Wetland Reports 10-29-04 ~ ,- ~ KjOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Providing Sound, Balanced, Comprehensive Natural Resource Soluüons Letter of Transmittal TO: NAME COMPANY Project Lori Haak City of Chanhassen Youngquist, Weathers, . .'- .. and Wirtz Properties CC: Steve Johnston Landform Engineering FROM: NAME DATE Copies Description Kelly Dlouhy 11/1/04 1(2) Wetland Delineation Report EI o FYI ø For Your Review o Please Reply o As We Discussed . Comments: Enclosed are the non-wetland determination reports and the wetland delineation report for Wirtz Addition, Weathers Property, and Youngquist Properties respectively. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I. · · · · · · · · · · · Wirtz Addition Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Determination Report Prepared for Landform Engineering by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. eKES Project No. 2004-210) . October 29, 2004 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · lÇ¡OLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Providing Sound, Balanud, Comprðtvuive Natural ResoUlU Solutions Memorandum Date: October 29,2004 To: Lori Haak, City ofChanhassen Cc: Steven Johnston, Landform Engineering From: Kelly Dlouhy, Kjo1haug Environmental Services Company Re: Wirtz Addition, Chanhassen, MN- Wetland Determination On September 29,2004, I examined the Wirtz Addition in Chanhassen, Minnesota eFigure1) for the presence of wetlands in accordance with the methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual eWaterways Experiment Station, 1987) as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. The approximately 3-acre site eFigure 2) was located in the NE Y4 of Section 9, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, City ofChanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. The property lies east of State Highway 41, north of Longacres Drive, west of Harrison Hill Trail, with an unnamed property boundary to the north. At the time of the field visit, the parcel consisted of a vacant lot with a gravel drive that extended from the southwest to the northeast comers ofthe site eFigure 3). Most of the site was wooded with the exception of an opening in the southeast portion of the site. The property was surrounded by a residential development on all sides, except to the south, which consisted of a large-lot single-family home and fallow cropland. Wetland Determination A review of standard mapping resources including the Soil Survey of Carver County, Minnesota eUSDA, 1989) and the National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) eShakopee Quadrangle, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1989) was conducted prior to the site visit. The subject property was located in an area mapped with Lester-Kilkenny loam and Terri110am, neither of which are hydric soils eFigure 4). The NWI map showed no wetlands on the site eFigure 5). 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Wooded areas on the property were dominated by common buckthorn trees and seedlings, and lesser amounts of Kentucky bluegrass, green ash, honey locust, and Eastern red cedar. Open areas were dominated by Kentucky bluegrass and Canada goldenrod with lesser amounts of smooth sumac, Canada thistle, and Virginia creeper. Soils were generally brown clay loam to 16 inches, underlain by light brown, clay loam to 24 inches depth. Based on my site assessment and review of standard mapping resources, there were no areas on the Wirtz Addition that met the jurisdictional definition of a wetland in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. On October 22,2004, Lori Haak with the City of Chanhassen reviewed the Wirtz Addition and confirmed that no wetlands are present on the site. Please call me if you have questions regarding this determination. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Wirtz Addition Wetland Determination Report Figures: · Figure 1 - Site Location Map · Figure 2 - Site Boundary · Figure 3 - Aerial Photograph · Figure 4 - Soil Survey Map · Figure 5 - NWI Map · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .', · · · · · · · · · · Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. JL " ,';;:0 '1:1 Jll ~\t .J1c::-:---¡( ,v II ',I ~ ,? !j:--..- - ~ "<\ II .-- _ LLJL. II II - c:t__-\,,;....-1¡_st1ar~~ J/ .'tJ' " 17" r=1 _J~ "--lrlL-J"l II -'!:ífi\Ø~ \l.í'--·'·"IJ ')'L ':>--{l ·~~=::,.!:l\4urraY:::\~ :=:1 ~_._,.::, ~\-,····",,···'~;;-;~'--r-:l,I\ ~--=====at~'~--:¡-"[~ ~ ·....·'~:.;;".fIL.J'c ...1:.....Jj...........<fÆ......tilar.r\\....·' ',' /;:'("" ,',\ '(!Ì~OI /,I¡' I ',', ...-J- \?J::.=- íf:3 '.;::':- ¡/<'ml .,.,.-;?' \, 1\ Site Location '. ":;::""~)ì.))':ti\ -n ;< -lLJI I. ./!.:==- ;;])LJC¡/ I oJ '~l-~ -- ~., "IL 'J '{ ~-- '.' /.. I I" }"- \' ~I )'-- ~ ...::::::<- .'. ""---'-~=.L'_ \.:.;("..; HerlTl1ll1 - "= ¡-=~!J '··"t:=o;=- II fL.......:;'? \" .- ,";,!.I :." ';':-' FieldPark .. JL \el:'~':.;t{' \1 '-~!( .1' "ft t ' =~ILr~=' '-';~:~'1l;;,r:: jl {tf' =-,_"".'~~-ïtl . ',' \) --:--__~=_.L.__LlLJ ',Q ;I} ï (1._ ._ ,II ..../ J7t~Tl' " . .'. "V,;,,::l;,1i';;.":},c 1! " , ':" (r ;7/ \1, i' _ iiJ<::=o'#~ ~Y}'1J~~-=::'/ ::.:- ~. \:~~-.;:~, I ! 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I " '::~" ,.:,.)} e==:'f'--:'"""","'~ ~=¡r2,_,. --1~.._·· l::".··· IUOOI Morosoft C . ~ !'IS rueNed. Figure 1 - Site Location ~ KjOUfAUG ENVIRONMENTI\L SERVIOES OOMPANY ~ Wirtz Addition (KES No. 2004-210) Chanhassen, Minnesota +N No Scale OIM<Œ1JPEV'ELon::~ _________ YOBERRY FARMS, LLC 1105 HAZEI.TINE 6LYD. EXCf.LSIOR. MN 55.131 Q1Y _0 <'. ~~: :'~- : r" ; ~:: ¡© ¡~~ ':' ,- : ::- __ J ~-7 }C--- --~.occ=J- ~ I J c.j " 211.40 L_LJ-.rr~ !v~c. "ì~.:.r . _ _::,;""~"'" ,,--:--=-N~"7'4::'!"' ll;;l·/-· l '-'--. \...'( . " ~ ¡~\~: . .,~':' ì~ -- ! ~~'~ji;:'w:~IoI.J·~1 0( Î - PRELIMINARY SU6MITT^L NDl'EMðER )()(, 2004 "'0JeCr, ~t~ ~ LANDFORM MINN~APOLI5.PHO~N'X II1G'''_-' ...,""""""__ ~~-: ~ª!? -.~.... f \.f ~ C1OI'T&0.ÞM3 ~OJ!CT NO. 1'ð04()G ~TtIG CONPIT1ON5 & PEMOU11ON I'LIIN 13URE 2 IŒVl510N Hl5rCXY M' ..... '~/;'ft/~' ,..:: """~, _rl. MI7fJ/IH _,......y~"" n:OJI!CT' 1.lANAG~ (E'MW - - rtI........,..,.. MlaO, œ~~T1ON YOBERRY FARMS CHANHASSEN, MN v" :,1 \¡. "'-. 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"--'Js .t."". .(a ¡;,pÞ'·' KC2-Lester-Kilkenny loams, 6 to 12%, slopes (eroded) HM-Hamelloam . NC3, NE3-Lester-Kilkenny clay loam, 6 to 12 and 18 to 25% slopes (severely eroded) ~ FÇ¡OUiAUG ~ ~ ·"·~~~~\~t¡~:f¥\t';~ì;~::~::~~~tj~~~: ;:~~"'~~~ Figure 4 - Soil Map Wirtz Addition (KES No. 2004-210) Chanhassen, Minnesota E~RONMENTALSER~CESCOMPANY +N Scale: 1 inch - 420 feet · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. ~ Figure 5 - NWI Map ~ KjOIBAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY -------- ~ Wirtz Addition (KES No. 2004-210) Chanhassen, Minnesota ~N 1 inch - 925 feet · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Wirtz Addition Wetland Determination Report Appendix A: Data Forms · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~ KrOLFIA-UG ENVIRON:MENTAL SERVICES COMPANY --- --- - Sample Pt. 10: Date: Proj ect/Site: Investigator( s): Basin/Area ro: SAMPLE POINT- SOILS /' ~NIA Mapped Soil Type: ¿ß TElL ¡{/¿læAJ¡u. Wet side _ Up side in:')':.;) .:¡:¡)J;':'M~trIX'C¢6Iôr.;ti'ÚW:i J;j'~';Mõtt(~"Cêírô'íjc~9~ ç(f6tJ:ãšft,ª~~r~~ ~..extûr.è';·"Sttôêtûi:e;~ètcL~F"{¡':::'~ '¿ 32- -'IJ/I.. H- I Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A 0: all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey solis) Ai. Histosol _ A9, 1 O. 1-2 em Muck _ S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface = 1\2. Histic Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material ~ .fI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface _ A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky PeatJPeat =---- F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gle ed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Layers S5. S Y Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? Yes Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- Mapped Soil Type: Wet side _ Up side _N/A Depth(mJ': . '" .'