CC Staff Report 5-23-05 ). ~ ~ "',.~./ CITY OF CHANHASSEN noo Market Boulevard POBox147 Challhassell MN 55317 Administration Pholle 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Pholle 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Engineering Pholle: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Pholle 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Pholle: 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreatioll Cellter 2310 Coulter Boulevard Pholle 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Pholle: 952227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Pholle 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Pholle 952.227.1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.challhassell.lllll.uS . . The City of Chanhassen · A growillg cOllllllullity with clealllakes. quality schools, a charlllillg dowlltowll, thrivillg busillesses, willdillg trails, alld beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, alld piay. MEMORANDUM TO: T odd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson AICP, Community Development Director DATE: May 23, 2005 ð~ SUBJ: Moon Valley Contamination Clean-up Grant BACKGROUND On September 27, 2004 the City Council approved the Interim Use Permit for Moon Valley. The applicant, Pemtom Land Company, is requesting to have the City support a grant application for the Minnesota Department Of Employment and Economic Development. A grant request and the resolution for approval are attached. ANAL YSIS The grant application was applied for in November but due to limited funds, the grant was not approved. This application is for the May funding cycle. The applicant is requesting the maximum amount of $50,000. The City will be the pass-through agency for the funding. There is a requirement for the City to provide the 250/0 match for the grant. This would amount to $12,500 which staff intends to have a memorandum of understanding with Pemtom Land Company that the City would be reimbursed for those costs. Staff supports the clean up of the site and the request for funding. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached resolution for the funding request. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location map. 2. Resolution. 3. Grant application. g:\plan\2004 planning cases\04-27 - moon valley gravel rnine\moon valley clean up 05-23-05 cc memo. doc SCANNED . . Location Map Moon Valley Contamination Clean-up Grant City of Chanhassen ì----~[ffi \ / , ¡ \ ~/./- 'I I ~\\ / / --~ {\ ~ \ '\ \ .~ . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DA TE: Mav 23~ 2005 RESOLUTION NO: MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTAMINATION CLEANUP GRANT APPLICATION AND COMMITTING LOCAL MATCH AND AUTHORIZING CONTRACT SIGNATURE FOR MOON V ALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen as follows: 1. That the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the Contamination Cleanup grant application to be submitted to the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), by the City of Chanhassen for the Moon Valley site. 2. That the City of Chanhassen acts as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program and that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for funding of this project on behalf of the City of Chanhassen. 3. That the City of Chanhassen has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. 4. That the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the application are committed to the project identified. 5. That the City of Chanhassen has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. 6. That upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Chanhassen may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project, and that the City of Chanhassen certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreements. 7. The Mayor and City Manager of the City of Chanhassen are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 23rd day of May, 2005. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES NO ABSENT g:\admin\resol\moon valley. doc . . FY 04 - FY 05 CONTAMINA TION INVESTIGATION & RAP DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Instructions Purpose/Background....... ............ ............. ....... ................. ....... ....... ....... '" ......... ......... ... II Application Deadlines ... ........... .......... .... .......... ....... ... .... ............. ..... ...... ..... .... ...... ........ II Funding Availability....................... .... ...... ...... ....... ...... .... ... ..... ............ .... ...... ..... ... ....... II Eligible Costs ........................ ....... ...... .... .... ...... ....... ... ........ ... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ........ II Local Match Requirement............................................................................................. II Eligi ble Applicants...................................................................................................... .III Quality Site Assessments................................ ................. ....... ........... ........................ ..III Qualifying Sites ......................................................................................................... ..III Grant Award Criteria.................................................................................................. .III Application I. Site Information.................. .... ..... ..... ..... ........ ............ .... ...... ...... ... ............. ......... ..2 II. Site History................ ....... .... ........ ........ ......... ...... ............. ........... ..... ..... .... ...........3 III. Contamination Investigation Information ...... ................ ................ .............. .........3 IV. Cost Analysis............................. ............................ ............ .............. ......... ............4 Budget................................................................................................................. ..4 Budget Sources and Uses Table.... .............. ... ........ .................. ....... .............. ... ... ..4 Financing.............................................................................................................. .4 V. Site Value..............................................................................................................5 VI. Redevelopment Potential............................................ ............................ ......... .....5 Job Creation & Retention.................. ............. .................................... ...................6 Project Schedule.................... ............................... ........... .................... ..................7 VII. Third Party/Company Commitment Information .................................................8 VIII. Payment Information................... ........................ .................. ......... ............. .........8 IX. Reso I uti ons. .. . . " . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. ... . .. . . . . ... . ... .. ... ... . ... . ... . '" . ........ . . .. ...... . .... .. .. ............ ... .9 Investigation . . FY 04 - FY 05 n~i\jY~·I· .y Y·· Department of Employment 'é.:::M.lnneš;;¡ã CONTAMINATION INVESTIGATION AND RAP DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION Cover Page Applicant: Citv of Chanhassen Head of Applicant Agency: Communitv Develovment Applicant Address: 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147 City: Chanhassen, MN Zip Code: 55317 Project Contact Person: Kate Aanenson Phone: 952-227-1100 Fax: 952-227-1110 E-mail: kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Application Author/Preparer: James S. Aiken, P.G. Phone: __952____-___346___-_____3854 E-mail: iaiken@mccainassociates.com Department of Employment and Economic Development 500 ~tetro Square -121 7th Place East - Saint Paul. I'tN 55101·2112 - USA 651-297-1291 - 800-657-3858 - Fax 651·296·1290 · TTYfTDD: 651-282-6142 -800-366-2906 · www.deed.state.D1I1.tIS .4n equal opportunity employer and sercice prQt·ider. Investigation 2 . . FY 04 - FY 05 I. SITE INFORMATION 1. Name of Site: Moon Vallev Gun Range Site address: 100 Flving Cloud Drive, PIN: 250360200 City (or Township): Chanhassen County: Carver Minnesota 2002 Legislative District # _A 34 B 55318 Zip Code (Note: The Minnesota Legislature has a tool to look up legislative district numbers. You must have a precise address and know the zip code of the site. Go to: http://maps.commissions.leg. state.mn. us/website/ districts/) 2. Is applicant enrolled in an MPCA Program? VIC Prog. I.D: 19420 VIC Project Manager_Wayne Sarappo VPIC Prog. I.D: VPIC Proj.Manager LUST Prog. I.D: LUST Proj. Manager Other: VIC Hvdrogeologist: Amv Hadiaris 651-296-8947 Phone: 651-296-7297 Phone: Phone: 3. Is the project site publicly or privately owned? Private Current property owner(s): Beatrice Zweirs dba Moon Vallev Af!gregates When was the property purchased? 1986 For what amount? $425,000 Who will own the site during investigation? Beatrice Zwiers dba Moon Vallev Aggregates When was/will the property purchased? NA For what amount? NA Who will own the site during cleanup? _Beatrice Zwiers dba Moon Valley Aggregates When will the property purchased? NA For what amount? NA Who will own the site after cleanup? When will the property purchased? Zwiers dba Moon Vallev Aggregates NA For what amount? NA Who will own the project site during development? Pemtom Land Companv When will the property be purchased? 