Conservation Esmt Legal Desc FRONTIER SECOND ADDTION Conservation Easement Legal Description That part of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1, FRONTIER SECOND ADDITION, lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence North 00005'01"East 59.00 feet along the west line of said Lot 2 to the point of beginning ofthe line to be described; thence North 73°38'02" East 94.00 feet; thence North 01°22'31" West 66.90 feet; thence North 20°51'14" West 103.23 feet; thence South 89°23'56" West 51.56 feet to the west line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. í--S, LINE OF GOV'T LOT 4, SECTION 12, T.116, R.23 \ N89°30'23"E 200.00 r30.00-- \--F-- r-lDD.DQ=-=----- / ~---- =-=1-00.00-1: f --_./ I : / ! I : / ¡ I : / ¡ I : / ! ¡ I / / IS89·23·tk~--,- / / _51.56 - "- 1 / v'-'-'~ " /,' ~I .\ \ ( N \ /' ~ \ />--------- ~ ~ \ / ';.. I t ~~~\ / II I u.- ~'Ó \ / f À I ~ f' {k!::: I ~ \~\uI\ / ~~ ~ ., ~ / /, ~ \ /------~ ( u..L - - ~ - J~~ JI--- { :" I 8°21' . liE ~ 200.07\ \1 ~-~ '" \ .j~ ~I '" { o ~ ~ ""'- ~ J ~ I \~ '" I . \'"1 ~ '" 0 I \ \\ \ \. ð // lì····.... ~ I / ~ \! ----~ /~ 2 I I . ..... r- I ~"""' ~o /0 1···.1 o J ~ . 9A-·O ,/ W .... I ~ I .--=--' 'oi-'t. ..-"- -- W I I .q- ~~1S~ß ..-..-"- -- 2- I .- I í-- -H I I I ~ I I: gr. : I 25 I: Ii1 V : I I : ~~--~ L L___________ -------------:--- ---- .---ý;1 - - - - - - - - - ------- ---- Qß. ..---: ''+ I I - - - - - - - - - - ----:;'1iiç{i·:1iJ I r----N.89-°5.~~-J.135,OO -~~ I I I I .- I I , _-1 / -- "'" J 100.00 /' -H <I -- ~N f"..(Q (J~ ,,¡--..: CO(Q LOLO r- 0 w w 0 W........., : ~ 0 11) 0 0 ,-.. o.:J ..-- o o.:J ..-- ~ ~ \........ \....- \ I I , o o o CX) co L() CO CO L() 3: