Precon Agenda 4-25-05 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Page 1 Proiect: PINEHURST- Gradina and Erosion Control Ref: 2004-1064, City Project #05-03 ,~',,' 7 '":! ("..) ) lv' 35--- . J~)" <.o>'f:. 1. Introduction and Preparation of list of attendees - na,mes, addresses, _ telepho?\e_ numbers ,!!!,..:--07J IJD~ 1~§¿k Key Personnel ~~ a) Project Engineer - Chris Moehrl, PE, Westwood, (952) 906-7443 Curtis Nett, EIT, Westwood, (952) 906-7405 __ - )'h,N"'l} e.c-. 1) Construction Observer - f0j.ke Guimond, Westwood, (612) 363-0991' 2) Construction Observer - Steve Pflipsen, Westwood, (952) 906-7463 3) Surveyor - Bob Houle, Westwood, (952) 906-7466 b) Contractor- S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. 1) Project Manager- Gary Zajac, (952) 492-5700, Ext 20 c) Sub Contractors 1) Timberscapes, Hugh Morris, (612) 363-1976 2) Tree Top Services, Paul Mielke, (763) 972-3988 d) Owner- Plowshares Development, LLC. 1) Project Manager- Nathan Franzen, (952) 361-0832 2) Construction Contact-Jason Miller, (612)-590-1173 - (!ee 2. 3. Duties of: a) Contractor: The Contractor shall supervise and direct the work. He will be solely responsible for the methods, means, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction, and for the safety precautions and programs incidental thereto. A qualified supervisor shall be designated and present on the site at all times as required to direct and coordinate the work. b) Project Engineer: The Project Engineer and/or his designee is the Owner's representative and will visit the site at intervals he deems necessary to observe the work and assure it is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. The Project Engineer will inform the Owner of the work progress, and endeavor to guard the Owner against defective work. He will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for the contractor's methods, means, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction, and for safety precautions and programs incidental thereto. c) Owner: The Owner shall provide lands and easements as described in the contract documents to facilitate the work. He shall make payments, and execute change orders based on recommendations of the Project Engineer. Only the Owner has the right to terminate services of the Contractor in accordance with the contract documents. The Owner will issue all communications to the Contractor through the Project Engineer. d) Construction Observer: The Construction Observer is the Project Engineer's representative and will visit the site at intervals the Project Engineer deems necessary to observe the work and assure it is preceding in accordance with the contract documents. He will prepare work progress reports and payment requests in accordance with the contract documents for submittal to the Project Engineer for review and approval prior to acceptance by the Contractor WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (952) 937-5150 4/25/2005 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Page 2 and Owner. The Construction Observer will endeavor to inform the Project Engineer of defective work. If the Construction Observer discovers defective work for which the contractor will not or does not repair or replace, has the right to order the contractor in writing to discontinue work and to notify the Project Engineer immediately of his action. Only the Project Engineer will inform the Contractor in writing to resume work. 4. Safety a) Review Contractor's documentation for A Workplace Accident Injury Reduction (AWAIR) Act program which requires a written safety and health program. b) Review specific safety responsibilities for each of the different levels of Contractor's on-site supervisory personnel. c) Obtain the name of the Contractor's safety director and business phone. d) Obtain the name of the Contractor's on-site safety coordinator and position. e) Review the Contractor's procedure for handling on-site related complaints or issues. f) Contractor will list when and what personal protective equipment will be required by the Contractor for employee safety and health. g) Contractor to list emergency response information for the specific project. h) Identify Project specific safety measures that will be taken by the Contractor during the different phases of the project construction, including excavation protective systems, fall protection measures, backing equipment protective measures, and work zone traffic control measures. 5. Grading a) Anticipated to start Monday, April 25, 2005 (Silt Fence, Clearing and Grubbing) b) Schedule 8. Staging area a) Identification b) Duration c) Dust control 9. Testing a) Soils Testing Company- Braun, Henry Vloo, (952) 995-2000 b) Contractor to give 24 Hour notice of testing to Braun directly c) All tests reports to be filed with the Construction Observer 11. Permits Responsibility and Status a) Engineer 1) Use of State Waters a) MPCA b) Municipality 2) Erosion Control a) MPCA b) Municipality c) Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed d) Carver Soil & Water Conservation District 12. Cooperation with Others a) Retaining Walls WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (952) 937-5150 4/25/2005 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Page 3 b) Utility companies c) Municipalities d) Law enforcement e) General public 13. Erosion Control a) Permits: NPDES and Riley Creek Watershed b) Reference key parts of erosion control plan: refer to Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan c) Note any special requirements based on the environmental documents: Take note of trees to be saved and provide adequate protection. d) To be monitored and maintained by Contractor: Erosion control and site drainage. 14. Others a) Possible Plan Changes and Change Orders b) Pay Requests c) Power poles / Light Poles WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (952) 937-5150 4/25/2005