2005-2008 For what amount? $6,000,000 (2008 dollars) Who will own the project site after development? Individual homeowners. When will the property be purchased? After 2008 For what amount? Purchase price dependent on unit - for 250 units on Site with average of $200,000 per unit, purchase price will be $200K x 250 = $50 million. 4. Name(s) of current environmental consultant and legal counsel if applicable Consultant James Aiken, P.G. and John McCain, P.E. ( McCain and Associates, Inc.) Phone: 952-346-3900 Investigation 3 . . FY 04 - FY 05 Attorney Brian Weisberg. (Siel!el. Brill. Greupner. Duffv & Foster. P.A.) Phone (612) 337-6100 5. Legal description of the site: Government Lot 1, excluding 5.95 acres south of northerly right of way for Highway 212/169 in Section 36, Township 116N, Range 23 West, Carver County. 6. Attach an accurate and legible site and location map that shows: (Appendix A Fil!ure 1.2» a) The current condition of the site including labeled structures; (App A. Fil!ure 3) b) The proposed development of the site including labeled structures; and (A. FiJ!ure 4) c) The suspected location(s) of contamination. (App A. FiJ!ure 5) See Attachment A - also includes land use and planninJ! maps. Please attach photographs, in addition to maps, if they are available. 7. Acreage of Site 39.8 Sq. Ft. of Site 1.733.688 8. Zoning/Land use: A. Current: Industrial_ Commercial Residential Mixed use Other (specify)X (Al!ricultural)_ The site is currently operated as a mine and former gun range as a non-conforming pre-existing land use. B. What is the expected zoning/land use after investigation and cleanup: Industrial Mixed Use_ Commercial _ _ Residential Other (specify) x Of the 39.8 acres on the Site, approximately 15 acres will be developedfor residential use consisting of about 225 high-density condominiums or town homes. The remaining 24.8 acres will be reserved as open space and protected scenic bluff under City Ordinance. The Site is the cornerstone of a development that will be conducted jointly on several properties within the overall development plan. The property to the southwest, including portions that are also owned by Zweirs, has been proposed for commercial/residential development by Pemtom Land Company (Attachment E). Because this development will likely not be feasible without the Site as its centerpiece, the overall plan is included, but described separately from the Site in the discussion of the development plans for the Property. The total project will be approximately 75 acres, including 43 acres of open land, scenic bluff, and recreational land use. Of the 32 acres developed, 25 acres will be a mixture of low and high density housing with 7 acres reserved for integrated office/retail. The total number of residential units will be 375. 9. Current economic condition: Vacant lot X Developed site_ (explain below) 4 Investigation . . FY 04 - FY 05 10. If the site is currently developed with unoccupied buildings, how long have the buildings been vacant? Avvroximatelv 15 vears 11. Please describe the condition of any buildings on the Site? Most of the site is undeveloped mine land, several structures related to gun range and mining are still present: A. The old house and former ski chalet was built in 1956 and is dilapidated, structurally failing, and will need to be abated and demolished B. Worker trailer in parking lot is dilapidated and will be abated and demolished. B. Gun range office and firing house are non-domicile shelters with post and 2x4 construction C. The scale house is a mobile home trailer that can be removed from the site. D. Fugitive dumping and miscellaneous semi-truck trailers are stored on the Property along US Highway 212. These areaslbuildings will be included in the investigation and clean up. 12. Please describe how Site redevelopment will spur adjacent development? The former gun range and mine are currently a source of erosion and blight. The erosion from the former mine face, the former gun ranges, and various soil stockpiles, is a potential risk to surface water in an ecologically sensitive area (near the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge). The bare ground surfaces, abandoned structures, fugitive dumping and debris also present an eyesore that discourages local development and investment. The proposed development will include a mixture of affordable and market rate residential housing that will support the local