Final Plat 1. '-'ú ~l / Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson Inc. Cnq~' . SurloeJ<l'"S . Landscøpe ArchItects ------------------- Notary Public, _______ County, Minnesota My commission 8Kpires _____________ Kelly HõñS;;,-R-;gistorOTiitiëS------- The foregoing surveyor's certificate was oø.nowledged before me by-D. Daniel Thorp, Land Surveyor, Minnesota license No. 16321. STATE OF IAINNESOTA COUNTY OF _________ his day 0 _________ 200___ REGISTRAR Of" TITlES, t hereby certify tho CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA his plot of GA TEWA Y EAST 2ND ....DOITION 200__-0 at wos filed this o'clock _______ day 0 m., os Document No õ.D';;;¡~Thorp~Oñd~rveyor ------ Minnesota licenSe No. 16321 I hereby certify that 1 hove surveyed and plotted the land described on this plot os GA TEWA Y EAST 2ND ADDITION: that this plot is 0 correct representation of soid survey; that 011 distances ore correctly shown on soid plat in feet and hundredths of 0 foot; thot 011 monuments wiU be placed in the ground os shown, in accordance to Minnesota Statutes. Section 505.02. Subd. 1; that the outside boundO'"y lines ore cor-rectly desW;¡noted on said plot: and that there ore no wetlands.. os defined in MS 505.02. Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated on the plot oth.... than shown. Kelly Hansen-:--ëõ;:"ver Co;:;;rt'y Recõ;"d-;;------ COUNTY RECORDER, I hereby certify tho CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA is plot of GA TEWA Y EAST 2ND ADDITION 20CL_ ot wos filed this o'clock ______ day 0 m.. os Document No. ________. ------------------ Notory Public, ______ County, Minnesota My commission expires ___________ Tom Ket:be;:c;':er County Treo~----- :hlS _____ day of ____, 200___ by he ________ of the City of Chanhossen, on behalf of laid City. COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby certify that hove been paid in fu CHASKA COUNTY, axes payable in on this MINNESOTA for the day 0 land described on his plot os CATEWAY EAST 2ND ADDITION 200__. STATE Of MINNESOTA COUNTY Of _________ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me Mark ~ndgren.corW!rCOOñtYAudi¡;;----- COUNTY AUDITOR, CAR\IER COUNTY, MINNESOTA I hereby certify that there ore no delinquent taxes for 011 )'ears prior Doted this day 0 ____ .'or land described on 200__. to his plot ond By: ____ . SIGNED: In of witness c whereof of Chonhassen ;oid C of Chcnhassen, 200__. hoe caused ese presents o be signed b s proper officer Ie doy John ~r;eem;;.c;.~CountŸŠ;;-veyor ----- COUNTY SURVEYOR. CARvER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to Chapt.... 395, Minnesota Lows of 1971, day of ______-' 200__ is plot ho be.. approved his Has coused the some for public use forever That port of the Northwest OJorter of Section 13. Township 116, Range 23, Carwr County. Minnesota. that lies Southerly 01 the Southeasterly Right-ai-Way line of the Chicago. "Uwoukee. St. Paul and Pacific Raijraad. Easterly and Southeasterly of the recOl'"ded plot of Gateway East ond Northerly of the Northwesterly Right-of-Way line of Trunk Highway No.5, according to Minnesota Deportment of Transportation Right-of-Way Plot No. 10-4, Corver County, Minnesoto, according to the recorded plot th....eof. to be surveyed and plotted os GATEWAY EAST 2ND ADDITION the drainage ond utility easements os shown on this plat. on do hereby donate and dedicate to he public 8y KNOW ALL of Carver, Outlot A, Gateway East. Carver County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plot thereof. That port of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4) of Section 13. Township 116. Range 23, Carver County Minnesoto, lying Southerly of the Southeasterly Right-of-Way line 01 Chicago. Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad and Northerly of the Northwesterly Right-ai-Way line of Trunk Highway No.5, according to Minnesota Deportment of Transportation Right-of-Way Plot No. 10-4, Carver County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plot thereof. 8y 2ND ADDITION was meeting thereof held this _______ Minnesota Statutes. Section 505.D3. Subd. 2. All according to Minnesota Statute. 505.02. Subd. 1. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA This plot of CATEWAY EAST CITY COUNCilor CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA approved and accepted by the City Council of Chaska, Minnesota at (I regular day of ______-' 200__ and is in compliance with the provisions of monuments will be set os specified by the City Council ond os stated on this plot, Mayor MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That State of Minnesota, to wit: City of Chanhassen, fee awne of h following described property situated in GATEWAY EAST 2ND ADDITION he County PLA T FILE C.R. R.T. DOC. DOC. NO. NO. NO. PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. R. T. DOC. NO. - / / / L- __ ~~Es~~'G - I ~--- '>NO"2; JO"W 33.02 ~;:/\TE ~.. GATEWAY EAST 2ND ADDITION '0 / / / / / / / c~ ~ ' , I"""" /,/ / / / / / / / (~ (' \ \ ,< '-.) \.-::¿~ ~,\\v",,\ ' (~ OF THE NE 1,'4 n ~\""'23ZT ~,:r; \j __ ~,. ~'"'' ,,' -' (' ('~^ '" "".. '" J ":E:;~' /8TH è;T;;Ef; / '.? ¡:J' \, , / / / / ~'.\'~ ~ ("~) ("~ / C-\, ' / J / / / / / / / / / / :>: (,/, \ ~) ,c~ " "'¡,~\.) (" % , '. '.:(~~~ \''''J ," .' ,~ ~' , " o o (~ " r--:"....) 1",--1 (' ,~J (.....',..... ~J' DRAINAGE AND UTlUTY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: t -j o I I 0 _L_u~ Lu_J_ " , r~ ~.,~)' / Æ ,'/ ~,'. / V:/ (~ ,'. ~) ,', 1 / ( LOT I C:.\ ~ r~...~) " \~:-'/' <?' " r~ '.~.~. / ,~..~)' / ./ / / ----- BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING LOT UNES. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND 10 FEET IN WIDTH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICA TED AND ADJOINING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES. AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT 5 ASSUMED INCH IRON MONUMENT SET AND MARKED THE BASIS OF' BEARINGS o DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY ¡ Scale in feet - 50 100 150 Æ c~r::-)'. / ,~,0') / ';'/ / ~(~ -~ ¡....,' L ì ' ''\ I' . .'0. \ ... ~ g Z /, \-::.\ // / / 1','0. -::1 \ . DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson Inc. Engineers. Surve)Ol"S . LCWldscOI ,.-----:/ / \'A<;)'/.e: / It' <jð\"!J.\'> ..----- / _~,_ç';"' \I.~..\1&."!J'> ........ ~.' (. '. ",.",. --""'-'" ., ') ,,', _' ....--;/~1·<jð : ':' " 'ò L" -ê.lÍiG;~9&."!JA ,~ ,~ ~I~'OO'"E ..:=r1 Ñ 1. '-'ú ~l / q, / / /'