·MatrixCOlor.', .. ,', 'iMottle'Colors>" ê.>':'."Mdttle'åburid;/êonfråst·,.\\</·, 'f.~":"('T¡Ú(tLÎl'ê,'Strllctlll:e /etc. ...... .., ---- -------. "-- -."------- Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) U5DA;-Tvlil!.ch 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) - AI. Histosol _A9,lO. 1-2 cmMuck ~S¡gftipped Matrix - F5. Thick Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky MaJ~!ial - F6. Redox Dark Surface - A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky PeatJPeat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix "'. ----: F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ A5. Stratified Layers _ S5. Sandy Redox _F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? Yes No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- HYDROLOGY I /"~- _ Wet side _ Up side I~)~rrt!~ r(:-ý~ro~ó~ftl~~:~~ ~~t~·,~:·,",,~,:..: ':.~' 3~é'~~!~èJ}f~'f!'iêJ!0I~;~Yl:!?¡~.àt~~s'(~}~':() ·''''''I~\~~.\~~~~.~i~~~~ÞY1.,__·. .,~.._.~=- .' __.: J I', .... :,~I\:",,'..~¡~ 'i~~ :":." '" ..... ....." "'" _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. _ Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Water Marks, Height in. Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns ,µ:'No _ Assumed - Explain: Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression F AC-Neutral Test _ Topographic Position _ Other - Explain: _ Undetermined - Explain: .I ... ~ - .' J ¡ SAMPLE POINT- Wetslde _ Up sldo _N/A ·'P.nma' ""1'1 '-âh)lô9f:lndicat¡rrs':-""';~:>C"5:-;':'o'¿'\i' ·",Sôêo'nãã~""HYãrof(rgçi·triaicatõrs:-(2-rêén':'''''>.,. "WétlâHéfH"arë) o-·"?·f:',:,'.-:'t:':::"::;~:::':·'·· I -- Inundated'-' '-" Depth ......,--__ in. Oxidized Root Chnnnd:; Yes Saturmed Soil, Depth __ in.. _ __ Water-Stained l.eaves >-:0 _ Water in borehole, Depth _ in. --=:-MappedHydri£.Soil, Depression _ Assumed -Explain: _ Water Marks, Height in. _ F AC-Neutral Test--~-----_ ·Drift Lines _ Topographic Position -.. ~. !1:tld<::!ermined - Explain: _ Sediment Deposits _ Other - Explain Drainage Patterns ,....,.,:- . ~-,-> 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minrtesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 Project/Site 1olff"7-- f(Jf);"Í/ ðAJ Sample Pant 10 /--/ . I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · SAMPLE POINT- Wet side _Up.~.EGET~ 'Sóeciès ··:.,·..···i·..\'.',···..·.·······~·· ...i·. . ;"y··...·\·á;r··'/··C}O,... i",·':;. 'i" :~StiåtlJm1\; . ·~S%Còv:er)-:'~ :i.hid.Statu5 .'. H V S T H V S T H V S T . H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks: .... , % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- Wet side _Upside NIA SpeCies'~ ". .<:'i'··f. _.........)...... ,. ...»'. ·0.... "'SfrãtÙm ..;-.-;. "'H%Còvèr'.,," ···lrid.Status··· ------- H V S T ------- H V S T ------ H V S T ---- JI V S T H -y.,--S . T .. H V s T---- 1--_ H V S T ---.... '- H V S T , ---. ~ H V S T "-..'" H V S T Remarks: I % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: I SAMPLE POINT· Wet side WETLAND DETERMINATION _Upside ________ ~/ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge _Yes _Yes _Yes _Yes ft. ,/No ..----Dœs an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ---1::::NÔ .--_Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~.-Nô-·_.Doesan Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~~.__Remarks: í /~NrÃ- SAMPLE POINT· Wet side _ Up side NIA Hydrop~~ent? _Yes _No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present~_s__No . Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? _Yes -~..-No·---Doe~Ð!-tyPical Situation Exist? _Yes Is the area a wetland? _Yes _No Remarks:-"'~'"'''' ___ Distance from Wetland Edge ft. N/A·~---"_____.. -.--...,.........~-. ""---\ COMMUNITY SUMMARY Wet anët-€ommunity T Overall Dominant ._"'~-~- Ve etation: Remarks: ~''''._''''''''''-....-... ~-··"'·h. , 111 ¿fcP';./ \ /~ f '.:.... .~.)"--, fl. ..- I .<...- . ~---1 Page 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '. · · · · · · · · · · · · Weathers Property Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Determination Report Prepared for Landform Engineering by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. eKES Project No. 2004-147) October 29,2004 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · lÇ¡OLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Providing Sound, Balanud. Cornpnhcnsive Natural Rosolll'a Solutions ~~ Memorandum Date: October 29,2004 To: Lori Haak, City ofChanhassen Cc: Steven Johnston, Landform Engineering From: Kelly Dlouhy, Kjo1haug Environmental Services Company Re: Weathers Property, Chanhassen, MN- Wetland Determination On August 9,2004, I examined the Weathers Property in Chanhassen, Minnesota eFigure1) for the presence of wetlands in accordance with the methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual eWaterways Experiment Station, 1987) as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. The approximately 5-acre site eFigure 2) was located in the NE 'l4 of Section 9, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, City ofChanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. The property lies east of State Highway 41, north of Longacres Drive, and west of Sunflint Trail, with an unnamed property boundary to the north. At the time of the field visit, the parcel consisted of a single-family home surrounded by lawn at the northwest comer of the property and an outbuilding at the northeast comer eFigure 3). Otherwise the property was wooded slopes with small grassy openings scattered throughout. The property was surrounded by a residential development on all sides, except to the north, which consisted of a large-lot single-family home and fallow cropland. Wetland Determination A review of standard mapping resources including the Soil Survey of Carver County, Minnesota eUSDA, 1989) and the National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) eShakopee Quadrangle, u.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1989) was conducted prior to the site visit. The subject property was located in an area mapped with Lester-Kilkenny loam, Lester-Kilkenny clay loam, and Hamel loam eFigure 4). Hamel loam is a hydric soil indicative of wetland conditions, however only a small area of Hamel was present at the far southeast comer of the site. The NWI map showed no wetlands on the site eFigure 5). 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · A wooded area at the northeast corner of the property included common buckthorn as the dominant with lesser amounts of American elm, smooth brome, and Virginia creeper. Open areas were dominated by smooth brome, Canada goldemod, and Kentucky bluegrass with lesser amounts of common plantain, black-eyed Susan, Virginia creeper, and reed canary grass. Other portions of the slope consisted scattered patches of American elm, smooth sumac, Siberian elm, green ash, and Eastern red cedar. Soils were generally brown, fine sandy clay loam to 8 inches, underlain by light brown, fine sandy clay loam to 24 inches depth. The far southeast edge of the property was mapped with a small lobe of Hame110am, a hydric soil. This area consisted of patches of reed canary grass and Canada goldemod as the understory to smooth sumac and American elm. Immediately adjacent and down-slope from this area were tennis courts and a playground area surrounded by lawn. Although some hydrophytic plant species were present in this area, it did not appear that wetland hydrology would be maintained, upland plants dominated, and no indications of wetland hydrology were observed at the time of the site visit. Based on my site assessment and review of standard mapping resources, there were no areas on the Weathers Property that met the jurisdictional definition of a wetland in accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. On October 22, 2004, Lori Haak with the City of Chanhasscn reviewed the Weathers Property and confirmed that no wetlands are present on the site. Please call me if you have questions regarding this determination. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '. i. · · · · · · · · · · · Weathers Property Wetland Determination Report Figures: · Figure 1 - Site Location Map · Figure 2 - Site Boundary · Figure 3 - Aerial Photograph · Figure 4 - Soil Survey Map · Figure 5 - NWI Map · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. JL ..:., ïl II II I\·-.;"~---¡( /i II" /. ii fL_. - ~1) "'~" ì\ j'~'L )1 J~I ~4': ..... ) Shorè~ / / /,' ",.' --:, fK "~ \Ir ,_= ~'___',\ . ...Jl~- 'l[ ;~;::!.~~Oll "'", - _~_. ~~urray:;Sþ ø ~=~:~-:, ,ILr lilL-..-111 .1 '~~.~ \!::I IJ jL/'....{l ~ý¡:1 - ~·.,.\í 1I- ---,;; (i=jj. \'.' -1 f...:~L-'----î""--¡ 7 }........~ ~ ..' ¡f."oJ" I.~ i'1-------- '..'=:- ~ . '.\ ~,~ /./)'-1'" ., i. 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' "",p,. , ;~{I;:;!i,m,·K ~'~?1;:; ..··v:.j;:~, ~'- ï' ('P pJlei?" f;';è~:~~:::":::'~\,\ 7,~~r~~lt:þØ'AI··· f ,</ f C~f '\I ,l(;o,t ¡h: ;,f)~Jdr:<;l .,1:: .~v~Y .#":.> 00.+<-"",;:r\ Þ t'~J: '~'f.__#,,:<_ ~- fl- -{}...... "'~~ "(.\,0' "r-~ E :J. -" ---- .o::.r- .,_}.'11' " ,--." tì, "Jot KC2-Lester-KiIkenny loams, 6 to 12%, slopes (eroded) HM-Hamelloam NC3, NE3-Lester-Kilkenny clay loam, 6 to 12 and 18 to 25% slopes (severely eroded) ""'''~:~~~~~~tò~tt1ë~\~:';i~;;-:~~:~~~(~';~:: {~:>\ Figure 4 - Soil Map ~ !Ç¡OLHAUG -- ~........ Weathers Property (KES No. 2004-147) Cbanbassen, Minnesota ~N Scale: 1 inch'" 420 feet EwnRONMENTALSER~CESCOMPANY · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · '. I Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 5 - NWI Map Weathers Property (KES No. 2004-147) ~ Chanhassen, Minnesota ~ KjOIEfAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY +N 1 inch - 925 feet ----- ~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I. · · · · · · · · Weathers Property Wetland Determination Report Appendix A: Data Forms · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~.~~ K¡OLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY - - --- ---" proj eet/Site: Investigator( s): Basin/Area 10: Date: .5Du-r ;I F /JC-, Sample Pt. 10: SAMPLE POINT- SOilS /" ~ Mapped Soil Type: //-:: < T EP-j¿ 11/29¡j/v: Wet side Up side ,:,,::, ,." .;. :Mott:lê'·;àbü·lÎa;¡ê(>nl¡:asf:;~,::>~·.:~:~"·:~~t~'?~;TëXtùrc;"Struê1ü¡'ê;efc~:;"'" <.' '.' - "'G Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey 50115) AI. Histosol _ A9,lO. 1-2 em Muck _ S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material ~f1. Loamy Múcky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface AJ. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky PeatIPeat ~ F2. Loamy GIeyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide 84. Sand eyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Layers S5. dy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _Yes Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- . Depth .' Mapped Soil Type: N/A _ Wet side _ Up side t~:;:;":\'MdttlÌ!"âbÛiìddcòñtÌ'å'št' ~\~{,.',\;t.c .··th·;:~·t:'/¿Mrextüfê;;StÌ'i.ÌctÚre:\etc~.;'· Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 199š-:-t AI. Histosol _ A2, Histic Epipedon A3. Black Histic _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ AS, Stratified Layers Hydric Soil? _Yes _A9,IO. 1-2 em Muck _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ S3, Mucky Peat/Peat _ S4. Sandy GIeyed Matrix _ S5. Sandy Redox . _No _Undeterminecl _S6, Stripped Matrix _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material edox Dark Surface _ Fl. Loamy GIeyed Matrix _ F7. Dep Dark Surface _ F3, Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox D~ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface ..----.... Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- HYDROLOGY _UpsIde ~ I · Secôndary' HyClroloQylrid iéãtõÌ's ( 2 rêq:)' "..:.~ ~1~ñ~Hÿar;ötogY't·,·;y::,.?·,c"~:'·".:'~ .... Oxidized Root Cllannels Yes Water-Stained Leaves ~ _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ Assumed - Explain: F AC-Neutral Test _ Topographic Position _ Other - Explain: .....J Wetslde I PrimaryJ:!ldrology Indicators _ Inundated, Depth in. _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. _ Water in borehole, Depth _ in, _ Water Marks, Height in. Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns _ Undetermined - Expfain: II SAMPLE POINT- _ Wet side _ Up sIde _ uñdëtermineq_-~Iain: 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ProjecUSite øElHìt/!#S - j?¡l rPE£0 SMlple Pant ID Ve6ETATION ~ (- ) I SAMPLE POINT- s _Wet side _Upside --11/,', --. tò;:stiãtÜm1:1;f, , ~-, - - <, V S T . I ..../ f;j _,_!.c~ ;;',_/):.... _'.: :~_ 4 _~ /1 ~ 7/0; ,( 'l.t"'f . ~ :..:JJ;,f /".~ /.... '. <-~:'. ---:-:- ,,<~~ -: Remarks: % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: % b- . SAMPLE POINT- _Upside Wet side _NJA I Sp(¿ieS ;'; " " '" '-,;,:,"":":'.<;'/.: " I ');5Si"ãh..íri'Î;'o'Y' !;>"J)TNIi.Covefi:iXi;f';:lncL'$tåtus"' 0 .... .';.-::," '-.-<: .. .- .-~ ------ H V S T ----- H V S T ------ H V S T '--------. H V S T -~~ H V S T - -~ H V S T R--v_ s T H V S~l-'- o. H V S T -"-"- - -. -. H V S T .~~ 0_- ~ Rem arks: % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- WETLAND DETERMINATION _Upside ~ Wet side Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? /s the area a wet/and? Distance from Wetland Edge ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~ Remarks: ~ _Yes _Yes _Yes _Yes ft. SAMPœ-p Wet side Up side N/A Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? /s the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypic 't . Exist? _Yes Remarks: _Yes _Yes _Yes ft. _No· _No NfA Wetland Community T Overall Dominant Vegetation: Remarks: COMMUNITY SUMMARY U land Communi Overall Dominant Ve etation: / ¡-rlð,:fT/1- ;1:.'~:"'1Jr:- i/:/)<1 >J,>~(V ,StJ t'l.J Remarks: // >", < -' ','! /1 /<' ,.;....,. Page 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Youngquist Property Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Delineation Report Prepared for Landform Engineering by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. eKES Project No. 2004-084) . October 29,2004 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Youngquist Property Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Delineation Report I. INTRODUCTION The Youngquist property on was examined on May 26, 2004 for the presence and extent of wetland. The site was located in the NE 1f4 of Section 9, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. The approximately 50-acre site was east of and adjacent to County Highway No.41, north of Longacres Drive, and west of Harrison Hill Trial with an unnamed property boundary to the north eFigure 1). Adjacent land use consisted of single-family homes on all sides. At the time of the delineation the site included a single-family home surrounded by lawn and trees at the northwest-comer of the property. The northern portion of the site was mostly wooded and the south half fallow cropland. A drainageway flowed from within the woods at the northwest comer, southeast through the site, and off of the property at the east edge eFigure 2). II. METHODS Wetlands were identified using Routine Determination methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual eWaterways Experiment Station, 1987) as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Atypical situations methodology was applied to cropped and ditched areas of the site. Wetland boundaries were identified as the upper-most extent of wetlands, which met criteria for hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and wetland hydrology. Wetland-upland boundaries were marked with pin flags and subsequently located by Landform Engineering Company by using standard land survey methods. Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company reviewed surveyed wetland boundaries for accuracy. Soils, vegetation, and hydrology were documented at representative locations along the wetland- upland boundary. Plant species dominance was estimated based on the percent aerial or basal coverage visually estimated within a 30-foot radius for the tree and shrub layers and as-foot radius for the herbaceous layer within the community type being sampled. Soils were characterized to a minimum depth of 18-20 inches utilizing Munsell Soil Color Charts and standard soil texturing methodology. 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Plants were identified using standard regional plant keys. Taxonomy was based on the Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Acijacent Canada, Ed. 2 (New York Botanical Garden, 1991). Indicator status of plant species was taken from the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: 1988 Minnesota (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1988). III. RESULTS Review of Soils. NWI. DNR and FSA Information The National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) eExce1sior and Shakopee Quadrangles, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1991) showed four PEMC, and one PSS1C/PEMC wetland on the site (Figure 3). The Soil Survey of Carver County, Minnesota (Sheet 23, USDA, 1989) showed the following soil types on the site: Lester Kilkenny loam, Lester-Kilkenny clay loams, Kilkenny-Lester loams, Hamel loam, Palms muck, and Terrilloam (Figure 4). Hamel loam and Palms muck are hydric soils indicative of wetland conditions when undrained. The DNR Protected Waters Map, Carver County (Minnesota DNR, 1984) indicated no DNR Protected Wetlands, Waterways, or Waters within or-adjacent to the subject property eFigure 5). Wetland Determinations and Delineations Potential wetlands were evaluated in greater detail during field observations. Five wetlands were identified and delineated on the subject site eAppendix A). Corresponding data forms are included in Appendix B. The following description of the wetlands and surrounding upland reflects field conditions observed at the time of the delineation. At that time, vegetation was actively growing, and temperatures were in the 70's. Hydrology was assumed to be typical of spnng. Wetland 1 was a Type 1 ePEMAd) wetland at the north edge of the site. The overflow outlet from a stormwater pond off of the property to the north drained into the north edge of Wetland 1. Wetland one subsequently drained southeast through an approximately I-foot deep, and two-foot wide intermittent drainage into Wetland 2. Dominant vegetation within Wetland 1 consisted of reed canary grass, spotted touch-me-not, and box elder, with lesser amounts of stinging nettle, garlic mustard, wood nettle, sedge, giant goldenrod, and green ash. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were dark brown, faintly mottled clay loam to 10 inches, underlain by gray, faintly mottled clay loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 12 inches below the soil surface. Adjacent upland consisted of deciduous woods dominated by common buckthorn, garlic mustard, and box elder with lesser amounts of green ash, American elm, and common blue violet. Upland soils were dark brown loam to 20 inches, underlain by light brown, faintly mottled fine sandy clay to 24 inches depth. No primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. 3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · The delineated boundary followed a change in topography and plant communities. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PEMC wetland and an area of mapped hydric soil (Hamel loam). Wetland 2 was a Type 1 (PFOIAd/PEMAd) basin southeast of Wetland 1. The wetland drained southeast via an I8-inch culvert under a field road and then through an intermittent channel into Wetland 3. The northwest portion of the wetland lay within the woods and was dominated by green ash, reed canary grass, and spotted touch-me-not. The southeast portion of the wetland was in the open and was dominated by reed canary grass with scattered American elm, willow, hackberry, and common buckthorn. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were brown, distinctly mottled silty clay loam to 20 inches, underlain by gray, faintly mottled silty clay loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 14 inches below the soil surface. Secondary indicators of wetland hydrology included mapped hydric soils, topographic position, and the F AC-Neutral test. Adjacent upland consisted of areas of woods and fallow field. Wooded areas were dominated by common buckthorn, sugar maple, and bur oak with lesser amounts of green ash, American elm, box elder, hackberry, Virginia creeper, honeysuckle, and red oak. Open areas were dominated by quack grass, with lesser amounts of Canada goldenrod, common dandelion, Kentucky bluegrass, curly dock, and box elder seedlings. Upland soils were brown, faintly mottled sitly clay loam to 12 inche~, underlain by gray clay loam to 24 inches depth. No primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. The delineated boundary followed a change in plant community and topography. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PEMC wetland and an area of mapped hydric soil eHamel loam). Wetland 3 was a Type 1 ePFO1 Ad/PEMAd) wetland that drained east, off of the subject property. Dominant vegetation consisted of green ash, reed canary grass, American elm, and common buckthorn with lesser amounts of eastern cottonwood, Jack-in-the-pulpit, box elder, and quaking aspen. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were gray, distinctly mottled silty clay loam to 12 inches, underlain by light gray, faintly mottled silty clay loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 6 inches below the soil surface. Adjacent upland consisted of an open meadow with a narrow patch of woods along the channel that drained into the wetland. The wooded area was dominated by common buckthorn. Dominant vegetation in open areas consisted of quackgrass, Canada goldenrod, horseweed, sow thistle, white sweet clover with lesser amounts of box elder seedlings, foxtail, common dandelion, leafY spurge, and Canada thistle. Upland soils were brown silty clay loam to 16 inches, underlain by gray, faintly mottled silty clay loam to 24 inches depth. Free water was observed 20 inches below the soil surtàce, otherwise, no indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. 4 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · The delineated boundary followed a change in plant community and topography. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PEMC wetland and an area of mapped hydric soil (Hamel loam). Wetland 4 was a Type 3 ePEMC/PEMA) wetland at the southeast comer of the property that extended south off of the site. Dominant vegetation consisted of cattail, reed canary grass, American elm, and ash. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were dark gray, distinctly mottled silt loam to 12 inches, underlain by light gray, distinctly mottled silt loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 12 inches below the soil surface. Adjacent upland consisted of a low berm dominated by common buckthorn adjacent to the north edge of the wetland, but was otherwise fallow cropland. Dominant vegetation in the fallow field consisted of quackgrass and green foxtail with lesser amounts of Canada goldenrod, barnyard grass, Canada thistle, Kentucky bluegrass, curly dock, common dandelion, and box elder seedlings. Upland soils were brown silt loam to 20 inches, underlain by light brown silt loam to 24 inches depth. No primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. The delineated boundary followed a distinct change in topography and plant community. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PEMC wetland but was mapped with non-hydric soil eLester Kilkenny and_ Kilkenny- Lester). Wetland 5 was a Type 3 (PEMC/A/PSSIC/A) wetland at the south edge of the site that extended south, off of the property. Dominant vegetation consisted of sedge and cattail with lesser amounts of reed canary grass, willow, stinging nettle, common buckthorn, American elm, and green ash. Soils observed below the wetland boundary were dark gray distinctly mottled silt loam to 10 inches, underlain by light gray, distinctly mottled silt loam to 24 inches depth. The primary indicator of wetland hydrology was free water observed 10 inches below the soil surface. Adjacent upland consisted of a steep wooded slopes dominated by common buckthorn with lesser amounts of green ash, American elm, black cherry, Jack-in-the-pulpit, and bedstraw. Upland soils were brown silt loam to 20 inches, underlain by light brown, silt loam to 24 inches depth. No primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. The delineated boundary followed a distinct change in topography and plant communities. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PSS1C/PEMC wetland and an area of mapped hydric soil ePalms muck). IV. SUMMARY · The Youngquist Property was inspected on May 27, 2004 for the presence and extent of wetland. 5 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · The NWI-map showed four PEMC and one PSSICIPEMC wetlands on the subject property. · The soil survey indicated Palms muck and Hame110am as hydric soils present on the site. · No DNR Protected Wetlands, Waterways, or Waters were indicated within or adjacent to the property. · Three Type I and two Type 3 wetlands were delineated on the site. 6 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · v. CERTIFICATION OF DELINEATION The procedures utilized in the described delineation are based on the COE 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Both the delineation and report were conducted in compliance with regulatory standards in place at the time the work was completed. All site boundaries indicated on figures within this report are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. Delineation Completed by: Kelly Dlouhy. Wetland Ecologist Report Completed by: Kelly Dlouhy Reviewed by: Date: Mark Kjolhaug, Professional Wetland Scientist No. 000845 7 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · I. · · · · · Youngquist Property Wetland Delineation Report Figures: · Figure 1 - Site Location Map · Figure 2 - Aerial Photograph · Figure 3 - NWI Map · Figure 4 - Soil Survey Map · Figure 5 - DNR Protected Waters Map · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. JL " ...:' ï, jl 1\ II>:~( lJ II 'J r !f IL_ ... <'::::1:> \', " IUS II U ~.-./ ~ 'J /1 -.- q: '..' II n==l,lî:-- \', II ~~f:f-e¡:,! "¡'l>:::::1::~li \L.:- _I 7 .#:=:~/MUrraY'-:$Þ -JJ 1:ìíì==:!~::, ~L,!....~L.'~--:::=-- ~1 --...::L·. ~JL.."- >'- 'e#/:~I/'" .¡( ,) '\'" ¡(-:ê,s \\ ----.r-- ..___-- I ~ ---~ , }- --=------ø.---~." J.. ·I~ I II '-.:" ". '"I <:;''/',í-;"''''''' .'. ~ '-. :. :\;.n:?C ...:::. i~:-" "'\i' ·......·..l~..·.,·~ïL:.:.··..·~1~5-~r:::.:: 1;:\'(~/-:;"-:"l" II Site Location ·,~.:=-;_·:~t I'-'IJ .;:' ~--1~ )~... ""-l[ ¡1 ,1L:~il'- ,'rlf '\"::~~ " . 1 Y II ' Jc', "." ., ./." =- ...-J JU" -- [ill /'._J, ",IL·, I, 'j' ¡"., .-.-> '.:, I ?--.' Lj'f' ;.ç ¡¡-'-=~! . " 11 ~., _-( . -~'L I ..."_Þ Herman _---- ..... Il II ...... /-:-': Jt'-.:: ~._-.,= "'1.:,::> FieldPark I' - J--J' 'I) It~:::~/, /; Ii \"!::::::.... /1' \. 'I .' /. í- 'f" '-." 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(12001 M«os.1t ---'r -(1:r.: ==¡ '~;:~:- Figure 1 - Site Location ~ Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) . Chanhassen, Minnesota ~ KjOUlAUG ENVIRONMI!NTALSERVICES COMPANY +N No Scale ~- · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. ~~, ~-~. ;~~~.:'~:':.~~ -~:r: {. f ~,~.. ." .. ,""'" ... .""''''-*. . ~ ~.. "-. J :c_~_ it: ,--._ _ -., "'. - .. . _.to II' ¡ _.:.~-~;.:~.~', ··t;;~p.,= ".">- 11. " - . Figure 2 - Aerial Photograph ~ Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota ~ ~ I\JOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY +N 1 inch - 455 feet · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. Figure 3 - NWI Map ~ Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) . Chanhassen, Minnesota ~ KjOUfAUG ENVIRONMENThL SERVICES COMPANY +N 1 inch - 7555 reet ~~.... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. , . [ - i{ '"I ,> t".. ~-\_\ ·'t~ '" ~~ i~'~ i~I~: Site Location ,~ . ~'" ~. -;.f¡, .-\~< "~-l~. "",;.O:'CiCo ,,'''''' c,. ;~Ú_;",,,;-,j~i:;~"ô.¥,",r?"'," -. :::: ~~ ~~, - H" ; ~:Z· \'fi'i" hh" fl'. ,:,"i¡' ',I' ~:...". :". jz;I§, (j, l '. I '" 'tl' Ii ", ';~:!C/ '^ t! J f .:,f:"'/~r""o,.":' \(~~?_.._:,-.."".,..J,.._:~,,'.',/ ,,6'" ¡¡.""..{'t';" ''I< '!J)" i· , ~-~ ,;':;,.i--r>iJ:;".':<·i· ...:¡-.)j; ..~~~"' t;:-.-* 1~~~ ^,' _'c.,". ,~..::iIt<!c3r''';¡'~ .q._.'5";>'~ £.1"'Jf ,.,£ \'t_4[.7;A;:"':-'~'7·';f;:~:1:~·" ...;'i;,'}) --.~~~' # > -'-'-"'j ! ¿."}r,., ,,to ". , dt .' I\'~, t#:...¡....'.'.'. .,J! ø (~ ~-~ {':/f ",,/ /"'h An,""",}.'" f. ~l!ß¿i;';;':N¡:::{k -¡ _ ~~:~ll~t¡('<;,: ':,'<':', r.~=J'~; ~,-~"!'- <" fl 1." , ,,~_f ff:¡ >.t ,.~ ;'3 ~,/:'F:m: ~~=~)~;<~~. . ,._. " II ....--..' .J!;" ;1. ,6'1: ~ ' ~~C?~~~).·ì.~~~:t-t,: _~~ ( .¡ _ ·~~·¿~,tj::#~ :-1 . \~: ". ,. '<.. '-!;'"'~'~'."-9.,_, "4V~if I!ß' j§ 'it KC2, KD2, KE2-Lester-Kilkenny loams, 6 to 12%, 12 to 18, and 18 to 25% slopes (eroded) HM-Hamelloam NC3, ND3, NE3-Lester-Kilkenny clay loam, 6 to 12, 12 to 18%, and 18 to 25% slopes (severely eroded) PM-Palms muck KD-Lester-Kilkenny loams, 12 to 18% slopes TB- Terri I loam, 0 to 6% slopes KB-Kilkenny-Lester loams, 2 to 6% slopes "} r ,r""" ... .j. '"'.. d~-:-;: f:l ~>t~-;. .::r';.¡;.~ < '1/\..\_ > . ··.::·i· v~~: ";.- """1 ':'-;{ : Figure 4 - Soil Map ~ Youngquist Property (KES No. 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota ------- ~ FÇ¡OUIAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY +N Scale: 1 inch - 480 feet · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Note: Site boundaries on this figure are approximates and do not constitute an official survey product. ....... .- ~. 11a'. Site Location I - . l' ,..., , §'Of .....0' 'PI .ITAL ... fA'. _I t.AQ U# ! . . .. - - ,t:i')uJ ~ , . %JOW., -so',. . 41 .;.; .;.4 .:-:.~.:-:.:-:.: .: .;.~ .:'.-:,._;.;.:.;..»:-:. .... _.....~ 1fT"..... ........ .... ...... ..... .......... I -.... - .:::::- .............;.. ~:~:~:::::::::-:::-:::::::::::::::;:::::{ .. ì~"< ... I~ I , ~ /' Figure 5 - DNR Map ~ KjOUIAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY ------ ~ Youngquist Property (KES No, 2004-084) Chanhassen, Minnesota +N 1 inch - 3000 feet · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Youngquist Property Wetland Delineation Report Appendix A: Survey Drawing ~ , ê(' '" . r;;;:;l" ')"::'---\;>.\ . 0 "1'~' >" L~I·,)·,,'/~'¡j,iß:-VJ\ 'C1,' . ~--i. '.. ....',.. "::"'" ~. . .' '. ·'~\.;L·,~· "':"!' ~t5" . B i / 't'. t:~...~,,1' ìi -I ~/ \ ì--j.- ..). . . "'''' 1-) , "') .- '- ..y'--'----) OIir'NE~örf.R. YOBERRY FARMS, LLC 7105 HAZELTINE BLVD. EXCELSIOR. MN 5.0;.131 Q1Y """'0 l ,.(----:-:~--_. .~ ';; ~ :: ,i--;:---- it---ë:- l ~, ., Q. ;'. ,( . -:¿' __ ~l / \. ."k\, WETLAND 1.... ----_ "L .n --;;-,;Þ-'-^-'-.--=7 ,G,,,,,, J) '--^-^--A A..J-._/,j.j-..J'- --..I..........._.\.. ..,.'.) ",,- -:...--~ j.J - . "[ " » ............. _~'n .J '~., ---- "'-------- '·n ) ~' --.--...:;: \ (c /' -~, '" - ,., "\'" I L ,.m"" -. r, (I 'J r' «- \- II r_- ' vv-. ( -.,J " 1" ~ h" ( )" )\- I ,J--A A.A ._,J ' )--YV--j\-l'--,..JJ----'-^-"--- J.JJJ ".