Letter from L Freese 1-31-05 02/01/05 14:43 FAX 9522271110 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Vl/lJJ.1 "vvtJ JIlvn J.1J.'t1J 1'11ß. Uûl û(H, llUU 11m JJUl 1Iill11\U 1{4l~ U.L ~uu"'UU~ ~~t.:Ior~ . '11\ ~o,,"""~ Minnesota Oepartment of Transportation Metropolita!,\ Division Wa.ters Edge 1500 West County Road B2 Roseville, MN 55113 January 31. 2005. Paul Oehme City Engineer at" Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulcvard Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Y oberry P~rm. ILC Mn/DOT Review P04-122 Chanhassen, Carver County Control Section 1008 Dear Paul: As per the request from your office, MnlDOT has reviewed the request for an additional city street aCCèS$ to TH 41 foT. the above referenced proposed development. As we ùl'I.derstand. the ptoposed access would be between Long Acres Drive and Lake Lucy Road. TH 41 in Carver County is classified as an A minor arterial on the regional transportation system. This, in conjunction with lack of other north south artelial roadways ¡·n this part. of the metro a:rea.. necessitate that MnlDOT manage access:to this facility in a very conservative manner. Currently this two-lane rura] design highway facility cares nearly 15,000 trips per day. In order to ensure safe access points for lócal collector roadways and balance the operation needs of the highwa.y, it is important to keep spacing at Y2 mile or greater for local road connections on these types of facilities. With that sa.1d. we have reviewed the desire to have an additional access and found that this vicinity of Chanhassen is already served by. two collector level streets at a distance of appro.ximately 0.7 miles apart. Additionally, the two collectors that already exist at Long Acres Drive and Lake Lucy Road have turn lanes on TH 41 to assist traffic in making safer turns. A new street between Long Acres Dlive and Like Lucy Road would be required to have a minimum spacing of 0.5 mile to the next adjacent access to TH 41. The location of the Yoberry Fa:rms development .is already served by two collector level streets with access to TH 41 in a very short distance, thus a new access in this vicinity is not wacranted. If you have any further questjons conÅ“urit'\g this matter, please contact:me at (651) 582- 1409. Sincerely, ~7~ Lisa J. Freese Metro DistI'Ïct South Area Manager CC:A Matt Saam.t Chanha.ssen Assl. City Engineern equal opportunity employer .