Letter from Xcel Energy 4-19-05 (l Xcel Energy'", RECEIVED MAY 11 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN April 19, 2005 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-1993 Chuck Alcon Alcon Associates 6138 76th Lane Lorette, MN 55357 Cert Mail ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT Yoberry Farm Line 0734 NE1I4 SE1I4, Sec. 04 Tl16, R23, Carver County File: 2005.036 Dear Chuck: Our Transmission Engineers have reviewed the Preliminary plans for Yoberry Farm subdivision encroachment request submitted January 6, 2005. The encroachment is acceptable to Xcel Energy under the following conditions: Project Description This project consists of development of a residential subdivision, Yoberry Farms, 3rd Addition along 69kV transmission Line 0734. The east side of the development abuts our transmission easements. (1) Grade change around structure location. Fill around or above wood pole foundations is not permitted. The grade around the structures must provide for surface water runoff - no surface water ponding around structures will be pem1itted. Any cost related to the adjustment of Xcel Energy's facilities will be at the requestor's expense. .: : (2) Grade change within easement. / ",,"bC- /~8 ..-( The ground elevation within the easement shall not be increased above *6 feet mean sea level, 1929 adjustment or above the existing or proposed grade. Stockpiling of soil and/or material within the easement will not be permitted. Grading shall be in accordance with Landform drawing C3.1, December 20, 2004. (3) Clearances to equipment and workers. A working clearance of 20 feet between the electrical conductors and any cranes or digging equipment used in or near the easement, or a clearance of 20 feet to the physical proximity of workers must be maintained at all times. In addition, any construction near the transmission line(s) shall comply with all OSHA Safety Clearances. If this clearance cannot Page 1 of3 Page 2 April 19, 2005 be maintained, the contractor or developer must arrange for a line outage by calling Xcel Energy's System Control department (Steve Rollin 612/330-2875). At least two weeks advanced notice must be provided in order to schedule a line outage. There is a fee of approximately $350.00 per day, per outage, for this service. This fee must be paid prior to outage. The preceding (two) paragraph(s) must be included in a prominent location on the plan sets provided to contractors. (4) Landscaping within the easement. Detailed plans for landscaping (including light standards) must be submitted to Xcel Energy for review and approval. Generally shorter varieties of trees and shrubs 15 feet or less mature height may be considered. If planting is permitted, the line's voltage and the tree's mature height and the distance from the line must be considered. For maintenance purposes there shall be no planting with 15 feet of structure sites. Please substitute another lower growing specie for the Two (2) White Ash trees on the back of Lot B of Landform Landscaping drawing L2.1, December 20, 2004. (5) Building on easements. There shall be no permanent or temporary building allowed within the easement area (6) Fuel and refueling on easements. , i There shall be no fuel tanks stored or refueling of vehicles and equipment within the easement. (7) Streetlights and signs on easements. If there are to be streetlights, signboards, identification signs or any other type of non- building structure within the easement, detailed plans must be submitted to Xeel Energy for review and approval to verify compliance with electrical code clearances. It is the express condition of this consent that all other terms and conditions of that certain easement granted by Randolph Herman on September 1, 1953 and recorded on May 10, 1954 in Book 57 page 306 as Document No. 85871 shall remain in full force and effect. To acknowledge receipt of and agreement with the terms of this consent, prior to the commencement of any activities, please sign this letter and return it to me by fax. Fax signatures are accepted to expedite this process. If this signed agreement is not received back within 15 days of the date of this agreement, it will be presumed that you are not in agreement with its content and this agreement will be considered null and void, the file will be closed and your request will need to be resubmitted. ~ . ... Page 3 April 19, 2005 Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. ~.ince ~ y,7 /. .~.- ~ - Edwin O. Trapp- t? / ~ Sr. Right of Way Agent Siting and Land Rights 612-330-6956 1.715.852.5418 (fax) . cc~ .- Q:?'!~ BerkhmA Dave Rockwell/JPL NH: 104760-6 Str: 60 , \", ACCEPTED: ----- - --