8 2004 CITYOFC . . HANHASSéN 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie. MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 Toll free: 1-888-937-5150 E-mail: wps@WeStwoodps.com Date: July 7,2004 TWIN CITIESlMETRO ST. CLOUD To: Lori Haak City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 BRAINERD From: David Weetman Regarding: Proj. No.: Mancino Property 20041064.00 Items: No Description 1 Copy of color exhibits 1 Copy of DRAFT delineation data forms Purpose: For your information Remarks: Lori - Attached is a copy of the DRAFT data sheets and color exhibits for the Mancino Property in Chanhassen. We can meet at the end of Manchester Road on Fridav. Julv 9 at 10AM. See you then. Thanks! David Direct Dial: 952-906-7419 Delivery: Mail Copy to: FILE Designing 1he Future Today...sínœ 1972 '. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Investigator( s): Wetland Identification: Transect Sample Point: Mancino Property/20041064 Westwood Prof. Services - DMW/MCH Wetland A T-l Date: City/Twsp. County & State # of Flags: 06/18/04 Chanhassen Carver, MN 38 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D i Common Name (Dominants ~ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Barl' soi I ,vA 1\;\ <)5 1\:\ -.--- -. '- ,. n .. Ï\·1uslanl. >.!ad ic ·j//.¡,'it¡ /1('/ iollllll II t)2 F·\('\\' !. -' .,. lHalleuccia slrUlhiupleris . rem, Ostrich H 02 FAn\¡ Jack in the pulpit Arisaema triphyllum NA 01 FACW- % of Dominants F AC or wetter: 0 Remarks: Sample pt was located in narrow streambed. Bare soil dominated, sparse veg. Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Riparian streambed R4SB5 SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Common Name (Domina~ts :!: 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status FellI, Ostrich ·\flll/('lIc'('il¡ sl/'lllhiflfJ/t'/'I\' II ï~ :,\( 'W I .. I Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica T 15 FACW Box elder Acer lIegundo T 10 FACW- Buckthorn, common Rhamnus cathartica S <5 FACU Mustard, garlic Allaria petiolata H <5 FAC % of Dominants F AC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Garlic mustard! deciduous woodland HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels ~ Yes ~ Saturated, Depth (in) 2 Water-Stained Leaves No ~ Water in borehole, Depth (in) ª Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC-Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines ~ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrologylndicators (2 required) , Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundated, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channels Yes Saturated, Depth (in) >22 Water-Stained Leaves ~ No Water in borehole, Depth (in) >22 Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) FAC-Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines Topographic Position Sediment Deposits Other - Explain: Flattened Vegetation Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns Revised 06/17/02 '. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Wetland Identification: Mancino Property Wetland A Job No.: Transect Sample Point: 20041064 T-1 SOILS SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Mapped Soil Type Terrilloam Depth Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Moist Mottle Matrix Mottle Texture (inches) (Munsell Color) (Munsell Colör) Abundance/Contrast 0-14 A 10YR411 none none sandy loam 14-22 81 10YR 3/2 none none silty clay loam Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value 2: 4 and a Chroma of S 2 in mottled soils or S 1 in unmottled soils, Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). A I. Histosol A9,IO. 1-2 em Muck S6, Stripped Matrix FS, Thick Dark Surface A2, Histic Epipedon S I, Sandy Mucky Material FI, Loamy Mucky Material F6, Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3, Mucky PeatlPeat F2, Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7, Depleted Dark Surface A4, Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix 2Ç F3, Depleted Matrix FS, Redox Depressions AS, Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4, Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? 