-: ,'.- ' r ) "--.A~\_\^_"--^--^^j-j W T LAN 0 2 5 ~ ) ,-;¡.5 c '---,-"-,,.1 \.,.) \.J r,I') ~ ) ) \.. ~.~ 'C..J \., ,---J" .. l '\ .þ; ~/ s~· 1.40 12 \', -> [~ '..' ...:...).._._ ¿--ýl -t"~'-f.' . ", L .J'rL---J-.:.....L...:.... y--.y', -)-ý....,~('... " _.'!:- .-J 1tI."rTO ¡ ,I, 1oI'11!~a " O' <' I ItI!V1SIONHI9'1'OItY ~. - '~I1t1/C' ,..~ ..~^'" "t"'T'~ o./~/O+ _.....I.II~:II.tITN.... !"1tOJE!CT~1t ItI£YlEW - - I'I'JIW........ _(»'/1 CEltTIFIC^TION PRELIMIN^RY SU6MITT^L NOVEMBER xx. 2004 ~Mcr: YOBERRY FARMS CHANHASSEN, MN ~tt~ rwa LANDFORM MINN~APDLIS·PHO!HIX ..:~--=- ~":::=- -==... ~:r:.~ ....,,1aUQ'J'7 "-......111 _.~.'* P!Ll NMŒ aDn"6~ r'X.o.ÆGT 00. 1'B04O'0 !XI51H> CONPfOONS & PEMOUI1ON rLAN C1.l ~ hri.....J SCALE IN FEET \ ( 1.'C \ '\ c ~Á) ;-(6";y·,-)..,......r:.-y~. ~ì--,.,þ_"" "'.~ ( )' ..... . .-------!,- J """" ( ...;, .--?--_.~. ?;j~ .~\ -v (c 0 :"-...r.:r-_. \.}~ _~___ L _ _ __ ;...~"'"'ý"'y----y-y-y-{~y-y-y-(I,L~".a ~ _/-·r....~._ I "'- ,CX;t Of Y'\.-.. "Y ., ("'~ ~ ' ,"." " ¡-'~'..-'-~,---- ÒV' V' y~~ .....HQ' ì'" ",,'.. .,. ...:.', ____ . . ýYyyy-y'y"-- H~ ~'''~,.,,~, ' _ .. ,~;;::,r-'-"-- ...::~ - - O '1 ~ . 095.87 ....n' n n (, II' . ; WETLAN '" )~ 3 ,) (I..{ f l~ ==-~~~~~:~!t:~ ~ .",> o ... ~ It; CJ '< It; ¡' ~ ~ '" '" !, ~ ¡ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Y ollngqllist Property Wetland Delineation Report Appendix B: Data Forms · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~t~ ~) ---, K/OLI-LA-UG EN"V'IRONMENTAL SERVICES C01'vlPANY --- Date: Project/Site: Investígator(s): Basin/Area 10: [i)!¡)H~ / -I , á)r1{ /'J/JO / . - SAMPLE POINT- ~ìde Sample pt. 10: /' SOILS SAMPLE POINT- ~et side Up side NIA Mapped Soil Type; :r;r 1'1'11 t.ö/'fJ/Ý7 L~iP.~\,tï~1~11 ,:_c--,r!'~~~~~C i..' L'~)~ttlc<~1ioBDr'::!,o~J§§¡éD~ì';st' '.... ,. d j'1Ò'i0:~"'-"'!i,'}tiii.<;!u¡¡>: c!C" ....., .i, I· ,. . " ,'/ ..:;J ''''"- I ,. . .~. ~. , - r I II .../" ··"_._.._.n-:::<_...........:..._____n_..~".:..L._':..::._ .__~_-.-:...___ ". .... c.....--- _:1 /0-- --,-/ /!;' ¿/ ~;/;- .) '"::..A /¡- F/)l~ I Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) AI. HístosoI _ A9, 1 O. 1-2 em Muck _ S6. Stripped Matrix . FxThïck Dark Surface =A2. Histìc Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material =:JLf6. Redox Dark Surface AJ. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky PeatIPeat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface = A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ A5. Stratified Layers _ S5. Sandy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _No _Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- Wet side L Upside N/A Mapped Soil Type: L.,FS1¡SL --/'>,.ffÁJA}i.J 'Oeï:ith( iii.) X I>., ]Mä~rix "CoÎöf"L:,}?:eMott!eCo lor5)':( ri),:':iHvlQttl~ßbúiìâ;lèdoH¡¡àt~'J;}4'5'f'f,Y>::.'>jf'rêxtu'fe;,StfÛêfufé,"eti;:'¿".:tet , U LcJ /'J ~. ----- L-- œ c?::J'..l l.-J /~ - -;' ;' J.. /-. - J -~ ,- - y ::;-"..' -'.' . ''''-, r5c £" - Field Indicato,s of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A'" all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) _ AI. Hístosol _ A9, 10. 1-2 em Muck S6. Stripped Matrix _ F5, T'illck Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ 81. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface _ A3. Black llistic _ 83. Mucky PeatIPeat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix = F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix. _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Layers _ S5.ßandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _Yes ~ _Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY _ Up side N/A I:PrjálãrýJ::!Xdrol~~f~ ·1~diëàtÒ!Š~~.':'.:~::.~.::~ 1 ,.Seé:~_rid~.ry!iydr~I()f.!Y 2~,d.ic.~for5 (2 rcq. L:" ' lntg1dated, Depth in. ~~ated Soil, Depth / ) in. ~ater in borehole, Depth J.--.2- in. _ Water Marks, Height in. Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression F AC-Neutral Test -----.:. Topographic Position _ Other - Explain: i..Wetland HXdm1o"gy? ..... . ~- No _ Assumed - Explain: I .:1 " ,. _ Undetermined - Explain: SAMPLE POINT· - Wet sid!! Primary Hydro"~y' lri"dicators :. . '.' . r __ b:;;;ldat~~Ç-- Dcpth __.____. _" in. _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. _ Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Water Marks, Height in. 'Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns ~ _NIA , ·Secondary·Hydrology ~diëators (~·r'eq.) .:~ Wetland Hýdrci!~Y?· Oxidized Root Channc!~ Yes Water-Stained Leaves . ~ _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Deptession _ Assumed - Explain: F AC-Neutral Test _ Topographic Position . _ Other - Explain .."",' .·'··.:·:·:T:¡I _ Undetermined - Explain: , /Ii '~~./ .':., .I } ¡ 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Mínriesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · PrqectlSite '!{J7hlG(ÌtI /.5-r-" ~S¡de Sample Pant ID I ~ J I VEGETATION SAMPLE POINT- Up side N/A ·s· ·.,·c...··....·,.·".,··.,"'.;;·,..,. ,: pt~(;WS ..... I '-J I '. a f.:f \- ~ "iÝ ,Ú(; Remarks: " .I ;~. t- -.~ -~--/! f~.4(-¡ /"-..r L<:--_~ _ ~.:~..¡ .)- ,-.') /'.~ ,- ~ % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- _N/A H H Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- ~ N/A WETLAND DETERMINATION . Up 5ide ----- - Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~ _No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? ~ - No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? - No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Is the area a wetland? es No Remarks: Ç/'tt. - Distance from Wetland Edge N/A SAMPLE POINT- - Wet side ~de _N/A Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ,"/Yes No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes I Wetland Hydrology Present? _Yes ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? --:-- Yes Hydric Soils Present? _Yes ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Is the area a wetland? _Yes ~ Remarks: Distance from Wetland Edge ~L N/A Wetland Community T Overall Dominant Vegetation: J- /I ..- Remarks: COMMUNITY SUMMARY U land Community T Overall Dominant /.:../, . ,/¿ . Vegetation: ";' I' :--r("r Remarks : A,~' /,>1//1 __~~"s........ .... ,OJ .>1'4./ / ,'- f /' /a).,ðl Page 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I. I. · · · · ~~~-~ ~) 1?\;JOLHAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CO"MPANV -- -- ~ Project/Site: Investigator(s): Basin/Area ID: VlI .IJ& ¿x;¡ ! 5 )é¿JLt/U Ihf µ) L jt: z.., Date: Sample Pt. ID: Z -I SAMPLE POINT- ~ r,',ltri.( Color Mottl;, Colnr~. SOilS I!4mc t.- Up side NlA Mapped Soil Typé: . Tl!xturc. St(\J~~~lrc._ê~(;. r..'oltlr. "blll:r!.!I:ontrm¡t i . I , I - ...::' .-"-"-' - DCpt'l ¡ill.) , . ~ .~;. ~~~ ,,~ /, .' I, I n.. _._ _._ .'. ~" .:',...,...... " ~,..6'. - .. .. .... .", "" :.")...::.,... ~_... Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A c all soils,S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) _AI. Histosol _A9,10. 1-2 cmMuck _S6. Stripped Matrix F5. ~kSurface _ Kl. Histic Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material ~¿~~ D~k Surface _ AJ. Black Histic 3. Mucky PeatlPeat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Laye _ 85. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? _No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- -·.\h<~,';;;'-;;'··_:...: "';'TèS~-tìF~'{:'/St h.;r:fi'Îfa:'bt ~:: ;~o:, Wet sIde N/A Mapped Soil Type: L~5Iæ/' - /¿/Jk~/rL ;:-r.... ,1tri;:-Coïo~-"~ "':'<'~:;-r ~r~~~ f: ii ~~ -h1t:\(J}r: d;'Îrrt~f.1·~ ~,;" ..,::.--~;.' -~.~,~ '.<:.'-' I ",~ t II ~"',~ u....' . - .... , ,,I .' ....." 3/ j (~'L./ Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils,S'" sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey solis) AI. Histosol _ A9,10. 1-2 cmMuck _ S6. Stripped Matrix _F5..;BíickDark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ 81. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material ~. Redox Dark Surface ----.: AJ. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky PeatlPeat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ 84. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. RedoxDepressions _ AS. Stratified Laye _ 85. Sandy Redox . F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? Yes _No _Undetermined Remarks: HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT· ~ Upside NIA !L~ilriï§ry~.HY~~~I09YJ~~iê~~?~::.=.=~_:· : ~:.~._~~...!:!y~iJ!tdic.~~~. .._~:. J. .".\'¿¡~I)~ HYr!ï~~gi!.~~·~'_:L:.-:~:JI' :1 _.. Inu:hHc(:, J);;;:lh _.. _. ¡'1. _ _ .. O:d~!¡zcd ROO! Chm:r:~b L ""'", -" I , _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. Water-Stained Leaves - No ~er in borehole, Depth ILl- in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ Assumed - Explain: _ Water Marks, Height in. FAC-Neutral Test Drift Lines ----.:. Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits ~ Other - Explain: Drainage Patterns _ Undetermined - Explain: ~ SA.MPLE POINT- ~p side .'t$Eí:c.crn(J1ì Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression FAC-Neutral Test _ Topographic Position . _ Other - Explain _ Undetermined - Explain: _ Wet side NJA 'UYiiñ~" " . _ Inundated, Depth m. _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Water Marks, Height in. 'Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns tlimnB"" .<'."7""".,"" ~% , 0 _ Assumed - Explain: "[ 4' /1 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minrtesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Pr~ecUSite IjPJIlGO& IS r SAMPLE POINT- ~e VEGETATION Sample Point ID Up side _N/A ¿-/ I - ~~tnçK~stâfÚs ',,'] " ¡)j¡;f!6f¡ «:; dJ'Clrhl,'iI7tfí'/) a<Z ,V S T /ðQ f~-r H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks: / % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter! ð [) SAMPLE POINT - Wet sIde ~~de - N/A ". - - -- - -- -- . _ n _ _ ·.::.:Stt~,Ùid1··.'.·(. :;:'~:%·ÇÒ\/~'f,·-":::_.. V S T V S T V S T V S T V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T I % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: , up side WETLAND DETERMINATION _N/A o~1 Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Remarks: Wetland Community T Overall Dominant Vegetation: I! (' (Ç- / ç,¡ Remarks : COMMUNITY SUMMARY U land Community T Overall Dominant . "Ú-F",,-, /,' /._ Vegetation: Remarks: _NIA Page 2 I Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- ~t~ide ./ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~~s _No Wetland Hydrology Present? _ ~ _No Hydric Soils Present? ~~ _No Is the area a wetland? Vf'es No Distance from Wetland Edge ~ ft. - N/A SAf',ßPLE POiNT-Wet side I~e Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge _Yes _Yes _Yes ---.-Yes ~ft. ..--¡qõ Does an Atypical Sjtuation Exist? _Yes ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~.Y'Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes --.!::::::::I'T 0 Rem arks: N/A · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -- l:f;:~~ .~- $.'~) J?Ç¡OLHAUG EN'VIRON1v.(ENTAL SERVICES COl\ÆPANV ----- ---- Proj ect/Site: Investigator(s): Basin/Area 10: Date: - ¿ G -¿)/j./ .-' l(,/!/.<J(Þ ()/J<5T-' I{P¿!'¡¡f HD/ ¡tJPlll},ùf) :3 I ~ Sample Pt 10: g ./j SOILS NlA Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA March 1998. (A" all soils,S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) AI. Histosol _ A9,lO. 1-2 em. Muck _ S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface =A2. Histic Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky Peat/Peat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. ~leted Dark Surface = A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix ~edox Depressions AS. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? No Undetermined Remarks: ~ Mapped Soil Type: {£sr;::j:: ¡¿'//I¿FA2V SAMPLE POINT- Wet side N/A .;~tM6ttle""Goloršc;+i "/'{k'<i'Mc)tfle}bûlfd;{C'ôñtrâsl~'is;;t,"~ii ~F:-~~ ~.:,. Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) _ AI. Histosol _ Ä2. Histic Epipedon A3. Black Histic _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide AS. Stratified Layers Hydric Soil? Yes _A9,10. 1-2 cmMuck _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ S3. Mucky Peat/Peat _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix S5. y Redox . Undetermined _ S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix = F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Remarks: SAMPLE POINT· ¿ HYDROLOGY" Up side WA '~á:Hý~::199y1~:~átörs'\?il'~':~~"t¡W";';I"'~'~~::Y:::1~~~~8â{õYš'"r2rEtê¡:J"" ".I _~~~Y<kolo_gY'r ::,..".:........'. ;...': :, l~ed Soil, Depth ()in. _ Water~Stained Leaves _No ater in borehole, Depth --LfL.- in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ Assumed - Explain: _ Water Marks, Height in. FAC-Neutral Test Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Undetennined - Explain: _ Sediment Dep9sits _ Other - Explain: Drainage Patterns SAMPLE POINT· ....4ide _NIA _ Wet side 'IBlim"¡r"'.. .P. _ Inundated, Depth in. , %d Soil, Depth in. , . ater in borehole, Depth ---b-t) in. _ Water Marks, Height in. ·Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns e,É!].êlliifãr;¡ HydrolOgy 'I!!dj~ators" (2 r~q~} . Oxidized Root C'hannels Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Deptession F AC-Neutral Test _ Topographic Position _ Other - Explain Wetland Hy..ó.rol£i.9j? '.:' ~ _ Assumed· Explain: . ~.' \.~ ,:. "',' ;'./'~ . t.\~ ~-:. . ~: _ Undetermined· Explain: '~)I1".--rr,}.{¡-) ~ /\ I ¡ <./. I / r t::.J.L .<J 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ProjecUSile 4-/ ...; Løz¡n¡;t;u 15 ,r- VEGETATION Sample Point 10 :;-/ ¡Mi ~ SAMPLE POINT- Up sid~ N1A ,~~,":~!t~fûYñ':"":~::, ~~.~'~Jf~:'c:..öy(~t:'::;~.:."'""!!~H :~~~~~~:i. ..~ Ii,. \'. ~ ð{ t . 2 ~.. ..~: I ,.f;4r;. ~~j' , \'sj) Z I' - V S T V S V S V S V S V S V S V S % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: & l"'J- F C..... ~. ~ Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- Wet side Up side _ N/A f~~jr~¡~~~::;EJ~;Y~^:~==':!::=:~~:^:~~:~'_~~~~J'~~:~1f~]J~'1~~~¡ ;; - .,¿.()Li.,~~_I.'{ C~,Q..__..!':".¿!..jl¿:..c::;_!...:J...L...:·:' ...~_..__.._._- ___'_n'___ ~--'-~~:'--'-'l-'--~---' , -/ZC' LI_!¡ ,'j ----/i-r:;/~,,j(â¿rL JL.~/c!.!1..J..!...;"'_.._.___ _u _'__' _'__"_"_' I _':-~~~ 1 --.E:4I.2.cd----.J: , J '''¡ I ì ,- ; /' <1.1',;' (, ' V S T I J ;::, 6- I V S T --- H V S T H V S T H V S T H V S T Remarks: % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- ~: WETLAND DETERMINATION . Up side NIA Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge I¿Yßs V"ý", ~- r- ft. Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Remarks: _No _No _No _No NIA SAMPLE POJNT- ---~ -J..L"Úp side _ NIA / \¿~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes l/Na Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~t;I~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~No Remarks: N/A - Wet side Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge _Yes _Yes _Yes ",yes 7' ft. Wetland Community T Overall Dominant Vegetation: Remarks : COMMUNITY SUMMARY ~j/, /)? ,":¡-' U land Community T Overall Dominant iI ' C ~ ~7 Vegetation: Oc Ie T/lò}p 1 1 ì¿J ~/' / Remarks : Page 2 Sample POint ,u r~~/7>&V'-c/ SAMPLE POINT- Wetslde · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · ProjecUSile :- ~~;p\~Ci(~~; : . VEGETATION Up sIde NJA .--..~. ,.~.. _.c-~. '~'~-'."H. '~"-~~'--~~~?~{£~J\\~~~~~0:'Jf:~~~. ::t~~S¡rãllÎ>m~ðf;~-1~I'" SAMPLE P01NT· - Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- !i ~ i.~'(:5.;}. ;:~T; 0:' ~.~~ ..' . f¡¿,.,/( Wet sIde H H H H H % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: /4, NJA Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- ~de (......¿..1. .=. ~. .".=,~""'. . ---~/ ·;;:~~::·:(ij·::~:~~:J.:~:·:i~~~t~t~!ir~i{U~;}:'?!o~.