tax base and invigorate both existing business along Flying Cloud Drive as well as spur investment and jobs to support the new residential base. The current and future commercial districts are shown on Figures 6 and 7 of Attachment A. Business in the adjacent communities of Eden Prairie, Shakopee, and Chaska will also benefit from the influx of new customers from the residential development at the Site. The residential development on the Property has been proposed as part of comprehensive mixed use development including a new business commercial corridor west of the site. The actual development of the property will not occur until sewer and water are connected at the site, however, the schedule for sewer and water can be moved up if the clean up is completed sooner. It is critical that investigation and clean up begin now because the slope restoration and grading of the site will require at least five years before development can begin. This is because the engineering estimates callfor over 1,000,000 cubic yards offill to be removed from the site. This large volunle of soil will require at least five years to be trucked off of the site. In order to begin removing the soil, each area of the site must be investigated and cleaned up. An interim use pernzit has been approved by the Chanhassen City Council as the first part of future development. Future phases of development cannot be finalized until appropriate approvals are granted by the City ofChanhassen and the MPCA. A copy of the Interim Use Permit Letter is included as Attachnzellt B. II. SITE HISTORY Investigation 5 . . FY 04 - FY 05 13. Please attach a brief synopsis on the history and general background of this site. This includes but is not limited to former uses and occupants of the site, suspected causes of contamination, etc. Also describe the current condition of the site and include a description of existing structures and existing occupants of the site. A summary of the Site history is included in Attachment C. III. CONT AMINA TION INVESTIGATION INFORMATION 14. Current status of the investigation. A. Is the site enrolled in the MPCA VIC Program ? Yes B. Has a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment been completed? Yes. A copy is included in Attachment D along with the Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI). The PSU was conducted to facilitate immediate erosion control on the Upper Mine Slope and transfer of Outlot G to the City of Chanhassen, and obtain letter of assurance under the VIC program. Copies of the MPCA letters to MV A and the City of Chanhassen are also included in Attachment D. The investigations indicate that several ~ofthe site may be impacted by lead above the Tier 1 SRV value of 400 mg/kg. Also, erosion from areas of anticipated high lead concentrations (e.g. backstop berms) has moved soils down slope. Therefore, extensive sampling will be required to assess the extent and magnitude of lead contamination. The sandy soils and shallow groundwater at the downgradient edge of the property also indicate that groundwater and surface water quality must be assessed. In addition, there are old buildings that may have asbestos and lead, there are above ground storage tanks, fugitive dumping, several partially buried drums, and stockpile areas of lime sludge and construction debris that will be investigated. If so, attach a copy of the Phase I to this report. C. Do you have an approved work plan to begin implementation of a Phase II? No D. Has any of the work plan been implemented? No E. Please provide copies of any approval and/or comment letters you have received from the MPCA VIC Program and also provide copies of any reports documenting investigation activities that have been conducted at the site to date. (See Attachment D) 15. If any soil or water samples have already been collected, briefly summarize the identified contamination at the site to date (identified compounds, concentration, etc.). Also summarize the objective of the future planned investigation. Soil lead concentrations were detected at 680 mg/kg in one sample located near the trap range above the Tier 1 SRV of 400 mg/kg. Other samples from the northern and eastern edges of the shotfall zone are below Tier 1 SRV criteria. Future investigation will collect more datafrom near the firing line of the trap range, the maximum accumulation zone, the backstop berms of the rifle ranges, and near sedimentation Investigation 6 . . FY 04 - FY 05 ponds and basins that collect runoff from these areas. In accordance with MPCA guidelines this will require over 100 near-surface soil samples for metals parameters.' Up to 10 deep (50 to 