CC Minutes 04-14-2014 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 14, 2014 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilwoman Ernst, and Councilman Laufenburger COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffman and Roger Knutson Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Good evening. Welcome everybody here in the council chambers and those watching at home. We’re glad that you joined us this evening. At this time I would ask members of the council if there are any changes or modifications to the agenda. If not, without objection we’ll proceed with the agenda as published. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Furlong: First item tonight I’d like to extend an invitation to all Chanhassen residents and guests st to join us for our 31 Annual Easter Egg Candy Hunt. This is the second in a year long series of special events sponsored by the City of Chanhassen and supported by our local service organizations and business community. The Chanhassen Easter Egg Hunt is going to be held this coming Saturday, April th 19 at 9:00 a.m. at City Center Park. It’s open for children 12 years of age and under. We’ll feature candy hunt, coloring contest, prize drawings, special visit from the Easter Bunny. Should be a lot of fun. It always is and with the snow gone it will make it a lot easier to find those eggs so with that I encourage everybody to take a look at the City’s website and check the Easter Egg Candy Hunt out this coming th Saturday, April 19, 9:00 a.m. at City Center Park. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approval of City Council Minutes dated March 24, 2014 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated March 19, 2014 and April 1, 2014 Resolution #2014-21: 3. Approve Resolution Accepting Donations from Community Sponsor Program. Resolution #2014-22: 4. Approve Purchase of Playgrounds and Park Shelter for Pioneer Pass Park and Amendment to the Overall Pioneer Pass Park CIP budget from $350,000 to $377,000. Resolution #2014-23: 5. Lift Station #3: Approve Quote for Replacement of Standby Generator. 6. Highway 101 Minnesota River Crossing and CSAH 61 Improvements Project: Request for Wetland Alteration Permit for Proposed Roadway Reconstruction and Improvements of CSAH 61 and Highway 101 Crossing of the Minnesota River. Applicant: Carver County. Chanhassen City Council – April 14, 2014 Resolution #2014-24: 7. TH 101 River Crossing Project, Approval of Extending Work Hours and Night Work Hours. 8. Approval of Lease Renewal Agreement with Sprint for Cellular Equipment on the Downtown Water Tower. 9. Award of Contract for Fourth of July Fireworks Display for 2014-16, Pyrotechnic Display, Inc. 10. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated March 25, 2014. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Patrick Johnson: Hello. My name is Patrick Johnson. My address is 26350 Alexander Lane and that’s Shorewood, Minnesota. I want to thank you for the opportunity to address you this evening. I’m nd speaking as the representative for the residents of Shorewood Oaks, Strawberry Lane, 62 Street and Church Road. Earlier today you should have received a letter describing the. Mayor Furlong: Excuse me, Mr. Johnson? Patrick Johnson: Yes. Mayor Furlong: Is this regarding the item later on our agenda, the Boulder Cove development? Patrick Johnson: That is correct. Mayor Furlong: Okay. What I’d ask you to do is, if you could hold your comments til that item, we’ll make sure that they’re addressed. Patrick Johnson: Okay. Will we be given a chance to respond at that time? Mayor Furlong: Yeah, we’ll certainly provide public comment. There was a public hearing. We’re not going to repeat the public hearing. It was held at the Planning Commission. Patrick Johnson: Yep. Mayor Furlong: But I’d rather take up your comments in the context of that item rather than now in advance of it. Patrick Johnson: Very well. Mayor Furlong: Anyone else under visitor presentations for an item not on our agenda this evening? Okay, why don’t we move to our first item on the agenda which is the Boulder Cove request for preliminary plat and variances to subdivide 13.39 acres. BOULDER COVE, 3670 HIGHWAY 7, APPLICANT: LENNAR: REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT WITH VARIANCES TO SUBDIVIDE 13.39 ACRES INTO 31 LOTS AND 3 OUTLOTS ON PROPERTY ZONED RESIDENTIAL LOW & MEDIUM DENSITY (RLM). 2