Youngquist Wetland Delineation FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard· P.O. Box 147· Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Youngquist Property Project Location: 25.48 acres in the NE 1.4 of the NE 1.4 of Section 9, Tl16N, R23W in Chanhassen, MN Type of Application (check one): ŒJ o o o o Exemption Decision No Loss Decision Replacement Plan Decision Banking Plan Decision Delineation Decision Date of Decision: October 22,2004 Findings and Conclusions On November 20, 2004 the applicant submitted a wetland delineation of the above site. The wetland boundary map by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company dated October 20,2004 illustrates approximate jurisdictional wetland boundaries verified on- site by City staff on October 22, 2004. A survey of wetland boundaries has neither been received nor verified. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY:~~ Tit1e:~·:::;tmrces Coordinator Date: October 25,2004 Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Notice of Wetland Conservation Act Decision [Insert List Name and Address of Local Government Unit Here]City of Chanhassen -7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 - Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Youngquist Property Application Number: nla Type of Application (check one): D Exemption Decision D No Loss Decision o Replacement Plan Decision o Banking Plan Decision [Z] Wetland Type/Boundary Decision Date of Decision: October 25, 2004 Check One: [ðJApproved 0 Approved with conditions o Denied List of Addressees: [Landowner] Youngquist Property [Members of Technical Evaluation Panel] Chip Hentges, Carver SWCD Brad Wozney, BWSR [Watershed District or Watershed Management Organization (If Applicable)] Bob Obermeyer, Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District [Department of Natural Resources Regional Office] Julie Ekman, Area Hydrologist DNR Wetlands Coordinator @ Ecological Services Section 500 Lafayette Road, Box 25 St. Paul, MN 55155 Corp of Engineers Project Manager @ Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District ATIN: CO-R, 190 Fifth Street East St. Paul, MN 55101-1638 [Individual members of the public who requested a copy, summary only] Kelley Dlouhy, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Youngquist Delin Notice - Page 1 of2 (October 2004) Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Notice of Wetland Conservation Act Decision [Insert List Name and Address of Local Government Unit Here]City of Chanhassen - 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 - Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name of Applicant: Youngquist Property Application Number: nla Type of Application (check one): D Exemption Decision o No Loss Decision o Replacement Plan Decision o Banking Plan Decision [Z] Wetland Type/Boundary Decision Date