100feet) soil borings are proposed to assess the quality and soil conditions at the final grade elevations proposed for the development. Groundwater investigation may be required due to evidence of sandy (permeable) soil and shallow groundwater near the base of the bluff nearest to the Minnesota River Wildlife Refuge. A goal of the investigation is to assess impact on human health and the environment as well as to define areas of potential lead and other contamination so that appropriate lead recycling/clean up strategy can be employed. It is believed that some lead recycling and other metal recovery will be possible in the pistol and rifle ranges where there is approximately 50% of the soil surface is composed of lead slugs and or bullet fragments. Another goal of the investigation is to collect sufficiently detailed data that will allow for cost- effective soil separation and recycling. Recycling of the lead rather than landfilling is consistent with Carver County and SWMCB strategic solid waste management objectives. The investigation will also provide information that will be used to guide excavation and potential corrective actions. Because off-site disposal and on-site stabilization are often utilized for small-arms firing range (SAFR) sites, investigation sample frequency must be sufficient to accurately identify contaminated areas and avoid treatment and disposal of clean soil. Due to the nature and distribution of lead discharged at the Trap Range, the potential area of impact is large and there will be a significant quantity of soil sampling required to reliably assess environmental risk as well as engineering needs. IV. COST ANALYSIS BUDGET 16. What are the total investigation and RAP development costs? $122.200 Due to the large area of the site that requires investigation, the total costs of the project are likely to far exceed the amount of the requested DEED-commiUed funds. The DEED Grant budget request has been allocated to the largest portion of the project expense, which is for the Phase II In ve stigatio n. 17. How much are you requesting from DEED? (This amount cannot exceed $50,000 or 75% of the total cost, whichever is less.) $ 50.000 BUDGET SOURCES & USES Eligible Activities for Date(s) DEED Local Local Investigation and RAP % Complete Completed Request + Match # 1 Match # 2 Total Development mmIyy TBD + _TBD = - - Phase I ESA 100 11/04 0 0 0 4,000 Preliminary Site Investigation 100 10/6/04 0 0 0 15,000 Phase II Work Plan 20 0 0 0 5,000 Phase II Investigation/Report 0 50,000 6250 6250 62,500 Owner-funded Phase II Remainder 0 0 0 0 28,500 ¡PS/RAP Development 0 0 0 0 7,200 Total - Investigation & RAP Development: $122,200 18. Are any costs listed in this budget eligible for funding from other funding sources? Yes Investigation 7 . . FY 04 - FY 05 19. If any of the activities listed above are partially or fully completed, how were those activities financed? The preliminary site investigation and Phase I ESA were financed directly by the Property owner (Zwiers) in order to initiate filling of the Upper Mine Slope and donation of Outlot G to the City of Chanhassen. FINANCING 20. Please submit an audit, or financial statement if an audit is not available, from the municipality in which the site is located. Audit information has been provided to DEED from the City of Chanhassen. 21. Is there a possibility that the site will be cleaned up without DEED money? _X_ Yes _ No Explain your above yes or no answer. Eventually the site will be developed, but without some funding the site is likely to continue to languish. The location and proximity to the Metro area would suggest that the Site would eventually be developed because of the location and the eventual addition of sewer and water service. However, the contamination and amount of earthwork required presents a significant economic barrier to developnlent. The property owner has agreed to conduct investigation and clean up actions that are economically justified for the Site. As with many properties, the minimum cost threshold for investigation and clean up is to remediate soil down to levels consistent with the current land use. In this case, the current land use is essentially industrial due to the pre-existing (non-conforming) use as a mine pit/gun range. An industrial/commercial level of clean up would not be suitable for residential land use and the proposed development plan. With the DEED grant, the investigation and clean up can be expanded to accommodate a land use and development plan that will have a significant positive environmental, societal, and economic impact for the community. Without DEED assistance, there are