2Ç Yes No Undetermined Remarks: . SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Mapped Soil Type Terrilloam Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture (inches) (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast 0-4 A 10YR3/1 none none Silt loam 4-24 8 10YR212 none none Silt loam Mineral Hydric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value 2: 4 and a Chroma of S 2 in mottled soils or S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). A I, Histosol A9,IO, 1-2 em Muck S6. Stripped Matrix FS. Thick Dark Surface A2, Histic Epipedon S I, Sandy Mucky Material Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3, Mucky PeatlPeat F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3. Depleted Matrix FS. Redox Depressions AS, Stratified Layers SS. Sandy Redox F4, Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? Yes 2Ç No Undetermined Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes 2Ç No Wetland Hydrology Present? 2Ç Yes No Hydric Soils Present? 2Ç Yes No Is the area a wetland? 2Ç Yes No Distance from Wetland Edge .Q ft. NIA *Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? D Does an Atypical Situation Exist? D Does an Atypical Situation Exist? D Remarks: Bare soil with sparse vegetation. Yes' Yes* Yes' SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ NIA D Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 2Ç Ves No Wetland Hydrology Present? Ves 2Ç No Hydric Soils Present? Yes 2Ç No Is the area a wetland? Yes 2Ç No Distance from Wetland Edge 35 ft. NIA *Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? . Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Remarks: D D D Yes* Yes* Yes* 2 Revised 06/17/02 ., Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name/Job No.: Investigator( s): Wetland Identification: Transect Sample Point: Mancino Property/20041064 Westwood Prof. Services - DMW/MCH Wetland B T-1 Date: City/Twsp. County & State # of Flags: 06/28/04 Chanhassen Carver, MN 8 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Common Name (Dominants ~ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Box eldcr AceI' ne~lIlIdo T 80 FACW- Buckthorn, common Rhamnus cathartica S 15 FACU Green ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica T 5 FACW % of Dominants F AC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: boxelder/Type 1 L Bottomland hardwoods SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Common Name (Dominants ~ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Ï\ 1 list <I nl, gad ic ,I/Iillril'l fi('/III/lilll II (¡() !'/\C BlIcktholl1, ¡;OI1111'101.1 lUll/iii""" ('ut/WI'licu S 20 I'..\('U Hemlock, eastern 'lslIga canadensis T 20 FACU Bedstraw, catchweed Galil/1Il aparine H 5 FACU % of Dominants F AC or wetter: 33 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: garlic mustard and eastern hemlock/woodland HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Primary Hydrology Indicators Secondary Hydrology Indicatòrs (2 required) Wetland Hydrology Present? Inundatcd, Depth (in) Oxidized Root Channcls ~ Yes ~ Saturated, Depth (in) § Water-Stained Leaves No ~ Water in borehole, Depth (in) ~ ~ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression Water Marks, Height (in) F AC-Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Drift Lines ~ Topographic Position Sediment Deposits ~ Other - Explain: Other areas with Flattened Vegetation saturation at the surface. Undetermined - Explain: Drainage Patterns SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Prima H drolog Indicators Inundated, Depth (in) Saturated, Depth (in) Water in borehole, Depth (in) Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Drainage Patterns 17 18 Seconda H drolog Indicators (2 required) Oxidized Root Channcls Water-Stained Leaves Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression FAC-Neutral Test Topographic Position Other - Explain: Wetland Hydrology Present? Ycs ~ No Assumed - Explain: Undetermined - Explain: 3 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc, WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Wetland Identification: Mancino Property Wetland B Job No.: Transect Sample Point: 20041064 T-1 SOILS SAMPLE POINT Wet side ŒI Up side D N/A D Mapped Soil Type Hamel Loam Depth Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Moist Mottle Matrix Mottle Texture (inches) (Munsell Color) (Munsell Color) Abundance/Contrast 0-18 A 10YR2/1 none none silty loam wI sand 18-24 B 2.5Y2.5/1 none none silt loam Mineral Hvdric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value ~ 4 and a Chroma of S 2 in mottled soils or S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface). Com.mon (2-20% of exposed surface). Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox! = Faint (closely related hues and chromas). Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value). Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI, Histoso\ A9,lO, 1-2 em Muck S6, Stripped Matrix FS. Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S 1, Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6, Redox Dark Surface A3, Black Histic S3. Mucky PeatlPeat F2. Loamy GIeyed Matrix F7, Depleted Dark Surface A4, Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy GIeyed Matrix ~ F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions AS, Stratified Layers SS. Sandy Redox F4, Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? ~ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Mapped Soil Type Hamel Loam Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mòttle Texture (inches) (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) .. Abundance/Contrast i 0-18 A 2.5Y3/1 none none silty loam wI sand 18-23 B 2.5Y2/1 none none silt loam Mineral Hvdric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value ~ 4 and a Chroma of S 2 in mottled soils or S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox! = Faint (closely related hues and chromas). Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value). Prominent (vary several units in hue. value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,10, 1-2 em Muck S6, Stripped Matrix FS, Thick Dark Surface A2. Histic Epipedon S I. Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6, Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3, Mucky PeatlPeat F2. Loamy GIeyed Matrix F7, Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy GIeyed Matrix F3, Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions AS, Stratified Layers SS, Sandy Redox F4, Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hvdric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils. F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? Yes ~ No Undetermined Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~ Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? 0 Yes* Wetland Hydrology Present? ~ Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? 0 Yes* Hydric Soils Present? ~ Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? 0 Yes* Is the area a wetland? ~ Yes No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 2 ft. N/A "Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D . Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ~ No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? 0 Yes" Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ~ No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? 0 Yes" Hydric Soils Present? Yes ~ No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? D Yes" Is the area a wetland? Yes ~ No Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge 10 ft. N/A "Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? 4 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) I nvestigator( s): Wetland Identification: Transect Sample Point: Mancino Property 120041064 Westwood Prof. Services - DMW/MCH Wetland C - Hillside Seep T-l Date: City/Twsp. County & State # of Flags: 06/28/04 Chanhassen Carver, MN 9 VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Common Name (Dominants ~ 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum % Cover Ind. Status Box elder Acerl/eglltldo T 35 FACW- Bare soil NA NA 35 NA Clearweed, Canada Pilea Pllmila H 20 FACW Jack in the pulpit Arisaema lriphyllllm H 5 FACW- % of Dominants F AC or wetter: 100 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Boxelder/clearweedlType lL Hillside Seep/ Bottomland hardwoods SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Common Name (Dominants 2: 20 percent) Scientific Name Stratum I % Cover Ind. Status ~111~1;lId, garlic II/iiI/ria fle/ioll//I/ II ï() 1',\(' , Basswood, American 1ïlia americana T 20 FACU Jack in the pulpit Arisaema triphyllllm H 10 FACW- % of Dominants F AC or wetter: 50 Remarks: Overall Dominant Vegetation/Community: Garlic mustardlbasswoodldeciduous woodland HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Prim~!LHY~,rology'lndic:..ato_r!;,,__ ,_,_. Illund:lle(:. Ikplh (III) ~ Saturated, Depth (in) º ~ Water in borehole, Depth (in) º Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Drainage Patterns ,ßec~nc!ary HydroloQY..lndicator,~J2 req~ired) , I ",YVet!