of Decision: October 25, 2004 Check One: [ðJApproved 0 Approved with conditions o Denied List of Addressees: [Landowner] Youngquist Property [Members of Technical Evaluation Panel] Chip Hentges, Carver SWCD Brad Wozney, BWSR [Watershed District or Watershed Management Organization (If Applicable)] Bob Obermeyer, Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District [Department of Natural Resources Regional Office] Julie Ekman, Area Hydrologist DNR Wetlands Coordinator @ Ecological Services Section 500 Lafayette Road, Box 25 St. Paul, MN 55155 Corp of Engineers Project Manager @ Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District A TIN: CO- R, 190 Fifth Street East St. Paul, MN 55101-1638 [Individual members of the public who requested a copy, summary only] Kelley Dlouhy, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Youngquist Delio Notice - Page 1 of2 (October 2004) You are hereby notified that the decision of the Local Government Unit on the above- referenced application was made on the date stated above. A copy of the Local Government Unit's Findings and Conclusions is attached. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be commenced by mailing a petition for appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the mailing of this Notice. October 25,2004 Date Water Resources Coordinator Title Youngquist Delin Notice - Page 2 of2 (October 2004) 10/19/2004 21:17 9524018798 KJOLHAUG PAGE 01/07 KjOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY -...-,.....- ~ ---~~ Providng Sound. BðIanœd, Compmhenrive Netul'8l R&StJurcø SoIuiJons Fax ;ro; NAnIlE COMPANY FAX NUMBER Lori Haak City of Chanhassen 952-227-1935 1:C: [' ~ROM: NAME DATE # of pages (including this page) Kelly Dlouhy 1012012004 7 I I [:~~ Data sheets- Y~~~Uist Property ~ :: - ,:Jm o for Your Review [J PI... Reply Iir A$ We Discuuecl ,IÞ Comments: ,I~ttached are the data sheets for the Youngquist Property wetland delineation. I have !Jeneral notes on the Wirtz Addition and Weathers property, but no data sheets sin~ there were no wetlands. .' . , F~riday would work for me to review those sites, how about 10:00 am? Let me know jf you need anything else. 28105 WIld Rose LMe, ShorewoOd. Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401..-8798 10/19/2004 21:17 ~;i~ ...Ij......~} _..- -,.---- 9524018798 PÇ[OLHAUG KJOLHAUG PAGE 02/07 :£.:N"VJ:RON:tv.I:ENT..A,L SE.RVJ:CES c C> \'vi P A "N""'r /:£11/1JII' Date: 672/~/ð-J-' I project/Si :ø: Investigatr,r(s): Bé\sin/Are::IID; f/111/J!L6 7:r;~~ "¡"j . J~j:1t. /l/JO I Sarr'1pl* Pt. 10: I-I , .'= SOILS Flcld'lndic ;;,tors 01 Hydric Soils (Midwest Regîon) USDA, March 1998. (A,":l1I solla. S = S;\l1dy $oîI3, F '" 10001;'1 & CI3Y'W ;;oll!l) Al. Hi,:osol =.þ.J" H.i:jcEpipcdoIl A3. :aL.