Letter from C & L Dinnis 2-2-05 e Charfes & Lori Dinnis 2362 Hunter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 e () bf - Lf:.5 February 2,2005 City of Chant':la$sen 7700 Marketßl\,d PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN· 5-5317 Subject: Yoberry Farms Development with Additional Traffic Concerns Dear Sirs: My concern is all of the additional traffic that will be--added to Gunflint & Hunter Drive due to the requested 55 lots in the Yo berry Farms Dev-elGpment. It was shown for years by the Highover developer that the-area would have a cui d~ sac with 8-10 houses in the area - not 55. The developer--is concentrating the houses so much that he doesn't even givear-eas for parks for his ho~ One of planning commissioners said that street traffic is-a--"City Issue". I agree in part however, I believe that-it--is.the City & the Plann~mmission's responsibility to determine if mistakes.hav-e been made in the past and not make them worse by adding additional traffic.--{-i.e., Hunter Drive was not-meant-to be a through street (many 90 degree turns, hills,narrower street & no sidewalks) by viewing the map - it is clear that Hunter is the shortest distallGe to-Ga~in fr.om-the-Gooflint Trail side and that human nature will choose this route to Chan or HighwaySj- 1 ) There are no traffic impedance devices on ~nter a. Hunter has many 90 degree bends - __nu..-J b. Hunter hss a big hi~ can't-usee the children c. Hunter has many blind comers - can'-t-see the children. Î-.--Corner: of Fawl+-l=Im &·Hunte¡: {bUnd-comer sign already in place ) ii.-mGalpiR-towards Fawn Hill (ent~nce) iii. 2428 Hunter Drive - --- d. S~tics: n__-il Long Acres Drive-wider street with side walk 1. 52 total homes 2- 35 with d¡:ive\rays 3. 17 with land-- II. Hunter to.Galpin-.,....90 degree.tums, hills, narrower street & no sidewalk t. 35 Total Homes 2. 32 with Driveways ~u~with la~ 4- t8-~-kidswith mor.e-on--l:he-way e Charfes & Lori Dinnis - 2362 Hunter Drive Chanhassen, MN . 553.17 e 2) Options: a. Decrease-lot density in Yoberry-Farms.by creating two cui de sacs lowering traffic to Gunflint. b.-Have Yoberl¥F-al'ms have-their-oWA-entr-ance and not join Highover Drive, Gun Flint & Longacres/Hunter. ---- G,--4-1-EntranÅ“ off Yoberry Farms-foç.a- more direct route than goiQg through neighborhoods to get to Chanhassefl---Gf the 5. This will jnot ~directly but~t- will give-the residence-a faster way to highway 5 if traffic calming measures are input on Highover & ----- Hunter. _.1 i. Settlers-Ridge-that-has two entrances within approx 400 fßet. MN DOT granted an exception on this development in Ct:tan. d. Stop Sign added-at-F-awn-HtU-&-I=k,lOter e. Speed Bumps n..J ~At approximately 2428 Hunter DrNe (blind curve before him. ii. At approximately 2325 Hunter Dr~v-e--bottom of hill and before bus s~ f. Change Speed Lìmit-tQ 20 i. How can a residential street have the same speed as Lake Lucy-and the 78ttr-Sfreet Fronta~Road? g. Sidewalk down Huntef- City pays for based -on bad design and the cost will not be passed on to the residence.- 3) Parks II~ve in Longacres and \.~J.as on the board -for 3 years and know that it will be a difficult task to get the votes to add. Yoberry Farms to the Covenants. .1 really think that the developer should-be required to adjust population density by having parks & wetland areas and specifically put them at the back of the East Part of Yoberry to eliminate the Long acres lots with a street on the front & back of their lot.-~ 4) Is there a g' larantee from Yobe¡:ry Farms that the pricing will remain firm at $600K to $1 ,OOOM? What happens at the-snd--of one year if the lots don't sell? Will they compromise quali~ Thank you for your time & consideration, it is a tough job that you have to keep the city progressive yet not compromiss-the.talld-GWAerS-that-have already made Chanhassen their home.--- Sincerely, CA~ dL d(~ Charles & Lori Dinnts·-n