Letter S.M. Hentges 4-25-05 650 Quaker Avenue · P.O. Box 69 · Jordan, MN 55352 Phone: 952.492.5700 · Fax: 952.492.5705 Aplil25, 2005 Project: Pinehurst Chanhassen, MN S,M. Hentges Job # 05-557 Engineer: Proj~ct Engineer Field Engineer Westwood Engineering Andrew Mannier Chris Moehr1 952-906-7442 612-247-4927 General Contractor: S.M, Hentges & Sons, Inc. Project Manager: Gary Zajac General Supt. Steve Hentges Pipe Supt. ~~vey Johnson 952-492-5700 612-919-4660 612-282-8549 Subcontractors: Bituminous Northwest Asphalt, Inc. Directional Bore Minncomm Utilities Curb & Sidewalk S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. Silt Fence, Seed & Sod S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. Lance Gentze1 952-445-1003 Bill Miller 612-812-7096 Jim Huston 612-919-4668 Dave Eddy 612-919-5602 Material Suppliers: 100& Limestone C1ass-5 & 3" Minus Select Granular Borrow Hydrants, Gate Valves, pve, Fittings'&, pve Watermain Manholes, Catch Basins, RCP Castings Bryan Rock Barton's Sand & Gravel National Waterworks Royal Concrete Pipe Ess Brothers Certified payroll required or just a portion? yes _no (if yes, is entire job certified payroll Certified payroll reports are to be sent to: Pay estimate generated by PE due by Does NPDES Weekly Inspection Log-need to be completed Equal Opportunity Employer (J)O OJO O(J) c;;: C ;;: (j) 0 m 0;;: C> ro 0 ;:i: C -¡:u 2;0 ~. 0 ¡:,¡ ro (3 mg. ., ro :J c: ~ ¡:u :J ::+CT 0. 3 (fJ I» Q.o 3 IT ~ 0. (i, :; ;:;: æ. 0. 0 õ' ~ =.: a. r;<>ro OJ tn3 (fJ g ¡¡¡' -0 ß' -g: :J r;<> §' ª' (J)ro 0 g (f ¡:u 0 (j):::!: c: õ' õ' 8.::2: (fJ 0. 0 ~ 0 ;:¡. :J ~ 0 :J ~ c: :J ~ ro 8- IT '" (J) 0 ª- m - § r;<> ., OJ ., (1) ~, 0 OJ (1) ID ã: (f ::+ - ro ~' Õ' OJ (f 0. 5<' :J (fJ ro -- ~ I I I I - ~ . .... - - 'f' ~ .... - - -:¡- '{> ~ ;::;- ':' '" 0) w <¡> .... - q> ~ ~ -:¡- ':' ~ 0) ;::;- <¡> '" U1 ;::;- " '" .....: f' . to -:¡- ~ , ... '" -= q> ¡:¡ ;::;- 'f' '" r . .:;, ... . '" - q> ... '" '-= 'f' '" 0 ~ ~ t3 ~ t.> >- 'f' ~ r- ~ ~ ~ I::- 'f' '" .... ~ q> ... >- ':' 0) I::- <¡> ... U1 I::- " '" '" ';::;- f' '" <D ~ 0'- I» 0 -0" !I! .. :1>::9- "C:J :!. (t) -:r J\)(: (J1., ~ If) J\)- o o (J1 ;¡: » -< (.. C Z m (.. c r -< » c (j) c en -I en m "'0 -I m ;¡: !D m JJ o ~ o !D m JJ '-"'C(J) QO~ a. CO . I»O:t _:J X (1) s:m;:!. ZCDIQ CD (f ~ (J) o :J ~(f (J1 (J1 w (J1 J\) 5' p