~Hi!Jtic = A4. H} '([rogcD $ulfidfl M. Stnltificd Layers Hydric Soil? .. ~A9,10.1.2èmMuck _ 81. Sandy Mucky Materia] _ S3. Mucky PE'.atIPeat _ S4. SlUldy Gleyed Matrix S5, Sav.dyRcdo)t No _Undetermined SAMPLE I: DINl'- .',z/a. ~ 86, Stripped Matrix _ F~jdc Dark Surface _ Fl. Lo:;IW.y Mucky Material ::::.i2F6. Redox Dark Swfilce _ F2. Loamy Glcycd Matrix ~ F1. Pepletcð Park SUIÍaœ _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox DepxC$sions F4. Depleted Below Dark Swface Remarks: _NIA . Mapped Soil ~ype: I {"SlEL..... /¡¿ i Æ",O,..{J ~.( ,. .... . ...~ " - '. !,~~~ :.:.," ~~~;~II~U...'I" '-. ':. I . i.. ,I~:t ~ ~,..:..,: 1,,":r, ~:ri'~I·· I ~.. I' , .--......-- Field Irrdic ¡~tors 01 Hydric Soils (MIdwest Raglon) USDA, March 1998. {A "':aU !lQlls, S.. sandy soi1¡;, I' '" loamy & CI<\YèY so1ls} Ai. HJ:\tosol = Þ:l.. :m ,;tic Epip~don. A3. :ahck Histic = A4. R; ',:1rogen Suliide AS. 8t ;¡tmed L!!-ycJ< HydrIc SOli? .....--Yes _A9,10. 1·2 cmMuck _ S1. Sandy Mu.cky Matedal _ 83. MT.1c'ky :t'catIPcat _ 54. SF,l1ldy Glcyod Matrix _ 85. .!3n.ndy Redox . _Undetermined ~ldØ ~Upø(da ~ S6. Stripped Matrix F5. 'T:bJck Dark Surface _ F1. Loamy Mucky Matcriv.\ F6. Redox Dark S1;lctbœ _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix = F7. Depleted DfU"k Surface _F3. Dep1etcd Matrix . _F8. Redox DepressÌon$ _ F4. Depleted Below Darl~ SUrfaCli1 Remarks: HYDROLOGY' ~NIA _ Oxidized Root Channels ~ Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, DepressioD. _ F AC-NëutraI Test i . -..:. Topographic Positidn. -.:...... Other· Explam: " l, ~ ,Inun.:.;¡ted, . in. _ SatuJ ::ted Soil. Deptb. m. ~ ,Watci' in boreb.oIe, Depth _ in. _ Wnt( 'M;!ltlal, 1Ieight m. _ 'Drift ':,ines _ 5cdjt 'Ilmt Deposits Drait ,!I (: Patterns No ~ A~sumed - Explaj,u.: ~ Undetërm.ID.c:d" Exp]ain: , ~ Ox:icllied Root Cl\1U1!I~ls ~ Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil. Dcptcssíùn . ~ F AC-Neutriil. Test --:...... Topographic Position '~ Other - EXplain ~ _ As$umed. Explain: _ Un4ctonn1ned - Explain.: ~:.! ~.~~~ f II 2GJOS Wjld R:0~e Lane. Sho~wood. Mfnrtesota ~5331, Phone: 952-40)-8757, Ftt 952-401-8798 . . . " 10/19/2004 21:17 9524018798 KJULHAU(j r'Rl.:1t:. 1:J,j/1:J( projecUS ,Ie --fð.lIlJ'?(;;¿)d 15 Î'-/' /" ~1r:l~ dt'! S<'Imple Poi!'!! 10 I"" J / VEGETATION SAMPL: POiNT ~ ~lJØS!(1t __.NfA .:-:~ .... "i... :. .", -; ~.~"~~~:,. ".' ~:: ~. "';'~" '.. .~. ", '.'" 'I" ,."... , , s s s s s s s s s H V S T % Dominants (~2()% Cover) FAC orWaMør: v V V V V V V H V B V H V S T' ~{Dom¡rnlms (>20o/(;Covl!rfFAC or WÐtter: ""7 -SAMPJ..I POINT- /' I~Ðt.srdÐ WETLAND DETERMINATION -------.: IIp Bid!! .....- ~N/A Hyd, (lphytio Veg~tation Present? Wetl,md Hydrology Present? Hydrin Soils Present? Is tl1 :1' area « wøtfand? Disla,;lcø from Wetrand Edge SAMPllt POINT- _ \MIttlde ~ "=--No --...L.~ _No ~K"" ~No : ¡;::;Yes No 1..£: ft, -NfA ~d9 ./ t /Yes ~Yes ,...J.........Ves ---L-.. Yes r....-rt. . Does an Atypical Sìtuatiol'l Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situ~tion Exi$t? --.:.... Yes R8ma~s: . ... -. .- ..---- _NIA Hy~r:;phytic Vegetation Present? Weh;.nd Hydrology Present? . Hydr '::, Soils Present? '. Is t'¡,." a/'Wl! iii wetland? Pi$ta :1ce from Wetland Edge , . ~oo . DOe!! an Atypical SItuatiol'l Exist? ___Yes ~ NO Does an Atypical Situation B:dst? __Yes ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? Yes ~'Remarks: -- N/A " Wct1an< 1. COIXIIJ:1Un'\\ï Type: p;ç , Overall Dominant Ve . 'a.tpn: _ C C:. Remark.: : COMMUNITY SUMMARY Uland Comm.uni Overall Dominant Ve $tÎon: Rerimrks: Page Ž 10/19/2004 21:17 £1''''-ÆiE~ ....T... .~~~-: .~~ -I;;-~ 9524018798 IVOLHAUG --""- ~- .........,.......~-~.... KJOLHAUG PAGE 04/07 EN"VJ:RCNMENTA,:r..... SERVJ:CES a C>1'víPA 1--J'V ProjectlS ':e: I nvestig8t ':Ir{s): SEIsin/ArE,:! 10: _y!:!~1f!:r;y "' -:: :~<~ s.mp;ep:::,~~~1~ _ j ,SAMPLE 1'.:lINT·, ~' ~ Up$!dp. ,.. ... I.,:. . .., . __I -,.-._... ~ ....'... IIIII. . ,'I"~.I: I .11' ", r ·tL~IX ~~...~;. :. .1 I" ~,·(~l'~II\~ 'Cr.ion', ~ .,~ : ,I' ',,1 SOILS /kmc& ~\lfIA Mapped Soil Type: --::-~:" . .11" ",' ..".... ~ ,-;:¡. .~~.: -~""" I ~ ~~~c~ ::"."~·!.I~f! .~c:li:r.I~I'· .,1 "I' "I" ~.<_..' .")¡". ... "Ji "':!:"" I'.':"J"." Field Indic'iltor!> of Hydric SOilf; (Midwest ~eg¡on) USDA, M.arch 1998, (A" all soUs, 9 = s~m'y »I;IJI:';, F .. loamy & clQ~gy !:OUs) At. I-Jj :tosol =·Kl. HU,ic Epipedon AJ. Ð!:ick Hktic = A4, H~ 'd(ogen Sulfide ~A5. St'lltified Lay Hydric Soil,? e,,> A9,lO.1-2CJ;O.Mrrek = 81 ~ Sandy Mucky Material ~ 3. MuclcyPMt/PMt _ 84. Sandy Glcyed Matrix _35. SandyRcðox --,'No _Undetermined -.. ..- _ 86. Stripped Matrix _:F5. . c Ds(k Surface _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material . Redox D!I1:k Suti'àce _ F2. Loamy Gl.cyecl MatriK _ F1. Depleted Dark S1JIf¡l~ _F3. Dep1etedMatrix _FS. Redox Dcprcs5ions _ F4. DepIcted Below DlU'k Suñaœ Remarks: Fieléf (ndie ¡.tor$ (If Hydric Salls (Midwest RegIon) USDA. March 1998. (A'" at! soils, $ '" $al'le!y $o1l~, F II loamy & clQ}/(l),l soU!:) , AI. Hi:\tosol = Nl.. EJ ,¡tic EpipedoJ:\ A3. T3hct<: lli~ric = AI'.. H:',kogI!:T,I, Sulfide M. St IItified tay Hydric Soil? Yes _A9,lO.1·2cm.Muck ~ Sl. Sau.dy M1J.e'ky Material _ S3. Mucky ~catJ.l>el;lt ~ S4. SHlJ.dy Gleyed Matrix S5. Sandy Redox . ~No _Undetermined SAMPL,E I: OINT- ~ _ Up sldo ~ S6. Stripped Matrix _ r~ck Dark Surface _FL Loamy Mucky Material ~. Redox DarI( Surface _ n. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ .i!7. Dcplmed Dark Surface _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ F4. Depleted Ec1QW Park Surface Remarks: HYDROLOGY' _N/A ";¡( 'è.è't) . ," ,'1E.r" ,¡;-ìU"· .)Ii ~ Oxidized Root Channels ~ Water-Stained Leaves ~ Mapped ~ddc Soil, Depression ~ F AC-NCutral Test ~ Topographic ~Qsi.tìo11. ~ Other - Exp'llrln~ _ mUD¡ ILted, , Depth in. _ Sa.tur :1 led Soil, Depth ÌD.. _ .Wate' in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Wllt¡¡C Mar~s. Height in. _ ·Drift:' .