SUM PRC 2005 05 24 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES MAY 24, 2005 Chairman Stolar called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Glenn Stolar, Jack Spizale, Paula Atkins, Steve Scharfenberg, Ann Murphy, and Kevin Dillon MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Kelly STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; and Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent PUBLIC PRESENT: Todd Neils 990 Saddlebrook Curve Eric Kittelson Sheriff’s Office Rian Thiele Sheriff’s Office Bryant Benzinger 8581 Mission Hills Lane Jon Kraus 8008 Cheyenne Avenue Brandon Bagley 911 Penamint Court Luke Moffatt Nez Perce Court Marsha Gaulke 890 Saddlebrook Pass Ed & Nate Janowski 890 Saddlebrook Pass Bob Numrich 1321 Lake Drive West #316 Todd & Zak Owens 6535 Peaceful Lane Tony Oberstar 2170 Baneberry Way West Elise Dye 18630 Magenta Bay, Eden Prairie Ray Hardtse 1851 Sunridge Court Ryan Sage 930 Powyaki Lane Anthony Huot 950 Saddlebrook Trail ? 425 Chanview Road Tim Woodworth 7741 Chanhassen Road Bob Harold 7411 Frontier Trail Deb Lloyd 7302 Laredo Drive Janet Paulsen 7305 Laredo Drive (Taping of the meeting began at this point in the discussion.) RESPONSE TO CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONCERNING SKATE PARK. Todd Hoffman provided background information on this item. Chairman Stolar opened the meeting up for public comment. Bryant Benzinger, 8581 Mission Hills Lane stated last year the Park and Rec Commission Summary – May 24, 2005 people using the skate park were asked to take care of the trash, which they have done. He asked where are they going to go to skateboard if the skate park is closed. Eric Kittelson, the evening supervisor for Chanhassen from the Carver County Sheriff’s Department stated that in cities that do not have skate parks, the sheriff’s department spends a lot more time dealing with skaters. Related to the resolution presented by City Council, he would like to be involved in future discussions but would favor a fee that would allow there to be some type of staffing to check passes or to maintain some kind of behavior. Mr. Kittelson stated that most of the calls they receive are not related to the diehard skateboarders, but the fringe element that hang around the skate park and suggested enacting a city ordinance prohibiting skateboarding in the downtown area. If you look at the number of calls for service in the skate park compared to some of the other parks, especially North Lotus Lake, it’s actually not that bad. Commissioner Murphy expressed concern with skateboarders skating in and around seniors and the senior center. Tony Oberstar, Baneberry Way West asked for clarification on skateboards being used as a means of transportation versus recreation in the city. He stated he’s at the skate park as often as he can get there, and suggested that supervision is needed during the daytime hours. Marsha Gaulke, Saddlebrook Pass agreed with Officer Kittelson’s comments and has witnessed foul language and inappropriate behavior over at Lake Ann Park and does not feel closing the skate park is addressing the problem. Jon Kraus, 8008 Cheyenne Avenue stated rollerbladers usually leave their rollerblades on when going to the gas station or Wendy’s, but try to stay away from hitting people. Elise Dye,18630 Magenta Bay in Eden Prairie agreed with Officer Kittelson’s comment that the fringe element kids are the ones causing problems, not the users of the skate park. She likes to use the Chanhassen Skate Park because it’s outside and sees it as a place to stay out of trouble rather than a place to get into trouble. She suggested that locking the skate park when it’s closed might help with the vandalism. Todd Owens, Peaceful Lane, who is 48 years old, uses the park with his kids. He believes bad language is around everywhere and that’s why he hangs out with his 5 boys to teach them the right thing to do. Terry Campbell, Saddleridge Trail North asked Officer Kittelson to comment on if he thought fees would keep the fringe kids away from the park. During commission discussion, Commissioner Murphy asked what a city ordinance would cover that the rules right now don’t. Bob Numrich who lives in the Power Ridge Apartments stated his son is a skateboarder and that he would not support charging a fee but that the city should look at getting volunteers. During further commission discussion residents stated that they did not feel language was a problem solely at the skate park but that it was the parent’s responsibility to teach their children about the use of foul language. They also stated that age didn’t make a difference at the skate park. The older kids would teach younger kids tricks and there was a rotation that was used by all skateboarders regardless of age. Todd Hoffman provided historical background on the skate park and presented some options for getting the community, parents and skaters, involved. Chairman Stolar asked for a motion from the commission. Dillon moved, Murphy seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council adopt a four tier proposal for the skate park, noting that the commission sees the skate park as a significant asset for the community and does not want to see it closed. 1. Re-open the skate park, recognizing that the community has gone through a wake up period. There are expectations at the skate park, just like at any other park in that the city 2 Park and Rec Commission Summary – May 24, 2005 would look to the community for increased involvement to make sure that the skate park does remain a desirable location. 2. If that fails, to solicit formation of a skate park association with both users and parents to monitor the activities of the skate park. 3. If the skate park association and the city is seeing that their expectations have not been fulfilled then consider a paid staff and potentially a fee at the park. 4. If all of the above items fail, close the skate park altogether. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC NOTICE; DAVE HUFFMAN MEMORIAL 5K RUN ROUTE CHANGE. Jerry Ruegemer presented the staff report on this item outlining the proposed route change for the Dave Huffman Memorial 5K Run. Scharfenberg moved, Murphy seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend approval of the route change for the Dave Huffman Memorial 5K Run as depicted on the attached map. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PROPOSAL TO DONATE AND INSTALL SCOREBOARDS AND AMENDED PROPOSAL FROM CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION CONCERNING ADVERTISING SIGNAGE. Todd Neils, Vice President of the Chanhassen Athletic Association Little League presented their proposal to donate and install scoreboards. He talked about the growth of Little League in the city since 1990 with 250 kids participating to an expectation of over 1,200 kids in 2007 and reviewed their original proposal for scoreboards and signage, highlighting the changes made by the city attorney. Staff and the commission asked for additional information and specifications regarding the scoreboards before making a recommendation. After discussion of the signage at Lake Ann Park and Bandimere Park, the following motion was made. Scharfenberg moved, Murphy seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council approve the amended agreement between the City of Chanhassen and the Chanhassen Athletic Association governing the provision of dedicated advertising signage. All voted in favor, except Dillon and Atkins who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 4 to 2. Regarding the issue of scoreboards, Chairman Stolar asked for clarification on the timeline to act on this item, given that staff did not feel there was sufficient information to make a recommendation. After discussion the commission came to consensus that the commission would be in general support of the idea of scoreboards being tried on a limited basis at Lake Ann Fields 1 and 2 and Bandimere 1 if they meet the criteria needed by the park’s and rec staff for 3 Park and Rec Commission Summary – May 24, 2005 accepting scoreboard donation. Mr. Neils requested that on the bottom of the scoreboards it state that the scoreboards were donated to the city by the Chanhassen Athletic Association Little League. REPORTS: LAKE ANN PARK SUMMER SCHEDULE. Jerry Ruegemer reported on the Lake Ann concession stand schedule. SUMMER PROGRAM NEWS. Jerry Ruegemer reviewed the programs and field trips being offered during the summer and an update on registration. SELF SUPPORTING PROGRAMS-ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE. Jerry Ruegemer presented the update on this item. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Todd Hoffman reminded the commission of the special Park and Recreation Commission th meeting being held on June 14 to receive vendor presentations regarding playground equipment for Lake Susan Park. Chairman Stolar recapped the commission’s visits to Lake Ann and Lake Susan Parks as potential sites for off leash dog park and discussed the item be discussed at the regular meeting in June. Scharfenberg moved, Atkins seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 4