CC Minutes 4-11-05 City Council Meeting - AlII, 2005 e taking into consideration that when you strike the balance between the people that are currently living here and new development. I don't want to stop progress but we don't really have the infrastructure it seems to me to deal with a lot of the traffic we currently have, whether you be exiting off of Lake Lucy to get onto 41. You cannot make left turns out of that area at all. Even on non, I mean during rush hour pretty lenient but it's, we're going to have to do something about the roads and the traffic so if you have comments or you've already taken that into consideration, I haven't been able to be at any of the other public hearings and if not I just wanted to let that concern be voiced. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Is there anybody else who would like to speak during visitor presentations this evening? If not, then we thank you. We have visitor presentations every meeting and people are always welcome to come. We'll move on now with our agenda. PUBLIC HEARING ON V ACA TION OF PUBLIC EASEMENTS WITHIN PINEHURST PLAT. FILE 05-01. Public Present: Name Address Nathan Franzen Bill & Max Flanagan Julie Fuecker 1851 Lake Drive 6653 Brenden Court 6751 Manchester Drive Matt Saam: Thank you Mr. Mayor, council members. Just to remind you of the location we're in for the Pinehurst plat. This is the subject property. We're on the west side of Galpin, just north of Lake Lucy Road. Prior to the recent replatting of this property into the Pinehurst development, the property was originally platted back in 1987 into the two lots shown here. The plat was called Old Slocum Tree Farm. With that plat the City received, as we always do, standard side lot line drainage and utility easements. Now with the replat of the property we're again getting our standard easements and in fact many more and wider easements. So in order to clear up the title so there aren't any encumbrances on the new lots, the developer has requested us, the city to vacate the old underlying easements. Staff has no objection of this and I'd be happy to take any questions. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for staff? Just the one question Ihave for clarification. The timing of this is such that, this is kind of all part of the steps that need to be taken that are typically taken when we're dealing with a replat? Matt Saam: Yes. Yeah, I'll explain it to you. If you approve this tonight, then when the city attorney's office records the plat, they will record this I believe immediately before the plat so it's not like we're giving up these easements before we get the new ones, if that's the concern. Mayor Furlong: Exactly. Thank you. Any other questions? No? If not, thank you. We'll go ahead and open up the public hearing at this time for anybody that wishes to speak on this issue. Please come forward to the podium. State your name and address. 8 City Council Meeting - A' 11, 2005 e Julie Fuecker: My name's Julie Fuecker, 6751 Manchester Drive. I live on Manchester Drive and it's going to be opening it up to that and I guess I'm not sure what you're talking about with easements. I'm very naïve on this. We have a group of homes in this area here that have an easement that has a bunch of trees. Are you getting rid of that and widening that or what's the point of impact on these homes that butt up against the new development? Matt Saam: Sure. Your easements are not being affected. It'd be the easements on the property to the north of you. We're vacating or releasing the existing ones because they're being replaced with the development of the property by new easements and in fact wider ones. Julie Fuecker: Okay, so the one here in Woodridge Heights remain the same? Matt Saam: Correct. Julie Fuecker: Okay. Mayor Furlong: If anybody else would like to come forward on this topic. Interested parties. If not, without objection then I'll close the public hearing and we'll bring it back to council. Any additional questions for council on this matter? For staff. If not, is there any discussion from council? Hearing none, is there a motion? Councilman Peterson: Motion to approve. Councilman Labatt: Second. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Resolution#2005-41: Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Labatt seconded to approve the resolution vacating the existing public drainage and utility easements as defined on the attached vacation description. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 2.77 ACRES INTO 6 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS WITH VARIANCES; LOCATED AT 6500 CHANHASSEN ROAD (NORTH OF FOX HOLLOW DRIVE, WEST OF HIGHWAY 101, AND SOUTH OF PLEASANT VIEW ROAD); FOX DEN; APPLICANT 10 SPRING, INC., PLANNING CASE 05-08. Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. 10 Spring Inc., the applicant is requesting to subdivide 2.77 acres into 6 lots. The site is just north of the Fox Hollow subdivision has direct access, or abuts Highway 101. Access to the site is via Fox Dtive. Again that was a paper street that was put in place at the time that the subdivision, again as staff, when we look forward to how the property would be served in the future. We take that into consideration. There is an existing home on the site. That will be removed. The average lot size is 15,452 square feet so all the lots do meet the minimum standards as far as the zoning ordinance. The staff did have some concerns on Lots 1 and 4, and I'll show you the home plans 9