Letter to W Tippmann 7-27-04 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952,227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952,227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site VNIW,ci. chanhassen.mn .us July 27, 2004 William Tippmann 9549 Montgomery Rd. Suite 300 Cincinnati, OR 45242 Dennis O'Beime 25200 Telegraph Rd. Southfield, MI 48034 Bob Besuden CVSlPharmacy Inc. 28003 Eight Mile Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 Re: ç.yS ~A~acy 'f'7Qþ(]-ªlpil1, Blvcl~ (Žh.àTI11àsseh, MN 553Æ'i ,,'_'-;,' ,': ;-;,-.' "-:.~-__<____.__<,;:-" _'__:'_ _~~'.'. ~_;._ - ,- _'".- 'CO':"_ :'-_ c' Gentlemen: . . The plan review fottl1t1:~þº¥~p~egÞµìIqi1'lg J'sçó1ijpl~t~t(j~lj~~~1~ijt~þo's~ihl¢. The plans have been r~yiewed by the Building lr1spectto;t1. Divisibu,$ireMarshal,. and Planning Department. Inspection Division review d.oes not include plumbing or mechanical review. Fire Marshal review does not include fire sprinkler review. The plans were reviewed for conformance to the 1998 Minnesota State Building Code which adopts the 1997 Uniform Building Code by reference. Below are comments and corrections related to the plan review. Inspection Division 1) Submit geo-technical eva1l.latÎ()n (soil tests). 2) Submit SAC letter from the MetropolitanCoüncil, Wa.~tewater Services (contact Jodi Edwards, 651-602-1113). The City of Chi/ahassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. - .--- ,-- ."..-. ..--- June 27, 2004 Page 3 Fire Marshal's Office: Fire Marshal, contact Mark Littfin, 952-227-1151. Fire Protection Svstems: 18) Submit sprinkler plans and application, and obtain a permit for the installation of the fire sprinkler system. Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #40- 1995. 19) Fire department connection to be near main entry. Submit revised elevation. 20) Please refer to the City/ Fire Department Policy on the installation of the water service for fIre protection systems. Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #34-1993, #36-1994. 21) Please refer to Sheet E 1.1 of the city approved plans for exact location of fire extinguishers. All extinguishers shall be a minimum of 4A60BC in SIze. 22) Please refer to the Fire Department Policy on the installation of fire hydrants. Additional fire hydrant required at parking island near front entry (discuss location with fIre marshal). Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #47-1998. Submit revised utility plan. 23) Please note that the post indicator valve (shutting the water supply off to the building) must have tamper protection that must be monitored by the fire alarm system. Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy #40-1995. 24) A UL 72 Certificate must be completed for the fire sprinkler and or fire alarm monitoring prior to occupancy. Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #01-1991, #40-1995. Fire Department Sie;nage 19) Label the following, pertinent, rooms/ doors with this signage: "Sprinkler Riser Room" "Electrical Panels" "Roof Access" Minnesota Uniform Fire Code 1997 Section 1001.8 Exiting 20) Please refer to sheet E 1.1 of the city approved plans for the exact location of the exit signs and emergency lights. Minnesota Uniform Fire Code Section 1211.1, 1212.2 Miscellaneous Fire Department Requirements 21) The Chanhassen Fire Department requires that a "pre plan" be submitted prior to the Certificate of Occupancy. Please refer to the policy for the requirements. Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #07-1991. June 27,2004 Page 5 Items #5-16 are approved as deferred submittals and must be submitted through the architect or engineer of record in accordance with UBC These items must not be installed until submittal items have been reviewed and approved by the city. All other items must be corrected or addressed as requested before the associated permits will be issued. Other issues may arise which will also require your attention. Changes made by issuing revised plan sheets must have the revision clouded and the revision date shown. Submit three copies of only those sheets being revised, ODe with the original signature of the design professional. Changes to the plans by addenda, bulletin or similar methods must also be submitted in the same fashion. Please call if you have any questions, 952-227-1196. cc: Steve Torell, Building Official fRobert Generous, Senior Planner Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal Jeff Keogh, Mechanical Inspector Mr. Ross Fairbrother, Civil Engineer Mr. Ram Misra, Structural Eng. Mr. Jerry Moss, Bear Creek Capital Building file: 7765 Galpin Blvd. Blvd. g:\safety\insp \bld -rew\ 7765 galpinb Ivd.doc