2 Skate Park Resolution CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Bou levard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us ~ .... - MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: May 18,2005 SUBJ: City Council Resolution Concerning Skate Park On Monday, May 9,2005, the City Council passed the attached resolution concerning the city's Skate Park. This resolution was prompted by the discovery of graffiti on the equipment on the same day, in addition to ongoing conduct issues at the park. The skate park has received heavy use since its opening in 1999. Approximately 25,000 users visit the park each year. The issues of foul language, underage smoking, broken glass, litter, graffiti and inappropriate conduct have been present since the day the park opened. Please reference the attached materials: · For Discussion Purposes Only/Options for Skate Park (Authored by Commission Chair Stolar). · City of Chanhassen Resolution 2005-47 Requiring Action on the Skate Park. · Memorandum dated February 20, 2003, concerning modifications to skate park operation plan. · Article - Chanhassen Skate Park Proves to be Popular Destination. · Article - Skate Park Association being considered. · News Release - Focus Group. · Letter to Editor dated April 9, 2001. · Notes from Town Meeting dated November 27,2001, concerning problems at Skate Park. · Memorandum dated June 22, 2000, concerning skate park improvements. · Memorandum dated June 22, 2000, concerning skate park phase two acquisition. · Memorandum dated May 17, 2000, concerning skate park expansion. · Skate Park Rules. The resolution passed by the City Council requires that staff and the commission submit a plan to eliminate the offensive conduct at the skate park by June 9, 2005. After taking this issue under consideration with the commission next week, staff will prepare a report for the City Manager describing our recommendations. G:\Park\TH\Skage Park Response The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live. work, and play For discussion purposes only. Options for skate park: Problems to be solved: - Excessive litter - Foul language - Poor impression for city right in center of town and next to a school NOTE: Graffiti is not a problem related specifically to the skate park (can occur anywhere), so this is not part of what we are trying to solve. Some of these recommendations are not mutually exclusive and can be combined. Close it Pros: Eliminates problem & costs Opens area for other recreational use May be able to raise money through sale of equipment New private facility still allows activity (though for a cost and a particular population). Cons: Reduces a heavily used recreational activity - one that serves a population that needs an outlet for energy. Does not allow full depreciation of investment in equipment Move it Pros: Removes visibility from town center Opens current area for other recreational use May allow better utilization of other recreational area (e.g. rollerblade rinks) Depending on location, may remove poor influence on school children Cons: Potential cost of move Further away from city admin and oversight May lower usage without solving problem Add Supervision Pros: Active monitoring of behavior Can further programming efforts at park May improve safety and cleanliness Cons: Cost (may be able to be offset by a fee) May reduce usage May be difficult to staff during full usage Does not address after hours issues Page 1 of 2 For discussion purposes only. Charge a fee Pros: Can offset costs of monitoring skate park May reduce casual users who may not feel as vested in skate park's success Long-term may be a revenue source Cons: Staffing / structure to collect fee May reduce usage May set a precedent of charging for other activities currently free (e.g. skating). One other thought, in addition to these, is potentially setting aside special times by ages thus providing more usage by younger children. Page 2 of 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: Mav 9. 2005 RESOLUTION NO: 2005-47 MOTION BY: LundQuist SECONDED BY: Labatt A RESOLUTION REQUIRING ACTION ON THE CHANHASSEN SKATE PARK WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota has a skate park located adjacent to the city hall, and WHEREAS, the skate park is a popular amenity for Chanhassen residents and taxpayers, and WHEREAS, the skate park is located next to an elementary school, the city hall, the fire station, the post office, city center park, and the public library in a highly visible place and WHEREAS, the skate park has instances of foul language, excessive litter, and graffiti that are both an eyesore and inappropriate; NOW THEREFORE, it is resolved that the City Council of Chanhassen, Minnesota requires the City of Chanhassen Staff and Park and Recreation Commission, within 30 days, to submit a plan to eliminate these occurrences or face City Council action that may include temporary or permanent closure of the skate park. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of May, 2005. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES Furlong Labatt Lundquist Peterson Tjornhom NO None ABSENT None CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: February 20,2003 SUBJ: Modification to 2003 Skate Park Operation Plan In response to concerns raised by representati ves of Chanhassen Elementary School concerning the Chanhassen Skate Park, the following recommendation is being made. RECOMMENDA TION The following modifications to the 2003 skate park operation plan are recommended. 1. Close and padlock shut the north access gates nearest the school. 