PH Notice _otíce of Public Hearing e Chanhassen City Council Meeting Date & Time: April 11 ,2005 a.t 7:00 p.m. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Proposal: Proposed Vacation of All Public Drainage & Utilitv Easements File No.: Vacation File No. 05-01 Applicant: Plowhares Development, LLC Property Pinehurst Development A location map is on the reverse side of this Address/Location: notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Mayor will lead the public hearing through the following steps: What Happens at 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed the Meeting: project. 2. The applicant may present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Council discusses the proiect. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, Questions & please contact Matt 8aam at 952-227-1164 or e- Comments: mail msaam@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Council. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villaqer on March 24, 2005. '0 '" ()"tJ :;: CD (')" 9. '" """ 0 ~. È. ª"' ~ ~--ê ~. ~ ~ 8 ~ ¡¡;' ffi ð~~ Q §:g-3.;~ ~ 2- §. ë: ~ :: ~ ~ ffi :r ~ ~~. ~. õ' ::r :J 0 ..., X :J æ. (') 0' (j) 3 :r~g.~9:~2.s:m:Ji5(t) §.~g§'Q S'ã) CD (D Q.§ ""t C/) (ft = (D CD fC '1:1 G')tQ m CD 6~~~~~ffi¡g~8; £.::rCDã)o¡1)ro~5·è..ro c CD õ en (D' ~ ~ ~ (Q JI co ~9;§::ëòg.~~~~ ~~~æ-ëD~:ã:~Qro (tIoc.(I)_::':::roro3o (D3Ø)CbJOo(D3I1)CJO ~ß)~g;§~øfi);gg. t\):::I<c Q)c.._·ü5~'o :J a. g'<ffi8"2.;' g~~~ CD ß) w ~ CD::I 0 CfJV 0.. ro ~5.§~~£*'û1§ g.~ ~ª=:;g()Q£~~E)Q If¡ 11.-ð ~ ~ ~ :::I _ ~ g Ø) ~ ~. <D ~ Ø) (D 0- G) 0 ß) ~ Q~ ~:~;g.~§g [~ ~ 0"''< O(J'l:J U) OC: -.,< Q)a~8~Q~~~~~ ~~~'§~~g~~~.~ 5:-(/1 o.':"'Q':J 1ß.... g (J ~~~~;:¡;6·~::i~~ . c Q.. c !'V :::I /D" ~ ~ ~ S' ~ ~"fó ;i~"g"(O ~ ~ ~ ~.... ü5 .... CD :::f':J "'C CD 0 a. ~§::"Q ~~~-g 3.~ (1) 0.. 2: ~ ~ ~ :r-a :< õ ::¡Ø)IJ)CD§:~Ü)g !!to- "é.cc 3 9, -- Q. " ~ '" ro ~ ëD ~ c5 g ~..§ ro £ ~~"'9,8.o",~g¡~ õ~~~""ëò':<~Ø) g 15- i5 ~2 § ro ;! ~ ~ tuã):§.g....-<à(t)CD::I ~:J ~....~ 9. ::()Pl~ ="~a./D_"::r::r....-. -t .u)s·m~~~JR~~~ a. _ '-' CD"'C 0 :.~ [~"Ë.a [m rn g ::r_._c.ã)o_::I§"C ã:'< ~ ~ ~ æ æ 2. a. (ñ" . ~ O--.l~ ~ =--.1_ ~ ~ 8~ ëJ¡;¡r~-< -" en p.:I ëJ ~;;<-~ iSf_:::J ~~ 5-~g'~ p) 3 ~ ==== ~ ¡g ~ ~ §g So a.. ~ - ¡:l)- ==== 3t;:::-o_ ? w9- c= -" ~ u>--.lg'~ x~ :¡;:~ --.I - e