ç§l~f. V S T V S T V S T V S T V S T V S T V S T V ST V S T % Dominants (>20% Cover)FAC or Wetter: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wet/and? Distance from Wetland Edge y!, < .~- / :'. J )../- ~ t 'I v/ -1 :'"~--. ~ WETLAND DETERM¡NA TION -:;::;= . Upside _NtA Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ~ Yes Remarks: " ¿~ _No L/"Ýes _ No .~~NO ~. No ~ft, -N/A Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric, Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge Wet side _Yes _Yes _Yes _Yes ft. _NtA o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes " :~öes an Atypical Situation Exist? ~ Yes ¡ "Remarks:' . N/A Wetland Communi Overall Dominant Vegetation: Remarks : ',I. t/ .lÆ C , Go-I tJ ç ;!..ë--J() . 1.¡::;UÚrc/¿ BLt/j;" ~~~ Page 2 ¿ ·1ê~f· _ .,," · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ,. · ~.~ ~J J?Ç¡OLHAUG EN'VIRONMENTAL. SERVICES COMPANY -.. --....-.-- ......ð ~ Proj ed/Site: Investigator( 5): Basin/Area 10: Date: I?r :Æ::i l(JLðU$;f ¿J E11~/II 'I-- Sample Pt. ID: ~de SOILS LÇ~í¡:;Z It I! J:D)/). '1- Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A'" all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) _ AI. Histosol _ A9, 1 O. 1-2 em Muck _ S6. Stripped Matrix _ FJ/fhick Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material ~."" Fl. Loamy Mùcky Material ~6. Redox Dark Surface _ A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky PeatIPeat ~ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Laye S5. Sandy Redox F 4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? No Undetermined rks: SAMPLE POINT- NIA . Mapped Soil Type: i £S,Í,-;Z It ( L/(/-::I"JI/!/ / Wet side I :Depth(in·)/I .'. :MätrìxCoïor~':' :f '\Motlle 'Colors?" fë<?,/ :j'MdttleibûlÌd;!conffåàt' "\>i>',:;>I". ,i-;;ó)·~:"ÞTeXtûfê; ;Str'lIctÙre;'etc~ ", , ,-\ í?-- 1/) .... /' ",:,' _.';1' ~.". ,<,,' / /{j i,:. r¡;'~ .......... -' 7" __ .~J (/ / './/- -<!"/ 1.--- --- ..--" ,¿¡ / ' , - Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) - AI. Histosol _A9,lO. 1-2 em Muck _ S6. Stripped Matrix - F5. Thick Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material - F6. Redox Dark Surface - A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky PeatlPeat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions _ AS. Stratified Layers _ S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? Yes 4,LÑo Undetermined Remarks: / HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT - _ Wet side _.up side NfA !~:d;~â ry·I-~.êI r~,c.rji'~~¡~~tô~_~,',·j.::'::;~'.:· ·.~~c'g~;ií~!!¡-(tiv ~.:oI~Ji~~~.~.C¡~~~?1-Š·'(~6ë1':X :: i:',',,:.,: 1:...··:1. \;\'..:".~.~.;'.' :.' ..~. ,", I,. ~ated Soil, Depth in. Water-Stained Leaves ater in borehole, Depth ~. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ Water Marks, Height in. FAC-Neutral Test Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Sediment Deposits _ Other - Explain: Drainage Patterns ..'CW~~!~ i~~ßt9j~~~1II~.:~.~;:"~:"=. . _-'·11 "." "~. '.... No _ Assumed - Explain: _ Undetermined - Explain: SAMPLE POINT- . '. :, .:'.... ::,' " ., .. '. ~. . . '.' ,':,' .:,','., _ Wet side _NIA .'Secondá· H drology Indìcatórs.(2 re Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression F AC-Neutral Test _ Topographic Position _ Other - Explain "l~iima'~lH":arolô';- iridicIÎtors··,,·; .:(: . _ Inundated, Depth in. _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. _ .Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Water Marks, Height in. ·Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns . '7" L~ _ Assumed - Explain: _ Undetermined - Explain: ) 7ð 29f/ 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401·8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ¡.¡r:~ ~OLHAUG ENVIRON:NCENTAL SERVICES COl'vfPANV --- - -",-"""" Project/Site: Investigator( s): Basin/Area 10: ~l-I 1-l!mlI:Îú()i/;j/ { j( IJL t2/ ;';'1 ¡,ð£1l11/Jr1 6 Date: Sample Pt. 10: ., - / SAMPLE POINT- ~slde r,1"trix Color: SOILS Up side NIA Mapped Soil Type: &z1J1 ~ /Ju.u-...../( MoWn Colon> Mo!tl~ ahlllll!.!r.ontrast Tnxturc. Stiucturc. etc.. .. B .. I ...:::.... ,. .. -. -. - -. -.... I Uc¡:th I¡p.j !; (¡~ /(.- I·'. , . ., . ., - I. I.~~'/. )~: ,;.. -". _iJ._1J L.._~· _l ~.._.. _. ¿.¿Ii ...._. .' . F "/ . . i/ _ I;'.': . ".:". Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils,S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) AI. Histosol _ A9,lO. 1-2 em Muck _ S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface =A2. Histic Epipedon _ S 1. Sandy Mucky Material _ FI. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface AJ. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky PeatJPeat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface = A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix ~ Redox Depressions A5. Stratified Layers S5. Sandy Redox F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soil? No Undetermined Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- Mapped Soil Type: ¿ rrf!~.k/ I! /J<:~~)/) // Wet s1de Up side N/A - .' :,:~ic!,~l~~t'~jj;~~~~~~?~~r~~~ ~ :::~r~.: ~"--:;-ji~~~~~li~t~~~~~51~.=~~ - .~-¡¡ S, }."MOttleColors· 'i'n '7 Field Indicato,s of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A = all soils, S = sandy soils, F = loamy & clayey soils) _ AI. Histosol _ AJ.. llistic Epipedon -.:... AJ. Black Histic _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ AS. Stratified Layers Hydric Soil? Yes _ A9,lO. 1-2 crnMuck _ S I. Sandy Mucky Material _ S3. Mucky PeatlPeat _ S4. San y Gleyed Matrix S5. dyRedox' Undetermined _ S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material _ F6. Redox Dark Surface _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Remarks: SAMPLE POINT" ~e HYDROLOGY Up side NIA IÞfimãfY}.¡y~ ì-Ó.logy :líÚJi ëat§~~~:·'-.~.'.'~ _ Inunda¡ed, DepUl in. ~rated Soil, Depth O· in. ~ ater in borehole, Depth -'-t.2.- in. _ Water Marks, Height in. Drift Lines _ Sediment Dep9sits Drainage Patterns J W~.tlarï~_/j1_(~.r.!JIC!:Qy? ::" ~ No _ Assumed - Explain: . ..' :..' .i . ',. I: .., . ~' .SêëÒ"rl~_alJ'. tlyªr?!ò9~flnd_i.cèt?rs 12 r~g,.) Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression F AC-Neutral Test ~ Topographic Position . Other - Explain: - /' .Ä side _ Undetermined - Explain: I ~. SAMPLE POINT" _ Wet side _NlA .. 'i~r)m~.ifiHYâ~ôlêgY'fn"dië~tô:rš::;':':"-''''~''':~-'''~~:'~~1!~~~îftf.:Z(I~.!Ö~Zf;¡:~~~1r3ts:.(?!ê':I~·I"·:~~~~ ~Y(~!!.~iï~~.~J!Œ~í2VrC'.~:~':·c':.~::,:::'".:~::.::~-J _ ~a~~~e'd~SOil, Depth ~. ~:te:~~~~~~~~~~" ~ _ .Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression _ Assumed" Explain: _ WaterMarks, Height in. FAC-Neutral Test -Drift Lines _ Topographic Position _ Undetermined - Explain: _ Sediment Deposits . _ Other - Explain Drainage Patterns j(: (Û/!1'"Z" ¿ 7 ¿) ? (; II 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, MinIiesota 55331. Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ProjecUSite IfttJl( ¡- / ~ i(I1lIÁXJfPtSr Sample Paint ID VEGETATION ~' -I SAMPLE POINT- NIA ~~Gøy~"t,2fWR~ ;~~ntèf['i$tatì.rs' '¡ Ó FAC.IA FfiC w...... 1/.' /_. , ' , -. -^ // Remarks: % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- (Îó .;' ",'/ ~,~,- '-7/. / I ~ eX ;'."" to:' , . :' " . . I I Remarks: SA.MPLE POINT· ~ide WETLAND DETERMiNATION 'Upside NIA Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge (des No ~==No ~ _No ~ _No ~ N/A Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Remarks: SAMPLE POiNT· ~ _N/A Wet side - Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Is the area a wetland? Distance from Wetland Edge ::::::::ß9. Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~¿~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~o Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~ Remarks: N/A _Yes _Yes _Yes ~ Wetland Community T Overall Dominant Vegetation: Remarks: J COMMUNITY SUMMARY Uland Corrnnunity T e: Overall Dominant C I Vegetation: ., iT/I 0 ~. Remarks: Page 2