Email from J Rysso MD 2-11-05 Message Page 1 of 2 Aanenson, Kate From: Tom Furlong [tfurlong@apexfsi.com] Sent: Monday, February 14, 200510:01 AM To: t.gerhardt@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; Aanenson, Kate Subject: FW: Proposed Yoberry Farm Development: additional thoughts FYI, Tom ---nOriginal Message_un From: Rysso, Jennifer (M.D,) [mailto:ryssoj@parknicollet.com] Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 1:40 AM To: council@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Cc: m_rysso@msn.com Subject: Proposed Yoberry Farm Development: additional thoughts Ladies and Gentlemen: I am Jennifer Rysso of 7108 Harrison Hill Trail. I thank you for reading my spoken and written thoughts conveyed at past public hearings. I now present to you some pertinent information regarding my continued concerns regarding the proposed public road directly against my backyard that I request you either reject or significantly alter as part of the final development plan. In past city council meetings the idea of the comprehensive plan has been addressed. With that thought in mind I direct you to a city code prohibiting double frontage lots: (g) Double frontage lots with frontage on two (2) parallel streets or reverse frontage shall not be permitted except where lots back on an arterial or collector street. Such lots shall have an additional depth of at least ten (10) feet to accommodate vegetative screening along the back lot line. Wherever possible, structures on double frontage lots should face the front of existing structures across the street. If this cannot be achieved, then such lots shall have an additional depth of ten (10) feet to accommodate vegetation screening along the back lot line. I am only a physician and do not pretend to understand all the legal manifestations of the above code. I do believe, however, that the code was developed with a vision of a city plan in mind - specifically a vision of a city that avoids public roads up against back yards - a vision to avoid the feel of the inner city with alleyways and maintain the feel of a suburb. When this idea was presented to the city planners by my family and neighbors, the answer received was that the code does not apply if even one foot exists between your property and the public road. I took this answer as a legal way to get around the vision for which the code was originally intended with the end result favoring the developer rather than the residents of the city. The distance between the west end of the electric easement which is included in my property and the proposed pUblic road can only be at most a few feet. Barring all legal and technical maneuvering, one must consider that this code applies to my lot. I also present to you the results of a survey reported in the February 3, 2005 Chanhassen Villager paper. "A survey indicates Carver County residents continue to feel good about their quality of life, although concerns about growth and traffic are creeping up." "Survey results. . . . provide context for decision-making by county officials, according to county planner Paul Moline." "When asked what the most serious issue facing the county was, growth and development was of high concern by respondents. Moline said one finding that caught his attention 2/14/2005 Message Page 2 of 2 was residents' interest in open space." This survey result would seem to directly apply to the current residents' concerns regarding "too much" being pushed into this space of Yoberry farms. The public road in question is a result of pushing too much into a space at the jeopardy of the quality of life of those already living here. Please seriously consider removing this road to the west side of the proposed properties perhaps with a private road as proposed at the last meeting, vs. eliminating the public road, vs. at the very least considering the proposal of the planning commission with its first motion to eliminate a lot - perhaps lot 4 or lot 3 and 4 - to allow movement of the road further west away from touching my property. I thank you for your time. I trust that our votes entrusted to you - meant as votes to represent us will not be forgotten. Promises were made to serve the community and serve the families of this community during campaigns - now is the time. Thank you. Sincerely, Jennifer Rysso, M.D. PRIVACY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient (s) and may contain business confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If this e-mail was not intended for you, please notify the sender by reply e-mail that you received this in error. Destroy all copies of the original message and attachments. 2/14/2005