Draft Wetland Boundary Map o Note Wetland boundaries were delineated and flagged In the field by Westwood Professional Services on June 18 and 28, 2004 using the routine determination method set forth In the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory. Waterways Experiment Station. 1987). DELlNEA TED WETLAND DELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND DELINEATION SAMPLE POINT )I ~ Legend -- -t WETLAND 8 TYPE 1[. PEMA 439 S.F. -.. .~::..-.. - : ."-....--=- '-. ~ ,...........~' ~ WETLAND A if R4S85 ~\ 4,718 S.F. '<;. ~ ~'-~ 'iL.;ë\ ..~\ ~:~'\. 1~ o' 4 Exhibit o ty inl\esota Devetopment, LLC 1851 Lake Drive West, Suite 550 ChanhasseI\, Minnesota 55317 for: Westwood Professional Services, Inc 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone: 952-937-5150 Fax: 952-937-5822 '"