2. To maintain two access points to the facility and allow continued access to the portable restroom and light switch, open the west access gate immediately behind the shelter structure. c: Helen Merchant, Principal, Chanhassen Elementary The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown. thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks A great place to live. work. and play. Chanhassen Skate Park proves to be popular destination The Chanhassen Skate Park opened in September of 1999 quickly becoming a preferred destination for area youth. At the time, aggressive or alternative sports, were just starting to take hold across the country driving a wave of interest in these sports at the local level. One year later a second phase of equipment was added to the Chanhassen Skate Park and attendance continued to grow. The facility is open eight to ten months a year accommodating over 25,000 users per year! More and more kids across the country are looking for alternatives to traditional team sports. Most site a lack of fun or undue pressure to succeed from coaches and parents. These kids find skate boarding, BMX biking, aggressive in-line skating and other "extreme" sports as a satisfying alternative. Quarter pipes, wedges and hot boxes are just as familiar to today's youth as home base, the pitchers mound and right field. The skills kids learn at either the Skate Park or Ball Park are essential to building confidence, self-esteem, mental health and feelings of success. The skate park was recently remodeled to accommodate a covered shelter, additional fencing and attractive landscaping. We want the park to be an inviting place for all residents to visit. The older more skilled skaters at times intimidate families and young children. However, beginners that take the initiative to request some extra elbow room or assistance from the regulars generally find them more than willing to help. When behaviors do erupt that do not meet community expectations adults present are encouraged to make it known that such behavior is not acceptable. A commonly quoted tribal saying is "it takes a whole village to raise a child". When a community adult (elder) reminds one kid that certain behaviors will not be tolerated there are 20 or 30 other kids standing in the background who receive the same message. The City invites you to visit the Skate Park this next spring, summer, fall or winter. We hope that you enjoy the facility and we would enjoy hearing your comments. SKATE PARK ASSOCIA nON BEING CONSIDERED The Chanhassen Skate Park has been a great success story however concerns over inappropriate conduct at the Park has prompted the City to investigate the formation of a parent volunteer "skate park" association. This group would oversee activities at the park in a manner similar to the way in which a baseball or soccer association governs their participants. The obvious difference being that the skate park is not a team sport venue. Concerns range from the presence of glass to smoking to the sense that illicit activity could take place at the park. The use of vulgar language and bullying or rough housing are also common concerns noted by citizens. The Cities Park and Recreation Commission hosted a town meeting in November to discuss these concerns in a public forum. Initially the feeling was that the "City" should hire an attendant to police the activity at the skate park. As the conversation evolved however it became apparent that the expectation that an attendant could successfully manage conduct at the skate park might not be realistic. The conversation centered on the fact that these are our kids and the community, as a whole should bare the responsibility of communicating our expectations about conduct at the park. The City must partner with the kids, parents, schools, churches, chamber of commerce and the police to successfully model good values and judgment at the park. If you would like to join in this effort to help manage activities at the skate park please contact Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director at 952 227-1129 or bye-mail at thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us NEWS RELEASE The City of Chanhassen is seeking adult and youth volunteers to meet as a focus group to discuss a proposed skate park. The sole task of the group will be to prepare a recommended design for a local skate park. It is anticipated that 1 or 2 evening meetings will take place in July. Interested? Contact Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director @ 937-1900 ext 121. g: \park\th \skatepkfocus grau pnewsrel. doc April 9, 2001 Dear Chanhassen Skate Park Users: Our community is offended by the lack of care given to the skate park. Considerable public skepticism was overcome to establish this facility. The perception was that "skaters" use foul language, act inappropriately, and do not pick up after themselves. Sadly, a portion of the park's visitors has made this perception a reality. If you litter, swear, or are unable to conduct yourself in a respectful manner, you are not welcome at the skate park. If you are a good citizen during your stay at the park, I thank you. However, your good behavior is not enough - you must influence others to do the same. Fail to do so and your privilege of having a skate park is at risk! Sincerely, Todd Hoffman Park and Recreation Director TH:gmb G:\park\th\Skate Park Users Skate Park Town Meeting November 27,2001 Attendance: (6) Park and Recreation Commission Members, (11) Citizens, (2) City of Chanhassen Staff Members, and (1) Villager Representati ve. Notes: · Concern that the new steps will allow "jumping" into the street. (It was agreed to include a traffic control style fence arrangement at the top of the stairs and at the north entry.) · Concern that glass is present. · Should be no smoking, no tobacco, and no glass. · Concerned about the lack of police presence. · Drug dealing has been observed at the park. · City should partner with kids, parents, staff, schools, churches, Chamber of Commerce, and police to help nurture a good environment. · Appears that 10-15% of those in attendance cause problems. · Often times, problems are caused by spectators. · Consider creating a skate park association. · Sponsor some organized events. · Close the park if necessary. · Is hiring an attendant the right thing to do? · Report back to the Park and Recreation