încs ~ Sedfu IImt Deposit.~ ,~~,¡~ Patterns _ Undetermined - Explain: ~. ~ Oxidized Root CbM1'lel~ _ Wntcr-BtainedLeaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Dçptession . ~ FAC-Neutral Test ......:.... Iopographic Þositioll '_ Other - E;cpl£rin - "~-;Ã: _ AsS\11J;\cd - Explain: ~ tIndErtørmincd - Explain: II ,26t05 wild R;D!l8 Lane, Sho¡,¢Wöod, MJmlesota ~5331.,Phonß; 952-401-8757,:Fax: !)52-401-8798 10/19/2004 21:17 9524018798 KJOLHAUG PAGE 05/l11 , I Proj€dI$i\ , IjPJ/l(;;.()// IS t- " ,./ ~lG¡dC $¡o¡mple Pcint ID 2-,/ I VEGET AIION SAMPLE prnNT- _UpsIde ~N/A ""r.',·)II':·I':::," '".', :',1 . ,:. ,: :~:... .':. :"",', ,:,""'. <'"i' ,- ':' :,,;.,,:, ...:~"" ';';:' ~ ,'-:':1:'''-~':J -;··'::13trãfcr~;·; I ..j. ........,. .~~ ... . ..' " I.,":' .... ,. . . ~ ~: ,I I _.",;,..,".., ,.. _ ,. -I'.. :.. ., ~: ..~.:..".. .." I ',." /ih,'r!~('1 ~ #.fiji"k¡JA4~æ¿eZ_ _~ ~ V S T , . H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T % Domirrnnta (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter' .....---- R.em.u !(s: --- IRèmalj.;s: v V V V V H V B V H V H V H V S T' % Domitiant"š- (:>-20% Cover) FAC or W9tter: -,~ . . - . -- .... SAMPU ÞCJNT· .~:Ide WETLAND DETERMINATION HydqjhytiG Veg~tation Þresent? Wet],; nd Hydrology Pre¡¡¡ent7 Hydr ':: Soils Present? 1$ th '1 area a wetland? bistai"ce from Weiland Edge T,. . ..__ ..t_-;......I.o~. ._ _ ~_._ ?""""".--: up !lId!! ...../' Yes ~No ~ ~NQ ~~ No -----kfá$ _No ft. N/A _....N/A .."1, . ...~'':' Does an Atypical Situation Exìst? ~Yes Does an AtypIcal Siluatlon Exist? _Yes Does an AtypIcal Situation Exist? ~Yes Remarks: . SAMPLE POINT- ~WI!tBldl! ~N/A Hydn:,phytic Vegetation Present? WeU:,nd Hydrology Present? Hydrí::,Soils Þresent? Is tht" area a wetland? Dista'lce from Wetland Edge I _Yes' -- ~ Does an Atypioal Situation Exist? ........-Yel;, _Yes . ~ Doo¡¡¡ an Atypical Situation Exist? ----,- Ves ,..-.......... Yes ~O~OèS an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Yes ~~ Remarks: ' , -La ft. NtA COMMUNITY SUMMARY Uland Com.muni Overall Dominant Ve $tion: Remarks: WetlaJ)( ï ComrounÌ Overall Dominant Ve t!>n: I;: C Remark- : Page Ž I<:¡OLHAUG £NV1::RONM:£Nî"":Þ...L SE.RVJ.C:È:S CJ OMPA N'"V .... ---- tj~Vfþ ()¡//¡?¡~~"_. ..-=- ....- It:: ø¿tJl( IIi . 10/19/2004 21:17 )~::~~ ~ _il.....~~J ---- ..........----... 9524018798 ~'I- ~ --"" ~:- w"- KJOLHAUG PAGE 05/07 1""-;-.,,-";<' Date: ~¿(g .()4-/ . .: ' samPlept.ID~----1í'=¿ . : j Project/S '~e: InvesUga: :)r(s): Sssin/ArE:;;!.ID: )f¡.ûY If' f /AJ 1'1"1.4 A1 [} $ .' I'.:,.o;r.:: .--o.op- ~. ~~tøc SOILS Field Indic ïltor$ of Hydric SOÎls (MidwÐst Region) USDA, Ma~h 1998. (A" 811 Bolls, S" sandy !¡oils, F = loamy & cl~ey ~¢il!;) AJ. H:lto601 A9.10. 