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't1~; fe~t)~;~&:~.t~ot .c,c.r.~Ii.!t\~(~~~~.~: .:e,~tf\tD located io Car\,cl~:: '. 'r~k',; .. . . . . " . ~~1... .~1;.~ ~... .l'':~ ~'".. A"' .t. wM.·...:v· .~ ~ '.:' County I MI"niSj¡ot~ ·(~~r_e!~'gr~o~i!i'!!.lÌr.~éK·~.~~).:~J~s~~~td~~,~r'.bo~ (\9 fottows: . . . '. . ,J··,\~~tf·~~T!~~.:'.f:.'~ :<f;~'J" .?"!.<r.<;.~~.:!:,, " ' . "~" ,t'.~I~ .. Lot.1;:~Blo\~~Xf¡;.~·l~:i.~.~~~·~.~;~T~e~. }~~I~; and j.' .t.:~ :'; -::,{'I~ HER E AS. M an .Ino~ ~~: ;:w~h 0 ~~:~l~~i.i~~tl~ In reol eslale adJ...n t 10L ¡ ,j;::¡t;: ..... ': '.~ ··Parcel A. and. located :': I~.:.~·::~:~r.~.ê~~.·.~.~.~n.(ý:!ft;~:~_~~:ê~o~a.. (hereinafter "Parccl BII). :t I J~;'.t. ,t ( . .\..: . ..,. '. -- ':., JII' .~..;.oI~.'t;o",:-. - ·;.\~v.!:;:.:,,·I\t,+..r)· ~~.: "~¡ .~ '~.;'::" 1~ gan~ descrlt-"d as tolJows:.;::;t ". ': ~!!j~~; : ":'~I~~::-~ ::)~:Vj , , (';'.'/,': .r:~ ! . J ..~.~¡t, ,~._. :¡r)!r-.,··.:-· . :' \,:'fv~,i1;~·,··-·:·!~t-:.: ' . .' .. ï. , Lot :2. u Bloçk':~'" Old Sl~cum Tree Farm; and .' :. ,WHEREAS. there now::': exists: a" 'cè'rtaln private roadway (hcrelnarter '... - 'f"· '.,.-r:'. :<. ".' road~ay") which extends '~~er:;;~n'dIa~r~sJlf¡-;~'~tlon or' Pdr~l A and Parcel B " . . ~ : . :. :6~:' ..~;.:.. .{~!,~-' '. '. ~';:\.;~;~:"J". '. . . < ingress and egress pur pO'se s 1<\0:, ~uch i)arce19.~·..: legal1y. . described on Exhibit , . '.~;.:;','- ",:'tJ·~'o~~~·,.:'·j: ~, ' attached. hereto, " copy or,wM~h'is,' lncorpor'âtecr herein by reference; Ðnd . 4 '.. I :.:~..... ..~"~âlii~: ._.. :·:I~:;·: ~:~--. . ,,:, .'~'.;.' .:·..W HEREAS, ft Is. the..j:de5ir~ ,:'"ó{ WU5ó~;'Ùiñd Manclnas hereto to derlr\C~ and I J I NOW, at the mutual covenants ünd ~ :;,omì~es set , ; , , I: 1 . , ., , ... - . establish ð private' rOBdwa~ ea9.emenl for.the··· mutulÙ benefit of each and to pro- ....:'.a ! :~~;~. ' vide tor the continued )iiâir\té~ance. ".snow·~· ·removal. repair Ðnd rcconstruetion' ot , , ." . .' . said roadway to Insure each :;. of the pArties hereto continued occess over the roadw IIY. ,:) rOt ~h her ein, · ".': · ;:: ~ . . :.. è:; ,,or :"' . . ~ i· . I I. ~ ·'f bnrgnlns. qui 1 cloims and .... 'I .! casement over and Qcross ¡ (or tho sote purpose of ~ . ' CITY OF CHANHASSEN fRJ~©i~WW~[Þ) ;.. :" ~ ~ MAR 0 7 2005 I I : I ENGINEERING DEPT. ,.. . , , > ,/ '. . :. :,. ~ ,. r~·. An c;'Osts of repair, snow removol (or "I ,. ~ ': :,': : roadway '. . .In the event . maintenance or snow ,j:' ~'¡' t,.. .,. .J .a-- . IS.'. ! : '" " remove} described be 111 ex (!ess or $100 . ' ~ " . . . ¡ ~c r: may be ¡...':: Ii.. r.1 both par ties. Wit~ <lt~:: :;;;,~. ., or snow remQ\'s: Jess·.~ì ¡.~..,;. o:~:~ ;:1-'.,.,:. Wilson or Manclnos'·', , ~ :.1. .;: ~' '~;I" ,,' ~' , '. o· ':1) ~.. ;·r r~I .m;I'~ both partles.; ~~I): . . .L-1r. by ona' ; r·o '}r,~;' , Ill:. , porly shan ' : ;'... ,II.-,·r. . I'!' ' pnyment I ...,"1' ~ . the work Is ,,··:.~t .j' ';:~r~ ...~.. , . ! ··0...... . : . . I~ . " c'· . '.', .".I."^': ',' =·1 .. .:.. '.. . . .¡...;:..--!p.'"'-:.-('.".'" ............ . , .... I I the land I I I force I I Parcel~ A and ,~",.~~~~ ,. ;:; ~:¥~~~:,;~,", . . '", . ,Z/~- .'...1 . '":\ '" . ' , "", . , , .-;. ~.' . ~. - ., ,'".' . , ":,' , ,. " I'", , , ~ ,(..., . . .._ .._ .. ,Y, ,y~~.. .~. ';~:~"~'''''''''''~:'''~'~'~"","..~":;~"",,~,, ."....;:,~~~ '. ~. . ~ ..._.~~,~t~. ',,:,L:,":: : ' " ..-....... ......:,... ~ t:i...-~......:......;.....~.......:·.:.............:..:....... --....-.~ "'r.I~" " ,~.;::~~ , :. ,,~,.', ','~. } . ,', '),~I4{.,~ ;: :;,: 's'¡'A1ír OF?MINÑES'Ó,l , ~ "; .iR#:.;f,~~,~t!;if~'\'Ï!.:·¿-4!: .' )š~~ , :;;'::~~h;OUNT'l::OF',~J ,'.. !)I¡"'" t·;.:~,:~;~i,': ',,:: ~~,. ' ~L..-..w.&.I~.I~·""- ~ ~ '- ~..I...J...~ ',/' ~, " . i' , ',' :. I" " , '....~ ,,', if'..' ",:' '" , '. ,'. It'", " ".::.....:: - t:~ ):./j..~.~.:.:'~' " i . t . ,\ .. 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