Incomplete Letter 5-17-04 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site IW/W.ci.chanhassen.mn.us May 17, 2004 Mr. William Tippmann Bear Creek Capital, LLC 9549 Montgomery Road, 3rd Floor Cincinnati, OR 45242 Re: CVS Pharmacy Dear Mr. Tippmann: This letter is to inform you that the site plan review for CVS Pharmacy submitted on May 14, 2004 is incomplete. Unless additional information and plans are submitted to the city by Thursday, May 20, 2004, we cannot schedule the proposal for Planning Commission review on June 15,2004. The following must be submitted: 1. Grading, Drainage, & Erosion Control Plan showing existing & proposed topography. 2. Utility plan showing all existing & proposed utilities. 3. Drainage calculations for all ponding including pre- & post-development 10- & lOa-year runoff rates. 4. Boundary survey showing all existing easements and lot;liries of the property. 5. 50-scale drawings for the utility & grading plans. 6. Landscaping plan. 7. Lighting Photometries. . ... . . 8. Exterior finishschedule, breakdown by area and percent Of the different types of materiaLand window and door openings. ..... . ........... 9. 11" x 17" Colored Renderings (13çopies). Please note that EJFS mayonlybeusêd asanaccentI11aterialcoIhprisin~aiJI1~imum of 15 percent of the wall area, and windows, doors and other openings mustç0.l11Bri~eaminimum of 50 percent of the south and west e,le\lati~n,s... You sh()Uld also pro"ideaddition~Lartic~I~~i9Q?n the east elevation and at entrancesonthenoI1han<l~ast~leyatiolls. .·Additionally,tl1e{l1"cþitêstµral elevations do not match the elevationsincludedWiththesignage: . -' - - -.- ---- :__:_;--,:,,---/--'---/--:_-~>~---,:---,--_:,----~> ----, -'--':-----:--< :_,,',:-:'_._.'__'__",'_-_:__;_>,' ;" ._~__:_ .._": _'_' _<c _:.-::~-::.._~.~,,-__ "'_0'_ 'C.'::_ _,', -':,:__", . _ _ '_'-..' _-:_ '0 "~- ,_.- -, ':___' :-:- - . "-" "_, _::, -- -- -',- . co' '-.:' : :- '-_-." I am enclosing the approved alld COlistfuêtcdlÎlÖI111IIl~l1tsign-fortheprojê¢i.R.eql1~st~if9r- variances to the signagc criteria will not be slIpp()rtèdbycitystaft ,- - -_.- -- --., -- - . - . .. - - -- . --'. . , -.. , - .- - --,--.--'. -----,...-:_-,.-------- '-"_ ,_ ,,_--. .-_. .-____ __ .-" _. . ___.0.·..· _" ........ ... . ..-,--- --.-- - --'. --'-, - -- --. . - "-....-. - .--" . h_ __ _ . '._ _ _- _ _ ______ ._ ____., .. . . ..----- -'--' .- -- - ---- --. -.-"- ,,-- ..' -. - --- -- .- --. -- -- ~_. :':-- .:;- ----':-':,: ---~- -:-:" - -- --- -. - :-----. ----" - _: ;::<.- : ;-- . .> - ----'------::.::----;~-~:--: ;~:.::-:/::~~'-:-.:__:; - --, '--' --- '.- .- -' - ,- - - ---'--. ---- .--"' '--"-. - ------"-- ------- If you have any questions orneedad..d.. iti()fÙÜifÌfofIIl..åti.()n,.ple. áSêCOl1tåclnle. á1:C.95....2.·.J.·..·..2.2. 7-1131. . .___ -- ---'. '.-. -_.' - __ .. _.- . ___ -'.' _-'c _", - -__. --.. - -,_-, _ ," . . . . . . . - - . - - Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enclosures cc: Kate Aanenson, CommunityDevélopníehtDirector Chanhassen Development, LLC Ross Fairbrother, L.A., Anderson Engineering g:\plan\2004 planning cases\04-21 - cvs pharmacy spr & var\incomplete letteLdoc The Cily 01 Chanhassen · A growing community with clean Jakes, Quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A gæat place to live, work, and play. I" z N:E o '¢ , ~~ a.. V} HV) ~~ ~Z H'o;( ~:r: ~CJ - o I o r uC)--(Sl ,. k.) ~ > &.L', ,". ~ ¡~- (/) -1 « 0::: w ~ 2 (:) z o -1 => CD :c o I- 0« 22 °0 -11- ::> CDW (:) :cZ 0« 1-0::: « 21- :c 0(:) 1--1 ::::C::::::c:: 00 0:::- CD~ Oz W~¡::; (/) « CD -..,\ CD o c-..... \..U ~ c-..... \..U --' ~ . .......... -1 '-" ----- o '-" o z « ----- :: I lO_____........... 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Lr.:."."", 7111R7J<:t1 'Ju9WntJ<XIJ 'iii, '6»<>7 - .u6,~,,\u « ~ u ······ìf· -- -~-~- --: '.".. :.-. -.'. .,- -.- --.- - ~·h ~--. -1/ 'j/ ~:~~S (!!)OOllMIIDrnlID [ill ~ ~m .;-,..~ ) , r¡i·V·· J: , 1 \ -- ----- 1'-10" '0 I ÎD a I r-- . , :~¡:1i.t:[ê . . ~t -----+~-~~-~~-~~-~+----- , , I , I I , I I I _____L~-~~-L~-L~-~~---~- -----T' -I-~,'.JL.JLrl -t-t-TI----.- . " . II . . , I I I¡¡ ¡¡ I I I I ¢ I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I :--:~;_~~:~~:l_~1:~__: . o I N a I ;¡. . ....... '--.. ",1>- "., w ~ 9'_6" t ,~ w SIGN 'B' KEY NOTES SIGN 'B' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 09'-6" x 3'_O"r x+>...O~"CONCRETE:FOOTlNG. REINFORCE wi (5)#5...BAR. S TOP AND BOTTOM LON GWAY. 1, REINFORCE wi (3) #5 BARS TOP AND BOTTOMSHORTWAY. MAINTAIN 5" COVER ON ALL SIDES. 0) 9'_6" x 3'-0" x 2'-0" BRICK PIER FILLED SOLID WI CONCRETE. REINFORCE W/ (2) #5 BARS TOP AND 2 BOTTOM LONGWAY. PROVIDE BRICK TIES AT MID HEIGHT AND NEAR TOP @ 24" O.C.HORllONTALSPACING ON ALL SIDES. (0 (1) 6" SHED.40 STD. PIPE COLUMNS (~~.62. 5" 0.0., .0...2. 8" WALL T. .H.ICK.N.ESS)WI3/4"".X12~X12:' BASI;: 3 PLATE- SET OW1~';GROUrBED WI (4) 3/4" DIA. x 18" A36 ALL THREAD, ROD ANCHOR BOLTS AT 9" x 9" SPACING. DOUBLE NUT AT TOP AND NUT WELDED ON END. 4" PROJECTION ABOVE FOUNDATION. . f:\4 6'~OH, x 1,1.:-:Q.".)~7.'...::-P.:.BF{I.CK. t.PI~..Ô:1LLE. D...... spUD". WA.,.ÇP.JIlÇRETf:,.::R. ~1~F;ORçE wj (8) #5 VERTICAL BARS \2J CENTERED ·'N·'WALt'·THICKNESS:~DOWE[ro"INTO··'F'OOTING'·AS" SHOWN: ,"" . . :_ '.-T ._..-~ ~.:t ~_;:-,'i:~~,,""____2 .,.~;..,..- -'""è. '-..".-- ...;, -, . ,. -, .---..- - .-.- .;- -~,--'-'" ;-. ,---- . --- - -.; -.... --. f:\ PROVIDE THRU-WALL #9 WIRE .~ CONTINUOUSLADDE,R.n~;}T1 ~~.. O.~.VE~TICAL SPACING. í:\ PROVIDE· (2) .. #5·· HORIZONTAL BAR NEAR TOP",flJµ""L,ENGl}::I;,Q¡;: . WALL. Ù PROVIDE HoLES CENTERED IN COLUMN . FOR REBAR "T'o"è'oNiîÑÜE'THROUGH. í;\ MODIFY BRICK IN VICINITY OF COL.UMN AS REQUIRED FOR PLAtEtvlENT. V CONCRETE MUST SOLIDLY FILL ALL VOIDS AROUND COLUMN. aw'K aw'K TRIP· .,. STORES STORES CHANHASSEN, MN Revbed: Date: JUN 14, 02 Cbecked: TPL Dmwn: o o o o °LARSON