1-2 cmMuck _ 86. StrlppedMatrix F5. Thick Da!"k Surf,1ce =·Ai. H: ,¡tic Epipcdon = 81 ~ Sandy Mucky Materia! _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Matcria] - F6. Redox bark Surface A3. BI ;Ick Histic _ S3. Mucky peat/?eat _ F.2. LO:mlY Gloyl;(! Matrix _ F1.]ðPletod Dark Surface _A4. H:-drogcn Sulfide _ 84. Sandy meyed Matrix _ F3. DepIcted Matrix ~edox Depressions ~ AS. .st·:~tificd l>aycrs ____ S5. Sandy Redox: F4. Depleted Below Dark Surl'acc Hydric Sci~~ _No ,-,---"Undete:mined Remark5: SAMPI.E 1:'OINT- WeU1d" ~ ":.'·:D·· "·:·'··th·,"I-· I-=l~ ·~~;:'·'.\.··M;,iL" ·'....·~r;.:",>I.:'~!'~ """""M' ·....~·;·¡C· I.:.:~'..· ..:c· e .'. ~.. ":~, '~~.,'';t.. ".~IIX·"-'Q ...r'·.;J'~;: '~& O~LI~., .O.~r$)·~ . "tJ ':' ..& Field Indie ¡Itarn of Hydric Solis (Mldwè$t Region) USDA, March 1998. (A ":.11 SOilS, S = sandy solis, F =< loamy & I:layey solis) Al. rIJ . ~osðl =A2. fIJ . tic EpipedoIl A3. ~1 .;%: Histie _A4. I!J :hogcn Sulfide AS. 81;) :Itified Layers Hydric So 11 Yes A9,lO. 1-2 em Muck = S 1 ~ Sandy Mucky Material _ S3. Mucky Peat/PetJ.t _ 84. Sandy GIeyed Mirtrþ; S5. y RMox ' Undetermined ~. SAMPLE HUNT- ¿ _ Só. Stdpped Matrix _ F5. Thick DÐ.Tk Surface ~F1. Lowny Mucky Material ~ F6. :RedQx Dw:k Surlùœ _ F2. Loan;¡y Glcyed Matri.--: _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ F3. Deplct¡;d Matrix _ F8. Rcdnx DeptO$sion5 .F'4, Depleted Below Da,k Sl.ITIRCC Remarks: HYDROLOGY' _1J1).&Ida _ lJJA . ,~ð' m"à . '. .. ;], f.:'.... ð1 '1' I.CÆ ~. II ~. ".. _ J:n.~ '¡Ited, Depth . in. _~ ..ted Soil. ,Depth iJ 'in. -1..éWate· ÎJ) borehole, bepth ....LI2- in. _ Watc; Marks, Height :in, Drift: .Ûlè!! ~ Bediu 1~I1t Deppsitq brain·\ e patt¢ms _ Inund ..!crJ, . Depth in. J ~.;w. Soil.. Depth in. . ate(' fa borehole, Deptb ~m. _ Water ~Æar~. Height in. ~ ·Drift I.¡ces _ SedIm .;~t Pl;posits DrQîl1~ ;'e Patterns :1.. . í'iCi 'ifõ·, Oxidi7.Cd Root Channe]~ ~ Wat~.r'-StainedLœvcs _ Mapped Hydric So.iI, Ikp(C$$iou _ FAC-NcutraI Test ---:. Topo~o.phic Position ~ Otb.e:T; -Explain.: cs No _ Assumed - !xptain: _ Undetermined -Explain.: ~¡ ~ Oxidized Root Channels _ Water-8tained Leaves ~ MtLþped Hydric Sall, Depressí¡;¡n '_ F AC-Ncutr31 Test ~ Topographì¢ Position. . _ Othe, w Explo.Ìn ~ ~ Assumed - Explain.: ~ UJ'l.Mtermlt1od - Explain; 'I , 26105 WíJd R~e Ll1I1o. ShoT:l!wood. Minnerom5533I. Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: \lS2.401-87~8 " '. 10/19/2004 21:17 9524018798 KJOLHAUG PAGE 07/07 . . projccUSJ !~_ ¡{wI¡ ¢- ~..{/l;j)t!..!fd --- Sample PoInt ID ~ VEGETATION ~Sld\! _Upsl¡lç ~N1J.\ , ", ," . "';.... 'I' '.' -;-:::r..;;-a._. I ''tY.·....,·l~,...:-:..Wt~. :", ,:,,, ;::': .' '" '.,:..". '" :;1' :ml"~'~I'un",·;,.:! ~ !.':% Cov('~:- ',"·1 liHI;~t.ªt(iS:i , . ._-," .:..._, "._"~,. _. .-,... 'V:"'~' - i ! . . ... ., ...:.._- n ¡ .l.J - V V V V V V V V H V S T % Dominan't$ (>20% Cover) FAC or WattÐr: J~J SAMPLE: POINT~ . " Remal'l<s: SAMPU: ÞOINT ~ Wet glde ~Ä )~ c!1J -. ..-..-. . MfA ·...