barriers to development that may defer development into the next decade and result in less desirable land use and/or less favorable development plans. v. SITE VALUE 22. What is the current assessed value of the site? $ 818,000 23. What is the estimated assessed value of the site should contamination be found and remediation completed? $ 818,000 There is no available evidence that the current assessed value includes a reduction for environmental impairnlent. What is the estimated assessed value of the site after redevelopment? $ $6,000,000 A. How were these figures determined? Current data from the Carver County Assessor's Office; the purchase offer price from Pemtom Land Company is assumed to be the developed site value in the first year after redevelopnlent. After that, the sold units will contribute to the total taxable property Investigation 8 . . FY 04 - FY 05 base. B. Who determined them? Compiled bv James Aiken (McCain) from the sources indicated above. VI. REDEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 24. Explain the likely use of the site after investigation and cleanup. The Property is a key piece of a broader development strategy proposed for the U.S. Highway 212 corridor along the Minnesota River. Since the development plan is predicated upon the availability of the Property for development, the financial aspects for the entire project as well as the Site are described herein. The land use on the Site will be high- density residential, the larger project will be ,nixed use with residential and office/retail opportunities. The overall project will be modeled after the existing Hennepin Village project by the same developer and located in Eden Prairie. Key elenlents will include a diverse mixture of affordable and market housing combined into a transit friendly, affordable community along a major collector road. A unique element of the development (particularly at the Site) will be the availability of affordable housing in a bluff view setting that is that is typically only available to the upper-end market. Additionally, the proximity to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge will provide a well- connected wild life habitat corridor and recreational opportunities. The Property will actually increase the acreage of undeveloped scenic bluff property, and connect the Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area to the east to the LRT/Regional Trail and Outlot G of the Settler's West Subdivision to the north. The proximity to these highly desirable natural features provides significant investment incentive for business to support the development. The Site itself would be the residential anchor of the development with approximately 15 developable acres and about 225 units. 25. If the site will be redeveloped for residential use, provide the following data: TOT AL # OF RENTAL UNITS TO BE DEVELOPED Monthly rental cost per unit $ Number of affordable units Construction cost per unit $ Current market for rental units indicates that this will not be a primary goal of the project. TOTAL # OF OWNER-OCCUPIED UNITS TO BE DEVELOPED 225 (on Site) 375 (total) Purchase price per unit/home $175,000 $300,000 Number of affordable units/homes 34 @ $175,000 to $193,700 Construction cost per unit: $145,000 to $220,000 (Average) * Housing developments should include an affordability component According to Met Council (Guy Peterson), hOlnes that cost $193,700 or less in 2004 were considered "affordable." The City of Investigation 9 . . FY 04 - FY 05 Chanhassen also has other development areas that meet this affordability component. 26. What are the current property taxes on the site? $16.636 27. What are the projected property taxes for the site when the site is cleaned and developed? According to the Carver County Auditor's Office (952)-361-1960 estimated that the 2004 property tax on a $220,000 homesteaded property located at the Site would be $3080 per unit. Assuming that there would be 225 units on site the tax would be $693,000. The increase in property tax revenue would be about $675,000 per year. For the entire project, the property tax revenue would be $1,155,000. JOB CREATION & RETENTION 28. Project the number of new full-time jobs that will be created after cleanup and development of the site. Total New Jobs: On Site: 0 Total develovment: 29 The Site will be used for residential, so there is no job creation anticipated on Site. However, as previously noted, the Site is the centerpiece of a larger development plan that will create new jobs and business opportunity. Using the Hennepin Village development (Attachment E) as a guide, the development might include a