Email from N. Franzen 2-2-05 Message Page 1 of 3 Generous, Bob From: Nathan Franzen [nathan.franzen @ kroissdevelopment.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 7:57 AM To: Generous, Bob Subject: RE: Pinehurst Trail Connection Thanks for getting a decision back to us quickly. WI e will incorporate it into our plans. I am assuming that the school will be giving us a construction easement? I will follow up with Mike Condon and Todd once we have something drawn up. N From: Generous, Bob [mailto:bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 4:29 PM To: Nathan Franzen Cc: Aanenson, Kate; Gerhardt, Todd; Hoffman, Todd; Saam, Matt Subject: RE: Pinehurst Trail Connection Nathan: Pursuant to condition 8. of the preliminary plat approval for Pinehurst, "Provide an access trail from this neighborhood to Minnetonka Middle School West, the location to be determined by time of final plat", we have made the following determination: After reviewing the alternatives, meeting on site and contacting the Minnetonka School District, we will be requiring a trail connection from Street A to the School District property. In order to overcome the grade issue and to avoid a long ramp, the School District has stated that either a timber or concrete stairs in this area would be appropriate. Therefore, as part of your construction plans, please include this connection. Todd Hoffman recommends the use of recycled timber for the construction of the stairs. Please contact him directly at (952) 227 -1129 or thoffman @cLchanhassen.mn.us. Your Engineer can work with Mike Condon, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, with the Minnetonka School District to coordinate the stairway location and fence opening. His number is (952) 401-5039. In response to your comments below, I have the following: The proposed trail connection will not impact any additional trees on your site since this area is proposed for grading for the private street and the storm sewer proposed in this location. Access is ultimately from Street A. The trail should be located north of and separate from the private street. The city maintains its trail system. This is no different than what is being proposed as part of the Crestview Development (a trail between two home sites), and probably better since the private street is adjacent to the trail. The use of the stairs negates the ramp issue. Any drainage should be accommodated in the storm sewer shown in this area. We don't propose that the trail go that far west. We prefer that the trail be in the vicinity of the west lot line of Lot 8, Block 1. I have attempted to get this decision to you as soon as possible so that you can make you deadline for submittal 2/2/2005 Message Page 2 of 3 """"1IIIIIIII by Feb. 22. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Bob Generous -----Original Message----- From: Nathan Franzen [mailto:nathanJranzen@kroissdevelopment.com] Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 5:21 PM To: Generous, Bob; Hoffman, Todd Subject: Pinehurst Trail Connection Bob and Todd, Just a follow up from today's meeting. I wanted to make sure our position was clearly stated - as I didn't think it was appropriate to bring them up at our meeting with the neighbors. We are opposed to the trail connection between Private Drive E and the middle school for the following reasons: 1. There is no sidewalk or trail planned along Private Drive E. Adding one would increase tree loss - something we tried very hard to avoid. 2. The fact that it is a private drive and not a public street raises issues about access and liability. Even though an easement could be used over the street - it will be privately maintained and therefore subject to our homeowners association policy. So if someone is injured it could cause problems that could have been avoided. 3. Over half of our development may not use it. Even if we have two connections - many of the families in Pinehurst may still choose to go north, due to the hill and direct access thru Shively. 4. The ramp that was suggested we do not see as viable alternative. I had our engineer look at it: a. It would be a 160' long at 5% slope b. It would also cause erosion issues and tree loss (7-12 significant trees). i. At a minimum there would be a substantial amount of dirt to remove or a large retaining wall. c. There would also be water draining from the school that would have to deal with. 5. The trail location would be very close to the ravine area - which we feel could provide easy access for children to "hide out" and potentially become a problem area for the school and surrounding neighborhoods. Wanted to make sure we had our opinion heard. If you have any questions about our remarks, please give me a call. Thanks for your time and have a great weekend. Nathan Nathan Franzen Plowshares Development 1851 Lake Drive W, Suite 550 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-361-0832 (Office) 952-361-0833 (Fax) 612-270-2020 (Mobile) www.plowsharesdevelopment.com 2/2/2005 Message Page 3 of 3 2/2/2005