··-.1··.. . ' 7-' , ",I I ,'..', ','. . , . '.... . ," ... .~;,; J.'" "1 . ~h . I . , ,,":' ": ~~ I "oJ. ~ ~ti~1~IIUI " ~ ,~.',t <.' ,:".;.. GC"/I_ ~:~I / . I· 1'1(-: ,.."':tcJtu~~ '. ..' ~ .rrtfa, ,-"'~ ;-:," rI"~' -- ,.. 1':('. I / ' r " '. ':-,,/ I ,r,'" ~_":: ' ./ , ", T T T T T S t H S T H S T H V S T % Dominants (>20% Cover)'FAC or Wetter: , Remal,!cs: .....". . SAMPLE ,Þ-OINT- ~. HYdrll~hYtìC Veg~t.\ti;n' Preserlt? l..::::::::."¡; Wet!:. ,d Hydrology Present? ~ Hydrl:; Soils Present? _Yes Is thl' area a 'WfltJand? ---;--~ Dista Ice from Weiland ~dge ~ n: - "I'V- ,~_ SAMPLEI)OINT· ~Wet8lda ~ WETLAND DETERMINATION 'Up~ld(! _NfA ,...~, ..,;'- ......_" - - --.&....-~. . -- . ~No _No _No ~No N/A Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an AtypIcal SItuation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ~ Yes Remarks: ~NIA Hydr(,:)hytic Vegetation Pre$ent? Wetl~ ld Hydrology Present? Hydr~:, Soils Prasent? " Is thE area a wetland? Distar l~e from Wetl"nd Edge I _Yes _Yes Yes .....---- Yes ft. ~ø' Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~ Does an AtypÎC<l1 Situation bist? Yes ~v' DOes an Atypioal SItuation EXist? . Yes ~No Rem~rk$: N/A Wetland:COID1J1unity T Overall : ')ominant Vegetati :!n: :Remark: : I :i Page 2 Haak, Lori From: Sent: To: Subject: kelly [keldlou@yahoo.com] Monday, October 18, 2004 2:32 PM Haak, Lori Wetland delienation reviews-Chanhassen ~ ~ ~ ~.'~.. ~ Siteloc_youngquist.aerial-youngquisC ElwLYou ngq u isC eta;oil_you ngquisC eta doc (122 KB... tal.doc (24... .doc (407 K... .doc (677 ... Lori, I'm having some work e-mail troubles at the moment so I opted to send this informaiton to you via another address. I have attached a site location map, aerial photograph, NWI-map, and soil survey of three sites in Chanhassen. They are referred to as the Youngquist Property, Weathers Property, and the Wirtz Addition on the aerial photograph. All of the sites were completed before 9/15/04. I flagged 3 wetlands on the YOngquist property, and there wer no wetlands on the other two parcels. I have completed reports for all of the sites but do not yet have the survey for any of them so I have not yet printed an submitted them. I ask that you review the information as we are seeking approval of the wetland delienation. Please contact me when you plan to visit the sites or if you have any questions. You can response to this address at the moment or call me at the number below. Sincerely, Kelly Dlouhy Kjolhaug Environmental Services 26105 Wild Rose Lane Shorewood, MN 55331 Phone: 952-401-8757 Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today! http://vote.yahoo.com 1 Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. ~ ·:~:t{ " \\ 11 II. ,/1/ I i..') 71 Y' /,<',---'·~~7/·~ '® " . --'~> "~:::i¿~'I~j~qJf fID~ -,..' /M~ ~/ì JY==1ènèq, /j/ ".. l;,rr¡ (' ~ I' <~~~ (~; 7/ '\~~~1~~ ----·(5-.< J J 1// -ï~i3_ ;.'. _-=--'---.