~md I:,-ydrol~gy Present? ",,"'oo. Oxidil.ed RoO! Chanllels ~ '¡'cs Water-Stained Leaves No Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression F AC-Neutral Test Assumed - Explain: Topographic Position ~ Other - Explain: Water running from hillside seep. Undetennined - Explain: SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Primary.Hy_drolpgy Indicator~, 1lllliHlaled, IkpllJ (ill) Saturated, Depth (in) Water in borehole, Depth (in) Water Marks, Height (in) Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Flattened Vegetation Drainage Patterns >18 >18 Second_ary Hyd~ology, Indic~torSj2 requi~E!d) O.xidi/cd Root Channcls Water-Stained Leaves Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression F AC-Neutral Test Topographic Position Other - Explain: , ,Wetla.nd,!!ydrology P~esent? Yes ~ No Assumed - Explain: Undetennined - Explain: 5 Revised 06/17/02 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WETLAND DELINEATION DATA FORM (ROUTINE DETERMINATION METHOD) Project Name: Wetland Identification: Mancino Property Wetland C - Hillside Seep Job No.: Transect Sample Point: 20041064 T-1 SOILS SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Mapped Soil Type Lester-kilkenny clay loam Depth Horizon Moist Soil Matrix Moist Mottle Matrix Mottle Texture (inches) (Munsell Color) (Munsell Color) . Abundance/Contrast 0-8 A 10YR3/1 none none silt loam 8-16 B 10YR4/1 10YR4/6 fine, few, faint silty clay loam Mineral Hvdric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value;:: 4 and a Chroma of S 2 in mottled soils or S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface), Mottle Contrast (matrix to redox) = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,IO, 1-2 em Muck S6, Stripped Matrix FS, Thick Dark Surface A2, Histic Epipedon S I. Sandy Mucky Material Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic S3. Mucky Peat/Peat F2, Loamy Gleyed Matrix F7. Depleted Dark Surface A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix ~ F3. Depleted Matrix F8. Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Layers SS. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? ~ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Mapped Soil Type Lester-kilkenny clay loam Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture (inches) (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast 0-10 A 10YR3/1 none none silt loam 10-18 B 10YR4/1 10YR4/6 fine, few, faint silty clay loam Mineral Hvdric Soil Colors = Matrix with a Value;:: 4 and a Chroma of S 2 in mottled soils or S 1 in unmottled soils. Soil colors measured directly below the A-horizon within the soil profile. Mottle Abundance = Few «2% of exposed surface), Common (2-20% of exposed surface), Many (>20% of exposed surface). Mottle Contrast {matrix to redox} = Faint (closely related hues and chromas), Distinct (differ by 1 to 2 hues and several units in chroma and value), Prominent (vary several units in hue, value, and chroma). AI. Histosol A9,1O. 1-2 em Muck S6, Stripped Matrix A2. Histic Epipedon Sl. Sandy Mucky Material FI. Loamy Mucky Material A3. Black Histic S3, Mucky Peat/Peat F2, Loamy Gleyed Matrix A4. Hydrogen Sulfide S4, Sandy Gleyed Matrix F3, Depleted Matrix AS. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4, Depleted Below Dark Surface Field Indicators of H dric Soils (Midwest Region USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) Hydric Soil? ~ Yes No Undetermined Remarks: FS, Thick Dark Surface F6, Redox Dark Surface F7, Depleted Dark Surface F8. Redox Depressions WETLAND DETERMINATION SAMPLE POINT Wet side ~ Up side D N/A D Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~ Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? ~ Yes No Hydric Soils Present? ~ Yes No Is the area a wet/and? ~ Yes No Distance from Wetland Edge ª ft. NIA 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Remarks: D D D Yes' Yes' Yes' SAMPLE POINT Wet side D Up side ~ N/A D Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ~ No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ~ No Hydric Soils Present? ~ Yes No Is the area a wet/and? Yes ~ No Distance from Wetland Edge -ª ft. NIA 'Has the area been altered sufficiently to render the presence of Hydrophytic Vegetation, Wetland Hydrology, or Hydric Soils not applicable? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Remarks: D D D Yes' Yes' Yes' 6 Revised 06/17/02 "© 2003 Westwood Professional Services, Inc, ,.¡- '..:..' "'.-"~. "J:.r...,. ~ ,', ..,.' . .: ".-:" F' ",. .... ~', ...',¡r., .-.. -' r},... ': ".' :'; - :..'. ",:.." ' . . ...." I:'..', '. " '~'1' ': <",'" ·1' " 1"--".'''".'' ~'!....:..r- "'T ... :,-It.~ .,.' " '".".:'.::'. -" '::'F-',. ..,- '~.II',,< ,m _ii::' "~'-"::"-"""':'~'i~~,::' i"~,;, :....j""-:. ..··0 ,'~: '. I~ . ',. . . .oI"M - .. .,.' . ..01 . : ._ '. L- ....1' ,or ..~ r::!!. II. ...:. 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