Fax cover sheet 2-8-05 02/08/2005 09:54 FAX 6514525550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA 141001 CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Attorneys at Law Thomas J. CampbeJl Rogc( N. Knutson Thomas M. SCOtt EUioH B. Knet5ch Jed J. Jamnik Andrea McDowdll.'ochlcr M¡¡.tth¡:w K. Brokl'" "'Aê!o licrn..s'M in Wi:kÚTutñ (651) 452-5000 Fax (651) 452~5550 John F. Kelly Matthew J. roli SOrèn M. MatÜCk M1IrguetiƓ M. McCarron Gina M. Bra¡¡dr FAX COVER SHEET PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) TO: NAM E: Sharmeen AI-Jaff FAX NUMBER: 952-227-1110 DATE: 02/08/05 SENDER: Roger N _ Knutson TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: -.:3 FAX #: (651) 452-5550 (INCLUDING COVER PAGE) IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL c;""rnlp AT (651) 452-5000. RE: COMMENTS: Per your request o ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW BY MAIL. . NOTICE OF CONFIDENTlALI1Y The information contained in and transmitted with this facsimile is: 1. SUBJECT TO THE ATTORNEY-CLlENT PRIVilEGE; 2. A1ïORI\IEY WORK PRODUCT; OR 3. CONFIDENTIAL. It [s Intended only for the individual or entity designated above. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of or reliance upon the InformatIon contaJned In or tral1smfltecl with thIs facsimile by or 10 anyone other than the recipient designated above by the sender is unauthorized and strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsÎmile in error, please notify CAMPBElL. KNUTSON BY TELEPHONE AT (651) 452-5000 IMMEDIATELY. Any facsimile erroneously transmitted to you should be immediately returned to the sender by U.S. Mail or, if authori<:atioll is granted by Gender, destroyed. Suì.te 317 · Ea.gandale Office Center · 1380 Corporate Ce.nter Curve · Eagan, MN 55121