gas/convenience store, three general retail businesses, a retail/medical office, a bank branch office, and a fast food restaurant. The following assume that 1 full time and three to four part-time positions are created for each operation. Additional staffing needs are not included as these positions may be filled with transfers from other locations. NEW JOBS TABLE Position Title Total # of Total # of Part- Annual Wage Expected Full-Time Time Jobs per Job Hiring Date Jobs Retail/Office 3 9 40,000 2009 Medical Office 1 3 50,000 2009 Bank 1 3 45,000 2009 Gas/Convenience 1 3 35,000 2009 Fast Food 1 4 35,000 2009 29. State the number of full-time jobs that will be retained as a direct result of this site's development? Total Retained Jobs: _NA No local businesses will move to the Site, however, specific businesses currently within 1 mile would enjoy inl1llediate benefitfrom the development include: Lions Tap Fanlily Restaurant - Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie Investigation 10 . FY 04 - FY 05 Halla Nursery -10,000 Great Plains Blvd, Chanhassen Halla Golf Course - Opening June 2005 at Pioneer Trail and 101 Golf Zone - 825 Flying Cloud Drive, Chanhassen Green Gardens Landscaping - 826 Flying Cloud Dr. Nearby commercial districts likely to also see business from the Site: Eden Prairie Chanhassen Shakopee Chaska Investigation 11 . tr¡ o >-< ¡.r... I ""'T o >-< ¡.r... ~ ~ ;:J ~ ~ = U rfJ. ~ U ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ (¡) ""5 ""d (¡) ...c ü r:/) r:/) ...... ¡::: .s ........ ~ bJ) ...... ........ r:/) (¡) > .s ""d (¡) r:/) o P< o ¡...., P< (¡) ...c ........ ...c ü :.2 ~ .s ~ r:/) '-' ¡...., ~ (¡) » ""d ¡::: ~ ~ r:/) '-' ...c ........ ¡::: o a (¡) ...c ........ bJ) .s ........ ü ~ .s (¡) ""5 ""d (¡) ...c ü r:/) bJ) ¡::: .~ o ,........, Õ 4- (¡) ..c ........ (¡) ........ (¡) õ.. a o u o ~ :I: I- Z 0(0« :æ: 0 o oC'll""':) z~""':) « w a:>-:¡¡: « w > > m en ~ en « I- o W -' ~ o W :I: o en ~en o C'II « c:c ~ ""':) >-""':) :¡¡: « :¡¡: ~ :2 o C'II c:c « « w >- . c z o LL. ""':) c z o en « :¡¡: LL. ""':) c z o en « ""':) ""':) >< ~ >< >< >< s::: o s::: i ~ v. s::: m :;: ~ .21 « ~ 0.. 1;) en>.:.::cu ~ w s::: 0 ~ en-cu;¡:- « cu ~ cu I-~en=æ J: ~ ~ Q.COm= .E J: ~ E 0.. m M J: ~ 0.. 0.. >< ~ >< ~ >< >< ~ ~ >< ~ >< ~ t:: g cu c:c - s::: s::: 0 cu .- ê § õ s::: - cu Q.) E > cu cuëi C E 0.. _ ~ ª c:c = cu CJ) m J: 0.. >< >< >< >< ~ >< ~ ^ ^ ^ >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< OCO I _0 Q.) _0 '- tJ" - C'II 0.. s::: 0_ "C'- CJ) CJ) s:::"C-m mEo~ s::: C) ~- 0- m :;:S:::2J: m Q.) 'r'" C) '-E-~ o :;;;: 0 0 - ~ '- CJ)O-J: Q.) _ m... c:c~~cu Q.) cu E ~ ~ C Q.).E en c:c'E -0 o . N ,.....; tI) Q Q N ~ .... - = l Q) ....- ~ ~ = o .... ....- ~ "a. S o (',J ~ < ~ ¡:: .S ~ .~o >1) > .5 . . FY 04 - FY 05 VII. THIRD PARTY/COMPANY COMMITMENT INFORMATION 31. If there is a commitment from a third party to develop on the site, please complete the following: Third Party/Company Name: Pemtom Land Comvanv Contact Person: Mr. Dan Herbst Title: President Phone Number (include area code): 952 / 937 / 0716 32. Please attach a commitment letter from the developer or attach other commitment documentation. (If you cannot obtain a commitment letter from the developer, please explain.) (Attachment E) VIII. PAYMENT INFORMATION 33. List below the appropriate information to indicate where grant payments should be made. Mailing Address::, 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952-227-1100 Contact Person: Kate Aanenson E-mail address:kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Telephone Number (include area code): 952-227-1100 Fax Number (include area code): Fax: 952-227-1110 Minnesota Identification Number: 9390134 State of Minnesota vendor number None Federal Employer Identification Number: 41-885331 lnvestigation 13 . . FY 04 - FY 05 IX. RESOLUTIONS 34. Resolutions must be adopted prior to submission of the application package. The two required elements are: 1. A resolution from the governing body of the city where the project site is located, which approves the application. 2. A resolution from the applicant committing to the local match and authorizing contract signatures. (Note: pursuant to M.S. 412.201, Statutory Cities must authorize both the Mayor and Clerk to execute all contracts.) An applicant may either provide a separate resolution for each of the above, or combine them into a single resolution, as long as they include the same elements. Blank resolutions are included as examples for your convenience. You may choose to reformat them, but make sure to include all of the statements that appear in our examples. (See Attachment F) Investigation 14