____ l _- .. ii... ...ï",,~ I~~", ,:t)f;:/r- ---ArBor.etum)~!~\.2.):~==~, --c-,:~bor~£SIvc¡::(D:· ~__ . ~_ ~f-\Ù~ i ¡ (,-.f) Ii p~r--i 5 c- O,"",Mo_~'''~_"~ t, t~~?¿ l~~ Figure 1 - Site Location ~ ~) Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota -------- --...-....- IÇ¡OLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY +N No Scale Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. . .' ~~ P;op,;,v ": P'- " . . '!o,.~r ~~, ,: ~ ' if - , l'1{õi'h= [Site ~cation '" '- .7 ~~" ... ':'~:~.' . ',,~ .f. T [. , . ..~~}~ ", -,--.":'-=' .."j!; {~ "- ,r ,,-r¡ Jr.', {t-; ~~/i~"!:i~ -- ·~l-;.· ., >1~ .J .~:, .1:' - ·/~~· ::~'·:..;;:1.>.·:·· ."~". r "'~ ";,;;f!'i :...-',.. ''1\,.:: .... ........~. '. ....': I,,;' .~. '. . ...... . ,. ~"l~~. "'. Wetlands off property? ¡'''.' ......::. .~"~f<' _ ~.... !9" ',_, .. . a .--.:-:_...... : ~.. '.~ .~.~., -;~ .~iIi Weather's Property (no wetlands) . . <. ' i.~:~'~~~.- Figure 2 - Aerial Photograph ~ ..) Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota ---- ~~ IÇ¡OLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY +N 1 inch - 545 feet Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 3 - NWI Map ~ Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota ~ . ~... JyOUlAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY +N 1 inch - 945 feet ---- ~~- Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 2 - Aerial Photograph ~ ~) Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota ~ ~ lÇJOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY ~N 1 inch - 545 feet ~ Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. l,,>t~ r' ., '..",. ,~~ ;..:) ;+~~~,'\- " ~~._~ ,-7 ~~OO~W&~~y , I~,~i,~' .of~,~:·~"..l"r ,~l''''( ">'~.: t"',-,',,',',', . lA....". .....(,.. t.;,""_:t~ ~.~.;"'II,,,,- ,;I..' . .."'_"_ ._.~"':". I""'~" ~!,~.-..":JIi . ;.:; : ~~. ~~,,, ·711f-! ..... .... '.""ke~/".;'II.r,· ~,l' ;....,.."_...,-',.:,:~,,. , /~~K,;¥"'j ldl·. j} ; ;¥~~11·1c~2.~·t~ 1/ 6 u ø.~". j~ ~ -"" ~' "'" "./# ~.~ ":cfN'Þ'"'" ~~h>' " ;tI . , ~},jr \ij>-I\ ~~~~' ",' _ _ J;?î., CO ~. t'''f'' ''/ ' ',''',~.'' ,,,, ", : '" , V?' Weathers Property .', ~___:.~.' 1-~ ...., d' , . ,..,...+t'::,,-C'~~ , . '.; ... .~." ..v~. ¿ t_..., ¿ .... ' .. ..,If' of 9 lJ ~ ~,)~.., ~'!.,,..."'.. ';..1' " ..f. f:. 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", '''-;g'~.ÄAf - --'!~ifrfj$: KC2, KD2, IŒ2-Lester-Kilkenny loams, 6 to 12%, 12to18,and 18 to 25% slopes (eroded) HM-Hamelloam NC3, ND3, NE3-Lester-Kilkenny clay loam, 6 to 12, 12 to 18%, and 18 to 25% slopes (severely eroded) PM-Palms muck KD-Lester-Kilkenny loams, 12 to 18% slopes TB-Terrilloam, Ot06%slopes KB-Kilkenny-Lester loams, 2 to 6% slopes ,~~.'.. %:.- Figure 4 - Soil Map ~ Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota ---....-......- ~ /VOUIAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY ~N Scale: 1 inch - 630 fe~t