Letter from MnDOT 12-14-04 ,f'! ~("'\\\NEIS0'41-0 ~ ~ ~ g -;, 0 "'1-J- ç,Q OFT¡>'Þ-'" Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan District Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville MN 55113-3174 REceiVED DEC 1 5 2004 CITY OF CHANHASSEN December 14,2004 Ms. Kate Aanenson Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Fox Property Concept PUD- MnlDOT Review # S04-096 Northwest side of proposed new Trunk Highway (TH) 212/312, and west and east of Powers Boulevard, CSAR 17 Chanhassen, Carver County CS: 1013 Dear Ms. Aanenson: Thank you for the opportunity to review the above-referenced site plan. The Minnesota Department of Transportation's (MnlDOT's) functional engineering units and related areas have reviewed the plan. Before any further development, please address the following issues: · The first road (street) west of Powers Boulevard (CSAR 17) needs to be located at least 660 feet west of Powers Boulevard, rather than the 300 feet depicted in the concept plan (see attached map). The Mn/DOT Metro District AUAR review letter dated October 14, 2003 ("bullet" 3), letter enclosed, specified that distance from the Powers intersections (Review # AUAR 03-007). The road west of Powers should include a Left Turn Lane and a Right Turn Lane on the road opposite our ramps. It can be anticipated that when vehicles exit TH 212/312 and stop at a red light (which creates a queue) and the light then turns green and a vehicle continues through the intersection, the inevitable speed decrease which happens when vehicles immediately slow down to turn left or right will adversely affect the capacity (throughput) ofthe signalized TH 212/312 intersection. The farther west of Powers Boulevard this first intersection is located, the better. For questions on these points, please call Lars Impola, MnlDOT Metro District Traffic Studies Engineer, at (651) 634-2379. · A drainage permit may be required for this project. Current drainage rates to MnlDOT right of way must be maintained, and the development must not increase runoff towards Mn/DOT right of way from predeveloped conditions. The developer needs to submit maps showing pre- and post-construction drainage areas, with flow directions indicated by arrows. Ifthe development drains to Mn/DOT right of way, the maps should be accompanied by drainage computations for pre- and post-construction conditions during 10 year and 100 year events. For questions on these points, please call Ms. Julie Whitcher, Mn/DOT Metro District Water Resources Engineering Project Manager, at (651) 634-2080. An equal opportunity employer Ms. Kate Aanenson Page 2 December 14,2004 · Any use of or work within MnlDOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility web site at www.dot.state.mn.us/tecsup/utility. Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Keith V an Wagner (651-582- 1443), or Buck Craig (651-582-1447) ofMnDOT's Metro Permits Section. · Mn/DOT's policy is to assist local governments in promoting compatibility between land use and highways. Residential uses located adjacent to highways often result in complaints about traffic noise. Traffic noise from this highway could exceed noise standards established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Minnesota Rule 7030.0030 states that municipalities are responsible for taking all reasonable measures to prevent land use activities listed in the MPCA's Noise Area Classification (NAC) where the establishment ofthe land use would result in violations of established noise standards. Mn/DOT policy regarding development adjacent to eXlstmg highways prohibits the expenditure of highway funds for noise mitigation measures in such areas. The project proposer should assess the noise situation and take the action deemed necessary to minimize the impact of any highway noise. If you have any questions regarding Mn/DOT's noise policy please contact Peter Wasko in our Design section at (651) 582- 1293. · As a reminder, Powers Boulevard is County State Aid Highway (CSAH) Route 17. Any work on a CSAH route must meet State Aid rules and policies. Also, the County must review any changes to its County State Aid Highway system so that they stay within its system limitations. Please note that CSAH 17 is Carver County's jurisdiction and the County must have the opportunity to review and comment on the development as well. You may obtain additional information regarding State Aid rules and policies in any of the following ways: ~ http://www.dot.state.mn.us/stateaid/ shows or has links to the applicable forms and the Mn/DOT State Aid Manual. ~ Refer to the MnlDOT State Aid Manual, Chapter 5-892.200 for information regarding standards and policies. ~ Please go to http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/arule/8820/ for information regarding State Aid Operations Rules Chapter 8820. ~ For driveway standards, the designer is directed to refer to the MnlDOT Road Design Manual (English) Table 5-3.04A and Figure 5-3.04A for guidance and policies. ~ Please contact Jim Deeny in our State Aid section at (651) 582-1389 with any additional questions. - Ms. Kate Aanenson Page 3 December 14, 2004 Please address all initial future correspondence for development activity such as plats and site plans to: Development Review Coordinator MnJDOT - Metro Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 MnlDOT document submittal guidelines require three (3) complete copies of plats and two (2) copies of other review documents including site plans. Failure to provide three (3) copies of a plat and/or two (2) copies of other review documents will make a submittal incomplete and delay MnJDOT's review and response to development proposals. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation in providing the necessary number of copies, as this will prevent us from having to delay and/or return incomplete submittals. Feel free to contact me at (651) 582-1462 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 1)1 c1JLu-- Jk ( î ~!It Marv McNeff ~7 / Transportation Planner Enclosures: 2- October 14, 2003 MnlDOT AUAR review letter; map cc: Roger Gustafson, Carver County Engineer John Freemyer, Carver County Surveyor Jon Scalzo, DaWgren, Shardlow, and Uban, Inc., Minneapolis, MN Dan Nichols, Schoell & Madson, Inc. Minneapolis, MN Mike Byrd, Lundgren Company, Developers, Wayzata, MN ~D C'-f N t~~. 'r>'i t'< ¡,~. h~ ,,^-ðJ '. rq () ~-'. o 4"1\ !~, f "~~~=-:::~ '~'........ /' ",:- ~!"'t" "' .--,""" é,-, '~.-..., . .,....". . . )' . , r"....,¡..,.~. / /"r..-, /" t ,.".~.-.ø- .....~ ........-. :---. -'~'. l' ~---(;( ·~ -- . ' October 14,2003 Ms. Kate Aanenson Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Subject: Chanhassen AUAR - Mn/DOT Review # AUAR #O3"()()7' Northwest of Pioneer Trail (County Road 14) and proposed 1H 212/312 Chanhassen, Carver County Control Section NA Dear Ms. Aanenson: Thank you for submitting the Chanhassen Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) dated September 12, 2003 for Mn!DOT Metro District review. We offer the following comments with respect to the draft AUAR: w__ · Mn/DOT will be acquiring additional Right of Way from this property for flood plain mitigation on· the north side of Pioneer Trail, and the west side of the new Powers Boulevard extension. For questions on this point, please contact Harold Larson, Mn/DOT Metro District Right of Way Office, at (65 1) 582-1267. · Detailed hydraulic computations will be needed to support specific development proposals for this area, including narratives, and schematic drawings that depict how proposed projects relate to Trunk Highway (TII) 212/312. Drainage permits may be required; determinations on drainage permit needs will await Mn/DOT Metro District's receipt and review of specific development plans. For questions on these points, please call Don Berre, MnlDOT Metro District Water Resource Engineering, at (651) 634-2406. · Direct connections to the 1H 212/312 Powers ramp terminals need special treatment and must meet certain criteria in order to be approved byMn/DOT. The roadway must provide good connections to the local street system such that through trips can be accommodated at reasonable speeds. Accesses should be prohìbited on local streets within 660 (six hundred and sixty) feet of the Powers intersections. The East - West Collector (across from the Powers ramps) appears to meet this criteria, while the roadway connection to the south Powers ramps does not. The roadway connection to the south Powers ramp would not be permitted, as depicted in the draft AUAR. For questions on the following traffic comments, please contact Lynn Clarkowski, Mn/DOT Metro District South Area Engineer, at (651) 634-2103. · We believe that the Powers Boulevard bridge over 1H 212/312 should be sized to provide necessary turn lanes. It appears the south ramp will require dual left turn lanes for southbound to eastbound traffic (this will require a wider bridge). ,.,. - Ms. Kate Aanenson Page 2 October 14, 2003 The original traffic analysis perfonned for TH 312 identified a need for only one (1) single left turn lane southbound. Mn/DOT recommends that the additional left turn be included in the mitigation plan in the final AUAR, as the site-generated traffic forces the need for a second left turn lane. · It appears that signals will be needed at both of theTH 2121312 Powers ramp termini. The original traffic analysis perfolIDed for TH 312 did not support signals at these locations. We believe that signals will be needed soon after development in this area occurs, and should be planned for, and constructed, at the same time as TH 312 construction (signal costs to be determined in accordance with MnlDOT's cost participation policy). · The construction schedule for the east - west collector roadway should be coordinated by the City so that the collector roadway opens concwTently with TH 312. Construction is currently scheduled to start on the TH 212/312 Design - Build project in the Spring of 2005. If the collector roadway is not constructed concurrently with TH 312, there will be congestion issues with Lyman Boulevard, and Powers Boulevard. · Any use of or work within Mn/DOT right of way requires a permit. Please direct questions regarding permit applications to Keith Van Wagner (651-582-1443) ofMnlDOT's Permits section. . It is important that the City of Chanhassen coordinate with Mn/DOT Metro District regarding the final tumlane geometrics at each of the TH 212/312 Powers Boulevard ramp terminals as soon as possible, as the TH 212/312 Design - Build geometric layout is being fmalized. As a reminder, for new development activity, such as plats and site plans located elsewhere in the City, please send those documents to: Tod Sherman MnlDOT - Metro Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Sincerely, Marv McNeff Transportation planner Copy: Roger Gustafson, Carver County Engineer John Freemyer, Carver County Surveyor Ann Braden. Metropolitan Council Brad Scheib, Hoisington Koelger Group, Inc. Gary Ehret, Kimley Horn and Associates 2 , .~ Ms. Kate Aanenson Page 3 October 14, 2003 Copy: Lynn Clarkowski., MnIDOT Metro District South Area Engineer Lisa Freese, MnIDOT Metro District South Area Manager Jon Chigl0, Metro 212 Project Manager Blind copies to me: MnIDOT LGL File - City of Chanhassen MnIDOT Division File: CS NA Blind copies distributed via Groupwise: Cindy Carlsson Too Sherman Ann Braden Lisa Freese Don Berre Ken Ljung Lynn Clarkowski. . Harold Larson Gene Hicks Lars Impola Brett Troyer Curt Fakler Jon Chiglo Keith Van Wagner Roger Gustafson Carver County Engineer 600 East 4th Street Chaska, MN 55318 John Freemyer Carver County Surveyor 600 East 4th Street Chaska, MN 55318 Brad Scheib Hoisington Koelger Group, Inc. 123 North 3rd Street Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55401 \.. 3