Commission. G:\park\th\SkateParkTownMtgMinutes 11-27 -01 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: June 22, 2000 SUBJ: Skate Park Site Improvements As you will recall, the City Council authorized a $5,000 investment in site improvements at the skate park. The primary goal of these improvements was to control ingress and egress to and from the site. Congestion in the fire station parking lot resulted in safety concerns during fire calls. Installation of a 6-foot high chain link fence surrounding portions of the park has controlled access to the fire station. In addition, two concrete benches have been ordered to allow for some seating. If these benches stand up to the use and abuse they will receive, more can be ordered. G:\park\th\SkateParkSitelmprovements File: Ra-559 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: June 22, 2000 SUBJ: Skate Park Phase II Acquisition On May 31, 2000, the attached request for proposals was mailed to four skate park manufacturers. Three of those companies; Ramp Tech, Spohn Ranch, and True Ride chose to submit proposals. Spohn Ranch did not meet our pricing limitations and as such, was eliminated from consideration. The proposals from Ramp Tech and True Ride are similar in design, but differ in their specifications. A comparison of Ramp Tech's proposal and True Ride's Option III (preferred option) clearly identifies True Ride as the superior performer. Their half pipe is 18' wide versus Ramp Tech's 16' width. The length of the half differs from True Ride's 41' to Ramp Tech's 22'. Ramp Tech proposes two "boxes," but they are only 8' long. The small size would lead to constant reconfiguration by users and they could easily be stolen from the site. True Ride only offers one "box," but at a dimension of 6' x 17' provides more aggregate material and a sturdier product. Ramp Tech's rail is straight and 20' long. True Ride's is kinked and 24' long. True Ride specifies 2 x 6 construction on 8" centers. Ramp Tech also specifies 8" centers but does not identify if the construction members are 2 x 6 or 2 x 4. Ramp Tech offers a 5-year warranty versus True Rides 2 year warranty. The Ramp Tech warranty is more restrictive than that of True Ride. RECOMMENDA TION Both proposals demonstrate a quality effort to meet the request of the City. However, True Ride's proposal is superior to that of Ramp Tech and it is staff's recommendation to accept the True Ride Option III proposal at a cost of $14,996.66. G:\park\th\SkateParkRFPRecollllllendation MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: May 17,2000 SUBJ: Skate Park Expansion On Monday, May 8, the City Council approved an amendment to the 2000 CIP deleting the second set of hockey boards for City Center Park and adding the 2nd phase of the skate park ($15,000.) In addition, the City Council approved an allocation of $5,000 for skate park site improvements consisting of boundary fencing and seating. I am currently assembling a Request for Proposal packet for distribution the first part of next week. g:\park\th\SkateParkExpansionMemo CHANHASSEN SKATE PARK FACILITY IS OPEN FROM 6:00AM TO 10:00 PM NO TRESPASSING 10:00 PM TO 6:00 AM · EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED SKATEBOARDERS AND IN LINE SKA TERS USE THIS FACILITY. · THIS AREA HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO PROVIDE USERS WITH A MODERATE CHALLENGE FOR RECREATION PURPOSES AND TO HELP DEVELOP THEIR SKILLS. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DESIGN AND BUILD A FACILITY OF THIS NATURE WITHOUT HARD SURFACES. THE SAME HARD SURFACES THAT CHALLENGE THE USER POSE SIGNIFICANT RISK OF INJURY IF THE USER FALLS. W ARNINGI · THIS FACILITY IS UNSUPERVISED. USERS ASSUME ALL RISKS INHERENT IN THE USE OF THIS FACILITY. USE MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY AND/OR DEATH. · SKATE WITH SAFETY IN MIND AND REMEMBER WEATHER CONDITIONS MAY CREATE UNSAFE SURFACES FOR USERS. SAFETY EQUIPMENT · IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT ALL SKATERS AND SKATEBOARDERS WEAR: PROTECTIVE HELMETS ELBOW PADS KNEE PADS WRIST PADS · ALL PARENTS SHOULD REQUIRE THEIR CHILDREN TO WEAR THIS PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT WHILE USING THIS FACILITY. FAILURE TO WEAR PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT WILL EXPOSE USERS TO SERIOUS INJURY AND/OR DEATH UPON FALLING OR COLLISION WITH OTHER USERS. RULES · Skateboards and in-line skate only, bicycles are prohibited. · No glass containers, food or beverage allowed on the skating surface. Spills jeopardize the skaters. · No other items such as benches, tables, wood materials or other objects used as ramps or jumps are allowed in the skate park facility. · No drugs, alcohol or tobacco products will be permitted at this facility. · No loud music or disorderly behavior will be permitted at this facility. · No pets are allowed in the skate park area. · Do not proceed down a ramp until clear of other skaters. · No littering. Please use trash cans. · Spectators are welcome but must stay clear of ramps and apparatus. SERIOUS INJURIES · In case of serious injury or other emergencies use the 911 emergency phone located at the front of the fire station. PARKING/ACCESS Please park in City Hall parking lots and access the facility from the west. RESTROOMS/VENDING Portable restrooms are located adjacent to the Hockey Arena. Indoor restrooms, soda vending, and water fountain are located in the lower level of City Hall during business hours. Use the library entrance. MAINTAINING THE FACILITY Please report maintenance concerns to the Park & Recreation Department at 952-227-1100. Messages may be left 24 hours per day. CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO: · Close the facility for any circumstances deemed necessary. · Restrict entry to the facility and to ask persons to leave the facility if any of the rules are not followed, or if unsafe or inappropriate behavior is observed. · This is your park. Please cooperate - make this an enjoyable & safe facility.