Survey for ROW Vacation L :-JI/)rhor/n.,L / 1'1/ II\./('/,)(..!t/¿ r¡1 ____ ____ . III ~_____------------------------- I I' ~ ~ E x c re P I ~ 0 íl - - ~ = = ;; I ----;"scnþtion -; /?ight~of~¡Yo/ to be ~ J ~ __ I ' II '\¡ I ~ <:) AI82°/} 4,0 r I/O ~ ~ ¡V'-t I" N78;; 5, 7.) /! r1rl/..)//\ n /-, JJI ¿ I ~.// I . / n /J C' 1\"'" ,) A .II-') II /V/l.//// Vacated' T/¡Cl! part of Cresfv¡f1w Lane os dedleoled Oil Shlvety Addlf¡oll wllicl1 lies sOt/therty ol7d sOt/lhweslerfy of 0 /¡ne descnoed os follows: BeglÎ7l71ng ot 0 pOI/J! on Ihe sovlherfy /¡ne of sold CreslY¡f1w Lone dislont 62.96 feel weslerfy of l17e eosl /¡ne of Ot/llol,-t ShivelY Addition, SOld sot/lherfy /¡ne hO/l7ng on osst/meo' beonng of Sot/lh 89 degrees J4 mlnvles 04 secol7ds Jt'esl.' Ihence northwesterfy 5. 67 feet olol7g 0 1701l-lallgenf¡o/ ct/rve cOl7cove 10 Ihe 170rtheosl hO/l7ng o rO/Ì/s of 245.00 feel. 0 centrol ollgle of / degree /9 mlnt/les J7 seconds, 0 chord dtstollce of 5.67 feet olld 0 chord bð'onng of North 7/ degrees J6 mlnt/les /4 secollds Jt'esl.' l17ellCé' /Vorth 70 degrees 56 mlnt/les 25 secol7ds Jt'esl, 10llgent to losl desclbed Ct/rvt?t 88. 45 feet' thellce weslerlY 48.24 feet olol7g 0 10Ilgenf¡o! ct/rve cOl7cove 10 Ihe sOt/Ill. hO/l7ng 0 rodlt/s of / Jo. 00 feel ol7d 0 centrol ongle of 2/ degrees /5 mlnt/tes 4J secol7ds,' l17ellce sOt/lhwest(y; 170rthH'eslerfy ond northerfy 15';:95 feet olollg 0 non-!allgellltol Ct/f1/t?t cOllcove to the Ilortheast hoving 0 rodit/s of 50. 00 feet 0 Cé'ntrol angle 01 176 degrees 24 mlót/les JJ secol7ds, 0 chord dtstOIlCé' of 99.95 feet and 0 chord beonng of /Vorth 7/ degrees 00 mlnt/les 45 secollds Wesl. 10 the Ilortherfy /¡ne 01 sold Creslnf1w LOlle, I ~~J ~~ ~...~ \~ C\, ~, "'- " ~' ~ ~ -- - -A/o/e.' f)et7Íéo/etl CíeS!j/j&1f ! Of/e IS !líJæ//e/o¡Jert ;/10/ ß/J/lt COf//@ßS í/O (//¡lí/;&5'- SUí//ty £r/¡¡/;/1 fõr Æj/¡l-ol-lf(Jj' /1¡C(]/¡Ó/l N PREPARED FO/?· ,I I \ lJ 6;879.20Sc¡ R IIomes Loco/iO/7 ;/lop " 7 ~/, .'¡tl/N~ ~;!.-~ II / '& --¡- , ~ I ~ / /~ ) ~ / I ~ , .<~~I j ~: ~ ' '" / ·S / \" ~ ~'/ \:j ! I ( ~ / CreSM8fY t r:o scale ,~ ~ 1.17.___ ""~ ~ , Sì!& "---~----------- LuXe ¿{ICY IT'd Area of Porcello be Vacoled - LeCf flro$. , --) 1...- /", / -- " . , ~r -'......J' < (' , - ,- ..- ,. ('-:.:; ./ - "'",¿,.--7"_ ~ '" .--- <' - , (/~) ~ ~r:...J ~ .~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~.~ ~~ '...../ V) 230.37 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ / / /" 50 --r \ .~ \.~ \ ì ~~ :-\ -....\ \ \~ r--':::: \... (: ~ :-\' 'v ,,\~ -.... ","-- '-J '-.... 50 It -------- I /V83 038 -1 Lol --------- -- -- - /j / L, 'l7erfy /¡óe O,r 'Stvlelf' LOlle - -" O(!.-- \~ ¡"j ''':~ "'-.... ~y-J l ~'....j ~ S\j \'~ I.~J J 0) ~ ~ me No. 126ð11V B001c-Pap 413-68 Sc«l8 l--siJ' I l1"nby ~ tlI4t U11ø 6UM"d]' plall or l'e'p()rt ".9' PftJpued by me or wader m.T dlrect npttrritdol1 _tl that I am a dul,y Registered Land Surveyor under tlIe Ian of tlIe State of Jlin.oesota, As ~me tbh 12tl1 day of May, ~~. C'. JIlt. -- .J D.rid E. Crook DEMARS-GABRIEL IAND SURVEYORS. INC. 3O:ro Bu60r Lan" No, PlJ'moutb, JIN ð$U7 Pl1OlJe:(783) ððfl-0908 FlU: :(763) 669-0479 ~--.:./ .EO ~r'J - ~.l .,..... ......<,.;.::: ç (_J_.... (~~) f_._._, ...(:~ -- /j¡-rn ( .'" I I! I r íV¡ ..7 (j ,f!l1~ 7" (j, ~r./):~) // r/\./ U~? Z- 1 I S8~qu rv I I ,,.-., I \', 1-')/ \....//l./\..- /ì~:'-I V/J 22414 No. Reg, Jann. ./ í , I (A